868.8 MB
002 - Al-Baqarah (The Cow) Qalon Narration - البقرة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
63.4 MB
004 - An-Nisa (The Women) Qalon Narration - النساء quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
39.6 MB
003 - Al-Imran (The Family of Imran) Qalon Narration - آل عمران quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
36.8 MB
007 - Al-A'raf (The Heights) Qalon Narration - الأعراف quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
34.8 MB
006 - Al-An'am (The Cattle) Qalon Narration - الأنعام quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
31.8 MB
005 - Al-Maidah (The Table spread with Food) Qalon Narration - المائدة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
28.8 MB
009 - At-Taubah (The Repentance) Qalon Narration - التوبة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
26.0 MB
011 - Hud (Hud) Qalon Narration - هود quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
20.5 MB
010 - Yunus (Jonah) Qalon Narration - يونس quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
20.0 MB
016 - An-Nahl (The Bees) Qalon Narration - النحل quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
19.0 MB
012 - Yusuf (Joseph) Qalon Narration - يوسف quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
18.7 MB
017 - Al-Isra (The Night Journey) Qalon Narration - الإسراء quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
16.3 MB
018 - Al-Kahf (The Cave) Qalon Narration - الكهف quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
16.2 MB
028 - Al-Qasas (The Stories) Qalon Narration - القصص quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
14.3 MB
033 - Al-Ahzab (The Confederates) Qalon Narration - الأحزاب quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
14.2 MB
026 - Ash-Shuara (The Poets) Qalon Narration - الشعراء quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
13.9 MB
024 - An-Noor (The Light) Qalon Narration - النور quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
13.5 MB
008 - Al-Anfal (The Spoils of War) Qalon Narration - الأنفال quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
13.1 MB
020 - Taha (Taha) Qalon Narration - طه quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
13.0 MB
021 - Al-Anbiya (The Prophets) Qalon Narration - الأنبياء quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
12.9 MB
022 - Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage) Qalon Narration - الحج quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
12.7 MB
027 - An-Naml (The Ants) Qalon Narration - النمل quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
12.5 MB
040 - Ghafir (The Forgiver) Qalon Narration - غافر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
12.4 MB
039 - Az-Zumar (The Groups) Qalon Narration - الزمر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
11.8 MB
023 - Al-Mu'minoon (The Believers) Qalon Narration - المؤمنون quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
11.1 MB
029 - Al-Ankaboot (The Spider) Qalon Narration - العنكبوت quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
10.0 MB
037 - As-Saaffat (Those Ranges in Ranks) Qalon Narration - الصافات quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
9.9 MB
019 - Maryam (Mary) Qalon Narration - مريم quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
9.8 MB
043 - Az-Zukhruf (The Gold Adornment) Qalon Narration - الزخرف quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
9.5 MB
014 - Ibrahim (Abraham) Qalon Narration - إبراهيم quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
9.3 MB
013 - Ar-Ra'd (The Thunder) Qalon Narration - الرعد quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
9.1 MB
034 - Saba (Sheba) Qalon Narration - سبأ quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
9.1 MB
025 - Al-Furqan (The Criterion) Qalon Narration - الفرقان quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
9.0 MB
042 - Ash-Shura (Consultation) Qalon Narration - الشورى quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
8.7 MB
030 - Ar-Room (The Romans) Qalon Narration - الروم quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
8.6 MB
035 - Fatir (The Orignator) Qalon Narration - فاطر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
8.6 MB
041 - Fussilat (Explained in Detail) Qalon Narration - فصلت quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
8.4 MB
038 - Sad (The Letter Sad) Qalon Narration - ص quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
7.7 MB
036 - Ya-seen (Ya-seen) Qalon Narration - يس quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
7.6 MB
015 - Al-Hijr (The Rocky Tract) Qalon Narration - الحجر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
7.3 MB
046 - Al-Ahqaf (The Curved Sand-hills) Qalon Narration - الأحقاف quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
6.4 MB
057 - Al-Hadid (The Iron) Qalon Narration - الحديد quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
6.2 MB
048 - Al-Fath (The Victory) Qalon Narration - الفتح quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
6.0 MB
047 - Muhammad (Muhammad) Qalon Narration - محمد quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
