EDX 6.00X 2012
2.6 GB
Week 9/Lecture 15 - Statistical Thinking/1-Law of Large Numbers.mp4
77.5 MB
Week 9/Lecture 15 - Statistical Thinking/3-Standard Deviations and Histograms.mp4
61.4 MB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/4-Inductive Reasoning.mp4
54.5 MB
Week 13/Lecture 23 Guest Lectures/1-Computation and Medicine.mp4
53.5 MB
Week 4/Lecture 8 - Efficiency and Orders of Growth/3-Complexity Classes.mp4
43.8 MB
Week 4/Lecture 7 - Debugging/7-Debugging as Search.mp4
41.8 MB
Week 13/Lecture 23 Guest Lectures/4-Column Oriented Database.mp4
38.0 MB
Week 14/Lecture 24 Summary/2-Summary of 6.00x Topics.mp4
33.3 MB
Week 2/Lecture 4 - Functions/6-Understanding Root Finding.mp4
33.0 MB
Week 4/Lecture 8 - Efficiency and Orders of Growth/1-Measuring Complexity.mp4
32.4 MB
Week 3/Lecture 6 - Objects/2-Lists.mp4
32.0 MB
Week 13/Lecture 23 Guest Lectures/3-Programming a Robot.mp4
30.7 MB
Week 9/Lecture 15 - Statistical Thinking/2-Law of Large Numbers.mp4
30.1 MB
Week 12/Lecture 20 - More On Graphs/2-Implicit Graph Implementation.mp4
27.7 MB
Week 13/Lecture 23 Guest Lectures/2-Randomness in Computation.mp4
27.3 MB
Week 13/Lecture 23 Guest Lectures/5-3D Computer Graphics.mp4
27.2 MB
Week 13/Lecture 22 Statistical Fallacies/1-Misusing Statistics.mp4
26.9 MB
Week 10/Lecture 17 - Curve Fitting/2-Errors in Experimental Observations.mp4
26.5 MB
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/4-Floating Point Accuracy.mp4
26.1 MB
Week 8/Lecture 14 Sampling and Monte Carlo Methods/4-The Monte Carlo Method.mp4
26.0 MB
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/2-Guess and Check Algorithms.mp4
25.9 MB
Week 12/Lecture 21 - Dynamic Programming/3-01 Knapsack Problem.mp4
25.7 MB
Week 1/Lecture 2 - Core Elements of Programs/6-Branching Programs.mp4
25.6 MB
Week 14/Lecture 24 Summary/1-Computational Thinking.mp4
25.2 MB
Week 1/Lecture 1 - Intro to Computation/1-Basics of Computation.mp4
25.2 MB
Week 3/Lecture 6 - Objects/1-Tuples.mp4
24.5 MB
Text Book/MIT 6.00X TEXTBOOK by Vinay.pdf
23.6 MB
Week 5/Lecture 9 - Memory and Search/2-Binary Search.mp4
23.5 MB
Week 10/Lecture 17 - Curve Fitting/5-'Goodness' of Fit.mp4
23.5 MB
Week 3/Lecture 6 - Objects/3-Operations on Lists.mp4
23.1 MB
Week 7/Lecture 12 Plotting/4-Plotting Mortgages M-600X-FA12-L12-11-v2_100.mp4
23.0 MB
Week 6/Lecture 11 Object Oriented Programming/2-Example Class; A Gradebook.mp4
22.5 MB
Week 11/Lecture 18 - Optimization Problems/1-Introduction.mp4
22.4 MB
Week 7/Lecture 13 Simulations and Random Walks/2-Drunken Walks M-600X-FA12-L13-2_100.mp4
22.2 MB
Week 8/Lecture 14 Sampling and Monte Carlo Methods/1-Rolling A Die M-600X-FA12-L14-1-V2_100.mp4
22.0 MB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/4-Estimating Pi.mp4
21.3 MB
Week 6/Lecture 11 Object Oriented Programming/1-Review of Classes.mp4
20.7 MB
Week 12/Lecture 21 - Dynamic Programming/4-Finding Line Breaks.mp4
20.3 MB
Week 5/Lecture 9 - Memory and Search/4-Merge Sort.mp4
20.3 MB
Week 2/Lecture 4 - Functions/2-Environments.mp4
20.2 MB
Week 3/Lecture 6 - Objects/4-Functions as Objects.mp4
20.2 MB
Week 6/Lecture 10 Classes/0-Exceptions M-600X-FA12-L11-5-V2_100.mp4
20.0 MB
Week 7/Lecture 12 Plotting/2-Default Keywords - TA Video.mp4
19.9 MB
Week 1/Lecture 2 - Core Elements of Programs/5-Simple Scripts.mp4
19.8 MB
Week 2/Lecture 4 - Functions/5-How Environments Separate Variable Bindings.mp4
19.8 MB
Week 12/Lecture 21 - Dynamic Programming/5-Sequence Alignment M-600X-FA12-L21-5_100.mp4
19.5 MB
Week 1/Lecture 2 - Core Elements of Programs/2-Python Objects.mp4
19.5 MB
Week 7/Lecture 13 Simulations and Random Walks/4-Drunken Simulations M-600X-FA12-L13-4-V2_100.mp4
19.4 MB
Week 1/Lecture 1 - Intro to Computation/4-Programming Language Characteristics.mp4
19.4 MB
Week 6/Lecture 10 Classes/3-Example; Class a Set of Integers.mp4
19.0 MB
Week 2/Lecture 4 - Functions/1-Creating Functions.mp4
19.0 MB
Week 7/Lecture 12 Plotting/3-More on Pylab Plotting.mp4
19.0 MB
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/6-Bisection Search.mp4
18.9 MB
Week 13/Lecture 22 Statistical Fallacies/3-Data Enhancement.mp4
18.8 MB
Week 6/Lecture 10 Classes/2-Classes; User-Defined types.mp4
18.7 MB
Week 6/Lecture 10 Classes/1-Object Oriented Programming Overview.mp4
18.6 MB
Week 2/Lecture 4 - Functions/3-Computing Powers as an Example.mp4
18.3 MB
Week 6/Lecture 11 Object Oriented Programming/4-Example Class; Mortgage.mp4
18.0 MB
Week 6/Lecture 10 Classes/4-Using Inheritance; Special Methods.mp4
18.0 MB
Week 11/Lecture 19 - Graphs/2-Graph Implementation.mp4
18.0 MB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/6-Towers of Hanoi.mp4
17.8 MB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/8-Recursion on Strings.mp4
17.2 MB
Week 10/Lecture 17 - Curve Fitting/4-Which Curve Should We Pick.mp4
16.9 MB
Week 5/Lecture 9 - Memory and Search/4.0.0-Amortized Cost Analysis - TA Demo.mp4
