- 种子哈希:ddb40d030d120c6bd7cd102f957b9c9e1f0a11e9
- 文档大小:249.1 MB
- 文档个数:676个文档
- 下载次数:131次
- 下载速度:极快
- 收录时间:2020-02-21
- 最近下载:2024-12-10
- DMCA/屏蔽:DMCA/屏蔽
- TM_Imagination_part1.mp3 9.6 MB
- McKennaRimShots.mp3 7.4 MB
- McKennaRimShots.ogg 6.9 MB
- TM-Evolution_part1.mp3 6.1 MB
- TM_Novelty_part1.mp3 5.4 MB
- Tm_reflectionsOn2012_part2.mp3 5.3 MB
- Tm_reflectionsOn2012_part1.mp3 5.2 MB
- Terence-Ltrack-RockHoundSeeing.mp3 5.1 MB
- Terence-Ltrack-RockHoundSeeing.ogg 4.6 MB
- TM_Imagination_part1.ogg 4.4 MB
- Dennis_terenceHasntRefinedHisIdeasSinceTheInvisibleLandscape_itsBeen25Years.mp3 3.8 MB
- Tm_reflectionsOn2012_part3.mp3 3.6 MB
- 039HowToBecomeDirgible.mp3 3.1 MB
- Bruce_howManMayBeDurgable.mp3 2.9 MB
- TM-Evolution_part1.ogg 2.6 MB
- Tm_reflectionsOn2012_part2.ogg 2.6 MB
- Tm_reflectionsOn2012_part1.ogg 2.5 MB
- NPR-Terence-2012.ogg 2.4 MB
- TM_Novelty_part1.ogg 2.4 MB
- Technology_part1.mp3 2.3 MB
- TheUltimateMineralShow.mp3 2.0 MB
- Dennis_terenceHasntRefinedHisIdeasSinceTheInvisibleLandscape_itsBeen25Years.ogg 2.0 MB
- 040HowWeGotHere.mp3 1.9 MB
- Tm_reflectionsOn2012_part3.ogg 1.8 MB
- Dennis_thatsAnotherAspectOfTerencesPublicGigifYouWillWhichIFindSomewhatDisturbing.mp3 1.8 MB
- NPR-Terence-2012.mp3 1.7 MB
- 118WhatIsReallyGoingOn.ogg 1.7 MB
- Dennis_terencesActIsLikeTheatre_evenHeWouldAdmitToThat_toGetARiseOutOfPeople.mp3 1.7 MB
- 050KeepPsychedelicMemeAlive.mp3 1.6 MB
- Tm_reflectionsOn2012_part4.mp3 1.5 MB
- Bruce_howManMayBeDurgable.ogg 1.5 MB
- 058MushroomIsHuman.mp3 1.5 MB
- 039HowToBecomeDirgible.ogg 1.5 MB
- Bruce_myNameIsTerenceMckenna.mp3 1.4 MB
- 048JewishMushroomPersona.mp3 1.3 MB
- 009CatalystsForThought.mp3 1.3 MB
- 118WhatIsReallyGoingOn.mp3 1.3 MB
- Bruce_allTheseVoicesInTheHead.mp3 1.3 MB
- Bruce_aHyper-dimensionalObjectOfGrecianGoldEnameling.mp3 1.3 MB
- Bruce_weAreNotPrimarilyBiology.mp3 1.2 MB
- HumanHistoryIsTheShockwaveOfSomeGreaterEvent.mp3 1.2 MB
- AnAmorphousCulturalMedium.mp3 1.2 MB
- LanguageShift.mp3 1.1 MB
- TM_Language_part1.mp3 1.1 MB
- TeilhardDeChardin_fullVersion.mp3 1.1 MB
- Technology_part1.ogg 1.0 MB
- PsychedelicsTheIllusionOfLocalLanguage.mp3 1.0 MB
- 050KeepPsychedelicMemeAlive.ogg 1.0 MB
- Triaflop_Ralph_Without love, for example, further evolution is impossible.mp3 999.2 kB
- ThisQuestionIsThereCauseForOptimismItDependsOnWhereYouPlacedYourBets.mp3 995.1 kB
- Dennis_terencesActIsLikeTheatre_evenHeWouldAdmitToThat_toGetARiseOutOfPeople.ogg 989.6 kB
- CantEscapeTheMathematicalImplications.mp3 985.9 kB
- Dennis_andNowHesBigIntoGenXInThe20-30AgeGroupMoreGullibleAndOpenToThisStuff_everyGenerationMustLearnThroughExperience.mp3 970.9 kB
- 004ArePsyPeopleDifferent.mp3 962.2 kB
- Dennis_thatsAnotherAspectOfTerencesPublicGigifYouWillWhichIFindSomewhatDisturbing.ogg 946.9 kB
- Terence-LTrack-Alienation.mp3 946.8 kB
- 058MushroomIsHuman.ogg 921.9 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_By 2002,2003 it will be clear that the bifercation has gone way or another.mp3 914.9 kB
- TheCoreOfTheOyster.mp3 901.6 kB
- Tm_reflectionsOn2012_part4.ogg 899.1 kB
- Triaflop_Ralph and Terence_Terence begins backpeddling with talk of virtual machines composing the AI.mp3 873.6 kB
- 048JewishMushroomPersona.ogg 844.3 kB
- 009CatalystsForThought.ogg 833.4 kB
- TheUltimateMineralShow.ogg 822.1 kB
- IsThereAnyReasonforSmartPeopleToHope.mp3 799.9 kB
- Terence-LTrack-PalenqueIntro.mp3 787.6 kB
- TheMajorAdventureStillLiesAhead.mp3 785.7 kB
- Bruce_myNameIsTerenceMckenna.ogg 783.6 kB
- Bruce_heDidntCheckHisFactsdennis.mp3 782.9 kB
- 037HofmannSomebodyInThere.mp3 779.0 kB
- Terence-LTrack-Alienation.ogg 766.8 kB
- AlwaysTryingToGetAResolution.mp3 762.0 kB
- 006BoundaryDissolvingRevolution.mp3 757.2 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_1_There are yet wierder guests seeking admission to the dinner party (AI intro).mp3 739.7 kB
- Bruce_innocenceIsGoneForUs.mp3 730.4 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_3_We are on the brink of a possible emergence of some kind of alien intelligence of a sort we did not anticipate.mp3 728.5 kB
- 124WodIsACivilRightsIssue.ogg 722.9 kB
- 109ThisIsOurMoment.ogg 709.0 kB
- TheTeetotaller.mp3 689.2 kB
- 040HowWeGotHere.ogg 675.1 kB
- 010ChristianGodIsAnAsshole.mp3 674.6 kB
- Triaflop_Rupert_I%27ve heard different McKenna versions of this controlling intelligence over the years.mp3 672.2 kB
- WhoeverDiscoveredWaterItCertainlyWasntAFish.mp3 663.3 kB