5.8 MB
031 - Luqman (Luqman) Qalon Narration - لقمان quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
5.4 MB
058 - Al-Mujadilah (She That Disputeth) Qalon Narration - المجادلة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
5.2 MB
045 - Al-Jathiyah (The Kneeling) Qalon Narration - الجاثية quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
5.1 MB
056 - Al-Waqi'ah (The Event) Qalon Narration - الواقعة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
4.9 MB
059 - Al-Hashr (The Gathering) Qalon Narration - الحشر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
4.8 MB
055 - Ar-Rahman (The Most Graciouse) Qalon Narration - الرحمن quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
4.8 MB
032 - As-Sajdah (The Prostration) Qalon Narration - السجدة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
4.2 MB
044 - Ad-Dukhan (The Smoke) Qalon Narration - الدخان quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
4.2 MB
051 - Adh-Dhariyat (The Wind that Scatter) Qalon Narration - الذاريات quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
4.1 MB
050 - Qaf (The Letter Qaf) Qalon Narration - ق quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
4.0 MB
049 - Al-Hujurat (The Dwellings) Qalon Narration - الحجرات quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
3.9 MB
054 - Al-Qamar (The Moon) Qalon Narration - القمر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
3.9 MB
060 - Al-Mumtahanah (The Woman to be examined) Qalon Narration - الممتحنة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
3.8 MB
053 - An-Najm (The Star) Qalon Narration - النجم quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
3.7 MB
052 - At-Tur (The Mount) Qalon Narration - الطور quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
3.5 MB
068 - Al-Qalam (The Pen) Qalon Narration - القلم quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
3.3 MB
067 - Al-Mulk (Dominion) Qalon Narration - الملك quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
3.3 MB
065 - At-Talaq (The Divorce) Qalon Narration - الطلاق quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
3.2 MB
066 - At-Tahrim (The Prohibition) Qalon Narration - التحريم quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
3.2 MB
069 - Al-Haaqqah (The Inevitable) Qalon Narration - الحاقة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
3.0 MB
076 - Al-Insan (Man) Qalon Narration - الإنسان quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
3.0 MB
072 - Al-Jinn (The Jinn) Qalon Narration - الجن quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
2.9 MB
074 - Al-Muddaththir (The One Enveloped) Qalon Narration - المدثر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
2.8 MB
064 - At-Taghabun (Mutual Loss & Gain) Qalon Narration - التغابن quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
2.6 MB
070 - Al-Ma'arij (The Ways of Ascent) Qalon Narration - المعارج quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
2.5 MB
077 - Al-Mursalat (Those sent forth) Qalon Narration - المرسلات quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
2.4 MB
071 - Nooh (Nooh) Qalon Narration - نوح quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
2.4 MB
078 - An-Naba' (The Great News) Qalon Narration - النبأ quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
2.3 MB
061 - As-Saff (The Row) Qalon Narration - الصف quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
2.3 MB
079 - An-Nazi'at (Those who Pull Out) Qalon Narration - النازعات quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
2.3 MB
073 - Al-Muzzammil (The One wrapped in Garments) Qalon Narration - المزمل quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
2.1 MB
083 - Al-Mutaffifin (Those Who Deal in Fraud) Qalon Narration - المطففين quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
2.1 MB
063 - Al-Munafiqoon (The Hypocrites) Qalon Narration - المنافقون quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
2.0 MB
080 - Abasa (He Frowned) Qalon Narration - عبس quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
1.8 MB
075 - Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection) Qalon Narration - القيامة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
1.8 MB
062 - Al-Jumu'ah (Friday) Qalon Narration - الجمعة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
1.8 MB
089 - Al-Fajr (The Dawn) Qalon Narration - الفجر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
1.6 MB
084 - Al-Inshiqaq (The Splitting Asunder) Qalon Narration - الانشقاق quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
1.3 MB
085 - Al-Burooj (The Big Stars) Qalon Narration - البروج quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
1.3 MB
081 - At-Takwir (Wound Round & Lost its Light) Qalon Narration - التكوير quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
1.2 MB
088 - Al-Ghashiya (The Overwhelming) Qalon Narration - الغاشية quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
1.1 MB
098 - Al-Bayyinah (The Clear Evidence) Qalon Narration - البينة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
1.0 MB
082 - Al-Infitar (The Cleaving) Qalon Narration - الانفطار quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
