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- 2. Beginner PostgreSQL Downloading & Installing + Preparing Airlines Database/3.1 Airlines.sql 103.9 MB
- 11. Intermediate Sub-queries & Common Table Expression in SQL/2. SQL Sub-query + EXISTS, ANY OR ALL.mp4 94.7 MB
- 12. Advanced PostgreSQL Math & Window functions/3. Window Functions RANK() + OVER() & NTILE() + OVER().mp4 72.2 MB
- 11. Intermediate Sub-queries & Common Table Expression in SQL/3. Common Table Expression.mp4 64.0 MB
- 10. Intermediate SQL Joins/1. INNER JOIN.mp4 55.6 MB
- 1. Introduction/1. Course Intro.mp4 54.6 MB
- 6. Beginner SQL Basics Part 3/1. LIMIT & ORDER BY.mp4 54.1 MB
- 14. Advanced Other SQL Functions/1. GROUPING SETS(), ROLLUP(), CUBE().mp4 53.1 MB
- 5. Beginner SQL Basics Part 2/1. Where Clause.mp4 52.1 MB
- 12. Advanced PostgreSQL Math & Window functions/4. Window Functions OVER() + LEAD().mp4 45.7 MB
- 10. Intermediate SQL Joins/2. Joins Types Overview.mp4 43.7 MB
- 5. Beginner SQL Basics Part 2/5. (Where Clause + BETWEEN & IN) & AS.mp4 43.6 MB
- 13. Advanced PostgreSQL String Functions/3. PostgreSQL LEFT(), RIGHT(), BTRIM() & SPLIT_PART() Functions.mp4 42.1 MB
- 12. Advanced PostgreSQL Math & Window functions/1. Math Functions.mp4 41.8 MB
- 11. Intermediate Sub-queries & Common Table Expression in SQL/1. Sub-queries.mp4 40.7 MB
- 9. Intermediate SQL Time Data management/3. DATE_TRUNC() & DATE_PART().mp4 40.6 MB
- 10. Intermediate SQL Joins/6. FULL OUTER JOIN.mp4 39.8 MB
- 13. Advanced PostgreSQL String Functions/5. PostgreSQL LOWER(), UPPER() & INITCAP() Functions.mp4 39.8 MB
- 4. Beginner SQL Basics Part 1/1. Select Statement.mp4 38.5 MB
- 10. Intermediate SQL Joins/8. UNION, UNION ALL, INTERSECT & EXCEPT.mp4 38.1 MB
- 14. Advanced Other SQL Functions/2. SELECT Statement + INTO & SELECT Statement + INTO + IN.mp4 37.5 MB
- 13. Advanced PostgreSQL String Functions/2. STRPOS() & REPLACE() in PostgreSQL.mp4 36.9 MB
- 13. Advanced PostgreSQL String Functions/4. PostgreSQL CONCAT Function.mp4 35.2 MB
- 5. Beginner SQL Basics Part 2/2. Operators used with Where Clause.mp4 33.5 MB
- 6. Beginner SQL Basics Part 3/5. CAST.mp4 32.2 MB
- 12. Advanced PostgreSQL Math & Window functions/5. Window Functions OVER() + LAG().mp4 32.1 MB
- 9. Intermediate SQL Time Data management/1. Overview of Time Functions in PostgreSQL.mp4 32.0 MB
- 4. Beginner SQL Basics Part 1/3. Select Statement For all Airlines Database Tables.mp4 31.4 MB
- 8. Intermediate SQL Conditional/1. CASE Clause in SQL.mp4 30.6 MB
- 6. Beginner SQL Basics Part 3/3. NOT IN.mp4 29.9 MB
- 10. Intermediate SQL Joins/3. LEFT OUTER JOIN.mp4 29.1 MB
- 14. Advanced Other SQL Functions/3. VIEW().mp4 28.2 MB
- 7. Intermediate SQL Aggregations/1. COUNT( ) Function, CREATE TABLE & INSERT INTO TABLE.mp4 27.1 MB
- 12. Advanced PostgreSQL Math & Window functions/2. Window Functions OVER().mp4 27.0 MB