- Bruce_weAreNotPrimarilyBiology.ogg 660.4 kB
- NoOneIsCoordinatingTheImplicationsOfAllThis.mp3 657.7 kB
- Bruce_allTheseVoicesInTheHead.ogg 655.3 kB
- 025FunnyIdeas.mp3 651.9 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_I don%27t realy think of my vision as paranoid_What we have generated is a sympathetic companion to our journey through time.mp3 639.7 kB
- ASingleSpeciesourselvesHasBrokenFromTheOrdinaryConstraintsOfAnimalNatureEpi-geneticWorld.mp3 639.0 kB
- Bruce_aHyper-dimensionalObjectOfGrecianGoldEnameling.ogg 636.0 kB
- 028GaianMind.ogg 634.6 kB
- 002AllAboutChangingMinds.mp3 633.7 kB
- Terence-LTrack-PalenqueIntro.ogg 633.7 kB
- 055MistakeOfTheSixties.mp3 623.6 kB
- SomebodyIsGoingToPutSomethingTogether.mp3 619.7 kB
- HumanHistoryIsTheShockwaveOfSomeGreaterEvent.ogg 619.1 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_6_Just in closing_the great lantern that we must lift_AI.mp3 613.0 kB
- 109ThisIsOurMoment.mp3 604.8 kB
- TeilhardDeChardin_shortVersion.mp3 603.5 kB
- 124WodIsACivilRightsIssue.mp3 602.6 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_And I did say in my little presentation, we are using bicycle mechanic terminology to describe something that is around several corners.mp3 602.2 kB
- HistoryIsTheShockwaveOfEschatology.mp3 596.8 kB
- NatureSeemsToBeInTheBusinessOfBuildingSystemsWhichTranscendThemselves.mp3 581.7 kB
- 016DmtIsAMiracle.mp3 577.4 kB
- 017DmtNotDrugButMagic.mp3 566.9 kB
- AlienMindsWaitingToTrade.mp3 554.7 kB
- 028GaianMind.mp3 552.8 kB
- 049JustShakingLeavesFromOurHair.mp3 551.9 kB
- 004ArePsyPeopleDifferent.ogg 550.5 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_4_Everyday, up in silicon valley, there are people who go happily to work, laboring on what they call the great work.mp3 543.8 kB
- AnAmorphousCulturalMedium.ogg 539.4 kB
- Triaflop_Ralph and Terence_Pick up the newspaper tomorrow and prove me wrong_Ill prove you wrong today.mp3 537.1 kB
- 088ReleaseTheLogosAgain.mp3 529.5 kB
- 077PsychedelicsAsRadicalSolution.ogg 526.5 kB
- TheHourIsLateTheClockIsTicking.mp3 524.7 kB
- TeilhardDeChardin_fullVersion.ogg 524.5 kB
- ThisIsWhyImNotParticularlySympatheticToConspiracyTheory.mp3 524.3 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_5_Wouldnt it be a wonderful thing if the occasion of the millenium_I am now with you_and here is the type of world we should move forwar - Copy.mp3 522.5 kB
- 117WhatAyahuascaIsAbout.ogg 521.2 kB
- Dennis_andNowHesBigIntoGenXInThe20-30AgeGroupMoreGullibleAndOpenToThisStuff_everyGenerationMustLearnThroughExperience.ogg 516.8 kB
- Bruce_munchkinLand.mp3 516.4 kB
- 052LifelongInterestInTranscendental.mp3 512.6 kB
- ACoincidenceIs.mp3 499.9 kB
- Triaflop_Ralph_Without love, for example, further evolution is impossible.ogg 487.1 kB
- CantEscapeTheMathematicalImplications.ogg 486.7 kB
- Triaflop_Ralph and Rupert_More threat than intented_Sometimes it sounds as though you are working for the WTO_I hope the check is in the mail.mp3 485.4 kB
- 020EmpowerPsychedelicExperience.mp3 479.7 kB
- TM_Language_part1.ogg 476.5 kB
- LanguageShift.ogg 476.5 kB
- PsychedelicsTheIllusionOfLocalLanguage.ogg 468.3 kB
- Triaflop_Terence and Rupert_Its trickier then you think and harder to corner then you may suppose_I have to build in traps doors, we are getting closer and closer.mp3 462.1 kB
- 037HofmannSomebodyInThere.ogg 457.4 kB
- 063NoeticArcheologist.ogg 453.8 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_By 2002,2003 it will be clear that the bifercation has gone way or another.ogg 441.9 kB
- ThisQuestionIsThereCauseForOptimismItDependsOnWhereYouPlacedYourBets.ogg 438.7 kB
- 117WhatAyahuascaIsAbout.mp3 438.4 kB
- 098StiffDoseNeeded.mp3 436.7 kB
- 077PsychedelicsAsRadicalSolution.mp3 428.2 kB
- TheCoreOfTheOyster.ogg 426.3 kB
- Triaflop_Ralph and Terence_Terence begins backpeddling with talk of virtual machines composing the AI.ogg 425.8 kB
- 006BoundaryDissolvingRevolution.ogg 423.3 kB
- Triaflop_Ralph_I%27m glad that we have arrived now at the filed of science fiction and fantasy.mp3 423.2 kB
- 098StiffDoseNeeded.ogg 423.1 kB
- 086RedeemHumanHistory.ogg 421.4 kB
- 035HistoricalTemperTantrum.mp3 419.6 kB
- Triaflop_Rupert and Terence_I see the y2k as a culling_what the insiders call it.mp3 419.5 kB
- 010ChristianGodIsAnAsshole.ogg 417.8 kB
- 034HistoricalImpactPsychedelics.mp3 414.5 kB
- 003AnEcologyOfSouls.mp3 406.3 kB