16.8 MB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/3-Using Environments to Understand Recursion.mp4
16.8 MB
Week 7/Lecture 13 Simulations and Random Walks/3-Drunken Tests M-600X-FA12-L13-3-V2_100.mp4
16.0 MB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/2-Uniform and Exponential Distributions.mp4
16.0 MB
Week 1/Lecture 2 - Core Elements of Programs/4-Strings.mp4
16.0 MB
Week 12/Lecture 21 - Dynamic Programming/2-Memoization.mp4
15.9 MB
Week 5/Lecture 9 - Memory and Search/3.1-Selection Sort.mp4
15.8 MB
Week 8/Lecture 14 Sampling and Monte Carlo Methods/2-Introduction to Hashing.mp4
15.8 MB
Week 6/Lecture 10 Classes/5-Using Inheritance; Subclasses to Extend Behavior.mp4
15.5 MB
Week 5/Lecture 9 - Memory and Search/1-Search Algorithms.mp4
15.4 MB
Week 3/Lecture 6 - Objects/5-Dictionaries.mp4
15.3 MB
Week 12/Lecture 21 - Dynamic Programming/1-Another Look At Optimization Problems.mp4
15.1 MB
Week 10/Lecture 17 - Curve Fitting/3-Curve Fitting; Finding a Model That Fits the Observations.mp4
15.0 MB
Week 6/Lecture 11 Object Oriented Programming/3-Generators.mp4
14.9 MB
Week 11/Lecture 18 - Optimization Problems/4-Finding the Optimal Solution.mp4
14.9 MB
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/7-Newton-Raphson Root Finding.mp4
14.7 MB
Week 5/Lecture 9 - Memory and Search/5-Hashing.mp4
14.7 MB
Week 11/Lecture 19 - Graphs/4-Depth-First Search.mp4
14.6 MB
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/1-Iteration.mp4
14.3 MB
Week 1/Lecture 1 - Intro to Computation/3-Basic Machine Architecture.mp4
14.1 MB
Week 2/Lecture 4 - Functions/4-Understanding Variable Binding.mp4
13.9 MB
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/5-Approximation Methods.mp4
13.8 MB
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/3-Loop Mechanisms.mp4
13.7 MB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/1-Normal Distributions.mp4
13.4 MB
Week 10/Lecture 17 - Curve Fitting/1-Understanding Experimental Data.mp4
13.4 MB
Week 4/Lecture 7 - Debugging/2-Test Suites.mp4
13.2 MB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/9-Global Variables.mp4
13.0 MB
Week 11/Lecture 19 - Graphs/1-Graph Introduction.mp4
12.9 MB
Week 11/Lecture 19 - Graphs/3-Simple Depth-First Search.mp4
12.9 MB
Week 1/Lecture 2 - Core Elements of Programs/1-Types of Programming Languages.mp4
12.9 MB
Week 13/Lecture 22 Statistical Fallacies/2-Garbage In, Garbage Out.mp4
12.8 MB
Week 10/Lecture 17 - Curve Fitting/6-Using a Model for Predictions.mp4
12.7 MB
Week 4/Lecture 7 - Debugging/6-Debugging.mp4
12.7 MB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/7-Fibonacci.mp4
12.5 MB
Week 7/Lecture 12 Plotting/1-Introduction to Plotting in Pylab.mp4
12.4 MB
Week 11/Lecture 19 - Graphs/6-Breadth-First Search.mp4
12.2 MB
Week 14/Lecture 24 Summary/3-Your Growth and Future.mp4
12.1 MB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/3-The Monty Hall Problem.mp4
12.0 MB
Week 1/Lecture 1 - Intro to Computation/2-Types of Knowledge.mp4
12.0 MB
Week 11/Lecture 19 - Graphs/5-Shortest-Path Depth-First Search.mp4
11.9 MB
Week 4/Lecture 8 - Efficiency and Orders of Growth/2-Asymptotic Notation.mp4
11.7 MB
Week 9/Lecture 15 - Statistical Thinking/0-Introduction.mp4
11.6 MB
Week 8/Lecture 14 Sampling and Monte Carlo Methods/3-Using Hashing to Look Up Information.mp4
11.5 MB
Week 7/Lecture 13 Simulations and Random Walks/1-Random Walks M-600X-FA12-L13-1_100.mp4
11.5 MB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/1-Iterative Algorithms.mp4
11.4 MB
Week 4/Lecture 7 - Debugging/5-Test Drivers and Stubs.mp4
10.8 MB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/2-Recursive Algorithms.mp4
10.6 MB
Week 4/Lecture 7 - Debugging/3-Black-box Testing.mp4
10.5 MB
Week 2/Lecture 4 - Functions/7-Modules.mp4
10.4 MB
Week 11/Lecture 18 - Optimization Problems/5-Expected Run Times.mp4
10.4 MB
Week 4/Lecture 8 - Efficiency and Orders of Growth/4-Comparing Complexity Classes.mp4
10.4 MB
Week 11/Lecture 18 - Optimization Problems/2-01 Knapsack Problem.mp4
10.3 MB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/5-Factorial.mp4
9.2 MB
Week 11/Lecture 19 - Graphs/7-Weighted Graphs.mp4
9.2 MB
Week 6/Lecture 10 Classes/6-Using Inheritance; Designing a Class Hierarchy.mp4
9.1 MB
Week 1/Lecture 2 - Core Elements of Programs/3-Variables and Naming.mp4
9.0 MB
Week 4/Lecture 7 - Debugging/4-Glass-box Testing.mp4
9.0 MB
Week 12/Lecture 20 - More On Graphs/1-Implicit Graph Search.mp4
8.8 MB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/4.1-Fun Clip from the movie 21.mp4
8.5 MB
Week 4/Lecture 7 - Debugging/1-Testing and Debugging.mp4
8.3 MB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/Lecture16_4.4aba439a8cdb.pdf
8.2 MB
Week 12/Lecture 20 - More On Graphs/3-Maximal Cliques.mp4
8.0 MB
Week 11/Lecture 18 - Optimization Problems/3-The Greedy Algorithm.mp4
8.0 MB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/4.0-More on the Monty Hall Problem.mp4