996.7 kB
092 - Al-Layl (The Night) Qalon Narration - الليل quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
973.1 kB
090 - Al-Balad (The City) Qalon Narration - البلد quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
946.1 kB
087 - Al-A'la (The Most High) Qalon Narration - الأعلى quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
900.8 kB
096 - Al-'alaq (The Clot) Qalon Narration - العلق quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
880.1 kB
086 - At-Tariq (The Night-Comer) Qalon Narration - الطارق quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
824.5 kB
091 - Ash-Shams (The Sun) Qalon Narration - الشمس quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
769.1 kB
100 - Al-'adiyat (Those That Run) Qalon Narration - العاديات quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
567.9 kB
093 - Ad-Dhuha (The Forenoon) Qalon Narration - الضحى quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
560.1 kB
520.2 kB
101 - Al-Qari'ah (The Striking Hour) Qalon Narration - القارعة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
518.8 kB
099 - Az-Zalzalah (The Earthquake) Qalon Narration - الزلزلة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
518.3 kB
104 - Al-Humazah (The Slanderer) Qalon Narration - الهمزة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
489.5 kB
095 - At-Tin (The Fig) Qalon Narration - التين quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
472.3 kB
102 - At-Takathur (The piling Up) Qalon Narration - التكاثر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
447.1 kB
107 - Al-Ma'un (Small Kindnesses) Qalon Narration - الماعون quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
434.7 kB
001 - Al-Fatihah (The Opening) Qalon Narration - الفاتحة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
421.8 kB
097 - Al-Qadr (The Night of Decree) Qalon Narration - القدر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
386.9 kB
109 - Al-Kafiroon (The Disbelievers) Qalon Narration - الكافرون quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
380.0 kB
094 - As-Sharh (The Opening Forth) Qalon Narration - الشرح quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
373.3 kB
114 - An-Nas (Mankind) Qalon Narration - الناس quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
364.1 kB
094 - As-Sharh (The Opening Forth) Qalon Narration - الشرح quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
363.5 kB
100 - Al-'adiyat (Those That Run) Qalon Narration - العاديات quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
363.2 kB
114 - An-Nas (Mankind) Qalon Narration - الناس quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
362.8 kB
113 - Al-Falaq (The Daybreak) Qalon Narration - الفلق quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
362.5 kB
110 - An-Nasr (The Help) Qalon Narration - النصر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
361.9 kB
105 - Al-Fil (The Elephant) Qalon Narration - الفيل quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
361.6 kB
103 - Al-Asr (The Time) Qalon Narration - العصر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
361.2 kB
106 - Quraish (Quraish) Qalon Narration - قريش quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
360.4 kB
107 - Al-Ma'un (Small Kindnesses) Qalon Narration - الماعون quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
360.3 kB
104 - Al-Humazah (The Slanderer) Qalon Narration - الهمزة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
360.2 kB
111 - Al-Masad (The Palm Fibre) Qalon Narration - المسد quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
360.1 kB
105 - Al-Fil (The Elephant) Qalon Narration - الفيل quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
359.9 kB
001 - Al-Fatihah (The Opening) Qalon Narration - الفاتحة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
359.6 kB
097 - Al-Qadr (The Night of Decree) Qalon Narration - القدر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
359.2 kB
102 - At-Takathur (The piling Up) Qalon Narration - التكاثر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
358.9 kB
091 - Ash-Shams (The Sun) Qalon Narration - الشمس quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
358.7 kB
099 - Az-Zalzalah (The Earthquake) Qalon Narration - الزلزلة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
358.6 kB
108 - Al-Kauther (A River in Paradise) Qalon Narration - الكوثر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
358.5 kB
092 - Al-Layl (The Night) Qalon Narration - الليل quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
358.5 kB
112 - Al-Ikhlas (The Sincerity) Qalon Narration - الإخلاص quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
358.2 kB
087 - Al-A'la (The Most High) Qalon Narration - الأعلى quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
358.0 kB
096 - Al-'alaq (The Clot) Qalon Narration - العلق quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
357.7 kB
101 - Al-Qari'ah (The Striking Hour) Qalon Narration - القارعة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
357.2 kB
086 - At-Tariq (The Night-Comer) Qalon Narration - الطارق quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