- Bruce_youMustMakeYourOwnExperience.mp3 401.3 kB
- 063NoeticArcheologist.mp3 398.8 kB
- AlwaysTryingToGetAResolution.ogg 398.5 kB
- IfinFactTheNameOfTheGameIsConservationOfNoveltyThenTheHumanEnterpriseTakesOnAWholeNewImportance.mp3 395.8 kB
- WereSummoningStrangeHelpers.mp3 395.8 kB
- 055MistakeOfTheSixties.ogg 392.8 kB
- 002AllAboutChangingMinds.ogg 390.7 kB
- 025FunnyIdeas.ogg 390.4 kB
- Bruce_weCanReleaseThisThingOnceAgain.mp3 389.7 kB
- 086RedeemHumanHistory.mp3 388.5 kB
- Bruce_heDidntCheckHisFactsdennis.ogg 388.4 kB
- 001ACertainUrgency.ogg 386.1 kB
- 071OvercomeCulturalConditioning.mp3 382.2 kB
- Bruce_innocenceIsGoneForUs.ogg 378.5 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_You want to be a prophet, not a false prophet.mp3 372.8 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_1_There are yet wierder guests seeking admission to the dinner party (AI intro).ogg 366.4 kB
- 075PsychedelicAsLifeCenterpiece.ogg 364.6 kB
- ThisIsWhatTheParadigmShiftIsAllAbout.mp3 363.9 kB
- Triaflop_Rupert_I think your case would be much stronger_quantum computing_if it does, itll be much different from anything that youv%27e talked about.mp3 359.9 kB
- 001ACertainUrgency.mp3 359.2 kB
- 113WeAreNotFallenBeings.ogg 358.8 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_3_We are on the brink of a possible emergence of some kind of alien intelligence of a sort we did not anticipate.ogg 356.6 kB
- TheMajorAdventureStillLiesAhead.ogg 356.5 kB
- 051KilledByCowFarts.mp3 355.6 kB
- 061NextWeekGetOnInternet.ogg 353.2 kB
- AUsefulPlaceToBegin.mp3 351.7 kB
- 036HistoryIsAlchemicalEngine.mp3 348.4 kB
- IsThereAnyReasonforSmartPeopleToHope.ogg 347.9 kB
- 061NextWeekGetOnInternet.mp3 342.6 kB
- 016DmtIsAMiracle.ogg 339.5 kB
- 071OvercomeCulturalConditioning.ogg 337.5 kB
- 113WeAreNotFallenBeings.mp3 336.2 kB
- 075PsychedelicAsLifeCenterpiece.mp3 333.0 kB
- NoOneIsCoordinatingTheImplicationsOfAllThis.ogg 328.1 kB
- Triaflop_Rupert_I%27ve heard different McKenna versions of this controlling intelligence over the years.ogg 321.9 kB
- DeeperKnowledgeAboutReality.mp3 321.6 kB
- 084RealityHacking.ogg 316.5 kB
- 052LifelongInterestInTranscendental.ogg 314.8 kB
- 017DmtNotDrugButMagic.ogg 314.3 kB
- Triaflop_Ralph and Rupert_Its a disembodied model, that%27s the problem.mp3 314.0 kB
- 049JustShakingLeavesFromOurHair.ogg 312.7 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_I don%27t realy think of my vision as paranoid_What we have generated is a sympathetic companion to our journey through time.ogg 311.5 kB
- Bruce_youCantBelieveEverythingYouHear.mp3 307.9 kB
- Bruce_munchkinLand.ogg 306.7 kB
- 084RealityHacking.mp3 306.3 kB
- 022FeelingOfBeingIrish.mp3 306.2 kB
- 069OurAssumptions.ogg 302.5 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_6_Just in closing_the great lantern that we must lift_AI.ogg 300.2 kB
- NatureBuildsOnPreviouslyEstablishedLevelsOfComplexity.mp3 298.7 kB
- TheTeetotaller.ogg 298.2 kB
- TeilhardDeChardin_shortVersion.ogg 297.3 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_And I did say in my little presentation, we are using bicycle mechanic terminology to describe something that is around several corners.ogg 291.8 kB
- WhoeverDiscoveredWaterItCertainlyWasntAFish.ogg 290.3 kB
- 069OurAssumptions.mp3 290.1 kB
- 041HowWeirdItIs.mp3 289.4 kB
- LanguageWantsToBeVisual.mp3 289.3 kB
- 121WherePsyHitHardest-Art.mp3 288.0 kB
- 090RobotsDontTakePsychedelics.mp3 287.2 kB
- SomebodyIsGoingToPutSomethingTogether.ogg 285.7 kB
- Terence-LTrack-MercurialEdgeDream.mp3 285.0 kB
- HistoryIsTheShockwaveOfEschatology.ogg 279.9 kB
- ASingleSpeciesourselvesHasBrokenFromTheOrdinaryConstraintsOfAnimalNatureEpi-geneticWorld.ogg 278.2 kB
- Triaflop_Rupert and Terence_The premises on this paranoid fantasy_Thanks for that Ralph_that helped.mp3 274.8 kB
- 015DieWithUnderstanding.mp3 271.6 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_4_Everyday, up in silicon valley, there are people who go happily to work, laboring on what they call the great work.ogg 265.9 kB
- NatureSeemsToBeInTheBusinessOfBuildingSystemsWhichTranscendThemselves.ogg 263.4 kB
- 046ITakeDrugsSeriously.mp3 262.8 kB
- Triaflop_Ralph and Terence_Pick up the newspaper tomorrow and prove me wrong_Ill prove you wrong today.ogg 258.7 kB
