12 - EXAMPLE 3 Multiple Brokers and Topic with Replication/78 - Observing how messages were stored in the partitions on different brokers English.vtt 3.6 kB
11 - EXAMPLE 2 Kafka Cluster with Multiple Brokers/66 - Getting cluster information and broker details from Zookeeper English.vtt 3.3 kB
10 - EXAMPLE 1 Topic with Multiple Partitions/58 - Reading messages from specific partition English.vtt 3.2 kB
14 - EXAMPLE 5 Performance Testing/94 - Increasing performance test parameters English.vtt 3.1 kB
15 - PROJECT 1 Java/110 - Refactoring Producer by adding previous example English.vtt 3.1 kB
8 - What is Apache Kafka and how it works/42 - Kafka Topic English.vtt 3.0 kB
12 - EXAMPLE 3 Multiple Brokers and Topic with Replication/74 - Preparing for the next example with replication English.vtt 3.0 kB
8 - What is Apache Kafka and how it works/40 - Multiple Kafka clusters English.vtt 2.9 kB
16 - PROJECT 2 Nodejs/121 - Starting up Kafka cluster with 3 brokers English.vtt 2.8 kB
11 - EXAMPLE 2 Kafka Cluster with Multiple Brokers/65 - Launching three brokers English.vtt 2.7 kB
8 - What is Apache Kafka and how it works/36 - Broker English.vtt 2.7 kB
10 - EXAMPLE 1 Topic with Multiple Partitions/55 - Cleaning up existing kafka installation English.vtt 2.6 kB
6 - Creating and exploring Kafka Topic/23 - How to connect to Kafka cluster English.vtt 2.6 kB
8 - What is Apache Kafka and how it works/48 - How Producers write messages to the topic English.vtt 2.6 kB
11 - EXAMPLE 2 Kafka Cluster with Multiple Brokers/68 - Looking at logs folders of every broker English.vtt 2.5 kB
10 - EXAMPLE 1 Topic with Multiple Partitions/61 - Summary for multiple partitions example English.vtt 2.4 kB
1 - Introduction/1 - Lets get connected Join the Learning Community.html 2.4 kB
12 - EXAMPLE 3 Multiple Brokers and Topic with Replication/81 - Bringing back both brokers English.vtt 2.3 kB
13 - EXAMPLE 4 Kafka Consumer Groups/88 - Launching one more consumer in the same group English.vtt 2.3 kB
8 - What is Apache Kafka and how it works/38 - Zookeeper English.vtt 2.3 kB
8 - What is Apache Kafka and how it works/37 - Broker cluster English.vtt 2.2 kB
15 - PROJECT 1 Java/117 - CHALLENGE Subscribe vs Assign with consumer groups English.vtt 2.2 kB