7.4 MB
Week 0/edX FA12 cware 1.mp4
6.9 MB
Week 0/edX FA12 cware 2.mp4
4.6 MB
Week 0/edX FA12 cware 4.mp4
4.5 MB
Week 0/edX FA12 cware 3.mp4
4.3 MB
Week 5/Lecture 9 - Memory and Search/3.0-Selection Sort Demo.mp4
3.9 MB
Week 13/Lecture 23 Guest Lectures/0-Introduction.mp4
3.7 MB
Week 0/edX FA12 cware 5.mp4
3.3 MB
Week 1/Lecture 2 - Core Elements of Programs/0-Introduction.mp4
3.3 MB
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/7.0-Bisection Search Demo.mp4
3.2 MB
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/0-Introduction.mp4
3.0 MB
Week 2/Lecture 4 - Functions/0-Introduction.mp4
2.9 MB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/0-Introduction.mp4
2.7 MB
Week 7/Lecture 12 Plotting/0-Introduction.mp4
2.5 MB
Week 7/Lecture 12 Plotting/Week 7 L12 Slides/Lecture12_1.920a7a022f31.pdf
2.4 MB
Week 5/Lecture 9 - Memory and Search/0-Introduction.mp4
2.2 MB
Week 4/Lecture 8 - Efficiency and Orders of Growth/0-Introduction.mp4
2.2 MB
Week 12/Lecture 21 - Dynamic Programming/Week 12 L21 Slides/Lecture21_3.71892b803b25.pdf
2.1 MB
Week 11/Lecture 19 - Graphs/Week 11 L19 Slides/Lecture19_5.a28515442052.pdf
2.1 MB
Week 4/Lecture 7 - Debugging/0-Introduction.mp4
2.0 MB
Week 11/Lecture 18 - Optimization Problems/Week 11 L18 Slides/Lecture18_2.a652f8205f14.pdf
2.0 MB
Week 11/Lecture 18 - Optimization Problems/Week 11 L18 Slides/Lecture18_1.16be3d012576.pdf
2.0 MB
Week 5/Lecture 9 - Memory and Search/4.0.1-Merge Sort Demo.mp4
1.9 MB
Week 1/Lecture 1 - Intro to Computation/0-Introduction.mp4
1.9 MB
Week 3/Lecture 6 - Objects/0-Introduction.mp4
1.8 MB
Week 10/Lecture 17 - Curve Fitting/Week 10 L17 Slides/Lecture17_6.6d6d49f4c36f.pdf
1.6 MB
Week 10/Lecture 17 - Curve Fitting/Week 10 L17 Slides/Lecture17_1.b025d31bf14f.pdf
1.6 MB
Week 10/Lecture 17 - Curve Fitting/Week 10 L17 Slides/Lecture17_2.671e712316f2.pdf
1.6 MB
Week 8/Lecture 14 Sampling and Monte Carlo Methods/Week 8 L14 Slides/Lecture14_4.1f60c690628f.pdf
1.5 MB
Week 10/Lecture 17 - Curve Fitting/Week 10 L17 Slides/Lecture17_3.4d916eb30c55.pdf
1.5 MB
Week 10/Lecture 17 - Curve Fitting/Week 10 L17 Slides/Lecture17_5.800f4850a1df.pdf
1.5 MB
Week 11/Lecture 18 - Optimization Problems/Week 11 L18 Slides/Lecture18_4.47da50b51424.pdf
1.4 MB
Week 11/Lecture 19 - Graphs/Week 11 L19 Slides/Lecture19_6.c15caef2f523.pdf
1.4 MB
Week 12/Lecture 21 - Dynamic Programming/Week 12 L21 Slides/Lecture21_4.ae4825c97234.pdf
1.4 MB
Week 12/Lecture 21 - Dynamic Programming/Week 12 L21 Slides/Lecture21_5.cc5c89ab7a91.pdf
1.4 MB
Week 12/Lecture 21 - Dynamic Programming/Week 12 L21 Slides/Lecture21_2.ee5f9c4822ba.pdf
1.4 MB
Week 12/Lecture 21 - Dynamic Programming/Week 12 L21 Slides/Lecture21_1.e6312a71e7f2.pdf
1.4 MB
Week 11/Lecture 18 - Optimization Problems/Week 11 L18 Slides/Lecture18_5.f6ced54fa0fc.pdf
1.4 MB
Week 0/edX FA12 cware 6.mp4
1.2 MB
Week 11/Lecture 19 - Graphs/Week 11 L19 Slides/Lecture19_4.f01227d187aa.pdf
1.1 MB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/8.0-Fibonacci Demo.mp4
1.0 MB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/Lecture16_2.016e804ea346.pdf
1.0 MB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/Lecture16_3.9ba6432c941e.pdf
960.3 kB
Week 11/Lecture 19 - Graphs/Week 11 L19 Slides/Lecture19_3.bf07b8ec9145.pdf
733.1 kB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/9.0-Palindromes Demo.mp4
708.9 kB
Week 11/Lecture 19 - Graphs/Week 11 L19 Slides/Lecture19_1.41ffaa17bdd1.pdf
679.4 kB
Week 12/Lecture 20 - More On Graphs/Week 12 L20 Slides/Lecture20_1.e77b4a0ca34b.pdf
531.6 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/Lecture16_1.fbc441c45402.pdf
444.5 kB
Week 11/Lecture 19 - Graphs/Week 11 L19 Slides/Lecture19_7.29dc00227640.pdf
436.2 kB
Week 8/Lecture 14 Sampling and Monte Carlo Methods/Week 8 L14 Slides/Lecture14_2.cb3ab89b3801.pdf
375.0 kB
Week 3/Lecture 6 - Objects/Week 3 L6 Slides/Lecture6_2.16beac952419.pdf
343.4 kB
Week 4/Lecture 7 - Debugging/Week 4 L7 Slides/Lecture7_6.787cd92c3e8f.pdf
330.1 kB
Week 9/Lecture 15 - Statistical Thinking/Week 9 L15 Slides/Lecture15_2.5abd6a03ea13.pdf
309.9 kB
Week 7/Lecture 13 Simulations and Random Walks/Week 7 L13 Slides/Lecture13_2.87285874f3f9.pdf
299.3 kB
Week 4/Lecture 8 - Efficiency and Orders of Growth/Week 4 L8 Slides/Lecture8_4.4607ea803de7.pdf
291.2 kB
Week 2/Lecture 4 - Functions/Week 2 L4 Slides/Lecture4_5.7ec7531e7efa.pdf
281.9 kB
Week 11/Lecture 19 - Graphs/Week 11 L19 Slides/Lecture19_2.9647a1d49bc0.pdf
256.0 kB
Week 1/Lecture 2 - Core Elements of Programs/Week 1 L2 Slides/Lecture2_6.2c5e6a7dc9f2.pdf
254.5 kB
Week 12/Lecture 20 - More On Graphs/Week 12 L20 Slides/Lecture20_2.ec1182c71981.pdf
214.6 kB
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/Week 2 L3 Slides/Lecture3_1.ba87d94c7da5.pdf
213.2 kB
Week 9/Lecture 15 - Statistical Thinking/Week 9 L15 Slides/Lecture15_3.e2937b13e162.pdf
198.3 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/common.js
