Theun Mares - This Darned Elusive Happiness, The Quest for Maleness, Unveil the Mysteries of the Female (The Toltec Teachings. Volume III)- 2005.doc 15.5 MB
Theun Mares - Return of the Warriors (The Toltec Teachings. Volume I) - 1995.pdf 4.4 MB
Theun Mares - Cry of the Eagle (The Toltec Teachings. Volume II) - 1997.pdf 3.5 MB
Theun Mares - The Mists of Dragon Lore (The Toltec Teachings. Volume IV) - 1998.pdf 2.8 MB
Theun Mares - Shadows of Wolf Fire (The Toltec Teachings. Volume V) - 2002.pdf 1.7 MB