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- On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin/On the origin of species (first edition).pdf 96.5 MB
- The World as Will and Representation - Arthur Schopenhauer, 2 volumes-Dover Publications (1966).pdf 55.0 MB
- Gargantua and Pantagruel/Gargantua and Pantagruel by Francois Rabelais.pdf 53.2 MB
- The Principia Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy - Isaac Newton, I. Bernard Cohen, Anne Whitman, Julia Budenz.pdf 52.9 MB
- Quran/Quran-English.pdf 45.2 MB
- Hebrew Bible/Hebrew Bible, vol.2 Published 1894.djvu 43.9 MB
- An enquiry concerning political justice - Godwin, William.pdf 42.5 MB
- Avesta - Karl Friedrich Geldner .pdf 40.4 MB
- The Mind and Society by Vilfredo Pareto/The mind and society Pareto, Vilfredo, vol. 4.pdf 39.8 MB
- On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres/On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres - Nicolaus Copernicus.pdf 37.5 MB
- Hebrew Bible/Tanakh.pdf 36.7 MB
- The Mind and Society by Vilfredo Pareto/The mind and society Pareto, Vilfredo, vol. 3.pdf 36.6 MB
- Leviathan/Leviathan - Thomas Hobbes, Oxford University Press (1998).pdf 34.3 MB
- Experiments on Plant Hybridization - Gregor Mendel.pdf 33.7 MB
- Hebrew Bible/Hebrew Bible, vol.1 Published 1894.djvu 31.4 MB
- Critique of Pure Reason/Critique of Pure Reason.pdf 31.3 MB
- On War - Clausewitz, Carl von Princeton University Press (2008).pdf 30.3 MB
- The Mind and Society by Vilfredo Pareto/The mind and society Pareto, Vilfredo, vol. 1.pdf 30.3 MB
- Dhammapada/dhammapada_illustrated.pdf 27.4 MB
- A treatise on electricity and magnetism - Maxwell, James Clerk, vol. 1,2/James Clerk Maxwell-A Treatise On Electricity and Magnetism.. Vol.1-Dover Publications Inc (1954).pdf 24.2 MB
- The second sex Simone de Beauvoir/Simone de Beauvoir-The second sex-Vintage Books (1989).pdf 23.6 MB
- The Mind and Society by Vilfredo Pareto/The mind and society Pareto, Vilfredo, vol. 2.pdf 23.6 MB
- A treatise on electricity and magnetism - Maxwell, James Clerk, vol. 1,2/James Clerk Maxwell-A Treatise On Electricity and Magnetism.. Vol.2-Dover Publications Inc (1954).pdf 22.5 MB
- Hippocrates works/Hippocrates works, vol. 4 Published 1923.pdf 21.7 MB
- The lives of the noble Grecians and Romans - Plutarch, Thomas North, Heritage Press (1941).pdf 21.6 MB
- The structure of scientific revolutions - Thomas S. Kuhn, University of Chicago Press (1996).pdf 21.2 MB
- First Principles - Herbert Spencer Cambridge University Press (2009).pdf 20.5 MB
- New Science - Vico Giambattista.pdf 19.3 MB
- The Phenomenology of mind/The phenomenology of mind Hegel, vol. 2.pdf 19.0 MB
- Summa Theologica - Aquinas St.Thomas, Christian Classics (1981).pdf 18.4 MB
- Institutes of the Christian Religion - John Calvin/Institutes of the Christian Religion - John Calvin-Calvin, Volume 1 Westminster John Knox Press (1960).pdf 18.1 MB
- Herodotus - The Histories of Herodotus/Herodotus - The Histories of Herodotus .djvu 18.1 MB
- An Essay on the Principle of Population/An Essay on the Principle of Population - Thomas Robert Malthus vol. 1.pdf 18.1 MB
- Common Sense - Paine Thomas/Common Sense - Paine Thomas, (1918).pdf 18.1 MB
- The Republic by Plato - Raymond Larson, Eva T. H. Brann.pdf 18.0 MB
- Either Or by Soren Kierkegaard (epud)/(Kierkegaard's Writings) Soren Kierkegaard & Howard V. Hong & Edna H. Hong-Either Or, Part I-Princeton University Press (1987).epub 18.0 MB
- Hippocrates works/Hippocrates works, vol. 3 Published 1923.pdf 17.9 MB
- Euclids Elements/Thomas L. Heath, Euclid The Thirteen Books of the Elements, Vol. 3 Books 10-13.pdf 17.6 MB
- Either Or by Soren Kierkegaard (epud)/(Kierkegaard's Writings) Soren Kierkegaard-Either Or, Part II-Princeton University Press (1987).epub 17.5 MB