357.2 kB
084 - Al-Inshiqaq (The Splitting Asunder) Qalon Narration - الانشقاق quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
357.1 kB
082 - Al-Infitar (The Cleaving) Qalon Narration - الانفطار quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
357.0 kB
081 - At-Takwir (Wound Round & Lost its Light) Qalon Narration - التكوير quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
356.9 kB
089 - Al-Fajr (The Dawn) Qalon Narration - الفجر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
356.8 kB
090 - Al-Balad (The City) Qalon Narration - البلد quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
356.7 kB
088 - Al-Ghashiya (The Overwhelming) Qalon Narration - الغاشية quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
356.7 kB
085 - Al-Burooj (The Big Stars) Qalon Narration - البروج quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
355.4 kB
080 - Abasa (He Frowned) Qalon Narration - عبس quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
353.2 kB
083 - Al-Mutaffifin (Those Who Deal in Fraud) Qalon Narration - المطففين quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
353.2 kB
109 - Al-Kafiroon (The Disbelievers) Qalon Narration - الكافرون quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
352.7 kB
052 - At-Tur (The Mount) Qalon Narration - الطور quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
352.1 kB
095 - At-Tin (The Fig) Qalon Narration - التين quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
352.1 kB
077 - Al-Mursalat (Those sent forth) Qalon Narration - المرسلات quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
351.3 kB
063 - Al-Munafiqoon (The Hypocrites) Qalon Narration - المنافقون quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
350.9 kB
098 - Al-Bayyinah (The Clear Evidence) Qalon Narration - البينة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
350.7 kB
062 - Al-Jumu'ah (Friday) Qalon Narration - الجمعة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
350.5 kB
061 - As-Saff (The Row) Qalon Narration - الصف quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
349.8 kB
079 - An-Nazi'at (Those who Pull Out) Qalon Narration - النازعات quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
349.6 kB
093 - Ad-Dhuha (The Forenoon) Qalon Narration - الضحى quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
348.9 kB
075 - Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection) Qalon Narration - القيامة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
348.6 kB
068 - Al-Qalam (The Pen) Qalon Narration - القلم quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
348.2 kB
054 - Al-Qamar (The Moon) Qalon Narration - القمر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
347.4 kB
051 - Adh-Dhariyat (The Wind that Scatter) Qalon Narration - الذاريات quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
347.3 kB
074 - Al-Muddaththir (The One Enveloped) Qalon Narration - المدثر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
347.0 kB
073 - Al-Muzzammil (The One wrapped in Garments) Qalon Narration - المزمل quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
347.0 kB
049 - Al-Hujurat (The Dwellings) Qalon Narration - الحجرات quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
346.9 kB
050 - Qaf (The Letter Qaf) Qalon Narration - ق quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
346.7 kB
078 - An-Naba' (The Great News) Qalon Narration - النبأ quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
346.7 kB
070 - Al-Ma'arij (The Ways of Ascent) Qalon Narration - المعارج quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
346.6 kB
076 - Al-Insan (Man) Qalon Narration - الإنسان quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
346.1 kB
064 - At-Taghabun (Mutual Loss & Gain) Qalon Narration - التغابن quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
346.0 kB
071 - Nooh (Nooh) Qalon Narration - نوح quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
345.9 kB
067 - Al-Mulk (Dominion) Qalon Narration - الملك quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
345.4 kB
065 - At-Talaq (The Divorce) Qalon Narration - الطلاق quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
345.1 kB
044 - Ad-Dukhan (The Smoke) Qalon Narration - الدخان quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
344.7 kB
069 - Al-Haaqqah (The Inevitable) Qalon Narration - الحاقة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
344.6 kB
072 - Al-Jinn (The Jinn) Qalon Narration - الجن quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
344.1 kB
053 - An-Najm (The Star) Qalon Narration - النجم quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
342.3 kB
066 - At-Tahrim (The Prohibition) Qalon Narration - التحريم quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
342.3 kB
032 - As-Sajdah (The Prostration) Qalon Narration - السجدة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
341.9 kB
031 - Luqman (Luqman) Qalon Narration - لقمان quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
340.7 kB
055 - Ar-Rahman (The Most Graciouse) Qalon Narration - الرحمن quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