- 005BeingIrishNotHardWork.mp3 257.8 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_5_Wouldnt it be a wonderful thing if the occasion of the millenium_I am now with you_and here is the type of world we should move forwar - Copy.ogg 256.4 kB
- MakeThemHearInTheBack.mp3 251.7 kB
- 020EmpowerPsychedelicExperience.ogg 251.5 kB
- AlienMindsWaitingToTrade.ogg 251.1 kB
- 067OrgiesEliminateEgo.mp3 250.4 kB
- 067OrgiesEliminateEgo.ogg 247.4 kB
- 034HistoricalImpactPsychedelics.ogg 244.7 kB
- 019EmergenceNewMentalOrder.mp3 244.1 kB
- 012CoreElementIsFreedom.mp3 238.0 kB
- Terence-LTrack-MercurialEdgeDream.ogg 237.1 kB
- 035HistoricalTemperTantrum.ogg 236.2 kB
- 106TheArtPedal.mp3 236.0 kB
- 057MoreSuitedForDancing.mp3 236.0 kB
- 033HaveYourQuestionsReady.mp3 234.6 kB
- 106TheArtPedal.ogg 233.4 kB
- Triaflop_Ralph and Rupert_More threat than intented_Sometimes it sounds as though you are working for the WTO_I hope the check is in the mail.ogg 233.4 kB
- Bruce_weHaveChanged.mp3 232.0 kB
- ThisIsWhyImNotParticularlySympatheticToConspiracyTheory.ogg 231.0 kB
- 110TimLeary.mp3 230.8 kB
- TheHourIsLateTheClockIsTicking.ogg 229.3 kB
- Bruce_weCanReleaseThisThingOnceAgain.ogg 227.3 kB
- TheHumanWorldIsACatalystForNaturesIntention.mp3 226.9 kB
- 054LsdInThe60s.mp3 225.7 kB
- 101TechnologicalCoralReefs.mp3 225.5 kB
- 121WherePsyHitHardest-Art.ogg 224.5 kB
- 110TimLeary.ogg 224.4 kB
- 032HauntedHouse.mp3 223.7 kB
- 014DemocraticValuesDownDrain.mp3 222.5 kB
- Bruce_gettingHighIsNotAMetaphor.mp3 222.4 kB
- 013CreatingGlobalCulture.mp3 222.0 kB
- 033HaveYourQuestionsReady.ogg 221.5 kB
- Triaflop_Terence and Rupert_Its trickier then you think and harder to corner then you may suppose_I have to build in traps doors, we are getting closer and closer.ogg 221.3 kB
- 003AnEcologyOfSouls.ogg 220.1 kB
- 088ReleaseTheLogosAgain.ogg 217.9 kB
- ACoincidenceIs.ogg 216.0 kB
- 090RobotsDontTakePsychedelics.ogg 215.7 kB
- 101TechnologicalCoralReefs.ogg 211.3 kB
- Bruce_youMustMakeYourOwnExperience.ogg 211.0 kB
- 032HauntedHouse.ogg 208.8 kB
- Triaflop_Ralph_I%27m glad that we have arrived now at the filed of science fiction and fantasy.ogg 204.5 kB
- Triaflop_Rupert and Terence_I see the y2k as a culling_what the insiders call it.ogg 204.5 kB
- 026FutureEndlesslyBright.mp3 204.3 kB
- 024FreelyEvolvingTopology.mp3 203.2 kB
- 027Gaia.mp3 200.3 kB
- 105TheArchaicRevival.mp3 200.3 kB
- Bruce_whenToGoAndWhenNotToGo.mp3 197.0 kB
- 031GotToChangeOurMinds.mp3 195.9 kB
- 023Fifty50YearsToGetActTogehter.mp3 193.2 kB
- 116WeHaveChanged.mp3 192.7 kB
- 123WierdestOneOfAll.mp3 188.9 kB
- 029GettingHigh.mp3 187.3 kB
- 102TellSocietyToFuckOff.mp3 187.1 kB
- 051KilledByCowFarts.ogg 186.3 kB
- 078PsychedelicsHardToTake.mp3 186.1 kB
- WereSummoningStrangeHelpers.ogg 185.2 kB
- 044ImNotAShaman.mp3 184.1 kB
- 096SpeakingInTongues.mp3 183.4 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_You want to be a prophet, not a false prophet.ogg 182.1 kB
- 079PsychedelicsVsReligion.mp3 181.5 kB
- 070OurSpeciesBecomingMorePsyEveryDay.mp3 179.2 kB
- 125WorldBecomingMorePsychedelic.mp3 179.2 kB
- Terence-LTracks-CosmicGiggle.mp3 177.6 kB
- 076PsychedelicsAreOnlyHope.mp3 177.3 kB
- 099TakingPsychedelicsIsExperiment.mp3 174.9 kB
- Triaflop_Rupert_I think your case would be much stronger_quantum computing_if it does, itll be much different from anything that youv%27e talked about.ogg 173.8 kB
- IfinFactTheNameOfTheGameIsConservationOfNoveltyThenTheHumanEnterpriseTakesOnAWholeNewImportance.ogg 173.1 kB
- 112TrustYourselfRejectAuthority.mp3 171.5 kB
- 036HistoryIsAlchemicalEngine.ogg 170.9 kB
- 076PsychedelicsAreOnlyHope.ogg 170.7 kB
- AUsefulPlaceToBegin.ogg 168.7 kB
- 064NoRationalSolutions.mp3 168.2 kB
- 102TellSocietyToFuckOff.ogg 166.2 kB
- 095SocialBreakdownHealthySociety.mp3 165.9 kB
- 081PurposeToHistory.mp3 165.1 kB
- 096SpeakingInTongues.ogg 164.0 kB
- 087Reincarnation.mp3 163.7 kB
- ThisIsWhatTheParadigmShiftIsAllAbout.ogg 163.4 kB
- 123WierdestOneOfAll.ogg 163.4 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_In spite of the fact that it seems very contentious here on the stage, in a way I fell like it%27s an artificial set-up.mp3 163.0 kB
- Triaflop_Rupert_Well I hardly know where to begin myself_you had 6 steps in your argument and I don%27t agree with any of them.mp3 161.8 kB
- 022FeelingOfBeingIrish.ogg 161.0 kB
- 080PsychedelicsWorkedForMe.mp3 160.8 kB
- 070OurSpeciesBecomingMorePsyEveryDay.ogg 158.5 kB
- 125WorldBecomingMorePsychedelic.ogg 157.3 kB
- 099TakingPsychedelicsIsExperiment.ogg 156.6 kB
