Poi dancing beyond the basics
28.3 GB
8 - Phase EIGHT/112 - Sky view of air wraps.mp4
546.9 MB
9 - Phase NINE/123 - Sky view of lead ups to hyperloops.mp4
490.9 MB
4 - Phase FOUR/55 - Dancing with Poi Rhythm and Reels.mp4
460.4 MB
9 - Phase NINE/125 - Lead ups to hyperloops via barrel roll inversions.mp4
423.6 MB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/5 - Ideas for warming up and incorporating the modes of movement.mp4
405.6 MB
9 - Phase NINE/121 - Playing horizontal to understand CAPs and flowers.mp4
393.7 MB
5 - Phase FIVE/66 - Adding arms and poi to circular stepping.mp4
356.9 MB
13 - Phase THIRTEEN/170 - You do NOT have to be flexible and skinny to do a BTB weave Heres proof.mp4
342.2 MB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/13 - Exploring Planes.mp4
341.3 MB
3 - Phase THREE/33 - Warming up the body and brain with poi fu.mp4
339.4 MB
9 - Phase NINE/124 - Sky view of leadups to orbitals.mp4
324.4 MB
5 - Phase FIVE/71 - Rhythm and timing continued.mp4
323.8 MB
2 - Phase TWO/32 - Meet the tree Using objects for visceral reference.mp4
320.7 MB
8 - Phase EIGHT/110 - Body tracing Adding tracing along the torso.mp4
314.7 MB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/9 - Circling your arms in opposite directions like a ninja.mp4
310.6 MB
12 - Phase TWELVE/156 - clover flowers and other stuff with splittime poi meets splittime arms.mp4
299.0 MB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/12 - Ways to move the poi Spin extension pendulum extendulum inspin antispin.mp4
283.8 MB
5 - Phase FIVE/70 - Antispin flowers.mp4
276.6 MB
11 - Phase ELEVEN/145 - Infinite Spiral Wraps.mp4
273.5 MB
8 - Phase EIGHT/111 - Sky view of reviewing 3beat vs 5beat weaves.mp4
272.2 MB
12 - Phase TWELVE/153 - Meltdowns.mp4
268.2 MB
6 - Phase SIX/84 - Rhythm and timing 2in1s.mp4
261.2 MB
13 - Phase THIRTEEN/173 - More body tracing.mp4
259.5 MB
13 - Phase THIRTEEN/167 - Stalls Plane Changes and Performing in the Round.mp4
258.0 MB
3 - Phase THREE/42 - Body tracing Archer weaves.mp4
245.3 MB
6 - Phase SIX/85 - More on turning and whirling with inspin.mp4
245.0 MB
13 - Phase THIRTEEN/165 - 5beat weaves Only practicing the final move is a barrier to mastery.mp4
240.2 MB
12 - Phase TWELVE/154 - Stall chasers.mp4
230.1 MB
12 - Phase TWELVE/155 - SwooptySwoops conclusion.mp4
230.0 MB
2 - Phase TWO/19 - Poi Fu Introducing Circular Stepping.mp4
225.7 MB
2 - Phase TWO/28 - 5beat weaves.mp4
224.4 MB
5 - Phase FIVE/72 - Keep working on ticktock Some places to go.mp4
222.0 MB
12 - Phase TWELVE/158 - Waist Wraps.mp4
221.9 MB
7 - Phase SEVEN/96 - 4beat corkscrew.mp4
217.2 MB
8 - Phase EIGHT/113 - How air wraps and hyperloops can be understood as the same thing.mp4
215.1 MB
4 - Phase FOUR/50 - Poilates 201.mp4
208.2 MB
2 - Phase TWO/22 - Introducing SwitchySwitchy.mp4
204.0 MB
7 - Phase SEVEN/99 - Rhythm and weaves the choices you can make.mp4
203.9 MB
13 - Phase THIRTEEN/161 - Mastering Time Flies.mp4
203.2 MB
5 - Phase FIVE/63 - Moses progression.mp4
201.7 MB
6 - Phase SIX/74 - Warm up.mp4
198.7 MB
10 - Phase TEN/140 - A splittimesametime partner exercise youll need a friend.mp4
198.6 MB
3 - Phase THREE/34 - Exploring and understanding cardinal focus points.mp4
197.7 MB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/10 - Introducing poitruvian arms.mp4
197.6 MB
2 - Phase TWO/26 - Basics of rhythm Upswing downswing inswing outswing.mp4
196.8 MB
12 - Phase TWELVE/152 - Gs favourite move.mp4
187.8 MB
3 - Phase THREE/38 - Combining ways to move the poi Zero points and cool combos.mp4