- 9. Intermediate SQL Time Data management/2. TIMESTAMP EXTRACT().mp4 26.6 MB
- 5. Beginner SQL Basics Part 2/4. Where Clause + LIKE.mp4 26.1 MB
- 8. Intermediate SQL Conditional/2. NULLIF() Function in SQL.mp4 25.6 MB
- 8. Intermediate SQL Conditional/3. COALESCE() Function in SQL.mp4 25.5 MB
- 10. Intermediate SQL Joins/4. Deep understanding of LEFT JOIN.mp4 23.8 MB
- 6. Beginner SQL Basics Part 3/2. FETCH vs LIMIT.mp4 23.6 MB
- 6. Beginner SQL Basics Part 3/4. ISNULL & IS NOT NULL.mp4 23.1 MB
- 10. Intermediate SQL Joins/10. USING.mp4 22.9 MB
- 2. Beginner PostgreSQL Downloading & Installing + Preparing Airlines Database/1. SQL PostgreSQL Down and install.mp4 22.4 MB
- 10. Intermediate SQL Joins/5. RIGHT OUTER JOIN.mp4 21.6 MB
- 9. Intermediate SQL Time Data management/4. Double Column + DATE IN PostgreSQL & CURRENT_DATE & now( ).mp4 20.6 MB
- 13. Advanced PostgreSQL String Functions/1. PostgreSQL POSITION Function.mp4 20.3 MB
- 3. Beginner Database Airlines Overview/2. SQL Database Overview Part 2.mp4 19.7 MB
- 10. Intermediate SQL Joins/7. CROSS JOIN.mp4 19.4 MB
- 4. Beginner SQL Basics Part 1/2. Select Challenge Solution.mp4 19.3 MB
- 10. Intermediate SQL Joins/9. SELF JOIN.mp4 19.0 MB
- 5. Beginner SQL Basics Part 2/3. Where Clause + AND & Where Clause + OR.mp4 18.0 MB
- 10. Intermediate SQL Joins/11. NATURAL JOIN.mp4 15.6 MB
- 7. Intermediate SQL Aggregations/4. GROUP BY & HAVING.mp4 15.2 MB
- 4. Beginner SQL Basics Part 1/4. Distinct.mp4 12.3 MB
- 3. Beginner Database Airlines Overview/3. SQL Data Types.mp4 11.6 MB
- 7. Intermediate SQL Aggregations/3. MIN( ) , MAX( ) & AVG( ) Functions.mp4 11.4 MB
- 2. Beginner PostgreSQL Downloading & Installing + Preparing Airlines Database/3. SQL Restore.mp4 11.1 MB
- 3. Beginner Database Airlines Overview/1. SQL Database Overview Part 1.mp4 9.1 MB
- 2. Beginner PostgreSQL Downloading & Installing + Preparing Airlines Database/2. PostgreSQL Database creation.mp4 7.0 MB
- 7. Intermediate SQL Aggregations/2. SUM( ) Function.mp4 6.6 MB
- 10. Intermediate SQL Joins/2. Joins Types 10.6 kB
- 11. Intermediate Sub-queries & Common Table Expression in SQL/2. SQL Sub-query + EXISTS, ANY OR 9.1 kB
- 11. Intermediate Sub-queries & Common Table Expression in SQL/3. Common Table 8.4 kB
- 6. Beginner SQL Basics Part 3/1. LIMIT & ORDER 7.9 kB
- 9. Intermediate SQL Time Data management/3. DATE_TRUNC() & DATE_PART().srt 7.6 kB
- 5. Beginner SQL Basics Part 2/1. Where 7.2 kB
- 10. Intermediate SQL Joins/1. INNER 6.7 kB
- 17. Bonus Section/1. Thank you.html 6.6 kB
- 4. Beginner SQL Basics Part 1/1. Select 6.1 kB
- 10. Intermediate SQL Joins/8. UNION, UNION ALL, INTERSECT & 6.0 kB
- 11. Intermediate Sub-queries & Common Table Expression in SQL/1. 5.9 kB
- 12. Advanced PostgreSQL Math & Window functions/4. Window Functions OVER() + LEAD().srt 5.5 kB
