Tex Murphy Antology (GOG)
7.9 GB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/setup_pandora_directive-1.bin
2.1 GB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/setup_overseer-1.bin
2.1 GB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/setup_under_a_killing_moon.exe
1.5 GB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/setup_pandora_directive-2.bin
1.2 GB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/setup_overseer-2.bin
771.2 MB
Tex Murphy 1+2 (GOG)/setup_tex_murphy_1_and_2.exe
29.1 MB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/under_a_killing_moon_manual.pdf
21.1 MB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/overseer_manual/manual.pdf
20.0 MB
Tex Murphy 1+2 (GOG)/Tex 1+2 Bonus Content/tex_murphy_1+2_manuals.zip
10.8 MB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/PandoraDirective_manual/PandoraDirective_manual.pdf
6.7 MB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/pandora_directive_soundtrack/Roswell.mp3
5.9 MB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/pandora_directive_soundtrack/ThePandoraDirective.mp3
5.8 MB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/36 - TheKnickerbocker.mp3
5.4 MB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/overseer_soundtrack/17 - TexMeetsSylvia.mp3
5.1 MB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/pandora_directive_soundtrack/TheMayanTemple.mp3
4.8 MB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/pandora_directive_soundtrack/SandraCollinsHouse.mp3
4.5 MB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/overseer_soundtrack/05 - GideonsStory.mp3
4.3 MB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/22 - HotelLoveSuite.mp3
4.2 MB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/21 - HotelHotTub.mp3
4.1 MB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/overseer_soundtrack/01 - HelloHandsome.mp3
4.0 MB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/pandora_directive_soundtrack/MeetingDrMalloy.mp3
3.8 MB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/pandora_directive_soundtrack/TexLives.mp3
3.6 MB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/overseer_soundtrack/16 - SylviasGifts.mp3
3.6 MB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/overseer_soundtrack/09 - ClocktowerShowdown.mp3
3.5 MB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/37 - TheKnickerbocker2.mp3
3.5 MB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/34 - TexOffice.mp3
3.4 MB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/overseer_soundtrack/18 - LarryHammondExplains.mp3
3.0 MB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/overseer_soundtrack/19 - PITheme.mp3
2.9 MB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/pandora_directive_soundtrack/Autotech.mp3
2.9 MB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/pandora_directive_soundtrack/TheCabin.mp3
2.9 MB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/23 - Introduction.mp3
2.9 MB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/pandora_directive_soundtrack/SadNewsForRegan.mp3
2.9 MB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/27 - MoonChild2.mp3
2.8 MB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/17 - ColonelStabbed.mp3
2.7 MB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/26 - MoonChild.mp3
2.7 MB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/overseer_soundtrack/03 - TexMeetsSonny.mp3
2.7 MB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/08 - Bonus1-SmoothTex.mp3
2.5 MB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/pandora_directive_soundtrack/ChelseesHolodate.mp3
2.5 MB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/setup_overseer.exe
2.5 MB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/11 - BrokenSkullLounge.mp3
2.4 MB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/setup_pandora_directive.exe
2.3 MB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/pandora_directive_soundtrack/GardenHouse.mp3
2.3 MB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/pandora_directive_soundtrack/BlackArrowKillerChase.mp3
2.3 MB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/pandora_directive_soundtrack/EmilyInTrouble.mp3
2.2 MB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/35 - TexOffice2.mp3
2.2 MB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/overseer_soundtrack/12 - GregCallsMessage.mp3
2.1 MB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/overseer_soundtrack/10 - TheArgument.mp3
1.9 MB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/pandora_directive_soundtrack/TexMeetsFitz.mp3
1.8 MB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/09 - Bonus2-Alleyways.mp3
1.8 MB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/33 - SnoWhiteWarehouse.mp3
1.8 MB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/06 - BastionOfSanctity2.mp3
1.6 MB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/pandora_directive_soundtrack/BayChase.mp3
1.6 MB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/TexExpert.zip
1.6 MB
Tex Murphy 1+2 (GOG)/Tex 1+2 Bonus Content/TexExpert.zip
1.6 MB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/TexExpert/Tex Expert.CAB
1.5 MB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/TexExpert/Tex Expert.CAB
1.5 MB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/overseer_soundtrack/08 - DeathAtTheClocktower.mp3
1.5 MB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/pandora_directive_soundtrack/ArchieDies.mp3
1.5 MB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/05 - BastionOfSanctity.mp3
1.5 MB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/overseer_soundtrack/14 - LarryAtTheLab.mp3
1.4 MB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/overseer_soundtrack/13 - JourneyToTheRuins.mp3