186.6 MB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/7 - Footwork 101 pivoting and turning in a circle.mp4
185.3 MB
13 - Phase THIRTEEN/171 - Using the world to spot for whirls.mp4
185.1 MB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/11 - Looking closely at how you spin the poi.mp4
182.9 MB
5 - Phase FIVE/65 - Switchy switchy into wallplane flowers.mp4
182.2 MB
9 - Phase NINE/119 - Swooptyswoops continued Poifu plus extensionantispin switchbacks.mp4
179.9 MB
12 - Phase TWELVE/151 - Dialing in horizontal poi with a table.mp4
176.4 MB
3 - Phase THREE/36 - Poilates Core conditioning for poi.mp4
174.6 MB
3 - Phase THREE/39 - Playing with the planes of buzzsaw.mp4
174.4 MB
11 - Phase ELEVEN/141 - Another sky view of hyperloops and orbitals.mp4
171.0 MB
13 - Phase THIRTEEN/164 - Combining x flowers and flowers Required for advanced poi flower combinations.mp4
169.5 MB
4 - Phase FOUR/52 - Mastering 2Beat Weaves Surprisingly Advanced and REQUIRED for upcoming moves.mp4
168.5 MB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/4 - Poi and your health Warming up technique and stretching.mp4
163.9 MB
9 - Phase NINE/117 - Flowers and CAPs Introducing triquetras.mp4
163.9 MB
11 - Phase ELEVEN/149 - The full Tick Tock.mp4
163.6 MB
10 - Phase TEN/133 - Antispin fountain.mp4
161.8 MB
9 - Phase NINE/115 - Spiral wraps.mp4
160.9 MB
6 - Phase SIX/77 - More on 4petal antispin adding turns.mp4
159.5 MB
10 - Phase TEN/129 - Improving whirling in samesame and splittime opposites.mp4
157.6 MB
7 - Phase SEVEN/95 - Unpacking turning in the weaves with straight planes.mp4
157.3 MB
13 - Phase THIRTEEN/168 - Isolations and Shoulder Snakes.mp4
157.1 MB
5 - Phase FIVE/69 - Isolations continued.mp4
156.7 MB
6 - Phase SIX/75 - Poi fu brain games going further.mp4
156.0 MB
3 - Phase THREE/37 - The Jedi Grip.mp4
154.0 MB
6 - Phase SIX/76 - Basic CAPs Capped Antispin Patterns.mp4
152.5 MB
4 - Phase FOUR/56 - Flowers and CAPs.mp4
151.2 MB
7 - Phase SEVEN/94 - Bullet stalls up and down Using a wall to develop good habits.mp4
149.5 MB
4 - Phase FOUR/47 - Warm up.mp4
148.8 MB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/14 - Leftright stall and reverse progression.mp4
147.8 MB
4 - Phase FOUR/54 - Turning in the weaves high and low where it can go.mp4
147.8 MB
2 - Phase TWO/27 - Exploring isolations.mp4
146.7 MB
8 - Phase EIGHT/107 - Rhythm when combining 4X4 and turning with weaves.mp4
145.6 MB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/8 - Stepping with turns while moving across the floor.mp4
145.5 MB
16 - Bonus Section Poi Flowers Extended/181 - Airwraps InDepth.mp4
144.4 MB
4 - Phase FOUR/59 - Introducing clockwork Ticktock.mp4
144.2 MB
11 - Phase ELEVEN/143 - Triquetraextension switchbacks.mp4
143.7 MB
13 - Phase THIRTEEN/166 - Swoopty swoop variations.mp4
143.6 MB
5 - Phase FIVE/62 - Warm up part 2 Poi fu progressions.mp4
143.2 MB
10 - Phase TEN/138 - Turning with splittime samedirection flowers.mp4
142.0 MB
10 - Phase TEN/132 - Splittime Opposites Rhythm Turning Buzzsaw.mp4
140.9 MB
10 - Phase TEN/128 - Stalls and changing directions Think INSIDE the box.mp4
140.7 MB
5 - Phase FIVE/64 - Combining 4X4 and turning with weaves highlow.mp4
139.8 MB
9 - Phase NINE/120 - Flowers with two poi the rhythm.mp4
139.7 MB
8 - Phase EIGHT/103 - Poifu for capped swooptyswoops.mp4
138.1 MB
2 - Phase TWO/18 - Practicing turning footwork.mp4
138.0 MB
3 - Phase THREE/44 - Footwork Adding backstep for traveling.mp4
137.7 MB
8 - Phase EIGHT/105 - Turning with straight planes A summary of variations and benefits.mp4
136.6 MB
8 - Phase EIGHT/108 - Making sure you can do 4petal flowers.mp4
