[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - Interactive Python Dashboards with Plotly and Dash
4.1 GB
1. Course Introduction/4. Installation Overview.mp4
156.8 MB
7. Interactive Components/4. Multiple Outputs.mp4
156.8 MB
12. Deployment/2. Deploying App to Heroku.mp4
151.7 MB
2. Introduction to Data Basics/2. NumPy Crash Course.mp4
145.5 MB
3. Plotly Basics/22. Heatmaps.mp4
142.0 MB
7. Interactive Components/3. Multiple Inputs.mp4
140.9 MB
9. Interacting with Visualizations/1. Hover Over Data.mp4
128.1 MB
3. Plotly Basics/2. Scatter Plots.mp4
126.8 MB
7. Interactive Components/2. Dash Callbacks for Graphs.mp4
123.6 MB
9. Interacting with Visualizations/5. Updating Graphs on Interactions Part 2.mp4
121.5 MB
11. Live Updating/2. Simple Live Update Example.mp4
115.0 MB
9. Interacting with Visualizations/3. Selection Data.mp4
106.1 MB
6. DashBoard Components/3. Core Components.mp4
102.3 MB
4. Dash Basics - Layout/4. Converting Simple Plotly Plot to Dashboard with Dash.mp4
91.8 MB
3. Plotly Basics/10. Bubble Plots.mp4
89.5 MB
2. Introduction to Data Basics/3. Pandas Crash Course.mp4
88.4 MB
4. Dash Basics - Layout/2. Dash Layouts - Part One.mp4
88.1 MB
3. Plotly Basics/7. Bar Charts.mp4
86.9 MB
7. Interactive Components/1. Single Callbacks for Interactivity.mp4
79.2 MB
8. Callbacks with State/1. Controlling Callbacks with Dash State.mp4
77.6 MB
9. Interacting with Visualizations/6. Updating Graphs on Interactions - Part Three.mp4
76.5 MB
3. Plotly Basics/3. Line Charts.mp4
74.5 MB
3. Plotly Basics/4. Line Charts Part Two.mp4
73.9 MB
3. Plotly Basics/13. Box Plots.mp4
71.8 MB
4. Dash Basics - Layout/3. Dash Layouts - Part Two - Styling.mp4
69.6 MB
10. Code Along Milestone Project/5. Milestone Project Part Four - Adding DatePickers for Choosing Dates.mp4
68.5 MB
9. Interacting with Visualizations/4. Updating Graphs on Interactions.mp4
66.6 MB
6. DashBoard Components/2. HTML Components.mp4
64.7 MB
3. Plotly Basics/19. Distplots.mp4
63.5 MB
10. Code Along Milestone Project/7. Milestone Project Part Six - Multiple Stock Option Dropdown.mp4
63.0 MB
1. Course Introduction/1. Course Overview.mp4
62.1 MB
1. Course Introduction/3. Overview of Notes and Guidebook.mp4
53.3 MB
7. Interactive Components/6. Interactive Components Exercise Solution.mp4
51.6 MB
2. Introduction to Data Basics/1. Plotly and Dash Overview.mp4
51.0 MB
11. Live Updating/1. Layout Updating.mp4
49.5 MB
3. Plotly Basics/6. Line Charts Exercise - Solution Code Along.mp4
48.0 MB
2. Introduction to Data Basics/5. NumPyPandas Practice Exercise Solution.mp4
42.1 MB
5. DashBoard Exercise/2. Simple Dashboard Exercise Solution.mp4
41.9 MB
3. Plotly Basics/16. Histograms.mp4
39.2 MB
12. Deployment/1. App Authorization.mp4
38.9 MB
3. Plotly Basics/1. Plotly Basics Overview.mp4
38.8 MB
10. Code Along Milestone Project/6. Milestone Project Part Five - Adding in Dash State.mp4
33.3 MB
3. Plotly Basics/5. Line Charts Exercise.mp4
32.0 MB
10. Code Along Milestone Project/4. Milestone Project Part Three - Reading Data with Pandas Datareader.mp4
32.0 MB
3. Plotly Basics/9. Bar Charts Exercise - Solution.mp4
30.2 MB
3. Plotly Basics/21. DistPlots Exercise Solution.mp4