177.4 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/all.js
176.5 kB
Week 1/Lecture 2 - Core Elements of Programs/Week 1 L2 Slides/Lecture2_1.cebd52e291fa.pdf
175.2 kB
Week 2/Lecture 4 - Functions/Week 2 L4 Slides/Lecture4_3.892b35c8b393.pdf
170.6 kB
Week 12/Lecture 20 - More On Graphs/Week 12 L20 Slides/Lecture20_4.dbc86774f960.pdf
165.5 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/prototype.js
163.5 kB
Week 1/Lecture 2 - Core Elements of Programs/Week 1 L2 Slides/Lecture2_3.33ddeb2d36f9.pdf
156.7 kB
Week 7/Lecture 13 Simulations and Random Walks/Week 7 L13 Slides/Lecture13_4.006457b898d3.pdf
156.2 kB
Week 7/Lecture 13 Simulations and Random Walks/Week 7 L13 Slides/Lecture13_3.9a216c295b8a.pdf
152.1 kB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/Week 3 L5 Slides/Lecture5_3.ae7c828707c8.pdf
142.9 kB
Week 4/Lecture 7 - Debugging/Week 4 L7 Slides/Lecture7_7.5f26992ba21b.pdf
134.1 kB
Week 8/Lecture 14 Sampling and Monte Carlo Methods/Week 8 L14 Slides/Lecture14_1.e7c9b63b13cd.pdf
122.5 kB
Week 2/Lecture 4 - Functions/Week 2 L4 Slides/Lecture4_4.da4a40a4cd41.pdf
119.7 kB
Week 6/Lecture 10 Classes/Week 6 L10 Slides/Lecture10_6.382150b478c1.pdf
112.5 kB
Week 11/Lecture 19 - Graphs/Week 11 L19 Slides/L19_graph.770c1b1c9773.png
108.6 kB
Week 5/Lecture 9 - Memory and Search/Week 5 L9 Slides/Lecture9_1.e58314b08c80.pdf
106.4 kB
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/Week 2 L3 Slides/Lecture3_6.1c02ca94555c.pdf
97.7 kB
Week 3/Lecture 6 - Objects/Week 3 L6 Slides/Lecture6_4.86e59f527649.pdf
91.7 kB
Week 4/Lecture 8 - Efficiency and Orders of Growth/Week 4 L8 Slides/Lecture8_3.3582127a1ec7.pdf
88.1 kB
Week 2/Lecture 4 - Functions/Week 2 L4 Slides/Lecture4_2.97c4f317ac16.pdf
85.2 kB
Week 1/Lecture 1 - Intro to Computation/Week 1 L1 Slides/Lecture1_1.db10923a6dfa.pdf
83.8 kB
Week 6/Lecture 10 Classes/Week 6 L10 Slides/Lecture10_1.fe88a04cc20f.pdf
81.1 kB
Week 4/Lecture 8 - Efficiency and Orders of Growth/Week 4 L8 Slides/Lecture8_1.735caac6f521.pdf
79.0 kB
Week 6/Lecture 10 Classes/Week 6 L10 Slides/Lecture10_0.0d2cb524a651.pdf
78.5 kB
Week 12/Lecture 20 - More On Graphs/4-Maximal Clique Solution.mp4
76.6 kB
Week 1/Lecture 2 - Core Elements of Programs/Week 1 L2 Slides/Lecture2_2.47b4cead8a64.pdf
73.2 kB
Week 2/Lecture 4 - Functions/Week 2 L4 Slides/Lecture4_6.0588e0fc33fc.pdf
70.6 kB
Week 6/Lecture 10 Classes/Week 6 L10 Slides/Lecture10_2.029066c50bc6.pdf
67.5 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/montybg_bestanden/marquee.jpg
67.5 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer.html
67.0 kB
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/Week 2 L3 Slides/Lecture3_2.8f088abfcdaa.pdf
66.6 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/montybg_bestanden/wheel.jpg
64.3 kB
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/Week 2 L3 Slides/Lecture3_4.c4e2b2cbfc2d.pdf
62.8 kB
Week 2/Lecture 4 - Functions/Week 2 L4 Slides/Lecture4_1.0c53c073e7fe.pdf
62.4 kB
Week 1/Lecture 1 - Intro to Computation/Week 1 L1 Slides/Lecture1_3.cc9e96700fd3.pdf
61.5 kB
Week 6/Lecture 11 Object Oriented Programming/Week 6 L11 Slides/Lecture11_1.e5ec4f06aff0.pdf
61.1 kB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/Week 3 L5 Slides/Lecture5_2.cb7a2c041636.pdf
59.7 kB
Week 1/Lecture 1 - Intro to Computation/Week 1 L1 Slides/Lecture1_2.809160525d6c.pdf
58.1 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/montybg_bestanden/wheel2alt.jpg
57.8 kB
Week 3/Lecture 6 - Objects/Week 3 L6 Slides/Lecture6_5.bcf38bc6199b.pdf
57.4 kB
Week 5/Lecture 9 - Memory and Search/Week 5 L9 Slides/Lecture9_2.285a23a75a79.pdf
57.4 kB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/Week 3 L5 Slides/Lecture5_8.75d56bd1ed46.pdf
56.9 kB
Week 5/Lecture 9 - Memory and Search/Week 5 L9 Slides/Lecture9_4.211856f31882.pdf
56.2 kB
Week 3/Lecture 6 - Objects/Week 3 L6 Slides/Lecture6_1.0ede0ca3037e.pdf
56.0 kB
Week 4/Lecture 7 - Debugging/Week 4 L7 Slides/Lecture7_2.e3c8c1cf4b7c.pdf
55.7 kB
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/Week 2 L3 Slides/Lecture3_3.a7ede43a1c5a.pdf
55.5 kB
Week 5/Lecture 9 - Memory and Search/Week 5 L9 Slides/Lecture9_3.9e01389f63c0.pdf
55.5 kB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/Week 3 L5 Slides/Lecture5_1.62048723d194.pdf
54.9 kB
Week 3/Lecture 6 - Objects/Week 3 L6 Slides/Lecture6_3.5de679488cb8.pdf
54.5 kB
Week 1/Lecture 2 - Core Elements of Programs/Week 1 L2 Slides/Lecture2_5.8a6810cdf6bd.pdf
54.4 kB
Week 6/Lecture 10 Classes/Week 6 L10 Slides/Lecture10_3.39393e00f112.pdf
53.8 kB
Week 4/Lecture 7 - Debugging/Week 4 L7 Slides/Lecture7_3.eb7eab769471.pdf
53.5 kB
Week 2/Lecture 4 - Functions/Week 2 L4 Slides/Lecture4_7.f7b037be0f5e.pdf
53.4 kB
Week 4/Lecture 7 - Debugging/Week 4 L7 Slides/Lecture7_4.715373674a95.pdf
52.2 kB
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/Week 2 L3 Slides/Lecture3_7.ee39b74c0d4d.pdf