136.4 MB
2 - Phase TWO/23 - Introducing crosspoints.mp4
135.7 MB
7 - Phase SEVEN/102 - body tracing the 6beat fountain.mp4
134.5 MB
6 - Phase SIX/81 - Mastering Mexican Wave Focus on Crosspoints.mp4
134.1 MB
5 - Phase FIVE/61 - Warm up with pirouette progressions and rhythm.mp4
132.6 MB
9 - Phase NINE/118 - CAPs continued.mp4
132.0 MB
6 - Phase SIX/80 - Leadups to spiral wraps Bounce off of arms then wrists.mp4
130.7 MB
4 - Phase FOUR/57 - Introducing the whirling progression.mp4
130.6 MB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/6 - Why and how to develop good poifu and posture for poi.mp4
129.5 MB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/16 - Body tracing preparation Reviewing the sixbeat fountain.mp4
129.0 MB
6 - Phase SIX/86 - Splittime moves sequence.mp4
128.9 MB
11 - Phase ELEVEN/147 - Reviewing forward behindtheback weave.mp4
127.6 MB
8 - Phase EIGHT/109 - Learning CAPs.mp4
126.2 MB
2 - Phase TWO/31 - Tips on not getting dizzy.mp4
126.1 MB
9 - Phase NINE/127 - Sky view of jiggies and pirouettes.mp4
124.0 MB
8 - Phase EIGHT/114 - Skycam view of split time arms poi fu.mp4
123.7 MB
3 - Phase THREE/41 - Planes The onebeat windmill.mp4
123.3 MB
5 - Phase FIVE/67 - Jiggies behind the back.mp4
123.0 MB
3 - Phase THREE/35 - Practicing circular stepping.mp4
122.4 MB
14 - Answers to Video Questions/174 - Answer to Jakes Question about Flowers.mp4
122.1 MB
6 - Phase SIX/83 - SwitchySwitchy into wall plane flowers from the side way better video.mp4
120.5 MB
5 - Phase FIVE/68 - Combining types of poi movement swing and spin poi fu wow.mp4
118.7 MB
10 - Phase TEN/137 - Turning with opposites flowers.mp4
118.4 MB
7 - Phase SEVEN/98 - Introducing Tangles hyperloops and air wraps.mp4
117.9 MB
13 - Phase THIRTEEN/163 - Antispin Buzzsaw WallPlane Flowers.mp4
117.0 MB
13 - Phase THIRTEEN/169 - Clarification about steppingincircles technique.mp4
116.0 MB
3 - Phase THREE/46 - QA PoiFu Practicing pivoting 180 degrees side to side.mp4
115.3 MB
12 - Phase TWELVE/160 - body tracing adding additional arm traces.mp4
114.2 MB
7 - Phase SEVEN/91 - Footwork What and Where and When Making safe decisions and habits.mp4
112.3 MB
4 - Phase FOUR/53 - Review and master 4X4 fountain as a mirrored progression.mp4
111.3 MB
8 - Phase EIGHT/104 - Introducing the idea of the ARM CONE.mp4
110.5 MB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/15 - Much further with leftright stall reverse progressions.mp4
108.8 MB
8 - Phase EIGHT/106 - Smoothing out the 5beat weave.mp4
108.7 MB
10 - Phase TEN/139 - Body tracing Arm tracing the 4x4 fountain.mp4
108.5 MB
11 - Phase ELEVEN/148 - Rhythm and timing of bouncing the poi off the body.mp4
108.3 MB
7 - Phase SEVEN/88 - Warming up Introuducing 3beat weave with your feet.mp4
107.9 MB
4 - Phase FOUR/49 - Combining footwork and poifu.mp4
107.6 MB
7 - Phase SEVEN/92 - Turning on cement continued.mp4
106.0 MB
11 - Phase ELEVEN/146 - Reviewing backward behindtheback weave.mp4
105.2 MB
12 - Phase TWELVE/159 - Spiral wraps behind the head.mp4
104.4 MB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/3 - Guidelines for submitting video questions.mp4
104.0 MB
7 - Phase SEVEN/93 - Playing with various lockouts from weaves.mp4
103.4 MB
4 - Phase FOUR/58 - Footwork Turning on concrete safely.mp4
102.6 MB
7 - Phase SEVEN/100 - Behind the back weave 2.mp4
102.3 MB
6 - Phase SIX/87 - The MISSING reels.mp4
101.4 MB
10 - Phase TEN/136 - More on CAPs.mp4
99.6 MB
10 - Phase TEN/131 - More on The Matrix.mp4
99.2 MB
4 - Phase FOUR/48 - Flowing with Poifu.mp4
98.9 MB