340.0 kB
106 - Quraish (Quraish) Qalon Narration - قريش quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
339.6 kB
056 - Al-Waqi'ah (The Event) Qalon Narration - الواقعة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
339.0 kB
045 - Al-Jathiyah (The Kneeling) Qalon Narration - الجاثية quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
338.1 kB
060 - Al-Mumtahanah (The Woman to be examined) Qalon Narration - الممتحنة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
337.9 kB
059 - Al-Hashr (The Gathering) Qalon Narration - الحشر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
336.2 kB
048 - Al-Fath (The Victory) Qalon Narration - الفتح quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
336.2 kB
036 - Ya-seen (Ya-seen) Qalon Narration - يس quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
335.9 kB
047 - Muhammad (Muhammad) Qalon Narration - محمد quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
335.9 kB
058 - Al-Mujadilah (She That Disputeth) Qalon Narration - المجادلة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
335.9 kB
046 - Al-Ahqaf (The Curved Sand-hills) Qalon Narration - الأحقاف quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
333.7 kB
015 - Al-Hijr (The Rocky Tract) Qalon Narration - الحجر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
333.3 kB
038 - Sad (The Letter Sad) Qalon Narration - ص quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
332.4 kB
030 - Ar-Room (The Romans) Qalon Narration - الروم quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
331.0 kB
057 - Al-Hadid (The Iron) Qalon Narration - الحديد quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
331.0 kB
035 - Fatir (The Orignator) Qalon Narration - فاطر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
330.6 kB
041 - Fussilat (Explained in Detail) Qalon Narration - فصلت quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
329.7 kB
111 - Al-Masad (The Palm Fibre) Qalon Narration - المسد quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
329.6 kB
034 - Saba (Sheba) Qalon Narration - سبأ quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
328.3 kB
043 - Az-Zukhruf (The Gold Adornment) Qalon Narration - الزخرف quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
327.3 kB
029 - Al-Ankaboot (The Spider) Qalon Narration - العنكبوت quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
325.9 kB
025 - Al-Furqan (The Criterion) Qalon Narration - الفرقان quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
325.9 kB
014 - Ibrahim (Abraham) Qalon Narration - إبراهيم quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
325.2 kB
037 - As-Saaffat (Those Ranges in Ranks) Qalon Narration - الصافات quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
325.1 kB
013 - Ar-Ra'd (The Thunder) Qalon Narration - الرعد quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
324.5 kB
027 - An-Naml (The Ants) Qalon Narration - النمل quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
323.6 kB
042 - Ash-Shura (Consultation) Qalon Narration - الشورى quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
322.7 kB
110 - An-Nasr (The Help) Qalon Narration - النصر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
322.3 kB
040 - Ghafir (The Forgiver) Qalon Narration - غافر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
321.7 kB
023 - Al-Mu'minoon (The Believers) Qalon Narration - المؤمنون quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
321.4 kB
039 - Az-Zumar (The Groups) Qalon Narration - الزمر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
320.6 kB
026 - Ash-Shuara (The Poets) Qalon Narration - الشعراء quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
319.7 kB
113 - Al-Falaq (The Daybreak) Qalon Narration - الفلق quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
319.2 kB
019 - Maryam (Mary) Qalon Narration - مريم quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
319.1 kB
022 - Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage) Qalon Narration - الحج quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
318.7 kB
028 - Al-Qasas (The Stories) Qalon Narration - القصص quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
318.6 kB
021 - Al-Anbiya (The Prophets) Qalon Narration - الأنبياء quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
317.1 kB
020 - Taha (Taha) Qalon Narration - طه quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
316.4 kB
024 - An-Noor (The Light) Qalon Narration - النور quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
315.9 kB
010 - Yunus (Jonah) Qalon Narration - يونس quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
315.4 kB
008 - Al-Anfal (The Spoils of War) Qalon Narration - الأنفال quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
315.2 kB
011 - Hud (Hud) Qalon Narration - هود quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
314.9 kB
033 - Al-Ahzab (The Confederates) Qalon Narration - الأحزاب quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
314.8 kB
012 - Yusuf (Joseph) Qalon Narration - يوسف quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
313.8 kB