- 079PsychedelicsVsReligion.ogg 156.4 kB
- DeeperKnowledgeAboutReality.ogg 155.2 kB
- 119WhatPsychedelicMeans.mp3 155.1 kB
- 127WorldSeemsCrazy.mp3 154.3 kB
- 066OnlyShamansCanDeliver.mp3 153.7 kB
- 062NobodyKnowsWhatsGoingOn.mp3 153.3 kB
- Terence-LTracks-CosmicGiggle.ogg 153.1 kB
- Triaflop_Ralph and Rupert_Its a disembodied model, that%27s the problem.ogg 152.5 kB
- 064NoRationalSolutions.ogg 152.3 kB
- 038HowOrdinaryWeAre.mp3 151.8 kB
- Bruce_youCantBelieveEverythingYouHear.ogg 145.8 kB
- Bruce_itSoundsLikeMegalomaniaToMeMartha.mp3 145.7 kB
- 046ITakeDrugsSeriously.ogg 144.1 kB
- 068OriginalSinIsBullshit.mp3 143.7 kB
- 112TrustYourselfRejectAuthority.ogg 143.1 kB
- 094ScrewThePooch.mp3 142.9 kB
- 081PurposeToHistory.ogg 142.4 kB
- 047ItIsTheKindOfGuyIAm.mp3 142.1 kB
- 008CallMeDorothy.mp3 140.2 kB
- 041HowWeirdItIs.ogg 139.9 kB
- 108TheEgo.mp3 138.7 kB
- 095SocialBreakdownHealthySociety.ogg 138.1 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_2_Life can be digitally defined.mp3 136.0 kB
- 015DieWithUnderstanding.ogg 135.6 kB
- 005BeingIrishNotHardWork.ogg 135.3 kB
- Triaflop_Rupert_You probably have an answer, and if not you%27ll soon think of one.mp3 133.9 kB
- 114WeCantPreachToTheHaveNots.mp3 133.8 kB
- NatureBuildsOnPreviouslyEstablishedLevelsOfComplexity.ogg 132.6 kB
- Triaflop_Rupert and Terence_The premises on this paranoid fantasy_Thanks for that Ralph_that helped.ogg 132.2 kB
- 089RightPlaceRightTime.mp3 131.0 kB
- 087Reincarnation.ogg 130.9 kB
- 019EmergenceNewMentalOrder.ogg 129.7 kB
- LanguageWantsToBeVisual.ogg 129.6 kB
- 059MustChangeOurMinds.mp3 129.0 kB
- 103ThankYouForComing.mp3 126.6 kB
- 093ScornForWeirdIdeas.mp3 125.3 kB
- 007ByMagicLaugh.mp3 125.0 kB
- 083Reality.mp3 124.6 kB
- 107TheCruiseIsOver.mp3 124.4 kB
- 091ScienceFiction.mp3 124.3 kB
- 119WhatPsychedelicMeans.ogg 124.2 kB
- 111Travel.mp3 123.6 kB
- 066OnlyShamansCanDeliver.ogg 122.9 kB
- 120WhenTheyComeWithGuns.mp3 122.8 kB
- 062NobodyKnowsWhatsGoingOn.ogg 121.6 kB
- 122WhyDontWeStart.mp3 120.5 kB
- 085RealityIsANaiveConcept.mp3 118.1 kB
- 116WeHaveChanged.ogg 116.7 kB
- 042IdeasDontCutIt.mp3 116.1 kB
- 011ComeInLittleGreenMen.mp3 115.6 kB
- 029GettingHigh.ogg 115.5 kB
- 018DontFeelRejected.mp3 114.9 kB
- Bruce_gettingHighIsNotAMetaphor.ogg 114.9 kB
- 012CoreElementIsFreedom.ogg 113.0 kB
- MakeThemHearInTheBack.ogg 112.9 kB
- 068OriginalSinIsBullshit.ogg 112.9 kB
- 092ScienceIsMinorArt.mp3 111.9 kB
- 013CreatingGlobalCulture.ogg 111.2 kB
- 094ScrewThePooch.ogg 110.5 kB
- 074PopeOfChildrensCrusade.mp3 109.8 kB
- 054LsdInThe60s.ogg 109.4 kB
- TheHumanWorldIsACatalystForNaturesIntention.ogg 109.0 kB
- Bruce_byMagic.mp3 108.6 kB
- 045IrishToast.mp3 107.8 kB
- 057MoreSuitedForDancing.ogg 107.6 kB
- 128YellBullshit.mp3 107.4 kB
- 072Perfection.mp3 107.2 kB
- 065NoveltyIsTheLifeOfParty.mp3 106.5 kB
- Bruce_whenToGoAndWhenNotToGo.ogg 105.4 kB
- 105TheArchaicRevival.ogg 103.9 kB
- 108TheEgo.ogg 103.4 kB
- 021EndOfMySong.mp3 101.7 kB
- 114WeCantPreachToTheHaveNots.ogg 101.2 kB
- 089RightPlaceRightTime.ogg 100.4 kB
- 060NatureLovesCourage.mp3 99.2 kB
- 014DemocraticValuesDownDrain.ogg 99.1 kB
- 080PsychedelicsWorkedForMe.ogg 98.6 kB
- 097SpearCarrier.mp3 98.5 kB
- 059MustChangeOurMinds.ogg 98.1 kB
- 043IfItDoesntSaveTheWorld.mp3 97.4 kB
- 024FreelyEvolvingTopology.ogg 97.4 kB
- 026FutureEndlesslyBright.ogg 97.2 kB
- 082RadicalChange.mp3 95.1 kB
- 111Travel.ogg 93.8 kB
- Bruce_weNeedToControlMeALittleMoreTightly.mp3 92.1 kB
- 100TalkIsCheap.mp3 92.0 kB
- 031GotToChangeOurMinds.ogg 91.3 kB
- 027Gaia.ogg 91.0 kB
- Bruce_weHaveChanged.ogg 90.3 kB
- 126WorldMadeOfMind.mp3 89.5 kB
- 030GodNotRepublican.mp3 88.7 kB
- 073PermissionForHeresy.mp3 87.9 kB
- 103ThankYouForComing.ogg 87.7 kB
- NPR-Terence-BruceDamer.mp3 86.9 kB
- NPR-Terence-SpentLastWeek.mp3 86.9 kB
- 107TheCruiseIsOver.ogg 86.2 kB
- 078PsychedelicsHardToTake.ogg 85.4 kB
- 091ScienceFiction.ogg 84.9 kB
- 056MomentumOfPastError.mp3 84.1 kB
- 023Fifty50YearsToGetActTogehter.ogg 83.7 kB
- 120WhenTheyComeWithGuns.ogg 83.6 kB
- 083Reality.ogg 83.5 kB
- 044ImNotAShaman.ogg 83.5 kB
- 093ScornForWeirdIdeas.ogg 82.6 kB
- 115WeGotThrough.mp3 82.0 kB
- NPR-Terence-SpentLastWeek.ogg 80.8 kB
- NPR-Terence-BruceDamer.ogg 80.8 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_In spite of the fact that it seems very contentious here on the stage, in a way I fell like it%27s an artificial set-up.ogg 79.8 kB