- 13. Advanced PostgreSQL String Functions/3. PostgreSQL LEFT(), RIGHT(), BTRIM() & SPLIT_PART() 5.5 kB
- 5. Beginner SQL Basics Part 2/4. Where Clause + 5.4 kB
- 10. Intermediate SQL Joins/6. FULL OUTER 5.4 kB
- 5. Beginner SQL Basics Part 2/5. (Where Clause + BETWEEN & IN) & 5.4 kB
- 1. Introduction/1. Course 5.3 kB
- 12. Advanced PostgreSQL Math & Window functions/3. Window Functions RANK() + OVER() & NTILE() + OVER().srt 5.0 kB
- 14. Advanced Other SQL Functions/1. GROUPING SETS(), ROLLUP(), CUBE().srt 4.9 kB
- 7. Intermediate SQL Aggregations/1. COUNT( ) Function, CREATE TABLE & INSERT INTO 4.8 kB
- 3. Beginner Database Airlines Overview/2. SQL Database Overview Part 4.6 kB
- 14. Advanced Other SQL Functions/3. VIEW().srt 4.5 kB
- 5. Beginner SQL Basics Part 2/2. Operators used with Where 4.5 kB
- 6. Beginner SQL Basics Part 3/5. 4.3 kB
- 8. Intermediate SQL Conditional/1. CASE Clause in 4.3 kB
- 12. Advanced PostgreSQL Math & Window functions/1. Math 4.2 kB
- 12. Advanced PostgreSQL Math & Window functions/5. Window Functions OVER() + LAG().srt 4.2 kB
- 10. Intermediate SQL Joins/3. LEFT OUTER 4.1 kB
- 13. Advanced PostgreSQL String Functions/2. STRPOS() & REPLACE() in 4.0 kB
- 6. Beginner SQL Basics Part 3/3. NOT 4.0 kB
- 8. Intermediate SQL Conditional/2. NULLIF() Function in 4.0 kB
- 14. Advanced Other SQL Functions/2. SELECT Statement + INTO & SELECT Statement + INTO + 4.0 kB
- 9. Intermediate SQL Time Data management/4. Double Column + DATE IN PostgreSQL & CURRENT_DATE & now( ).srt 3.5 kB
- 5. Beginner SQL Basics Part 2/3. Where Clause + AND & Where Clause + 3.5 kB
- 13. Advanced PostgreSQL String Functions/5. PostgreSQL LOWER(), UPPER() & INITCAP() 3.4 kB
- 10. Intermediate SQL Joins/4. Deep understanding of LEFT 3.3 kB
- 13. Advanced PostgreSQL String Functions/4. PostgreSQL CONCAT 3.3 kB
- 10. Intermediate SQL Joins/5. RIGHT OUTER 3.2 kB
- 13. Advanced PostgreSQL String Functions/1. PostgreSQL POSITION 3.1 kB
- 12. Advanced PostgreSQL Math & Window functions/2. Window Functions OVER().srt 3.0 kB
- 9. Intermediate SQL Time Data management/2. TIMESTAMP EXTRACT().srt 2.9 kB
- 2. Beginner PostgreSQL Downloading & Installing + Preparing Airlines Database/1. SQL PostgreSQL Down and 2.9 kB
- 6. Beginner SQL Basics Part 3/2. FETCH vs 2.8 kB
- 4. Beginner SQL Basics Part 1/2. Select Challenge 2.7 kB
- 6. Beginner SQL Basics Part 3/4. ISNULL & IS NOT 2.7 kB
- 3. Beginner Database Airlines Overview/1. SQL Database Overview Part 2.7 kB
- 10. Intermediate SQL Joins/9. SELF 2.6 kB
- 8. Intermediate SQL Conditional/3. COALESCE() Function in 2.6 kB
- 10. Intermediate SQL Joins/7. CROSS 2.3 kB
- 7. Intermediate SQL Aggregations/3. MIN( ) , MAX( ) & AVG( ) 2.3 kB
- 10. Intermediate SQL Joins/10. 2.2 kB
- 7. Intermediate SQL Aggregations/4. GROUP BY & 2.2 kB