2 - Phase TWO/25 - Planes 201 Saloon doors.mp4
98.2 MB
9 - Phase NINE/116 - Flowers 6petal 8Petal 5petal.mp4
97.6 MB
4 - Phase FOUR/60 - A fun tip Practicing splittime with a friend.mp4
96.6 MB
6 - Phase SIX/78 - Nicks favourite stalling pattern.mp4
93.6 MB
7 - Phase SEVEN/89 - Making sure you can turn with wallplane splittime opposites.mp4
93.0 MB
2 - Phase TWO/20 - Poifu Arms splittime same direction.mp4
92.1 MB
2 - Phase TWO/21 - Poifu Splittime samedirection through a FULL TURN on a WALL PLANE.mp4
90.9 MB
10 - Phase TEN/135 - Spiral wraps around one hand.mp4
88.8 MB
2 - Phase TWO/24 - Introducing Jiggying.mp4
86.7 MB
9 - Phase NINE/126 - Pendulum weaves.mp4
86.6 MB
7 - Phase SEVEN/90 - Poifu Buzzsaw fingers continued Lets go 3D.mp4
82.2 MB
14 - Answers to Video Questions/175 - suggestions for things to practice with one arm.mp4
80.9 MB
2 - Phase TWO/17 - Lets warm up our brains with a rhythmcoordination brain game.mp4
80.8 MB
6 - Phase SIX/79 - Back to horizontal buzzsaw and UFOs.mp4
79.8 MB
7 - Phase SEVEN/97 - Introducing SwooptySwoops.mp4
78.7 MB
4 - Phase FOUR/51 - Tips for practicing nobeat windmill.mp4
75.9 MB
11 - Phase ELEVEN/142 - Wallplane isolations yumminess.mp4
74.0 MB
11 - Phase ELEVEN/150 - Ticktock looping.mp4
73.6 MB
12 - Phase TWELVE/157 - Gs inspinantispin stalls.mp4
72.5 MB
11 - Phase ELEVEN/144 - Time flies.mp4
71.0 MB
5 - Phase FIVE/73 - Feedback on behindtheback jiggies flexibility and being comfortable.mp4
68.9 MB
10 - Phase TEN/130 - Getting ready for The Matrix Controlling 4beat corkscrews.mp4
65.8 MB
3 - Phase THREE/40 - Exploring extended poi and flowers along a wall.mp4
65.4 MB
9 - Phase NINE/122 - Turning continuously through buzzsaw and switchyswitchy.mp4
63.6 MB
10 - Phase TEN/134 - More spiral wraps.mp4
61.6 MB
16 - Bonus Section Poi Flowers Extended/178 - 3 poi circles makes 4 antispin loops or 2 inspin loops Heres why.mp4
54.6 MB
13 - Phase THIRTEEN/162 - The Clap plus turning in Prayer.mp4
54.2 MB
3 - Phase THREE/43 - Challenge Turning with weaves with clean planes.mp4
50.7 MB
16 - Bonus Section Poi Flowers Extended/179 - Combining 4 inspinantispin combinations using poi fu.mp4
49.3 MB
6 - Phase SIX/82 - Planes Saloon doors 3 OLDER VIDEO BUT GOOD TO WATCH.mp4
48.7 MB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/1 - Welcome to the Poi Dancing Beyond the Basics.mp4
48.1 MB
3 - Phase THREE/45 - Playing with two pillars to improve planes.mp4
31.6 MB
13 - Phase THIRTEEN/172 - Mastering antispin and stalls using targets.mp4
21.3 MB
2 - Phase TWO/29 - Forward 5Beat Weave Slow Motion from Above.mp4
13.8 MB
16 - Bonus Section Poi Flowers Extended/180 - Airwraps Slow Motion from Above.mp4
12.2 MB
7 - Phase SEVEN/101 - Backward BehindtheBack Weave Slow Motion from Above.mp4
10.9 MB
2 - Phase TWO/30 - Backward 5Beat Weave Slow Motion from Above.mp4
7.9 MB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/13 - Exploring Planes English.vtt
15.5 kB
4 - Phase FOUR/55 - Dancing with Poi Rhythm and Reels English.vtt
13.3 kB
7 - Phase SEVEN/99 - Rhythm and weaves the choices you can make English.vtt
13.2 kB
5 - Phase FIVE/71 - Rhythm and timing continued English.vtt
13.2 kB
9 - Phase NINE/121 - Playing horizontal to understand CAPs and flowers English.vtt
12.3 kB
8 - Phase EIGHT/109 - Learning CAPs English.vtt
11.8 kB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/12 - Ways to move the poi Spin extension pendulum extendulum inspin antispin English.vtt
11.6 kB
2 - Phase TWO/28 - 5beat weaves English.vtt
10.6 kB
3 - Phase THREE/33 - Warming up the body and brain with poi fu English.vtt
