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- [Renteln_P.]_Manifolds,_Tensors,_and_Forms_An_Int( 99.2 MB
- Pavel Grinfeld-Introduction to Tensor Analysis and the Calculus of Moving Surfaces-Springer New York (2013) 79.8 MB
- 56.2 MB
- [Renteln_P.]_Manifolds,_Tensors,_and_Forms_An_Int( 9.0 MB
- [Renteln_P.]_Manifolds,_Tensors,_and_Forms_An_Int( 7.0 MB
- Pavel Grinfeld-Introduction to Tensor Analysis and the Calculus of Moving Surfaces-Springer New York (2013)_abbyy.gz 7.0 MB
- [Renteln_P.]_Manifolds,_Tensors,_and_Forms_An_Int( 6.4 MB
- 5.5 MB
- Fleisch_abbyy.gz 5.3 MB
- Pavel Grinfeld-Introduction to Tensor Analysis and the Calculus of Moving Surfaces-Springer New York (2013)_djvu.xml 5.2 MB
- Fleisch_djvu.xml 4.0 MB
- Pavel Grinfeld-Introduction to Tensor Analysis and the Calculus of Moving Surfaces-Springer New York (2013).pdf 2.6 MB
- Fleisch.pdf 2.1 MB
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- [Renteln_P.]_Manifolds,_Tensors,_and_Forms_An_Int( 647.4 kB
- Pavel Grinfeld-Introduction to Tensor Analysis and the Calculus of Moving Surfaces-Springer New York (2013)_djvu.txt 502.8 kB
- errata.pdf 481.7 kB
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- Fleisch_djvu.txt 389.7 kB
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- Pavel Grinfeld-Introduction to Tensor Analysis and the Calculus of Moving Surfaces-Springer New York (2013).gif 128.0 kB
- [Renteln_P.]_Manifolds,_Tensors,_and_Forms_An_Int( 122.4 kB
- MatrixAlgebraReview.pdf 120.8 kB
- [Renteln_P.]_Manifolds,_Tensors,_and_Forms_An_Int( 103.0 kB
- errata_abbyy.gz 99.8 kB
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