1.4 MB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/13 - ChandlerAvenue.mp3
1.4 MB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/pandora_directive_soundtrack/ShowdownWithAKiller.mp3
1.4 MB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/14 - ChandlerAvenue2.mp3
1.2 MB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/28 - Pug.mp3
1.2 MB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/pandora_directive_soundtrack/PostcardFromChelsee.mp3
1.2 MB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/15 - ChelseeNewsStand.mp3
1.2 MB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/overseer_soundtrack/11 - HidingFromSlade.mp3
1.0 MB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/overseer_soundtrack/15 - ReecePassesOut.mp3
1.0 MB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/32 - SliceOHeavenPizza.mp3
980.6 kB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/overseer_soundtrack/06 - MonkeyBusiness2.mp3
957.6 kB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/pandora_directive_soundtrack/TheShip.mp3
928.4 kB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/16 - ClintTheBum.mp3
907.9 kB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/24 - MacMalden.mp3
901.6 kB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/18 - ConfrontedByEddieChing.mp3
881.1 kB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/overseer_soundtrack/07 - AChipInYourHead.mp3
831.4 kB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/03 - AllyMoore.mp3
823.0 kB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/10 - BrewAndStew.mp3
787.5 kB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/19 - CountessRenier.mp3
754.9 kB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/overseer_soundtrack/04 - ApproachingKnottsCabin.mp3
700.6 kB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/01 - AbandonedMansion.mp3
692.2 kB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/02 - AccessSoftwareTitle.mp3
600.3 kB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/pandora_directive_soundtrack/TheSoundTest.mp3
600.3 kB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/12 - ChamelionInACube.mp3
589.8 kB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/31 - RookPawnshop3.mp3
589.8 kB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/30 - RookPawnshop2.mp3
585.2 kB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/25 - MelahnTode.mp3
581.0 kB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/20 - ElectronicsShop.mp3
579.4 kB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/overseer_soundtrack/02 - MonkeyBusiness1.mp3
548.9 kB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/29 - RookPawnshop.mp3
495.4 kB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/overseer_reference_card/reference_card.pdf
486.5 kB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/pandora_directive_soundtrack/DownTheSlide.mp3
483.7 kB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/38 - UAKMSaxDay.mp3
421.0 kB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/04 - ArdoAtTheLobby.mp3
410.5 kB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/07 - BeekNariz(CoitTower).mp3
405.5 kB
Tex Murphy 1+2 (GOG)/Tex 1+2 Bonus Content/mean_streets_map.zip
286.2 kB
Tex Murphy 1+2 (GOG)/Tex 1+2 Bonus Content/tex_murphy_avatars.zip
177.9 kB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/tex_murphy_avatars.zip
177.9 kB
Tex Murphy 1+2 (GOG)/Tex 1+2 Bonus Content/mean_streets_detective_information_chart.zip
158.9 kB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/TexExpert/setup.exe
140.8 kB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/TexExpert/setup.exe
140.8 kB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/pandora_directive_soundtrack/The Pandora Directive Soundtrack.jpg
74.0 kB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/overseer_soundtrack/Tex Murphy- Overseer soundtrack.jpg
73.2 kB
Tex Murphy 3 - Under a Killing Moon (GOG)/Tex 3 Bonus Content/Soundtrack/Under a Killing Moon in-Game Soundtrack.jpg
61.0 kB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/tex_murphy_avatars/Tex2.jpg
37.2 kB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/tex_murphy_avatars/Tex2.jpg
37.2 kB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/tex_murphy_avatars/Deacon.jpg
34.7 kB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/tex_murphy_avatars/Deacon.jpg
34.7 kB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/tex_murphy_avatars/Tex5.jpg
25.6 kB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/tex_murphy_avatars/Tex5.jpg
25.6 kB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/tex_murphy_avatars/Tex4.jpg
25.0 kB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/tex_murphy_avatars/Tex4.jpg
25.0 kB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/tex_murphy_avatars/Tex1.jpg
21.4 kB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/tex_murphy_avatars/Tex1.jpg
21.4 kB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/tex_murphy_avatars/Tex6.jpg
21.0 kB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/tex_murphy_avatars/Tex6.jpg
21.0 kB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/tex_murphy_avatars/Tex3.jpg
13.1 kB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/tex_murphy_avatars/Tex3.jpg
13.1 kB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/TexExpert/SETUP.LST
3.7 kB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/TexExpert/SETUP.LST
3.7 kB
Tex Murphy 4 - The Pandora Directive (GOG)/Tex 4 Bonus Content/TexExpert/readme.1st
1.1 kB
Tex Murphy 5 - Overseer (GOG)/Tex 5 Bonus Content/TexExpert/readme.1st
1.1 kB
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