51.2 kB
Week 6/Lecture 11 Object Oriented Programming/Week 6 L11 Slides/Lecture11_3.6e6f734fe4d5.pdf
50.7 kB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/Week 3 L5 Slides/Lecture5_7.06351c9ea080.pdf
50.7 kB
Week 4/Lecture 8 - Efficiency and Orders of Growth/Week 4 L8 Slides/Lecture8_2.5722fe3d43f5.pdf
50.3 kB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/Week 3 L5 Slides/Lecture5_4.cf590bc61fb9.pdf
49.2 kB
Week 6/Lecture 10 Classes/Week 6 L10 Slides/Lecture10_4.0d91bf83edcb.pdf
48.9 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/controller_v1.js
48.9 kB
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/Week 2 L3 Slides/Lecture3_5.e7ab09694223.pdf
47.7 kB
Week 1/Lecture 1 - Intro to Computation/Week 1 L1 Slides/Lecture1_4.6d45ac7f64b4.pdf
47.4 kB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/Week 3 L5 Slides/Lecture5_9.6aa54ee07e75.pdf
45.9 kB
Week 1/Lecture 2 - Core Elements of Programs/Week 1 L2 Slides/Lecture2_4.80ec9282828d.pdf
45.5 kB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/Week 3 L5 Slides/Lecture5_6.f62c51057085.pdf
45.0 kB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/Week 3 L5 Slides/Lecture5_5.d648ef8d3dc6.pdf
43.6 kB
Week 5/Lecture 9 - Memory and Search/Week 5 L9 Slides/Lecture9_5.81e87854dae2.pdf
43.5 kB
Week 4/Lecture 7 - Debugging/Week 4 L7 Slides/Lecture7_5.ef1ed4bc5b6d.pdf
43.4 kB
Week 7/Lecture 12 Plotting/Week 7 L12 Slides/Lecture12_3.d43a801777db.pdf
39.7 kB
Week 6/Lecture 11 Object Oriented Programming/Week 6 L11 Slides/Lecture11_4.33543fa0458d.pdf
39.4 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/effects.js
38.5 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/ap-NYT2-G02.css
37.8 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/ga.js
37.4 kB
Week 6/Lecture 10 Classes/Week 6 L10 Slides/Lecture10_5.58d8ead2cdee.pdf
35.9 kB
Week 12/Lecture 20 - More On Graphs/Week 12 L20 Slides/Lecture20_3.9bcaac43e474.pdf
35.3 kB
Week 4/Lecture 8 - Efficiency and Orders of Growth/3-Complexity Classes.srt
33.8 kB
Week 4/Lecture 7 - Debugging/Week 4 L7 Slides/Lecture7_1.e84a6dad8924.pdf
33.7 kB
Week 4/Lecture 7 - Debugging/7-Debugging as Search.srt
30.2 kB
Week 7/Lecture 13 Simulations and Random Walks/Week 7 L13 Slides/Lecture13_1.0e749d379263.pdf
29.4 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/cs.js
29.4 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/xd_arbiter.htm
25.5 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/xd_arbiter_002.htm
25.5 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/montybg_bestanden/MontyHall.jpg
25.2 kB
Week 4/Lecture 8 - Efficiency and Orders of Growth/1-Measuring Complexity.srt
25.1 kB
Week 10/Lecture 17 - Curve Fitting/2-Errors in Experimental Observations.srt
21.3 kB
Week 8/Lecture 14 Sampling and Monte Carlo Methods/4-The Monte Carlo Method.srt
20.7 kB
Week 2/Lecture 4 - Functions/6-Understanding Root Finding.srt
20.4 kB
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/4-Floating Point Accuracy.srt
20.4 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/wtbase.js
20.3 kB
Week 6/Lecture 10 Classes/1-Object Oriented Programming Overview.srt
19.8 kB
Week 3/Lecture 6 - Objects/2-Lists.srt
19.7 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/trackingTags_v1.js
19.3 kB
Week 8/Lecture 14 Sampling and Monte Carlo Methods/1-Rolling A Die M-600X-FA12-L14-1-V2_100.srt
19.2 kB
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/2-Guess and Check Algorithms.srt
19.0 kB
Week 1/Lecture 1 - Intro to Computation/1-Basics of Computation.srt
18.8 kB
Week 1/Lecture 2 - Core Elements of Programs/6-Branching Programs.srt
18.5 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/build.js
18.4 kB
Week 1/Lecture 2 - Core Elements of Programs/2-Python Objects.srt
18.3 kB
Week 9/Lecture 15 - Statistical Thinking/1-Law of Large Numbers.srt
18.1 kB
Week 6/Lecture 10 Classes/0-Exceptions M-600X-FA12-L11-5-V2_100.srt
18.0 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/googleads.js
18.0 kB
Week 3/Lecture 6 - Objects/1-Tuples.srt
17.8 kB
Week 3/Lecture 6 - Objects/4-Functions as Objects.srt
17.2 kB
Week 5/Lecture 9 - Memory and Search/2-Binary Search.srt
17.0 kB
Week 1/Lecture 1 - Intro to Computation/4-Programming Language Characteristics.srt
17.0 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/montybg_bestanden/Savant.gif
17.0 kB
Week 7/Lecture 12 Plotting/4-Plotting Mortgages M-600X-FA12-L12-11-v2_100.srt
16.9 kB
Week 7/Lecture 13 Simulations and Random Walks/2-Drunken Walks M-600X-FA12-L13-2_100.srt
16.8 kB
Week 6/Lecture 11 Object Oriented Programming/2-Example Class; A Gradebook.srt
16.7 kB
Week 5/Lecture 9 - Memory and Search/4.0.0-Amortized Cost Analysis - TA Demo.srt
16.4 kB
Week 6/Lecture 10 Classes/2-Classes; User-Defined types.srt
16.2 kB
Week 10/Lecture 17 - Curve Fitting/5-'Goodness' of Fit.srt
16.1 kB