- An Essay on the Principle of Population/An Essay on the Principle of Population - Thomas Robert Malthus vol. 2.pdf 17.5 MB
- Essays Montaigne Michel/Michel de Montaigne, John M. Cohen, John M. Cohen-Montaigne_ Essays-Penguin Books (1993).pdf 17.3 MB
- Gargantua and Pantagruel/Gargantua and Pantagruel.pdf 17.0 MB
- Institutes of the Christian Religion - John Calvin/Institutes of the Christian Religion - John Calvin-Calvin, Volume 2 Westminster John Knox Press (1960).pdf 16.7 MB
- On the Nature of Things - Titus Lucretius Carus, Translated by Martin Ferguson Smith .pdf 15.9 MB
- Quran/quran_arabic_uthmani_1_pdf.pdf 15.8 MB
- Euclids Elements/Thomas L. Heath, Euclid The Thirteen Books of the Elements, Vol. 2 Books 3-9.pdf 15.7 MB
- Hippocrates works/Hippocrates works, vol. 1 Published 1923.pdf 15.6 MB
- Meditations/Marcus Aurelius (Emperor of Rome), Martin Hammond, Diskin Clay-Meditations -Penguin Books (2006).pdf 15.6 MB
- First Folio/William Shakespeare - Complete works. Reprinted from the first folio vol. 4.pdf 14.9 MB
- The Aeneid/Virgil, translated by Allen Mandelbaum The Aeneid of Virgil .pdf 14.9 MB
- First Folio/William Shakespeare - Complete works. Reprinted from the first folio vol. 1.pdf 14.8 MB
- Hippocrates works/Hippocrates works, vol. 2 Published 1923.pdf 14.8 MB
- First Folio/William Shakespeare - Complete works. Reprinted from the first folio vol. 3.pdf 14.6 MB
- First Folio/William Shakespeare - Complete works. Reprinted from the first folio vol. 2.pdf 14.2 MB
- Works of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz .pdf 14.1 MB
- Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems—Ptolemaic & Copernican - Galileo Galilei, University of California Press (1967).pdf 13.9 MB
- Euclids Elements/Euclid, Sir Thomas Little Heath The thirteen books of Euclids Elements, Vol 1 Books 1-2 .pdf 13.8 MB
- Pragmatism - James William/Pragmatism - James William.pdf 12.5 MB
- The Phenomenology of mind/The phenomenology of mind Hegel, vol. 1.pdf 12.4 MB
- Critique of Pure Reason/Immanuel Kant, Werner S. Pluhar, Patricia W. Kitcher-Critique of Pure Reason-Hackett Pub Co (1996).pdf 12.4 MB
- The Upanishads/upanishads01ml.djvu 10.0 MB
- Pilgrim's Progress/Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan.pdf 9.5 MB
- Sextus Empiricus-Outlines of Scepticism.pdf 9.5 MB
- Kabbalah - Scholem Gershom, MERIDIAN BOOK (1983).pdf 9.4 MB
- The Upanishads/upanishads02ml.djvu 9.4 MB
- The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Edward Gibbon, (Vol.1 - 6) (2001).pdf 9.0 MB
- Meditations/Meditations - Marcus Aurelius, Translated by John Jackson .pdf 8.9 MB
- Enneads _ Plotinus/Enneads _ Plotinus.pdf 8.9 MB
- I-ching or Book of Changes/Legge1899.djvu 8.9 MB
- Homer/The Iliad/The Iliad.pdf 8.4 MB
- Beelzebub's Tales to his Grandson/Beelzebub's Tales to his Grandson - G. I. Gurdjieff, Penguin (Non-Classics) (1999).pdf 8.4 MB
- An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, by John Locke/An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, by John Locke.pdf 8.4 MB
- The holy Bible old and new testaments, King James Version.pdf 8.3 MB
- A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge/A treatise concerning the principles of human knowledge by Berkeley George, 1865-1932 ed.pdf 8.2 MB
- The praise of folly - Erasmus, Desiderius, (Helen Mary).pdf 8.0 MB
- Beelzebub's Tales to his Grandson/Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson - G. I. Gurdjieff, Tarcher (2006).pdf 8.0 MB
- Being and Nothingness - Jean-Paul Sartre, Washington Square Press (1993).djvu 7.9 MB
- Beyond Freedom and Dignity - B. F. Skinner, Penguin Books (1971).pdf 7.9 MB
- War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy, Oxford University Press (2010).pdf 7.1 MB
- Pensees/Pensees - Pascal's[Oxford World's Classics].pdf 7.0 MB
- The Harmony of the World - Johannes Kepler, American Philosophical Society (1997).djvu 6.8 MB