10.2 kB
6 - Phase SIX/84 - Rhythm and timing 2in1s English.vtt
9.8 kB
16 - Bonus Section Poi Flowers Extended/181 - Airwraps InDepth English.vtt
9.6 kB
6 - Phase SIX/74 - Warm up English.vtt
9.5 kB
8 - Phase EIGHT/108 - Making sure you can do 4petal flowers English.vtt
9.3 kB
9 - Phase NINE/117 - Flowers and CAPs Introducing triquetras English.vtt
9.1 kB
12 - Phase TWELVE/156 - clover flowers and other stuff with splittime poi meets splittime arms English.vtt
9.1 kB
4 - Phase FOUR/56 - Flowers and CAPs English.vtt
8.7 kB
8 - Phase EIGHT/112 - Sky view of air wraps English.vtt
8.7 kB
5 - Phase FIVE/64 - Combining 4X4 and turning with weaves highlow English.vtt
8.7 kB
11 - Phase ELEVEN/149 - The full Tick Tock English.vtt
8.6 kB
5 - Phase FIVE/70 - Antispin flowers English.vtt
8.6 kB
13 - Phase THIRTEEN/170 - You do NOT have to be flexible and skinny to do a BTB weave Heres proof English.vtt
8.5 kB
11 - Phase ELEVEN/145 - Infinite Spiral Wraps English.vtt
8.3 kB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/7 - Footwork 101 pivoting and turning in a circle English.vtt
8.2 kB
7 - Phase SEVEN/96 - 4beat corkscrew English.vtt
8.1 kB
9 - Phase NINE/123 - Sky view of lead ups to hyperloops English.vtt
8.1 kB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/5 - Ideas for warming up and incorporating the modes of movement English.vtt
8.0 kB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/9 - Circling your arms in opposite directions like a ninja English.vtt
8.0 kB
4 - Phase FOUR/59 - Introducing clockwork Ticktock English.vtt
7.9 kB
6 - Phase SIX/82 - Planes Saloon doors 3 OLDER VIDEO BUT GOOD TO WATCH English.vtt
7.7 kB
9 - Phase NINE/115 - Spiral wraps English.vtt
7.6 kB
9 - Phase NINE/120 - Flowers with two poi the rhythm English.vtt
7.6 kB
4 - Phase FOUR/54 - Turning in the weaves high and low where it can go English.vtt
7.6 kB
6 - Phase SIX/75 - Poi fu brain games going further English.vtt
7.5 kB
5 - Phase FIVE/69 - Isolations continued English.vtt
7.5 kB
9 - Phase NINE/118 - CAPs continued English.vtt
7.2 kB
11 - Phase ELEVEN/143 - Triquetraextension switchbacks English.vtt
7.2 kB
8 - Phase EIGHT/107 - Rhythm when combining 4X4 and turning with weaves English.vtt
7.2 kB
6 - Phase SIX/77 - More on 4petal antispin adding turns English.vtt
7.2 kB
4 - Phase FOUR/52 - Mastering 2Beat Weaves Surprisingly Advanced and REQUIRED for upcoming moves English.vtt
7.1 kB
8 - Phase EIGHT/110 - Body tracing Adding tracing along the torso English.vtt
7.0 kB
10 - Phase TEN/129 - Improving whirling in samesame and splittime opposites English.vtt
7.0 kB
6 - Phase SIX/85 - More on turning and whirling with inspin English.vtt
6.8 kB
10 - Phase TEN/128 - Stalls and changing directions Think INSIDE the box English.vtt
6.8 kB
2 - Phase TWO/26 - Basics of rhythm Upswing downswing inswing outswing English.vtt
6.8 kB
3 - Phase THREE/42 - Body tracing Archer weaves English.vtt
6.8 kB
12 - Phase TWELVE/153 - Meltdowns English.vtt
6.8 kB
5 - Phase FIVE/66 - Adding arms and poi to circular stepping English.vtt
6.8 kB
7 - Phase SEVEN/94 - Bullet stalls up and down Using a wall to develop good habits English.vtt
6.7 kB
12 - Phase TWELVE/158 - Waist Wraps English.vtt
6.7 kB
4 - Phase FOUR/57 - Introducing the whirling progression English.vtt
6.6 kB
5 - Phase FIVE/67 - Jiggies behind the back English.vtt
6.5 kB
9 - Phase NINE/119 - Swooptyswoops continued Poifu plus extensionantispin switchbacks English.vtt
6.5 kB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/10 - Introducing poitruvian arms English.vtt
6.5 kB