018 - Al-Kahf (The Cave) Qalon Narration - الكهف quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
313.7 kB
017 - Al-Isra (The Night Journey) Qalon Narration - الإسراء quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
313.6 kB
006 - Al-An'am (The Cattle) Qalon Narration - الأنعام quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
310.9 kB
016 - An-Nahl (The Bees) Qalon Narration - النحل quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
310.8 kB
009 - At-Taubah (The Repentance) Qalon Narration - التوبة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
308.4 kB
007 - Al-A'raf (The Heights) Qalon Narration - الأعراف quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
305.4 kB
005 - Al-Maidah (The Table spread with Food) Qalon Narration - المائدة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
304.0 kB
003 - Al-Imran (The Family of Imran) Qalon Narration - آل عمران quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
303.7 kB
004 - An-Nisa (The Women) Qalon Narration - النساء quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
302.1 kB
002 - Al-Baqarah (The Cow) Qalon Narration - البقرة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby _spectrogram.png
297.3 kB
103 - Al-Asr (The Time) Qalon Narration - العصر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
263.8 kB
112 - Al-Ikhlas (The Sincerity) Qalon Narration - الإخلاص quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
225.8 kB
108 - Al-Kauther (A River in Paradise) Qalon Narration - الكوثر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .mp3
221.6 kB
009 - At-Taubah (The Repentance) Qalon Narration - التوبة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
45.6 kB
010 - Yunus (Jonah) Qalon Narration - يونس quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
45.3 kB
005 - Al-Maidah (The Table spread with Food) Qalon Narration - المائدة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
44.4 kB
004 - An-Nisa (The Women) Qalon Narration - النساء quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
44.0 kB
026 - Ash-Shuara (The Poets) Qalon Narration - الشعراء quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
43.9 kB
007 - Al-A'raf (The Heights) Qalon Narration - الأعراف quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
43.8 kB
021 - Al-Anbiya (The Prophets) Qalon Narration - الأنبياء quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
43.8 kB
020 - Taha (Taha) Qalon Narration - طه quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
43.7 kB
006 - Al-An'am (The Cattle) Qalon Narration - الأنعام quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
43.5 kB
056 - Al-Waqi'ah (The Event) Qalon Narration - الواقعة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
43.4 kB
016 - An-Nahl (The Bees) Qalon Narration - النحل quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
43.4 kB
022 - Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage) Qalon Narration - الحج quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
43.2 kB
019 - Maryam (Mary) Qalon Narration - مريم quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
43.1 kB
011 - Hud (Hud) Qalon Narration - هود quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
43.0 kB
017 - Al-Isra (The Night Journey) Qalon Narration - الإسراء quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
43.0 kB
024 - An-Noor (The Light) Qalon Narration - النور quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
42.7 kB
018 - Al-Kahf (The Cave) Qalon Narration - الكهف quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
42.4 kB
035 - Fatir (The Orignator) Qalon Narration - فاطر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
42.1 kB
023 - Al-Mu'minoon (The Believers) Qalon Narration - المؤمنون quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
42.0 kB
037 - As-Saaffat (Those Ranges in Ranks) Qalon Narration - الصافات quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
42.0 kB
030 - Ar-Room (The Romans) Qalon Narration - الروم quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
41.9 kB
038 - Sad (The Letter Sad) Qalon Narration - ص quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
41.8 kB
025 - Al-Furqan (The Criterion) Qalon Narration - الفرقان quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
41.7 kB
008 - Al-Anfal (The Spoils of War) Qalon Narration - الأنفال quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
41.7 kB
003 - Al-Imran (The Family of Imran) Qalon Narration - آل عمران quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
41.6 kB
013 - Ar-Ra'd (The Thunder) Qalon Narration - الرعد quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
41.6 kB
032 - As-Sajdah (The Prostration) Qalon Narration - السجدة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
41.6 kB
014 - Ibrahim (Abraham) Qalon Narration - إبراهيم quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
41.5 kB
039 - Az-Zumar (The Groups) Qalon Narration - الزمر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
41.4 kB
028 - Al-Qasas (The Stories) Qalon Narration - القصص quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
41.3 kB