- Candide - Voltaire, (Dover Thrift Editions)-Dover Publications (1991).pdf 6.7 MB
- The History of the Peloponnesian War.pdf 6.6 MB
- The Feminine - Betty Friedan/Betty Friedan-The Feminine Mystique-Dell (1977).djvu 6.5 MB
- Psychological Types - C. G. Jung, Princeton University Press (1976).pdf 6.3 MB
- The Complete Works of Aristotle/The Complete Works of Aristotle - The Revised Oxford Translation Vol. 1.pdf 6.2 MB
- The Guide for the Perplexed - Moses Maimonides, translated by M. Friedlander-Dover Publications (1904).pdf 6.1 MB
- Reflections on the Revolution in France - Edmund Burke .pdf 5.8 MB
- The Complete Works of Aristotle/The Complete Works of Aristotle - The Revised Oxford Translation Vol. 2.pdf 5.6 MB
- Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels/Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, International Publishers Co. (1948).pdf 4.6 MB
- Homer/Homer - The Odyssey - tr._Robert_Fagles_The_Odyssey.pdf 4.5 MB
- The Interpretation of Dreams - Sigmund Freud, Basic Books (2010).pdf 4.3 MB
- The logic of scientific discovery - Karl Popper, Routledge (2002).pdf 4.3 MB
- The Wealth of Nations/The Wealth of Nations - Smith Adam.pdf 4.2 MB
- Allegorical Expositions of the Holy Laws.pdf 4.2 MB
- Syntactic Structures - Noam Chomsky de Gruyter Mouton (2002).pdf 4.0 MB
- A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge/Principles of Human Knowledge and Three Dialogues - George Berkeley, Oxford University Press, USA (1999).pdf 4.0 MB
- Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes.pdf 3.8 MB
- The second sex Simone de Beauvoir/The second sex Simone de Beauvoir.pdf 3.8 MB
- The Tao Te Ching/Tao Te Ching by Lao Tsu.pdf 3.6 MB
- Essays Montaigne Michel/Montaigne Michel de-Essays .pdf 3.5 MB
- A Dictionary of the English Language - Samuel Johnson, Anthology-Penguin Classics (2007).epub 3.4 MB
- Philosophical Investigations - Ludwig Wittgenstein/Philosophical Investigations - Ludwig Wittgenstein, Wiley-Blackwell (2009).pdf 3.2 MB
- The Hippocratic Corpus - Elizabeth M. Craik - Content and Context.pdf 2.8 MB
- The Aeneid/Virgil, Frederick Ahl Translator The Aeneid Oxford Worlds Classics.pdf 2.7 MB
- Enneads _ Plotinus/Plotinus - Enneads.pdf 2.4 MB
- The Annals - Tacitus/The Annals - Cornelius Tacitus, Anthony A. Barrett, J. C. Yardley.pdf 2.4 MB
- An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, by John Locke/An Essay Concerning Human Understanding -John Locke, Pennsylvania State University (1999).pdf 2.3 MB
- Homer/The Iliad/Green, Peter; Homerus The Iliad A New Translation by Peter Green.pdf 2.2 MB
- The Annals - Tacitus/The Annals - Tacitus, A. J. Woodman, A. J. Woodman.pdf 2.2 MB
- The Wealth of Nations/The Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith, University of Richmond (2007).pdf 2.2 MB
- Discourse on Method - Rene Descartes/Discourse on Method - Rene Descartes, Everyman Paperbacks (1994).djvu 2.1 MB
- Pensees/Pensees - Blaise Pascal, Roger Ariew (2005).djvu 2.1 MB
- Confessions - Jean Jacques Rousseau .pdf 2.1 MB
- The Feminine - Betty Friedan/The Feminine - Betty Friedan .pdf 2.0 MB
- Analects Of Confucius.pdf 2.0 MB
- Cybernetics - Norbert Wiener, Second Edition Machine-MIT (1965).djvu 2.0 MB
- Thus Spake Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche/Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Thomas Wayne-Thus Spake Zarathustra_ A Book for All and None (Classics Series) (2003).pdf 1.9 MB
- The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri .pdf 1.9 MB
- The Confessions - Augustine of Hippo St.pdf 1.9 MB
- The Ethics/(Brill's Studies in Intellectual History 196) Michael Hampe, Ursula Renz, Robert Schnepf-Spinoza's Ethics_ A Collective Commentary -Brill Academic Pub (2011).pdf 1.8 MB
- Philosophical Investigations - Ludwig Wittgenstein/Ludwig Wittgenstein-Philosophical Investigations-Wiley-Blackwell (2009).pdf 1.7 MB