Week 2/Lecture 4 - Functions/5-How Environments Separate Variable Bindings.srt
16.1 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/4-Estimating Pi.srt
15.4 kB
Week 2/Lecture 4 - Functions/1-Creating Functions.srt
15.3 kB
Week 7/Lecture 13 Simulations and Random Walks/4-Drunken Simulations M-600X-FA12-L13-4-V2_100.srt
14.8 kB
Week 6/Lecture 10 Classes/3-Example; Class a Set of Integers.srt
14.8 kB
Week 5/Lecture 9 - Memory and Search/4-Merge Sort.srt
14.6 kB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/3-Using Environments to Understand Recursion.srt
14.3 kB
Week 9/Lecture 15 - Statistical Thinking/3-Standard Deviations and Histograms.srt
14.2 kB
Week 3/Lecture 6 - Objects/3-Operations on Lists.srt
13.9 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/2-Uniform and Exponential Distributions.srt
13.5 kB
Week 2/Lecture 4 - Functions/2-Environments.srt
13.5 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/show_ads.js
13.4 kB
Week 7/Lecture 12 Plotting/2-Default Keywords - TA Video.srt
13.3 kB
Week 6/Lecture 11 Object Oriented Programming/1-Review of Classes.srt
13.3 kB
Week 5/Lecture 9 - Memory and Search/1-Search Algorithms.srt
13.2 kB
Week 1/Lecture 1 - Intro to Computation/3-Basic Machine Architecture.srt
13.2 kB
Week 5/Lecture 9 - Memory and Search/3.1-Selection Sort.srt
13.2 kB
Week 6/Lecture 10 Classes/4-Using Inheritance; Special Methods.srt
13.0 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/montybg.html
12.8 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/montybg_bestanden/menubar.jpg
12.8 kB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/8-Recursion on Strings.srt
12.8 kB
Week 1/Lecture 2 - Core Elements of Programs/5-Simple Scripts.srt
12.8 kB
Week 6/Lecture 11 Object Oriented Programming/4-Example Class; Mortgage.srt
12.7 kB
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/1-Iteration.srt
12.7 kB
Week 8/Lecture 14 Sampling and Monte Carlo Methods/2-Introduction to Hashing.srt
12.6 kB
Week 2/Lecture 4 - Functions/3-Computing Powers as an Example.srt
12.4 kB
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/6-Bisection Search.srt
12.3 kB
Week 7/Lecture 12 Plotting/3-More on Pylab Plotting.srt
12.2 kB
Week 6/Lecture 10 Classes/5-Using Inheritance; Subclasses to Extend Behavior.srt
12.2 kB
Week 10/Lecture 17 - Curve Fitting/4-Which Curve Should We Pick.srt
12.1 kB
Week 10/Lecture 17 - Curve Fitting/3-Curve Fitting; Finding a Model That Fits the Observations.srt
11.9 kB
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/5-Approximation Methods.srt
11.7 kB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/4-Inductive Reasoning.srt
11.6 kB
Week 6/Lecture 11 Object Oriented Programming/3-Generators.srt
11.5 kB
Week 7/Lecture 13 Simulations and Random Walks/3-Drunken Tests M-600X-FA12-L13-3-V2_100.srt
11.5 kB
Week 4/Lecture 7 - Debugging/2-Test Suites.srt
11.4 kB
Week 2/Lecture 4 - Functions/4-Understanding Variable Binding.srt
11.1 kB
Week 1/Lecture 2 - Core Elements of Programs/4-Strings.srt
11.1 kB
Week 9/Lecture 15 - Statistical Thinking/2-Law of Large Numbers.srt
11.0 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/1-Normal Distributions.srt
11.0 kB
Week 10/Lecture 17 - Curve Fitting/1-Understanding Experimental Data.srt
10.8 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/app.js
10.7 kB
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/7-Newton-Raphson Root Finding.srt
10.6 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/3-The Monty Hall Problem.srt
10.5 kB
Week 1/Lecture 1 - Intro to Computation/2-Types of Knowledge.srt
10.4 kB
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/3-Loop Mechanisms.srt
10.2 kB
Week 7/Lecture 13 Simulations and Random Walks/1-Random Walks M-600X-FA12-L13-1_100.srt
10.1 kB
Week 3/Lecture 6 - Objects/5-Dictionaries.srt
10.0 kB
Week 7/Lecture 12 Plotting/1-Introduction to Plotting in Pylab.srt
9.9 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/tracker.js
9.9 kB
Week 1/Lecture 2 - Core Elements of Programs/1-Types of Programming Languages.srt
9.8 kB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/6-Towers of Hanoi.srt
9.8 kB
Week 5/Lecture 9 - Memory and Search/5-Hashing.srt
9.8 kB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/7-Fibonacci.srt
9.7 kB
Week 4/Lecture 7 - Debugging/3-Black-box Testing.srt
9.6 kB
Week 8/Lecture 14 Sampling and Monte Carlo Methods/3-Using Hashing to Look Up Information.srt
9.4 kB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/9-Global Variables.srt
9.2 kB
Week 4/Lecture 7 - Debugging/6-Debugging.srt
8.9 kB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/1-Iterative Algorithms.srt
8.9 kB
Week 12/Lecture 21 - Dynamic Programming/Week 12 L21 Slides/L21_code.9ad76310dd9d.py
8.8 kB
Week 10/Lecture 17 - Curve Fitting/6-Using a Model for Predictions.srt
8.7 kB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/2-Recursive Algorithms.srt
8.1 kB