029 - Al-Ankaboot (The Spider) Qalon Narration - العنكبوت quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
41.3 kB
012 - Yusuf (Joseph) Qalon Narration - يوسف quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
41.3 kB
074 - Al-Muddaththir (The One Enveloped) Qalon Narration - المدثر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
41.2 kB
027 - An-Naml (The Ants) Qalon Narration - النمل quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
41.2 kB
065 - At-Talaq (The Divorce) Qalon Narration - الطلاق quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
41.1 kB
002 - Al-Baqarah (The Cow) Qalon Narration - البقرة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
40.6 kB
058 - Al-Mujadilah (She That Disputeth) Qalon Narration - المجادلة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
40.5 kB
059 - Al-Hashr (The Gathering) Qalon Narration - الحشر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
40.2 kB
042 - Ash-Shura (Consultation) Qalon Narration - الشورى quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
40.2 kB
045 - Al-Jathiyah (The Kneeling) Qalon Narration - الجاثية quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
40.1 kB
040 - Ghafir (The Forgiver) Qalon Narration - غافر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
40.1 kB
060 - Al-Mumtahanah (The Woman to be examined) Qalon Narration - الممتحنة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
40.0 kB
052 - At-Tur (The Mount) Qalon Narration - الطور quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
39.9 kB
050 - Qaf (The Letter Qaf) Qalon Narration - ق quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
39.7 kB
043 - Az-Zukhruf (The Gold Adornment) Qalon Narration - الزخرف quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
39.6 kB
033 - Al-Ahzab (The Confederates) Qalon Narration - الأحزاب quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
39.5 kB
015 - Al-Hijr (The Rocky Tract) Qalon Narration - الحجر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
39.5 kB
057 - Al-Hadid (The Iron) Qalon Narration - الحديد quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
39.2 kB
051 - Adh-Dhariyat (The Wind that Scatter) Qalon Narration - الذاريات quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
39.2 kB
067 - Al-Mulk (Dominion) Qalon Narration - الملك quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
39.2 kB
034 - Saba (Sheba) Qalon Narration - سبأ quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
39.2 kB
069 - Al-Haaqqah (The Inevitable) Qalon Narration - الحاقة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
39.2 kB
079 - An-Nazi'at (Those who Pull Out) Qalon Narration - النازعات quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
39.1 kB
044 - Ad-Dukhan (The Smoke) Qalon Narration - الدخان quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
39.0 kB
055 - Ar-Rahman (The Most Graciouse) Qalon Narration - الرحمن quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
39.0 kB
064 - At-Taghabun (Mutual Loss & Gain) Qalon Narration - التغابن quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
38.9 kB
031 - Luqman (Luqman) Qalon Narration - لقمان quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
38.9 kB
075 - Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection) Qalon Narration - القيامة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
38.8 kB
053 - An-Najm (The Star) Qalon Narration - النجم quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
38.7 kB
089 - Al-Fajr (The Dawn) Qalon Narration - الفجر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
38.6 kB
049 - Al-Hujurat (The Dwellings) Qalon Narration - الحجرات quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
38.5 kB
048 - Al-Fath (The Victory) Qalon Narration - الفتح quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
38.2 kB
047 - Muhammad (Muhammad) Qalon Narration - محمد quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
38.1 kB
061 - As-Saff (The Row) Qalon Narration - الصف quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
38.1 kB
036 - Ya-seen (Ya-seen) Qalon Narration - يس quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
38.1 kB
068 - Al-Qalam (The Pen) Qalon Narration - القلم quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
37.8 kB
062 - Al-Jumu'ah (Friday) Qalon Narration - الجمعة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
37.7 kB
080 - Abasa (He Frowned) Qalon Narration - عبس quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
37.6 kB
072 - Al-Jinn (The Jinn) Qalon Narration - الجن quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
37.5 kB
073 - Al-Muzzammil (The One wrapped in Garments) Qalon Narration - المزمل quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
37.4 kB
041 - Fussilat (Explained in Detail) Qalon Narration - فصلت quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
37.3 kB
070 - Al-Ma'arij (The Ways of Ascent) Qalon Narration - المعارج quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
37.1 kB
071 - Nooh (Nooh) Qalon Narration - نوح quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
37.1 kB