28.4 MB
3. Plotly Basics/12. Bubble Charts Exercise Solution.mp4
27.5 MB
3. Plotly Basics/15. Box Plots Exercise Solution.mp4
27.1 MB
10. Code Along Milestone Project/1. Code Along Milestone Project Overview.mp4
25.9 MB
10. Code Along Milestone Project/3. Milestone Project Part Two - Input Box and Basic Callback.mp4
23.9 MB
6. DashBoard Components/5. Using Help() with Dash.mp4
23.6 MB
4. Dash Basics - Layout/1. Introduction to Dash Basics.mp4
23.5 MB
6. DashBoard Components/4. Markdown with Dash.mp4
21.8 MB
5. DashBoard Exercise/1. Exercise Create a Simple Dashboard.mp4
21.7 MB
3. Plotly Basics/18. Histograms Exercise Solution.mp4
19.3 MB
3. Plotly Basics/8. Bar Charts Exercise.mp4
18.9 MB
2. Introduction to Data Basics/4. Exercise NumPyPandas Practice.mp4
18.8 MB
10. Code Along Milestone Project/2. Milestone Project Part One - Imports and Graph Setup.mp4
18.8 MB
3. Plotly Basics/24. Heatmaps Exercise Solution.mp4
16.9 MB
3. Plotly Basics/20. DistPlots Exercise.mp4
14.4 MB
9. Interacting with Visualizations/2. Click Data.mp4
11.5 MB
3. Plotly Basics/14. Box Plots Exercise.mp4
11.3 MB
7. Interactive Components/5. Exercise Interactive Components.mp4
11.3 MB
3. Plotly Basics/23. Heatmaps Exercise.mp4
10.2 MB
6. DashBoard Components/1. Dash Components.mp4
8.9 MB
3. Plotly Basics/11. Bubble Charts Exercise.mp4
8.4 MB
3. Plotly Basics/17. Histograms Exercise.mp4
6.1 MB
1. Course Introduction/4. Installation Overview.srt
31.9 kB
7. Interactive Components/3. Multiple Inputs.srt
31.7 kB
7. Interactive Components/4. Multiple Outputs.srt
31.0 kB
9. Interacting with Visualizations/1. Hover Over Data.srt
30.7 kB
12. Deployment/2. Deploying App to Heroku.srt
28.7 kB
3. Plotly Basics/22. Heatmaps.srt
28.2 kB
3. Plotly Basics/2. Scatter Plots.srt
26.9 kB
9. Interacting with Visualizations/5. Updating Graphs on Interactions Part 2.srt
25.2 kB
2. Introduction to Data Basics/2. NumPy Crash Course.srt
24.9 kB
9. Interacting with Visualizations/3. Selection Data.srt
24.5 kB
7. Interactive Components/2. Dash Callbacks for Graphs.srt
23.5 kB
2. Introduction to Data Basics/3. Pandas Crash Course.srt
23.3 kB
6. DashBoard Components/3. Core Components.srt
22.7 kB
4. Dash Basics - Layout/4. Converting Simple Plotly Plot to Dashboard with Dash.srt
22.4 kB
3. Plotly Basics/10. Bubble Plots.srt
22.2 kB
11. Live Updating/2. Simple Live Update Example.srt
21.4 kB
3. Plotly Basics/13. Box Plots.srt
20.2 kB
4. Dash Basics - Layout/2. Dash Layouts - Part One.srt
20.0 kB
7. Interactive Components/1. Single Callbacks for Interactivity.srt
18.6 kB
3. Plotly Basics/7. Bar Charts.srt
18.6 kB
8. Callbacks with State/1. Controlling Callbacks with Dash State.srt
17.4 kB
9. Interacting with Visualizations/4. Updating Graphs on Interactions.srt
16.8 kB
6. DashBoard Components/2. HTML Components.srt
16.0 kB
3. Plotly Basics/19. Distplots.srt
15.5 kB
3. Plotly Basics/3. Line Charts.srt
15.4 kB
9. Interacting with Visualizations/6. Updating Graphs on Interactions - Part Three.srt
15.4 kB
1. Course Introduction/1. Course Overview.srt
15.2 kB
3. Plotly Basics/4. Line Charts Part Two.srt
15.1 kB
4. Dash Basics - Layout/3. Dash Layouts - Part Two - Styling.srt
14.5 kB