- 122WhyDontWeStart.ogg 79.2 kB
- Bruce_technologyIsTheRealSkinOfOurSpecies.mp3 79.0 kB
- Triaflop_Rupert_Well I hardly know where to begin myself_you had 6 steps in your argument and I don%27t agree with any of them.ogg 78.6 kB
- 085RealityIsANaiveConcept.ogg 75.2 kB
- 042IdeasDontCutIt.ogg 74.7 kB
- Bruce_itSoundsLikeMegalomaniaToMeMartha.ogg 74.7 kB
- 008CallMeDorothy.ogg 74.7 kB
- 104ThatsAllFolks.mp3 74.5 kB
- 018DontFeelRejected.ogg 70.6 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_2_Life can be digitally defined.ogg 68.8 kB
- 092ScienceIsMinorArt.ogg 68.4 kB
- 074PopeOfChildrensCrusade.ogg 67.1 kB
- Triaflop_Rupert_You probably have an answer, and if not you%27ll soon think of one.ogg 67.0 kB
- 072Perfection.ogg 65.0 kB
- 065NoveltyIsTheLifeOfParty.ogg 62.5 kB
- 128YellBullshit.ogg 60.9 kB
- 007ByMagicLaugh.ogg 58.5 kB
- 038HowOrdinaryWeAre.ogg 57.8 kB
- Bruce_byMagic.ogg 56.2 kB
- 047ItIsTheKindOfGuyIAm.ogg 54.1 kB
- 097SpearCarrier.ogg 52.8 kB
- 060NatureLovesCourage.ogg 52.2 kB
- Bruce_weNeedToControlMeALittleMoreTightly.ogg 47.5 kB
- Bruce_andThatsTheTrick.mp3 46.9 kB
- 082RadicalChange.ogg 46.3 kB
- 043IfItDoesntSaveTheWorld.ogg 46.2 kB
- 127WorldSeemsCrazy.ogg 44.9 kB
- Bruce_technologyIsTheRealSkinOfOurSpecies.ogg 44.3 kB
- 100TalkIsCheap.ogg 42.5 kB
- 126WorldMadeOfMind.ogg 41.8 kB
- 011ComeInLittleGreenMen.ogg 39.4 kB
- 030GodNotRepublican.ogg 37.2 kB
- 073PermissionForHeresy.ogg 36.0 kB
- 056MomentumOfPastError.ogg 30.9 kB
- 045IrishToast.ogg 28.9 kB
- 115WeGotThrough.ogg 27.7 kB
- 021EndOfMySong.ogg 25.9 kB
- Bruce_andThatsTheTrick.ogg 24.9 kB
- 104ThatsAllFolks.ogg 19.0 kB
- 118WhatIsReallyGoingOn.png 13.6 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_6_Just in closing_the great lantern that we must lift_AI.png 13.5 kB
- Bruce_weAreNotPrimarilyBiology.png 13.5 kB
- Bruce_howManMayBeDurgable.png 13.4 kB
- Dennis_terenceHasntRefinedHisIdeasSinceTheInvisibleLandscape_itsBeen25Years.png 13.4 kB
- 039HowToBecomeDirgible.png 13.4 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_By 2002,2003 it will be clear that the bifercation has gone way or another.png 13.3 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_I don%27t realy think of my vision as paranoid_What we have generated is a sympathetic companion to our journey through time.png 13.3 kB
- TheUltimateMineralShow.png 13.3 kB
- Bruce_aHyper-dimensionalObjectOfGrecianGoldEnameling.png 13.3 kB
- 071OvercomeCulturalConditioning.png 13.2 kB
- Bruce_myNameIsTerenceMckenna.png 13.2 kB
- AnAmorphousCulturalMedium.png 13.2 kB
- Triaflop_Ralph_Without love, for example, further evolution is impossible.png 13.2 kB
- 109ThisIsOurMoment.png 13.2 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_1_There are yet wierder guests seeking admission to the dinner party (AI intro).png 13.1 kB
- 004ArePsyPeopleDifferent.png 13.1 kB
- Triaflop_Ralph and Terence_Terence begins backpeddling with talk of virtual machines composing the AI.png 13.1 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_4_Everyday, up in silicon valley, there are people who go happily to work, laboring on what they call the great work.png 13.1 kB
- Bruce_innocenceIsGoneForUs.png 13.1 kB
- PsychedelicsTheIllusionOfLocalLanguage.png 13.0 kB
- TM-Evolution_part1.png 13.0 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_And I did say in my little presentation, we are using bicycle mechanic terminology to describe something that is around several corners.png 13.0 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_3_We are on the brink of a possible emergence of some kind of alien intelligence of a sort we did not anticipate.png 13.0 kB
- 009CatalystsForThought.png 13.0 kB
- Triaflop_Rupert_I%27ve heard different McKenna versions of this controlling intelligence over the years.png 13.0 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_5_Wouldnt it be a wonderful thing if the occasion of the millenium_I am now with you_and here is the type of world we should move forwar - Copy.png 13.0 kB
- Dennis_thatsAnotherAspectOfTerencesPublicGigifYouWillWhichIFindSomewhatDisturbing.png 13.0 kB
- 050KeepPsychedelicMemeAlive.png 13.0 kB
- 028GaianMind.png 12.9 kB
- Tm_reflectionsOn2012_part2.png 12.9 kB
- 048JewishMushroomPersona.png 12.9 kB
- 002AllAboutChangingMinds.png 12.9 kB
- Triaflop_Ralph_I%27m glad that we have arrived now at the filed of science fiction and fantasy.png 12.9 kB
