~Get Your Files Here !/06 - Static analysis on 64-bit programs/003 Solving easy peasy 64-bit crackme.mp4 166.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/04 - Graphical Static analysis/002 How to use x64dbg to disassemble and generate graphical view.mp4 121.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/04 - Graphical Static analysis/001 Update Latest xdbg has merged CPU menu and Graph menu.mp4 121.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/05 - Practice on graphical static analysis and file patching/001 More practice on static analysis and file patching.mp4 92.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/06 - Static analysis on 64-bit programs/004 Useful commands for x64 graphical tool.mp4 85.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/002 Installing xAnalyzer plugin.mp4 61.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/003 Setting up xanalyzer.mp4 51.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/001 Download x64dbg.mp4 41.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/06 - Static analysis on 64-bit programs/001 Introduction to 64-bit registers.mp4 36.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/01 - Introduction/001 Introduction.mp4 23.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/06 - Static analysis on 64-bit programs/002 Practice on 64-bit programs (easy peasy).mp4 14.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/02 - Introduction to Static Analysis/001 Introduction to static analysis.mp4 11.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/07 - Resources for further studies/001 Bonus Lecture.mp4 10.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/06 - Static analysis on 64-bit programs/EasyPeasy/EasyPeasy.exe 1.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/xAnalyzer.dp64 892.9 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/xAnalyzer.dp32 826.4 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/06 - Static analysis on 64-bit programs/001 64-bit-registers.pdf 795.0 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/02 - Introduction to Static Analysis/001 224-intro-static-analysis.pdf 500.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/07 - Resources for further studies/001 useful-resources-for-further-study-v4-Copy.pdf 189.6 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/ntdll.api 170.3 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/kernel32.api 141.5 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/ntstatus.h.api 120.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/msvcrxx.api 113.2 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/gdiplus.api 93.1 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/windows.h.api 85.1 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/kernelbase.api 80.4 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/advapi32.api 79.5 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/user32.api 71.7 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/kernel32.h.api 69.1 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/rpcrt4.api 62.5 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/setupapi.api 57.7 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/directx.h.api 50.7 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/shell.h.api 49.6 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/crypt32.api 44.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/oleaut32.api 43.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/user32.h.api 43.0 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/cryptography.h.api 39.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/shell32.api 34.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/dhcpsapi.api 34.6 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/gdi32.api 33.7 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/esent.h.api 33.1 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/cfgmgr32.api 32.5 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/wininet.api 31.9 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/ntdll.h.api 31.6 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/shlwapi.api 29.2 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/ole32.api 28.9 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/netapi32.api 27.6 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/ddraw.h.api 26.7 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/esent.api 26.3 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/url.h.api 25.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/internet.h.api 23.3 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/msi.api 23.2 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/iphlpapi.api 21.7 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/dbghelp.api 21.5 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/gdi32.h.api 21.1 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/ioctl.h.api 20.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/netapi32.h.api 20.0 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/mfplat.api 19.4 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/gdi.h.api 18.2 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/06 - Static analysis on 64-bit programs/003 Solving easy peasy 64-bit crackme_en.srt 17.9 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/mprapi.api 17.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/iphlpapi.h.api 17.7 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/cfgmgr32.h.api 17.6 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/winmm.api 16.0 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/comctl32.api 15.3 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/winmm.h.api 15.2 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/odbc32.api 15.1 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/ws2_32.api 15.0 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/nspr4.api 14.7 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/shell32.h.api 14.4 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/gdiplus.h.api 14.3 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/wldap32.api 13.9 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/ncrypt.api 13.7 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/msi.h.api 13.5 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/05 - Practice on graphical static analysis and file patching/001 More practice on static analysis and file patching_en.srt 13.5 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/powrprof.api 13.5 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/ole.h.api 13.5 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/security.h.api 13.3 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/combase.api 13.1 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/wlanapi.h.api 12.7 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/winspool.api 12.7 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/msmapi32.api 12.5 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/msvcrxx.h.api 12.4 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/uxtheme.api 11.6 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/04 - Graphical Static analysis/002 How to use x64dbg to disassemble and generate graphical view_en.srt 11.6 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/dinput.h.api 11.5 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/dwrite.h.api 11.5 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/iscsidsc.h.api 11.5 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/06 - Static analysis on 64-bit programs/004 Useful commands for x64 graphical tool_en.srt 11.4 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/04 - Graphical Static analysis/001 Update Latest xdbg has merged CPU menu and Graph menu_en.srt 11.3 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/setupapi.h.api 11.3 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/wlanapi.api 11.3 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/sockets.h.api 11.0 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/wininet.h.api 10.9 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/multimedia.h.api 10.4 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/clfsw32.api 10.4 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/secur32.h.api 10.2 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/mscms.api 10.2 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/winhttp.h.api 10.0 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/bcrypt.api 9.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/urlmon.api 9.