10. Code Along Milestone Project/5. Milestone Project Part Four - Adding DatePickers for Choosing Dates.srt
13.5 kB
3. Plotly Basics/16. Histograms.srt
12.6 kB
11. Live Updating/1. Layout Updating.srt
12.6 kB
7. Interactive Components/6. Interactive Components Exercise Solution.srt
12.5 kB
10. Code Along Milestone Project/7. Milestone Project Part Six - Multiple Stock Option Dropdown.srt
12.4 kB
2. Introduction to Data Basics/1. Plotly and Dash Overview.srt
11.2 kB
12. Deployment/1. App Authorization.srt
11.0 kB
3. Plotly Basics/6. Line Charts Exercise - Solution Code Along.srt
9.7 kB
10. Code Along Milestone Project/1. Code Along Milestone Project Overview.srt
8.5 kB
10. Code Along Milestone Project/4. Milestone Project Part Three - Reading Data with Pandas Datareader.srt
8.4 kB
5. DashBoard Exercise/2. Simple Dashboard Exercise Solution.srt
7.8 kB
1. Course Introduction/3. Overview of Notes and Guidebook.srt
7.5 kB
3. Plotly Basics/5. Line Charts Exercise.srt
7.0 kB
2. Introduction to Data Basics/5. NumPyPandas Practice Exercise Solution.srt
6.8 kB
10. Code Along Milestone Project/6. Milestone Project Part Five - Adding in Dash State.srt
6.6 kB
3. Plotly Basics/1. Plotly Basics Overview.srt
6.6 kB
5.9 kB
10. Code Along Milestone Project/3. Milestone Project Part Two - Input Box and Basic Callback.srt
5.7 kB
6. DashBoard Components/5. Using Help() with Dash.srt
5.6 kB
3. Plotly Basics/15. Box Plots Exercise Solution.srt
5.6 kB
3. Plotly Basics/9. Bar Charts Exercise - Solution.srt
5.6 kB
7. Interactive Components/5. Exercise Interactive Components.srt
5.5 kB
5. DashBoard Exercise/1. Exercise Create a Simple Dashboard.srt
5.4 kB
3. Plotly Basics/8. Bar Charts Exercise.srt
5.4 kB
4. Dash Basics - Layout/1. Introduction to Dash Basics.srt
5.4 kB
3. Plotly Basics/12. Bubble Charts Exercise Solution.srt
5.3 kB
10. Code Along Milestone Project/2. Milestone Project Part One - Imports and Graph Setup.srt
4.8 kB
2. Introduction to Data Basics/4. Exercise NumPyPandas Practice.srt
4.5 kB
3. Plotly Basics/21. DistPlots Exercise Solution.srt
4.5 kB
3. Plotly Basics/20. DistPlots Exercise.srt
4.1 kB
6. DashBoard Components/4. Markdown with Dash.srt
3.9 kB
3. Plotly Basics/18. Histograms Exercise Solution.srt
3.3 kB
3. Plotly Basics/24. Heatmaps Exercise Solution.srt
2.9 kB
9. Interacting with Visualizations/2. Click Data.srt
2.9 kB
3. Plotly Basics/23. Heatmaps Exercise.srt
2.8 kB
3. Plotly Basics/14. Box Plots Exercise.srt
2.7 kB
3. Plotly Basics/11. Bubble Charts Exercise.srt
2.3 kB
1. Course Introduction/2. Course FAQ.html
2.2 kB
6. DashBoard Components/1. Dash Components.srt
2.1 kB
3. Plotly Basics/17. Histograms Exercise.srt
1.7 kB
1. Course Introduction/1.1 Full Guidebook for Course.html
157 Bytes
1. Course Introduction/3.1 Extra Guidebook on Public Datasets Information.html
157 Bytes
1. Course Introduction/3.3 Full Guidebook for Course.html
157 Bytes
10. Code Along Milestone Project/1.1 Guidebook for Milestone Project.html
157 Bytes
1. Course Introduction/1.2 Github for Notes.html
120 Bytes
1. Course Introduction/3.2 GitHub for Notes.html
120 Bytes
51 Bytes
48 Bytes
4.3 GB
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