6 - Phase SIX/78 - Nicks favourite stalling pattern English.vtt
6.5 kB
3 - Phase THREE/34 - Exploring and understanding cardinal focus points English.vtt
6.4 kB
3 - Phase THREE/41 - Planes The onebeat windmill English.vtt
6.4 kB
3 - Phase THREE/46 - QA PoiFu Practicing pivoting 180 degrees side to side English.vtt
6.4 kB
7 - Phase SEVEN/95 - Unpacking turning in the weaves with straight planes English.vtt
6.4 kB
13 - Phase THIRTEEN/161 - Mastering Time Flies English.vtt
6.4 kB
16 - Bonus Section Poi Flowers Extended/178 - 3 poi circles makes 4 antispin loops or 2 inspin loops Heres why English.vtt
6.3 kB
10 - Phase TEN/138 - Turning with splittime samedirection flowers English.vtt
6.3 kB
8 - Phase EIGHT/105 - Turning with straight planes A summary of variations and benefits English.vtt
6.3 kB
2 - Phase TWO/22 - Introducing SwitchySwitchy English.vtt
6.3 kB
12 - Phase TWELVE/155 - SwooptySwoops conclusion English.vtt
6.2 kB
13 - Phase THIRTEEN/167 - Stalls Plane Changes and Performing in the Round English.vtt
6.2 kB
5 - Phase FIVE/63 - Moses progression English.vtt
6.2 kB
10 - Phase TEN/132 - Splittime Opposites Rhythm Turning Buzzsaw English.vtt
6.2 kB
8 - Phase EIGHT/103 - Poifu for capped swooptyswoops English.vtt
6.2 kB
6 - Phase SIX/81 - Mastering Mexican Wave Focus on Crosspoints English.vtt
6.1 kB
11 - Phase ELEVEN/147 - Reviewing forward behindtheback weave English.vtt
6.1 kB
6 - Phase SIX/80 - Leadups to spiral wraps Bounce off of arms then wrists English.vtt
6.0 kB
6 - Phase SIX/76 - Basic CAPs Capped Antispin Patterns English.vtt
6.0 kB
7 - Phase SEVEN/98 - Introducing Tangles hyperloops and air wraps English.vtt
5.9 kB
15 - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE COURSE/176 - Tips on making video questions.html
5.9 kB
7 - Phase SEVEN/100 - Behind the back weave 2 English.vtt
5.9 kB
2 - Phase TWO/27 - Exploring isolations English.vtt
5.8 kB
13 - Phase THIRTEEN/163 - Antispin Buzzsaw WallPlane Flowers English.vtt
5.8 kB
4 - Phase FOUR/47 - Warm up English.vtt
5.8 kB
13 - Phase THIRTEEN/173 - More body tracing English.vtt
5.7 kB
8 - Phase EIGHT/106 - Smoothing out the 5beat weave English.vtt
5.7 kB
3 - Phase THREE/36 - Poilates Core conditioning for poi English.vtt
5.7 kB
2 - Phase TWO/17 - Lets warm up our brains with a rhythmcoordination brain game English.vtt
5.7 kB
9 - Phase NINE/125 - Lead ups to hyperloops via barrel roll inversions English.vtt
5.7 kB
12 - Phase TWELVE/154 - Stall chasers English.vtt
5.6 kB
4 - Phase FOUR/48 - Flowing with Poifu English.vtt
5.6 kB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/8 - Stepping with turns while moving across the floor English.vtt
5.6 kB
9 - Phase NINE/124 - Sky view of leadups to orbitals English.vtt
5.6 kB
5 - Phase FIVE/61 - Warm up with pirouette progressions and rhythm English.vtt
5.6 kB
12 - Phase TWELVE/152 - Gs favourite move English.vtt
5.5 kB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/6 - Why and how to develop good poifu and posture for poi English.vtt
5.5 kB
13 - Phase THIRTEEN/165 - 5beat weaves Only practicing the final move is a barrier to mastery English.vtt
5.5 kB
11 - Phase ELEVEN/146 - Reviewing backward behindtheback weave English.vtt
5.5 kB
3 - Phase THREE/37 - The Jedi Grip English.vtt
5.4 kB
4 - Phase FOUR/53 - Review and master 4X4 fountain as a mirrored progression English.vtt
5.4 kB
5 - Phase FIVE/72 - Keep working on ticktock Some places to go English.vtt
5.4 kB
7 - Phase SEVEN/93 - Playing with various lockouts from weaves English.vtt
5.4 kB
4 - Phase FOUR/50 - Poilates 201 English.vtt
5.3 kB
