9. API Gateway Pattern and AWS Api Gateway/1. Introduction to Api Gateway Pattern.mp4 118.4 MB
7. Command and Query Segregation (CQRS) Pattern/2. What is CQRS.mp4 115.0 MB
7. Command and Query Segregation (CQRS) Pattern/4. Publishing a message to AWS SNS with ASP.Net Core..mp4 113.9 MB
8. Logging for Microservices/7. Showing the list of advertisements using AWS Cloudfront.mp4 111.0 MB
5. Eventual Consistency and Compensating Transactions/6. Checking the health of Microservices. Adding health-check endpoints to Advert Ap.mp4 110.8 MB
11. Microservice Discovery/4. Tools and deployment models of a discovery service.mp4 106.6 MB
5. Eventual Consistency and Compensating Transactions/8. Uploading advertisement images to AWS S3.mp4 102.4 MB
3. Building Our First Microservices/6. Five key attributes of a well-design Microservice.mp4 101.9 MB
5. Eventual Consistency and Compensating Transactions/2. Sharing data models between a Microservice and its client using Nuget.mp4 101.7 MB
12. Continuous Integration and Delivery (CICD) for Microservices/3. Building a Docker Image and Uploading it to Amazon Elastic Container Service.mp4 100.7 MB
6. Creating Resilient Service Clients with HttpClientFactory/1. HttpClientFactory How it helps with building resilient service clients.mp4 96.2 MB
6. Creating Resilient Service Clients with HttpClientFactory/3. Exponential Back Off and Circuit Breaker Patterns.mp4 92.4 MB
4. Authentication for ASP.NET Core websites with AWS Cognito/2. Configuring AWS Cognito.mp4 88.3 MB
12. Continuous Integration and Delivery (CICD) for Microservices/4. Launching Docker containers with AWS Elastic Container Services (ECS).mp4 85.8 MB
11. Microservice Discovery/3. Generating API Clients (SDK) from Swagger.mp4 80.4 MB
11. Microservice Discovery/1. Introduction to Service Discovery and common discovery tools.mp4 77.0 MB
9. API Gateway Pattern and AWS Api Gateway/5. Setup Amazon Web Application Firewall for API Gateway APIs.mp4 74.8 MB
9. API Gateway Pattern and AWS Api Gateway/4. Exposing a private API to the public Internet using Api Gateway VPC Link.mp4 72.1 MB
8. Logging for Microservices/2. Creating the AWS Logging Stack with Cognito + Kibana and Cloud Watch.mp4 69.9 MB
11. Microservice Discovery/6. Self-registering ASP.NET Core services using C#.mp4 69.7 MB
8. Logging for Microservices/4. Logging application logs to AWS Cloud Watch.mp4 69.0 MB
8. Logging for Microservices/6. Implementing the Search Page with Search Api.mp4 66.8 MB
3. Building Our First Microservices/3. Solution Architecture of Web Advertisement Project.mp4 65.0 MB
4. Authentication for ASP.NET Core websites with AWS Cognito/3. Setup AWS Credentials + Create and Clone a GitHub Repo.mp4 61.5 MB
11. Microservice Discovery/7. Discovering services with Cloud Map and C#.mp4 60.6 MB
5. Eventual Consistency and Compensating Transactions/5. Create and publish Nuget packages with .Net Core to share models.mp4 59.6 MB
11. Microservice Discovery/5. Register a Microservice instance with AWS Cloud Map.mp4 54.2 MB
8. Logging for Microservices/3. Search API Microservice.mp4 54.0 MB
12. Continuous Integration and Delivery (CICD) for Microservices/2. Introduction to Docker and AWS Elastic Container Service.mp4 51.5 MB
4. Authentication for ASP.NET Core websites with AWS Cognito/1. Authenticating users.mp4 46.0 MB
9. API Gateway Pattern and AWS Api Gateway/2. What is AWS Api Gateway.mp4 44.5 MB
1. Introduction/1. Introduction.mp4 42.9 MB
12. Continuous Integration and Delivery (CICD) for Microservices/6. Building and Deploying Docker Images to ECS with JetBrain TeamCity.mp4 40.9 MB
9. API Gateway Pattern and AWS Api Gateway/3. Creating a reverse proxy API using AWS Api Gateway for a Public API.mp4 35.9 MB
7. Command and Query Segregation (CQRS) Pattern/7. Running Web Advertisement web application.mp4 30.3 MB
3. Building Our First Microservices/1. Web Advertising System Vision and Requirements.mp4 27.2 MB
12. Continuous Integration and Delivery (CICD) for Microservices/5. CICD Tooling Options for Microservices and Docker.mp4 26.0 MB
13. Further Studies/1. Thank you and congratulations!.mp4 9.0 MB
3. Building Our First Microservices/1.1 Web Advertising Project Requirements.pdf.pdf 104.6 kB
4. Authentication for ASP.NET Core websites with AWS Cognito/4. Sign up with AWS Cognito and ASP.Net MVC Core.vtt 27.6 kB
12. Continuous Integration and Delivery (CICD) for Microservices/1. Introduction to CICD for Microservices.vtt 22.1 kB
2. Introduction to Microservices/5. Scaling Cube and Microservices.vtt 20.6 kB
5. Eventual Consistency and Compensating Transactions/3. Building Advert Api Microservice. Using Automapper in Asp.net Core MVC.vtt 19.7 kB
2. Introduction to Microservices/3. Microservices and Object Oriented Design Principles.vtt 18.5 kB
7. Command and Query Segregation (CQRS) Pattern/5. Creating SearchWorker AWS Lambda with ElasticSearch service.vtt 17.8 kB
5. Eventual Consistency and Compensating Transactions/7. Deploying Advert Api to sandbox server.vtt 16.6 kB
12. Continuous Integration and Delivery (CICD) for Microservices/4. Launching Docker containers with AWS Elastic Container Services (ECS).vtt 16.0 kB
8. Logging for Microservices/1. Introduction to Logging and Microservices.vtt 16.0 kB
6. Creating Resilient Service Clients with HttpClientFactory/4. Implementing Back Off and Circuit Breaker patterns with HttpClientFactory.vtt 15.7 kB
10. Securing Microservice APIs/1. Securing Web APIs with Json Web Token (Jwt) and AWS Cognito.vtt 15.7 kB
7. Command and Query Segregation (CQRS) Pattern/6. Finishing Search Worker micro service. Storing advertisement in ElasticSearch.vtt 15.4 kB
5. Eventual Consistency and Compensating Transactions/1. Eventual Consistency and Compensating Transactions.vtt 14.8 kB
4. Authentication for ASP.NET Core websites with AWS Cognito/6. Sign in with AWS Cognito and ASP.Net MVC Core.vtt 14.7 kB
4. Authentication for ASP.NET Core websites with AWS Cognito/5. Confirm Email Addresses.vtt 14.7 kB
7. Command and Query Segregation (CQRS) Pattern/1. Domain Driven Design and Microservices.vtt 14.5 kB
12. Continuous Integration and Delivery (CICD) for Microservices/3. Building a Docker Image and Uploading it to Amazon Elastic Container Service.vtt 13.6 kB
6. Creating Resilient Service Clients with HttpClientFactory/2. Building a service client for Advert Api with HttpClientFactory.vtt 13.4 kB
7. Command and Query Segregation (CQRS) Pattern/3. Messages, Events and Fan Out design pattern.vtt 13.4 kB
5. Eventual Consistency and Compensating Transactions/4. Building Advert Api Microservice. Part 2.vtt 13.4 kB