Week 4/Lecture 8 - Efficiency and Orders of Growth/2-Asymptotic Notation.srt
8.0 kB
Week 4/Lecture 8 - Efficiency and Orders of Growth/4-Comparing Complexity Classes.srt
7.9 kB
Week 6/Lecture 10 Classes/6-Using Inheritance; Designing a Class Hierarchy.srt
7.8 kB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/5-Factorial.srt
7.8 kB
Week 4/Lecture 7 - Debugging/5-Test Drivers and Stubs.srt
7.6 kB
Week 1/Lecture 2 - Core Elements of Programs/3-Variables and Naming.srt
7.6 kB
Week 4/Lecture 7 - Debugging/4-Glass-box Testing.srt
7.5 kB
Week 10/Lecture 17 - Curve Fitting/Week 10 L17 Slides/L17_code.a97537eb3aaf.py
6.9 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/chartbeat.js
6.8 kB
Week 2/Lecture 4 - Functions/7-Modules.srt
6.6 kB
Week 4/Lecture 7 - Debugging/1-Testing and Debugging.srt
6.2 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/quant.js
5.8 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/montybg_bestanden/grau.jpg
5.7 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/mtr.js
5.4 kB
Week 7/Lecture 13 Simulations and Random Walks/Week 7 L13 Slides/randomWalks-segment4.1899b0210916.py
5.0 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/revenuescience_all.js
4.9 kB
Week 7/Lecture 12 Plotting/Week 7 L12 Slides/plotting-seg3.16854f2f57aa.py
4.9 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/nytModal.css
4.6 kB
Week 9/Lecture 15 - Statistical Thinking/Week 9 L15 Slides/Lecture15_1.pdf
4.5 kB
Week 6/Lecture 10 Classes/Week 6 L10 Slides/Lec10_code.py
4.0 kB
Week 6/Lecture 11 Object Oriented Programming/Week 6 L11 Slides/Lec11_code.py
4.0 kB
Week 11/Lecture 18 - Optimization Problems/Week 11 L18 Slides/L18_code.b14c7cc1894a.py
3.9 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/montybg_bestanden/currentValue.class
3.8 kB
Week 9/Lecture 15 - Statistical Thinking/Week 9 L15 Slides/l15-2.65a530e20f20.py
3.7 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/urilist.js
3.5 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/simMontyHall.83a846003049.py
3.4 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/navigate.js
3.3 kB
Week 12/Lecture 20 - More On Graphs/Week 12 L20 Slides/clique.1fd5d313aa4b.py
3.3 kB
Week 12/Lecture 20 - More On Graphs/Week 12 L20 Slides/puzzle.f3e997cf4409.py
3.0 kB
Week 5/Lecture 9 - Memory and Search/4.0.1-Merge Sort Demo.srt
2.9 kB
Week 7/Lecture 13 Simulations and Random Walks/Week 7 L13 Slides/randomWalks-segment3.139870851c5b.py
2.9 kB
Week 5/Lecture 9 - Memory and Search/3.0-Selection Sort Demo.srt
2.7 kB
Week 9/Lecture 15 - Statistical Thinking/Week 9 L15 Slides/l15-3.bde60bac8d31.py
2.2 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/loading-grey-lines-circle-18.gif
2.1 kB
Week 11/Lecture 19 - Graphs/Week 11 L19 Slides/graph.e34b2a9c818d.py
2.1 kB
Week 2/Lecture 4 - Functions/Week 2 L4 Slides/Lec4-roots.7a5aff4c718c.py
2.0 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/jsonp-feed.js
1.9 kB
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/7.0-Bisection Search Demo.srt
1.9 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/p.htm
1.9 kB
Week 7/Lecture 13 Simulations and Random Walks/Week 7 L13 Slides/randomWalks-segment2.7f0572b6b0b9.py
1.7 kB
Week 1/Lecture 2 - Core Elements of Programs/0-Introduction.srt
1.7 kB
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/0-Introduction.srt
1.7 kB
Week 11/Lecture 19 - Graphs/Week 11 L19 Slides/DFS.319ca7b71019.py
1.7 kB
Week 2/Lecture 4 - Functions/0-Introduction.srt
1.7 kB
Week 8/Lecture 14 Sampling and Monte Carlo Methods/Week 8 L14 Slides/intDict.b8d7ea675970.py
1.5 kB
Week 7/Lecture 12 Plotting/0-Introduction.srt
1.5 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/estPi.5c3923a8b9af.py
1.4 kB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/0-Introduction.srt
1.4 kB
Week 9/Lecture 15 - Statistical Thinking/0-Introduction.srt
1.4 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/normalDistributions.b09aa53e906b.py
1.4 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/wtinit.js
1.3 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/template.js
1.2 kB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/9.0-Palindromes Demo.srt
1.2 kB
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/8.0-Fibonacci Demo.srt
1.2 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/clearSim.c3875a32b650.py
1.2 kB
Week 5/Lecture 9 - Memory and Search/0-Introduction.srt
1.2 kB
Week 4/Lecture 7 - Debugging/0-Introduction.srt
1.1 kB
Week 4/Lecture 8 - Efficiency and Orders of Growth/0-Introduction.srt
1.1 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/header-logo.gif
1.1 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/newsletterPrefs.css
1.0 kB
Week 3/Lecture 6 - Objects/0-Introduction.srt
1.0 kB
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/loginModal.css
938 Bytes
Week 1/Lecture 1 - Intro to Computation/0-Introduction.srt
928 Bytes