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/rasapi32.h.api 9.4 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/pdh.api 9.1 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/winbio.api 9.0 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/secur32.api 8.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/slc.api 8.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/hid.api 8.5 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/mf.api 8.5 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/ntdsapi.api 8.4 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/usp10.api 8.2 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/002 Installing xAnalyzer plugin_en.srt 8.2 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/sechost.api 8.2 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/advapi32.h.api 8.1 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/06 - Static analysis on 64-bit programs/001 Introduction to 64-bit registers_en.srt 7.9 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/authz.api 7.7 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/dhcpsapi.h.api 7.3 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/rasapi32.api 7.3 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/wintrust.api 7.0 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/dnsapi.h.api 7.0 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/winscard.api 7.0 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/iscsidsc.api 7.0 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/wtsapi32.api 6.9 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/peerdist.api 6.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/dbghelp.h.api 6.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/comctl32.h.api 6.7 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/winhttp.api 6.7 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/native.h.api 6.7 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/pdh.h.api 6.6 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/ssl3.h.api 6.6 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/httpapi.api 6.6 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/avifil32.api 6.4 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/003 Setting up xanalyzer_en.srt 6.4 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/ktmw32.api 6.3 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/wevtapi.api 6.1 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/shlwapi.h.api 6.1 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/winspool.h.api 6.1 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/dxva2.api 6.0 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/bthprops.api 5.9 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/events.h.api 5.9 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/propsys.api 5.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/services.h.api 5.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/imm32.api 5.6 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/msvfw32.api 5.6 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/rpcns4.api 5.6 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/wevtapi.h.api 5.6 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/winbio.h.api 5.3 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/shcore.api 5.1 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/rpc.h.api 5.1 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/userenv.api 5.0 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/tdh.h.api 5.0 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/propsys.h.api 5.0 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/fxsapi.api 4.9 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/winfax.api 4.9 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/001 Download x64dbg_en.srt 4.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/wsmsvc.api 4.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/irprops.api 4.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/mqrt.api 4.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/wdspxe.api 4.6 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/wdsclientapi.api 4.4 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/uxtheme.h.api 4.4 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/mswsock.api 4.4 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/winusb.api 4.3 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/cabinet.api 4.3 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/msacm32.api 4.2 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/virtdisk.api 4.2 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/wsdapi.api 4.2 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/mapi32.h.api 4.1 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/06 - Static analysis on 64-bit programs/002 Practice on 64-bit programs (easy peasy)_en.srt 4.1 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/ssl3.api 4.0 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/virtdisk.h.api 3.9 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/urlmon.h.api 3.9 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/csrsrv.api 3.9 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/dwmapi.api 3.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/icm32.api 3.7 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/mssign32.api 3.7 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/07 - Resources for further studies/001 Bonus Lecture_en.srt 3.6 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/bluetooth.h.api 3.5 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/mpr.api 3.5 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/odbccp32.api 3.4 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/01 - Introduction/001 Introduction_en.srt 3.4 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/power.h.api 3.4 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/wtsapi32.h.api 3.4 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/scard.h.api 3.4 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/winusb.h.api 3.3 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/imagehlp.api 3.3 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/mspatcha.api 3.3 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/msvfw32.h.api 3.2 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/cryptxml.api 3.2 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/dnsapi.api 3.2 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/ieframe.api 3.2 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/tdh.api 3.1 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/sspicli.api 3.0 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/wldap32.h.api 3.0 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/cryptui.h.api 3.0 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/credui.api 3.0 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/query.api 2.9 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/mpr.h.api 2.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/psapi.api 2.8 kB
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~Get Your Files Here !/02 - Introduction to Static Analysis/001 Introduction to static analysis_en.srt 2.2 kB
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~Get Your Files Here !/06 - Static analysis on 64-bit programs/004 Useful-command-for-graphical-analysis.txt 503 Bytes
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~Get Your Files Here !/04 - Graphical Static analysis/002 download-link-for-crackme-1.txt 124 Bytes
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/ip.h.api 118 Bytes
~Get Your Files Here !/05 - Practice on graphical static analysis and file patching/001 download-link-for-crackme4.txt 115 Bytes
~Get Your Files Here !/06 - Static analysis on 64-bit programs/EasyPeasy/Credits.txt 107 Bytes
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/sfcfiles.api 104 Bytes
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/icmui.api 99 Bytes
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/mfcaptureengine.api 98 Bytes
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/cmutil.api 96 Bytes
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/fxsutility.h.api 82 Bytes
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/001 installing-x64dbg-and-detect-it-easy.txt 76 Bytes
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/headers/storprop.h.api 53 Bytes
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Installing x64dbg and xAnalyzer plugin and using it/xanalyzer-plugins/mydocs.api 41 Bytes