- On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin/On the Origin of Species - Charles Darwin, Oxford University Press, USA (2009).pdf 1.6 MB
- Thus Spake Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche/(Dover Thrift Editions) Friedrich Nietzsche, Thomas Common-Thus Spake Zarathustra -Dover Publications (1999).pdf 1.6 MB
- Relativity by Albert Einstein/Albert Einstein-Relativity_ The Special and the General Theory--A Clear Explanation that Anyone Can Understand-Wings Books (2001).djvu 1.6 MB
- (1984) Nineteen Eighty Four by George Orwell.pdf 1.5 MB
- Quotations from Chairman Mao - Mao Tse-tung.djvu 1.4 MB
- A Treatise of Human Nature - David Hume, NuVision Publications (2008).pdf 1.4 MB
- Meditations/The Meditations _ by Marcus Aurelius, translated by George Long.pdf 1.3 MB
- Herodotus - The Histories of Herodotus/Herodotus - The Histories of Herodotus Edward_Gibbon,_David_P._Womersley,_David_P._Womer.pdf 1.3 MB
- The Road to Serfdom - Friedrich A. Von Hayek, (2005).pdf 1.3 MB
- Relativity by Albert Einstein/(Classic Reprint) Albert Einstein-Relativity_ The Special and the General Theory -Forgotten Books (2010).pdf 1.3 MB
- A Vindication of the Rights of Woman - Mary Wollstonecraft, Yale University Press (2014) .pdf 1.3 MB
- I and Thou - Martin Buber Prentice Hall & IBD (1984).djvu 1.2 MB
- The Trial by Franz Kafka/Franz Kafka-The Trial.pdf 1.1 MB
- On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres/On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres - Nicolaus Copernicus.djvu 1.1 MB
- Dhammapada/Dhammapada.pdf 999.6 kB
- Leviathan/Leviathan - Thomas Hobbes.pdf 978.2 kB
- The Phenomenology of mind/Hegel G. W. F-Phenomenology of Mind-Oak Grove (2008).pdf 878.9 kB
- On Liberty - John Stuart Mill, Yale University Press (2003).pdf 865.1 kB
- The Prince - Nicolo Machiavelli .pdf 861.5 kB
- Pilgrim's Progress/John Bunyan-The Pilgrim's Progress (2004).pdf 812.9 kB
- The General Theory of Employment - John Maynard Keynes Prometheus Books (1997).pdf 808.2 kB
- The New Organon - Francis Bacon, Dodo Press (2008).pdf 793.0 kB
- Positivist Philosophy by Auguste Comte/Positivist Philosophy - Auguste Comte, Volume III-Batoche Books (2000).pdf 769.5 kB
- Pragmatism - James William/James William-Pragmatism.pdf 750.1 kB
- Positivist Philosophy by Auguste Comte/Positivist Philosophy - Auguste Comte, Volume I-Batoche Books (2000).pdf 747.3 kB
- Discourse on Method - Rene Descartes/Discourse on Method _ Rene Descartes.pdf 741.7 kB
- The Trial by Franz Kafka/Franz Kafka-The Trial (Oxford World's Classics) (2009).pdf 660.5 kB
- Positivist Philosophy by Auguste Comte/Positivist Philosophy - Auguste Comte, Volume II-Batoche Books (2000).pdf 607.8 kB
- Common Sense - Paine Thomas/Common Sense _ Thomas Paine.pdf 576.4 kB
- Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels/The Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Signic Classic (1998).pdf 576.1 kB
- Civil disobedience Thoreau Henry David/Thoreau Henry David-Civil disobedience .pdf 484.9 kB
- The Tao Te Ching/The Tao Te Ching - Lao Tse, James Legge.pdf 482.5 kB
- I-ching or Book of Changes/I-chingTransalatedByGregoryRichter.pdf 340.8 kB
- The Ethics/The Ethics - Benedict de Spinoza (Translated by R. H. M. Elwes)-The Ethics, Parts 1-5 (2007).pdf 288.4 kB
- The Tao Te Ching/Tao Te Ching by Lao Tsu no pic.pdf 232.2 kB
- An Essay on the Principle of Population/Malthus Thomas-Robert-An Essay on the Principle of Population.epub 132.1 kB
- Gospel of Truth .pdf 121.6 kB
- Civil disobedience Thoreau Henry David/civil-disobedience-henry-david-thoreau-1849-government.pdf 89.9 kB
- Civil disobedience Thoreau Henry David/Thoreau Henry David-Civil Disobediance.pdf 54.9 kB
- The 100 Most Influential Books Ever Written by Martin Seymour-Smith.jpg 40.0 kB