046 - Al-Ahqaf (The Curved Sand-hills) Qalon Narration - الأحقاف quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
37.0 kB
066 - At-Tahrim (The Prohibition) Qalon Narration - التحريم quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
36.9 kB
078 - An-Naba' (The Great News) Qalon Narration - النبأ quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
36.5 kB
054 - Al-Qamar (The Moon) Qalon Narration - القمر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
36.3 kB
063 - Al-Munafiqoon (The Hypocrites) Qalon Narration - المنافقون quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
36.1 kB
077 - Al-Mursalat (Those sent forth) Qalon Narration - المرسلات quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
35.9 kB
076 - Al-Insan (Man) Qalon Narration - الإنسان quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
35.6 kB
090 - Al-Balad (The City) Qalon Narration - البلد quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
35.6 kB
096 - Al-'alaq (The Clot) Qalon Narration - العلق quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
35.5 kB
088 - Al-Ghashiya (The Overwhelming) Qalon Narration - الغاشية quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
35.0 kB
083 - Al-Mutaffifin (Those Who Deal in Fraud) Qalon Narration - المطففين quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
34.3 kB
092 - Al-Layl (The Night) Qalon Narration - الليل quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
34.2 kB
085 - Al-Burooj (The Big Stars) Qalon Narration - البروج quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
34.2 kB
081 - At-Takwir (Wound Round & Lost its Light) Qalon Narration - التكوير quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
33.6 kB
098 - Al-Bayyinah (The Clear Evidence) Qalon Narration - البينة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
33.5 kB
097 - Al-Qadr (The Night of Decree) Qalon Narration - القدر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
32.8 kB
093 - Ad-Dhuha (The Forenoon) Qalon Narration - الضحى quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
32.7 kB
082 - Al-Infitar (The Cleaving) Qalon Narration - الانفطار quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
32.4 kB
084 - Al-Inshiqaq (The Splitting Asunder) Qalon Narration - الانشقاق quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
32.3 kB
091 - Ash-Shams (The Sun) Qalon Narration - الشمس quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
31.4 kB
087 - Al-A'la (The Most High) Qalon Narration - الأعلى quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
31.2 kB
100 - Al-'adiyat (Those That Run) Qalon Narration - العاديات quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
31.1 kB
101 - Al-Qari'ah (The Striking Hour) Qalon Narration - القارعة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
30.4 kB
086 - At-Tariq (The Night-Comer) Qalon Narration - الطارق quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
29.6 kB
099 - Az-Zalzalah (The Earthquake) Qalon Narration - الزلزلة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
29.4 kB
001 - Al-Fatihah (The Opening) Qalon Narration - الفاتحة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
28.9 kB
104 - Al-Humazah (The Slanderer) Qalon Narration - الهمزة quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
28.8 kB
102 - At-Takathur (The piling Up) Qalon Narration - التكاثر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
28.6 kB
094 - As-Sharh (The Opening Forth) Qalon Narration - الشرح quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
28.3 kB
103 - Al-Asr (The Time) Qalon Narration - العصر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
27.3 kB
107 - Al-Ma'un (Small Kindnesses) Qalon Narration - الماعون quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
27.0 kB
105 - Al-Fil (The Elephant) Qalon Narration - الفيل quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
26.7 kB
111 - Al-Masad (The Palm Fibre) Qalon Narration - المسد quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
26.6 kB
112 - Al-Ikhlas (The Sincerity) Qalon Narration - الإخلاص quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
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095 - At-Tin (The Fig) Qalon Narration - التين quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
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108 - Al-Kauther (A River in Paradise) Qalon Narration - الكوثر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
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106 - Quraish (Quraish) Qalon Narration - قريش quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
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113 - Al-Falaq (The Daybreak) Qalon Narration - الفلق quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
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110 - An-Nasr (The Help) Qalon Narration - النصر quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
24.7 kB
109 - Al-Kafiroon (The Disbelievers) Qalon Narration - الكافرون quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
23.5 kB
114 - An-Nas (Mankind) Qalon Narration - الناس quran 1 sorah by ibrahim almaghreby .png
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