- 124WodIsACivilRightsIssue.png 12.9 kB
- Bruce_weCanReleaseThisThingOnceAgain.png 12.9 kB
- Tm_reflectionsOn2012_part4.png 12.8 kB
- 061NextWeekGetOnInternet.png 12.8 kB
- 088ReleaseTheLogosAgain.png 12.8 kB
- 006BoundaryDissolvingRevolution.png 12.8 kB
- Triaflop_Rupert and Terence_I see the y2k as a culling_what the insiders call it.png 12.8 kB
- AlwaysTryingToGetAResolution.png 12.8 kB
- 086RedeemHumanHistory.png 12.7 kB
- 040HowWeGotHere.png 12.7 kB
- 049JustShakingLeavesFromOurHair.png 12.7 kB
- Bruce_allTheseVoicesInTheHead.png 12.6 kB
- 084RealityHacking.png 12.6 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_You want to be a prophet, not a false prophet.png 12.6 kB
- 075PsychedelicAsLifeCenterpiece.png 12.6 kB
- Triaflop_Rupert_I think your case would be much stronger_quantum computing_if it does, itll be much different from anything that youv%27e talked about.png 12.6 kB
- Bruce_munchkinLand.png 12.6 kB
- IsThereAnyReasonforSmartPeopleToHope.png 12.6 kB
- Triaflop_Ralph and Terence_Pick up the newspaper tomorrow and prove me wrong_Ill prove you wrong today.png 12.6 kB
- TM_Novelty_part1.png 12.5 kB
- ThisQuestionIsThereCauseForOptimismItDependsOnWhereYouPlacedYourBets.png 12.5 kB
- 058MushroomIsHuman.png 12.5 kB
- TheMajorAdventureStillLiesAhead.png 12.5 kB
- Tm_reflectionsOn2012_part3.png 12.5 kB
- Triaflop_Ralph and Rupert_More threat than intented_Sometimes it sounds as though you are working for the WTO_I hope the check is in the mail.png 12.4 kB
- TheCoreOfTheOyster.png 12.4 kB
- HistoryIsTheShockwaveOfEschatology.png 12.4 kB
- Terence-LTrack-Alienation.png 12.4 kB
- TM_Imagination_part1.png 12.4 kB
- 067OrgiesEliminateEgo.png 12.4 kB
- 016DmtIsAMiracle.png 12.3 kB
- 069OurAssumptions.png 12.3 kB
- Triaflop_Ralph and Rupert_Its a disembodied model, that%27s the problem.png 12.3 kB
- 117WhatAyahuascaIsAbout.png 12.3 kB
- ASingleSpeciesourselvesHasBrokenFromTheOrdinaryConstraintsOfAnimalNatureEpi-geneticWorld.png 12.3 kB
- LanguageShift.png 12.2 kB
- TM_Language_part1.png 12.2 kB
- 063NoeticArcheologist.png 12.2 kB
- Triaflop_Terence and Rupert_Its trickier then you think and harder to corner then you may suppose_I have to build in traps doors, we are getting closer and closer.png 12.2 kB
- 055MistakeOfTheSixties.png 12.1 kB
- 077PsychedelicsAsRadicalSolution.png 12.1 kB
- 098StiffDoseNeeded.png 12.1 kB
- SomebodyIsGoingToPutSomethingTogether.png 12.1 kB
- 010ChristianGodIsAnAsshole.png 11.9 kB
- Triaflop_Rupert and Terence_The premises on this paranoid fantasy_Thanks for that Ralph_that helped.png 11.9 kB
- Terence-LTrack-PalenqueIntro.png 11.9 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_In spite of the fact that it seems very contentious here on the stage, in a way I fell like it%27s an artificial set-up.png 11.9 kB
- TheHourIsLateTheClockIsTicking.png 11.9 kB
- 037HofmannSomebodyInThere.png 11.8 kB
- TheTeetotaller.png 11.8 kB
- Bruce_weHaveChanged.png 11.8 kB
- ACoincidenceIs.png 11.8 kB
- 025FunnyIdeas.png 11.8 kB
- 020EmpowerPsychedelicExperience.png 11.8 kB
- NatureSeemsToBeInTheBusinessOfBuildingSystemsWhichTranscendThemselves.png 11.8 kB
- Bruce_youMustMakeYourOwnExperience.png 11.8 kB
- 116WeHaveChanged.png 11.8 kB
- 095SocialBreakdownHealthySociety.png 11.8 kB
- HumanHistoryIsTheShockwaveOfSomeGreaterEvent.png 11.7 kB
- 001ACertainUrgency.png 11.7 kB
- Bruce_heDidntCheckHisFactsdennis.png 11.7 kB
- Technology_part1.png 11.6 kB
- AlienMindsWaitingToTrade.png 11.6 kB
- Triaflop_Rupert_Well I hardly know where to begin myself_you had 6 steps in your argument and I don%27t agree with any of them.png 11.6 kB
- 121WherePsyHitHardest-Art.png 11.5 kB
- McKennaRimShots.png 11.5 kB
- 033HaveYourQuestionsReady.png 11.5 kB
- 052LifelongInterestInTranscendental.png 11.5 kB
- 076PsychedelicsAreOnlyHope.png 11.4 kB
- 029GettingHigh.png 11.4 kB
- Dennis_terencesActIsLikeTheatre_evenHeWouldAdmitToThat_toGetARiseOutOfPeople.png 11.4 kB
- 090RobotsDontTakePsychedelics.png 11.3 kB
- 123WierdestOneOfAll.png 11.3 kB
- 113WeAreNotFallenBeings.png 11.3 kB
- NPR-Terence-2012.png 11.2 kB
- 079PsychedelicsVsReligion.png 11.2 kB
- Terence-Ltrack-RockHoundSeeing.png 11.1 kB
- 051KilledByCowFarts.png 11.1 kB
- Bruce_whenToGoAndWhenNotToGo.png 11.1 kB
- 106TheArtPedal.png 11.1 kB
- ThisIsWhyImNotParticularlySympatheticToConspiracyTheory.png 11.1 kB
- 110TimLeary.png 11.1 kB