5 - Phase FIVE/65 - Switchy switchy into wallplane flowers English.vtt
5.3 kB
12 - Phase TWELVE/151 - Dialing in horizontal poi with a table English.vtt
5.2 kB
10 - Phase TEN/137 - Turning with opposites flowers English.vtt
5.2 kB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/11 - Looking closely at how you spin the poi English.vtt
5.2 kB
2 - Phase TWO/23 - Introducing crosspoints English.vtt
5.2 kB
9 - Phase NINE/116 - Flowers 6petal 8Petal 5petal English.vtt
5.1 kB
14 - Answers to Video Questions/174 - Answer to Jakes Question about Flowers English.vtt
5.1 kB
2 - Phase TWO/32 - Meet the tree Using objects for visceral reference English.vtt
5.1 kB
6 - Phase SIX/83 - SwitchySwitchy into wall plane flowers from the side way better video English.vtt
5.1 kB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/4 - Poi and your health Warming up technique and stretching English.vtt
5.1 kB
2 - Phase TWO/31 - Tips on not getting dizzy English.vtt
5.0 kB
3 - Phase THREE/39 - Playing with the planes of buzzsaw English.vtt
5.0 kB
2 - Phase TWO/18 - Practicing turning footwork English.vtt
5.0 kB
4 - Phase FOUR/51 - Tips for practicing nobeat windmill English.vtt
4.9 kB
7 - Phase SEVEN/91 - Footwork What and Where and When Making safe decisions and habits English.vtt
4.7 kB
10 - Phase TEN/136 - More on CAPs English.vtt
4.7 kB
4 - Phase FOUR/58 - Footwork Turning on concrete safely English.vtt
4.7 kB
10 - Phase TEN/131 - More on The Matrix English.vtt
4.6 kB
13 - Phase THIRTEEN/171 - Using the world to spot for whirls English.vtt
4.6 kB
2 - Phase TWO/19 - Poi Fu Introducing Circular Stepping English.vtt
4.6 kB
4 - Phase FOUR/49 - Combining footwork and poifu English.vtt
4.5 kB
9 - Phase NINE/126 - Pendulum weaves English.vtt
4.5 kB
10 - Phase TEN/140 - A splittimesametime partner exercise youll need a friend English.vtt
4.5 kB
3 - Phase THREE/38 - Combining ways to move the poi Zero points and cool combos English.vtt
4.5 kB
6 - Phase SIX/87 - The MISSING reels English.vtt
4.4 kB
11 - Phase ELEVEN/148 - Rhythm and timing of bouncing the poi off the body English.vtt
4.4 kB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/14 - Leftright stall and reverse progression English.vtt
4.4 kB
7 - Phase SEVEN/88 - Warming up Introuducing 3beat weave with your feet English.vtt
4.3 kB
7 - Phase SEVEN/89 - Making sure you can turn with wallplane splittime opposites English.vtt
4.3 kB
2 - Phase TWO/21 - Poifu Splittime samedirection through a FULL TURN on a WALL PLANE English.vtt
4.2 kB
10 - Phase TEN/133 - Antispin fountain English.vtt
4.1 kB
8 - Phase EIGHT/104 - Introducing the idea of the ARM CONE English.vtt
4.1 kB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/2 - What to expect from this course.html
4.1 kB
7 - Phase SEVEN/90 - Poifu Buzzsaw fingers continued Lets go 3D English.vtt
4.1 kB
3 - Phase THREE/35 - Practicing circular stepping English.vtt
4.0 kB
13 - Phase THIRTEEN/164 - Combining x flowers and flowers Required for advanced poi flower combinations English.vtt
4.0 kB
5 - Phase FIVE/68 - Combining types of poi movement swing and spin poi fu wow English.vtt
3.9 kB
6 - Phase SIX/79 - Back to horizontal buzzsaw and UFOs English.vtt
3.8 kB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/15 - Much further with leftright stall reverse progressions English.vtt
3.7 kB
5 - Phase FIVE/73 - Feedback on behindtheback jiggies flexibility and being comfortable English.vtt
3.6 kB
2 - Phase TWO/20 - Poifu Arms splittime same direction English.vtt
3.6 kB
2 - Phase TWO/25 - Planes 201 Saloon doors English.vtt
3.6 kB