Week 8/Lecture 14 Sampling and Monte Carlo Methods/Week 8 L14 Slides/monteCarloSimulations.348b2df187c6.py
880 Bytes
Week 8/Lecture 14 Sampling and Monte Carlo Methods/Week 8 L14 Slides/rollDice.99bef914a72b.py
879 Bytes
Week 7/Lecture 12 Plotting/Week 7 L12 Slides/plotting-seg2.882d940e8a83.py
823 Bytes
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/301836318.js
677 Bytes
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/article.css
581 Bytes
Week 8/Lecture 14 Sampling and Monte Carlo Methods/Week 8 L14 Slides/hashingExamples.e6e9b482bed3.py
572 Bytes
Week 2/Lecture 4 - Functions/Week 2 L4 Slides/Lec4-iterativePower.6efa1a322446.py
568 Bytes
Week 3/Lecture 6 - Objects/Week 3 L6 Slides/Lec6-applyToEach.bb34dad5ef44.py
516 Bytes
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/Week 2 L3 Slides/lec3.4.4.763ce47a8ed0.py
504 Bytes
Week 11/Lecture 19 - Graphs/Week 11 L19 Slides/BFS.957adc186226.py
500 Bytes
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/Week 2 L3 Slides/lec3.6.2.c61b122915c1.py
466 Bytes
Week 3/Lecture 6 - Objects/Week 3 L6 Slides/Lec6-divisors.bc147ff259b9.py
420 Bytes
Week 3/Lecture 6 - Objects/Week 3 L6 Slides/Lec6-Universities.22dcfcb4ac39.py
397 Bytes
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/Week 3 L5 Slides/Lec5-fibMetered.318b63eb58ad.py
366 Bytes
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/Week 2 L3 Slides/lec3.5.2.68cc09c2d633.py
364 Bytes
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/Week 3 L5 Slides/Lec5-isPal.7f9ff66dabca.py
363 Bytes
Week 4/Lecture 7 - Debugging/Week 4 L7 Slides/Lec7Tests.07d0cb31d695.py
343 Bytes
Week 10/Lecture 17 - Curve Fitting/Week 10 L17 Slides/launcherData.981d3a48ecfc.txt
343 Bytes
Week 3/Lecture 6 - Objects/Week 3 L6 Slides/Lec6-removeDups.fa3036169897.py
337 Bytes
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/Week 2 L3 Slides/lec3.3.3.ee6d6e3a82a2.py
335 Bytes
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/Week 2 L3 Slides/lec3.2.6.418d452542c4.py
314 Bytes
Week 2/Lecture 4 - Functions/Week 2 L4 Slides/test.py
298 Bytes
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/Week 3 L5 Slides/Lec5-fact.7b869c890265.py
280 Bytes
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/Week 2 L3 Slides/lec3.2.4.63d4b28a3baa.py
271 Bytes
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/Week 2 L3 Slides/lec3.7.3.bc23869de274.py
264 Bytes
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/Week 3 L5 Slides/Lec5-towers.fbe7c1d777e6.py
261 Bytes
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/regiModal.css
253 Bytes
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/Week 2 L3 Slides/lec3.4.3.99c802337829.py
249 Bytes
Week 10/Lecture 17 - Curve Fitting/Week 10 L17 Slides/springData.c03ef0d67ee3.txt
240 Bytes
Week 1/Lecture 2 - Core Elements of Programs/Week 1 L2 Slides/Lec2.6.4.ce5e356c877d.py
206 Bytes
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/Week 3 L5 Slides/Lec5-fib.85faedde9607.py
198 Bytes
Week 2/Lecture 3 - Simple Alogrithm/Week 2 L3 Slides/lec3.1.2.eae88c107b74.py
193 Bytes
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/go.gif
186 Bytes
Week 2/Lecture 4 - Functions/Week 2 L4 Slides/Lec4-twoPower.6d3436837e85.py
182 Bytes
Week 1/Lecture 2 - Core Elements of Programs/Week 1 L2 Slides/Lec2.6.2.8f018b2545a7.py
174 Bytes
Week 7/Lecture 12 Plotting/Week 7 L12 Slides/plotting-seg1.f2ced5471473.py
153 Bytes
Week 2/Lecture 4 - Functions/Week 2 L4 Slides/circle.a23bd1538e4f.py
149 Bytes
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/boot.js
147 Bytes
Week 1/Lecture 2 - Core Elements of Programs/Week 1 L2 Slides/Lec2.5.4.9267d4428ef3.py
115 Bytes
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/meter.js
113 Bytes
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/ad-nytimes.htm
108 Bytes
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/ad-nytimes_002.htm
108 Bytes
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/ad-nytimes_003.htm
108 Bytes
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/track.htm
108 Bytes
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/Week 3 L5 Slides/Lec5-iterMul.6f57169a802c.py
105 Bytes
Week 3/Lecture 5 - Recursion/Week 3 L5 Slides/Lec5-recMul.2acc3a988478.py
104 Bytes
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/env.js
56 Bytes
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/a.gif
43 Bytes
Week 9/Lecture 16 - Using Randomness to Solve Non-Random Problems/Week 9 L16 Slides/behind-monty-hall-s-doors-puzzle-debate-and-answer_bestanden/pixel.gif
43 Bytes
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V-Ray 6 For Sketchup (6.00.00)
933.9 MB
V-Ray 6 For Sketchup (6.00.00)
933.9 MB
V-Ray 6 For Sketchup (6.00.00)
933.9 MB
V-Ray 6 For Sketchup (6.00.00).zip
925.7 MB
V-Ray 6 For Sketchup (6.00.00).zip
925.7 MB
V-Ray 6 For Sketchup (6.00.00)
933.9 MB
1.9 GB
391.9 MB
PES 2020 Bypass Crack 1.06.00 DLC 6.00.rar
197.5 MB