- DeeperKnowledgeAboutReality.png 11.1 kB
- 087Reincarnation.png 11.1 kB
- 101TechnologicalCoralReefs.png 11.1 kB
- WereSummoningStrangeHelpers.png 11.1 kB
- Bruce_gettingHighIsNotAMetaphor.png 11.0 kB
- 030GodNotRepublican.png 11.0 kB
- CantEscapeTheMathematicalImplications.png 10.9 kB
- Triaflop_Rupert_You probably have an answer, and if not you%27ll soon think of one.png 10.9 kB
- 046ITakeDrugsSeriously.png 10.9 kB
- 023Fifty50YearsToGetActTogehter.png 10.8 kB
- 102TellSocietyToFuckOff.png 10.8 kB
- AUsefulPlaceToBegin.png 10.8 kB
- Dennis_andNowHesBigIntoGenXInThe20-30AgeGroupMoreGullibleAndOpenToThisStuff_everyGenerationMustLearnThroughExperience.png 10.8 kB
- 070OurSpeciesBecomingMorePsyEveryDay.png 10.8 kB
- 081PurposeToHistory.png 10.8 kB
- 115WeGotThrough.png 10.8 kB
- TeilhardDeChardin_fullVersion.png 10.8 kB
- 125WorldBecomingMorePsychedelic.png 10.7 kB
- Tm_reflectionsOn2012_part1.png 10.7 kB
- 093ScornForWeirdIdeas.png 10.6 kB
- 032HauntedHouse.png 10.6 kB
- 096SpeakingInTongues.png 10.6 kB
- 034HistoricalImpactPsychedelics.png 10.6 kB
- IfinFactTheNameOfTheGameIsConservationOfNoveltyThenTheHumanEnterpriseTakesOnAWholeNewImportance.png 10.6 kB
- WhoeverDiscoveredWaterItCertainlyWasntAFish.png 10.6 kB
- 014DemocraticValuesDownDrain.png 10.5 kB
- 083Reality.png 10.5 kB
- NatureBuildsOnPreviouslyEstablishedLevelsOfComplexity.png 10.4 kB
- 035HistoricalTemperTantrum.png 10.3 kB
- 066OnlyShamansCanDeliver.png 10.3 kB
- 114WeCantPreachToTheHaveNots.png 10.3 kB
- 017DmtNotDrugButMagic.png 10.3 kB
- 045IrishToast.png 10.3 kB
- 062NobodyKnowsWhatsGoingOn.png 10.3 kB
- Bruce_itSoundsLikeMegalomaniaToMeMartha.png 10.3 kB
- 119WhatPsychedelicMeans.png 10.3 kB
- 112TrustYourselfRejectAuthority.png 10.3 kB
- 043IfItDoesntSaveTheWorld.png 10.2 kB
- Terence-LTrack-MercurialEdgeDream.png 10.2 kB
- 085RealityIsANaiveConcept.png 10.2 kB
- 015DieWithUnderstanding.png 10.2 kB
- 104ThatsAllFolks.png 10.1 kB
- 103ThankYouForComing.png 10.1 kB
- 038HowOrdinaryWeAre.png 10.0 kB
- Triaflop_Terence_2_Life can be digitally defined.png 10.0 kB
- 091ScienceFiction.png 10.0 kB
- TeilhardDeChardin_shortVersion.png 9.9 kB
- 089RightPlaceRightTime.png 9.9 kB
- 005BeingIrishNotHardWork.png 9.8 kB
- ThisIsWhatTheParadigmShiftIsAllAbout.png 9.8 kB
- 057MoreSuitedForDancing.png 9.8 kB
- Bruce_byMagic.png 9.8 kB
- 011ComeInLittleGreenMen.png 9.7 kB
- 094ScrewThePooch.png 9.7 kB
- 105TheArchaicRevival.png 9.7 kB
- 003AnEcologyOfSouls.png 9.6 kB
- 080PsychedelicsWorkedForMe.png 9.6 kB
- Bruce_weNeedToControlMeALittleMoreTightly.png 9.6 kB
- 022FeelingOfBeingIrish.png 9.6 kB
- 007ByMagicLaugh.png 9.6 kB
- 054LsdInThe60s.png 9.6 kB
- 108TheEgo.png 9.4 kB
- 111Travel.png 9.4 kB
- Bruce_youCantBelieveEverythingYouHear.png 9.4 kB
- 013CreatingGlobalCulture.png 9.4 kB
- 026FutureEndlesslyBright.png 9.4 kB
- 099TakingPsychedelicsIsExperiment.png 9.4 kB
- LanguageWantsToBeVisual.png 9.2 kB
- NoOneIsCoordinatingTheImplicationsOfAllThis.png 9.1 kB
- 073PermissionForHeresy.png 9.0 kB
- 078PsychedelicsHardToTake.png 8.9 kB
- 059MustChangeOurMinds.png 8.8 kB
- 047ItIsTheKindOfGuyIAm.png 8.8 kB
- 019EmergenceNewMentalOrder.png 8.8 kB
- 042IdeasDontCutIt.png 8.8 kB
- Terence-LTracks-CosmicGiggle.png 8.8 kB
- 044ImNotAShaman.png 8.7 kB
- 128YellBullshit.png 8.7 kB
- 120WhenTheyComeWithGuns.png 8.7 kB
- 024FreelyEvolvingTopology.png 8.7 kB
- Bruce_technologyIsTheRealSkinOfOurSpecies.png 8.7 kB
- 008CallMeDorothy.png 8.7 kB
- 031GotToChangeOurMinds.png 8.6 kB
- 056MomentumOfPastError.png 8.6 kB
- 064NoRationalSolutions.png 8.4 kB
- 082RadicalChange.png 8.3 kB
- 018DontFeelRejected.png 8.3 kB
- 107TheCruiseIsOver.png 8.3 kB
- Bruce_andThatsTheTrick.png 8.3 kB
- 036HistoryIsAlchemicalEngine.png 8.1 kB
- 097SpearCarrier.png 8.1 kB
- 092ScienceIsMinorArt.png 8.0 kB
- 065NoveltyIsTheLifeOfParty.png 8.0 kB
- 041HowWeirdItIs.png 7.9 kB
- 074PopeOfChildrensCrusade.png 7.9 kB
- 100TalkIsCheap.png 7.9 kB
- NPR-Terence-BruceDamer.png 7.7 kB
- NPR-Terence-SpentLastWeek.png 7.7 kB
- 127WorldSeemsCrazy.png 7.7 kB
- 012CoreElementIsFreedom.png 7.7 kB
- 122WhyDontWeStart.png 7.5 kB
- 027Gaia.png 7.5 kB
- 068OriginalSinIsBullshit.png 7.4 kB
- TheHumanWorldIsACatalystForNaturesIntention.png 7.3 kB
- MakeThemHearInTheBack.png 7.2 kB
- 126WorldMadeOfMind.png 7.2 kB
- 021EndOfMySong.png 7.0 kB
- 060NatureLovesCourage.png 6.9 kB
- 072Perfection.png 6.8 kB
- TerenceMcKennaRimShots_meta.xml 1.4 kB