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Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption/Data/Audio/SFX/sfx3d_non_localized.meg
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Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/patch.meg
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Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption/LaunchEAWX.exe
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Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption/swfoc.exe
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Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption/Data/Audio/SFX/sfx2d_non_localized.meg
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Star Wars Empire at War/Manuals/Star_Wars_Empire_at_War_Manual.pdf
5.5 MB
Star Wars Empire at War/Manuals/Star_Wars_Empire_at_War_Manual_En.pdf
5.5 MB
Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption/Manuals/Star_Wars_Empire_at_War_Forces_of_Corruption_Manual.pdf
5.5 MB
Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption/Manuals/Star_Wars_Empire_at_War_Forces_of_Corruption_Manual_En.pdf
5.5 MB
Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption/EAWXLauncher.exe
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Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/Text/mastertextfile_english.dat
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Star Wars Empire at War/Manuals/Star_Wars_Empire_at_War_Trouble.rtf
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Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption/Manuals/Star_Wars_Empire_at_War_Forces_of_Corruption_Trouble_En.rtf
1.4 MB
Star Wars Empire at War/Manuals/Star_Wars_Empire_at_War_Trouble_En.rtf
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413.7 kB
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Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption/binkw32.dll
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Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption/setup.inx
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Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption/MCELaunch.exe
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Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/MCELaunch.exe
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Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption/StubUpdate.exe
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Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption/click.WAV
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Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption/main.wav
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Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption/hover.WAV
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Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/MaterialSets/default_arctic.tem
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Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/MaterialSets/kesselset.tem
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Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/MaterialSets/default_volcanic.tem
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Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/MaterialSets/default_desert.tem
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Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/MaterialSets/urbanset.tem
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Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/MaterialSets/swampset.tem
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Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/MaterialSets/default_swamp.tem
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Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/eaw.ico
4.7 kB
Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption/Install/strings/english/launcher.tab
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Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Recordings/demo_attract_geo_space.rec
4.2 kB
Star Wars Empire at War/Install/strings/english/Launcher.tab
4.1 kB
3.2 kB
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Recordings/front_end_demo_attract.rec
2.3 kB
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Recordings/demo_attract_desert_land.rec
2.3 kB
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Recordings/demo_attract_alderaan_land.rec
2.0 kB
1.9 kB
Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption/Install/strings/english/setup.ini
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Star Wars Empire at War/Install/strings/english/setup.ini
1.2 kB
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Recordings/bench_land.rec
1.0 kB
Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption/Install/Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption.mcl
1.0 kB
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Recordings/bench_space.rec
1.0 kB
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Recordings/demo_attract_geo_space_old.rec
939 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War/Install/Star Wars Empire at War.mcl
849 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/megafiles.xml
763 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/EnvironmentSets/testenvironmentset.tee
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Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption/Data/megafiles.xml
606 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/acclamator_assault_ship.txt
422 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/nebulon_b_frigate.txt
422 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/alliance_assault_frigate.txt
404 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/star_destroyer.txt
404 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/interdictor_cruiser.txt
400 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/victory_destroyer.txt
386 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/EnvironmentSets/default_space_lighting.tee
359 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/EnvironmentSets/default_temperate.tee
356 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/marauder_missile_cruiser.txt
354 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/EnvironmentSets/default_volcanic.tee
354 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/EnvironmentSets/default_swamp.tee
352 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/EnvironmentSets/default_arctic.tee
347 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/broadside_class_cruiser.txt
346 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/EnvironmentSets/default_desert.tee
345 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/corellian_corvette.txt
344 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/EnvironmentSets/default_forest.tee
341 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/tartan_patrol_cruiser.txt
338 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/corellian_gunboat.txt
330 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/calamari_cruiser.txt
328 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Data/EnvironmentSets/space_lighting.tee
306 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption/Install/appendex.txt
290 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption/Install/regions.txt
228 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption/Install/strings/english/Product.tab
187 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War/Install/strings/english/Product.tab
165 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Recordings/cam_calamari_cruiser_die.rec
135 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Recordings/cam_atat_glory01.rec
86 Bytes
Star Wars Empire at War/GameData/Recordings/cam_homeone_die.rec
82 Bytes
2 확장 플레이.bat
79 Bytes
73 Bytes
1 원본 플레이.bat
71 Bytes
1.9 GB
1.4 GB
LucasArts Adevnture Games Collection V2
15.6 GB
Lucasarts Games
462.6 MB
LucasArts - Outlaws (Collector's Edition, 1997)
1.4 GB
LucasArts - Outlaws
1.3 GB
Coinops NEXT - LucasArts Remastered
13.1 GB
2.6 GB
LucasArts Adventure Games Collection V3
24.2 GB
LucasArts Outlaws
1.4 GB
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic - Collection...
6.2 GB
The LucasArts Archives
4.5 GB