- 9. Intermediate SQL Time Data management/1. Overview of Time Functions in 2.2 kB
- 4. Beginner SQL Basics Part 1/4. 2.0 kB
- 10. Intermediate SQL Joins/11. NATURAL 1.9 kB
- 4. Beginner SQL Basics Part 1/3. Select Statement For all Airlines Database 1.8 kB
- 15. Lots of SQL Challenges/16. Solution.html 1.7 kB
- 16. Final Exam/8. Solution.html 1.6 kB
- 2. Beginner PostgreSQL Downloading & Installing + Preparing Airlines Database/2. PostgreSQL Database 1.5 kB
- 2. Beginner PostgreSQL Downloading & Installing + Preparing Airlines Database/3. SQL 1.4 kB
- 3. Beginner Database Airlines Overview/3. SQL Data 1.3 kB
- 15. Lots of SQL Challenges/8. Solution.html 1.2 kB
- 15. Lots of SQL Challenges/2. Solution.html 1.2 kB
- 15. Lots of SQL Challenges/22. Solution.html 1.2 kB
- 15. Lots of SQL Challenges/10. Solution.html 1.1 kB
- 7. Intermediate SQL Aggregations/2. SUM( ) 1.0 kB
- 16. Final Exam/2. Solution.html 948 Bytes
- 15. Lots of SQL Challenges/12. Solution.html 863 Bytes
- 15. Lots of SQL Challenges/14. Solution.html 805 Bytes
- 15. Lots of SQL Challenges/24. Solution.html 750 Bytes
- 15. Lots of SQL Challenges/26. Solution.html 696 Bytes
- 15. Lots of SQL Challenges/4. Solution.html 687 Bytes
- 15. Lots of SQL Challenges/7. Challenge(4).html 685 Bytes
- 16. Final Exam/10. Solution.html 681 Bytes
- 15. Lots of SQL Challenges/20. Solution.html 569 Bytes
- 15. Lots of SQL Challenges/3. Challenge(2).html 515 Bytes
- 15. Lots of SQL Challenges/15. Challenge(8).html 496 Bytes
- 15. Lots of SQL Challenges/9. Challenge(5).html 471 Bytes
- 16. Final Exam/12. Solution.html 458 Bytes
- 16. Final Exam/6. Solution.html 389 Bytes
- 16. Final Exam/4. Solution.html 384 Bytes
- 15. Lots of SQL Challenges/25. Challenge(13).html 333 Bytes
- 15. Lots of SQL Challenges/21. Challenge(11).html 329 Bytes
- 15. Lots of SQL Challenges/19. Challenge(10).html 304 Bytes
- 15. Lots of SQL Challenges/18. Solution.html 252 Bytes
- 15. Lots of SQL Challenges/1. Challenge(1).html 249 Bytes
- 15. Lots of SQL Challenges/11. Challenge(6).html 217 Bytes
- 15. Lots of SQL Challenges/13. Challenge(7).html 184 Bytes
- 16. Final Exam/3. Final Exam Quiz 2.html 180 Bytes
- 16. Final Exam/1. Final Exam Quiz 1.html 169 Bytes
- 15. Lots of SQL Challenges/6. Solution.html 168 Bytes
- 16. Final Exam/11. Final Exam Quiz 6.html 158 Bytes
- 15. Lots of SQL Challenges/5. Challenge(3).html 133 Bytes
- 16. Final Exam/7. Final Exam Quiz 4.html 128 Bytes
- 16. Final Exam/9. Final Exam Quiz 5.html 128 Bytes
- 0. Websites you may like/[].url 127 Bytes
- 0. Websites you may like/[CourseClub.Me].url 122 Bytes
- 15. Lots of SQL Challenges/17. Challenge(9).html 112 Bytes
- 15. Lots of SQL Challenges/23. Challenge(12).html 76 Bytes
- 16. Final Exam/5. Final Exam Quiz 3.html 66 Bytes
- 0. Websites you may like/[GigaCourse.Com].url 49 Bytes