3 - Phase THREE/40 - Exploring extended poi and flowers along a wall English.vtt
3.6 kB
14 - Answers to Video Questions/175 - suggestions for things to practice with one arm English.vtt
3.5 kB
13 - Phase THIRTEEN/169 - Clarification about steppingincircles technique English.vtt
3.5 kB
6 - Phase SIX/86 - Splittime moves sequence English.vtt
3.4 kB
5 - Phase FIVE/62 - Warm up part 2 Poi fu progressions English.vtt
3.4 kB
3 - Phase THREE/44 - Footwork Adding backstep for traveling English.vtt
3.3 kB
4 - Phase FOUR/60 - A fun tip Practicing splittime with a friend English.vtt
3.3 kB
2 - Phase TWO/24 - Introducing Jiggying English.vtt
3.3 kB
7 - Phase SEVEN/92 - Turning on cement continued English.vtt
3.3 kB
10 - Phase TEN/139 - Body tracing Arm tracing the 4x4 fountain English.vtt
3.3 kB
13 - Phase THIRTEEN/166 - Swoopty swoop variations English.vtt
3.2 kB
11 - Phase ELEVEN/144 - Time flies English.vtt
3.2 kB
11 - Phase ELEVEN/142 - Wallplane isolations yumminess English.vtt
3.1 kB
11 - Phase ELEVEN/150 - Ticktock looping English.vtt
3.1 kB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/3 - Guidelines for submitting video questions English.vtt
3.0 kB
10 - Phase TEN/135 - Spiral wraps around one hand English.vtt
2.9 kB
12 - Phase TWELVE/160 - body tracing adding additional arm traces English.vtt
2.9 kB
3 - Phase THREE/43 - Challenge Turning with weaves with clean planes English.vtt
2.9 kB
13 - Phase THIRTEEN/168 - Isolations and Shoulder Snakes English.vtt
2.8 kB
7 - Phase SEVEN/97 - Introducing SwooptySwoops English.vtt
2.8 kB
8 - Phase EIGHT/111 - Sky view of reviewing 3beat vs 5beat weaves English.vtt
2.7 kB
10 - Phase TEN/130 - Getting ready for The Matrix Controlling 4beat corkscrews English.vtt
2.7 kB
7 - Phase SEVEN/102 - body tracing the 6beat fountain English.vtt
2.7 kB
9 - Phase NINE/127 - Sky view of jiggies and pirouettes English.vtt
2.6 kB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/1 - Welcome to the Poi Dancing Beyond the Basics English.vtt
2.6 kB
8 - Phase EIGHT/114 - Skycam view of split time arms poi fu English.vtt
2.5 kB
1 - Laying a foundation for intermediate and advanced poi/16 - Body tracing preparation Reviewing the sixbeat fountain English.vtt
2.5 kB
10 - Phase TEN/134 - More spiral wraps English.vtt
2.5 kB
8 - Phase EIGHT/113 - How air wraps and hyperloops can be understood as the same thing English.vtt
2.4 kB
11 - Phase ELEVEN/141 - Another sky view of hyperloops and orbitals English.vtt
2.2 kB
15 - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE COURSE/177 - Tips on using Udemycom.html
2.0 kB
12 - Phase TWELVE/157 - Gs inspinantispin stalls English.vtt
1.9 kB
12 - Phase TWELVE/159 - Spiral wraps behind the head English.vtt
1.8 kB
13 - Phase THIRTEEN/172 - Mastering antispin and stalls using targets English.vtt
1.6 kB
13 - Phase THIRTEEN/162 - The Clap plus turning in Prayer English.vtt
1.4 kB
3 - Phase THREE/45 - Playing with two pillars to improve planes English.vtt
1.2 kB
9 - Phase NINE/122 - Turning continuously through buzzsaw and switchyswitchy English.vtt
778 Bytes
16 - Bonus Section Poi Flowers Extended/179 - Combining 4 inspinantispin combinations using poi fu English.vtt
303 Bytes
2 - Phase TWO/29 - Forward 5Beat Weave Slow Motion from Above English.vtt
10 Bytes
2 - Phase TWO/30 - Backward 5Beat Weave Slow Motion from Above English.vtt
10 Bytes
7 - Phase SEVEN/101 - Backward BehindtheBack Weave Slow Motion from Above English.vtt
10 Bytes
16 - Bonus Section Poi Flowers Extended/180 - Airwraps Slow Motion from Above English.vtt
10 Bytes
2.0 GB
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