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- 下载次数:507次
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- 收录时间:2021-01-14
- 最近下载:2024-07-10
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Family_Jewels_full_DOCUMENTS OF OPERATION 325.1 MB
Operation Mockingbird - Parts 48.4 MB
Operation Mockingbird - 33.9 MB
CIA's Family 33.3 MB 32.2 MB
Operation Mockingbird - CIA Media 27.6 MB
CIA AND THE MEDIA How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up BY CARL 19.0 MB
SIGHTINGS Operation Mockingbird The Subversion Of America's Free Press By The 17.7 MB 16.9 MB
Operation Mockingbird - 9_11 16.9 MB
Operation 16.6 MB 16.0 MB 15.9 MB
The_CIAs_Project_MOCKINGBIRD_-_Ongoing_Covert_Control_of_the_Med(1) 15.9 MB 15.8 MB
Operation Mockingbird - [1999] Testimony of Mr. William Schaap on the role of the 15.3 MB
CIA Disinformation in Action- Operation Mockingbird and the Washington 15.1 MB
How the Washington Post Censors the News. A Letter to the Washington Post by Julian 13.4 MB 13.2 MB
Anderson Cooper, CIA Operative_ 11.2 MB
Family_Jewels_full_DOCUMENTS OF OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD-703_abbyy.gz 10.8 MB
CIA Propaganda and Disinformation 8.9 MB
Operation Mockingbird - THE MIGHTY WURLITZER PLAYS ON by Gary Webb Chapter 14 from In the Buzzsaw edited by Kristina 8.8 MB
Pipe Dreams_ the CIA, Drugs, and the 8.8 MB
CIA Propaganda and Disinformation 8.5 MB
Operation Mockingbird-An Overview and 7.6 MB
Family_Jewels_full_DOCUMENTS OF OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD-703_djvu.xml 7.0 MB
Operation Mockingbird_ CIA Media 5.5 MB
The CIA and journalism - 4.5 MB 4.5 MB
Operation Mockingbird - 4.4 MB
Operation Mockingbird - CIA 4.2 MB
Talk_Operation Mockingbird - 3.5 MB
Operation Mockingbird The CIA's Operation Mockingbird Manipulated 3.4 MB
Depraved Spies and Moguls of the CIA's Operation MOCKINGBIRD by Alex 3.3 MB 3.3 MB
Operation 3.2 MB 3.1 MB
Operation Mockingbird - Parts 1-3-71_abbyy.gz 3.0 MB
SourceWatch has Revised the History of the CIA's Operation Mockingbird - The Constantine 2.9 MB
Operation Mockingbird - 2.8 MB
Operation Mockingbird - CIA owns the Media _ 2.8 MB
Operation Mockingbird (CIA_FBI control of the media--The Mighty Wurlitzer) 2.7 MB
CIA's Family Jewels-_abbyy.gz 2.7 MB 2.3 MB
Bought and Paid for Central Bankster-Owned LameStreamMedia and their _Propaganda 2.2 MB
Operation Mockingbird - SPARTACUS-EDUCATIONAL.COM-38_abbyy.gz 2.1 MB 2.1 MB
Operation Mockingbird_ The CIA and 2.0 MB
Operation Mockingbird - CIA Media Manipulation-28_abbyy.gz 2.0 MB 1.9 MB
Operation Mockingbird - Parts 1-3-71_djvu.xml 1.9 MB
CIA's Family Jewels-_djvu.xml 1.7 MB
CIA-Project-Mockingbird-to-Wiretap-Journalists-8.pdf 1.7 MB
Operation Mockingbird - CIA Documents-7.pdf 1.5 MB
Operation Mockingbird - CIA Media Manipulation-28.pdf 1.5 MB
Operation Mockingbird - SPARTACUS-EDUCATIONAL.COM-38.pdf 1.4 MB
SourceWatch has Revised the History of the CIA's Operation 1.4 MB 1.4 MB
Operation Mockingbird - SPARTACUS-EDUCATIONAL.COM-38_djvu.xml 1.4 MB
Stepford Spook and the New Operation 1.3 MB
OPERATION_MOCKINGBIRD_Part_1_djvu.xml 1.3 MB 1.2 MB
Operation Mockingbird - CIA Media Manipulation-28_djvu.xml 1.2 MB 1.2 MB
CIA AND THE MEDIA How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up BY CARL BERNSTEIN-21_abbyy.gz 1.2 MB
SIGHTINGS Operation Mockingbird The Subversion Of America's Free Press By The CIA-22_abbyy.gz 1.0 MB 1.0 MB
Operation Mockingbird-27_abbyy.gz 1.0 MB
MOCKINGBIRD_The_Subversion_Of_The_Free_Press_By_The_CIA_abbyy.gz 1.0 MB
Operation Mockingbird - 9_11 Review-28_abbyy.gz 1.0 MB
MOCKINGBIRDTheSubversionOfTheFreePressByTheCIA-67_abbyy.gz 1.0 MB
Operation_Mockingbird_-_The_Subversion_Of_Americas_Free_Press_By_abbyy.gz 993.0 kB
The_CIAs_Project_MOCKINGBIRD_-_Ongoing_Covert_Control_of_the_Med_abbyy.gz 988.0 kB
The_CIAs_Project_MOCKINGBIRD_-_Ongoing_Covert_Control_of_the_Med(1)_abbyy.gz 986.8 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_CIA_Controls_The_Mainstream_Media.pdf 939.1 kB
Operation Mockingbird - [1999] Testimony of Mr. William Schaap on the role of the U.S_abbyy.gz 919.9 kB
CIA Disinformation in Action- Operation Mockingbird and the Washington 836.3 kB
Operation Mockingbird - 9_11 Review-28.pdf 833.4 kB
How the Washington Post Censors the News. A Letter to the Washington Post by Julian C-23_abbyy.gz 799.5 kB
CIA AND THE MEDIA How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up BY CARL BERNSTEIN-21_djvu.xml 759.8 kB
MOCKINGBIRDTheSubversionOfTheFreePressByTheCIA-67_djvu.xml 716.2 kB
MOCKINGBIRDTheSubversionOfTheFreePressByTheCIA-WhatReallyHappened-22_abbyy.gz 684.5 kB
Family_Jewels_full_DOCUMENTS OF OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD-703_djvu.txt 668.5 kB
Operation Mockingbird - 9_11 Review-28_djvu.xml 663.4 kB
MOCKINGBIRD_The_Subversion_Of_The_Free_Press_By_The_CIA_djvu.xml 657.6 kB
Operation Mockingbird-27_djvu.xml 657.4 kB
Operation Mockingbird - [1999] Testimony of Mr. William Schaap on the role of the U.S_djvu.xml 651.2 kB
SIGHTINGS Operation Mockingbird The Subversion Of America's Free Press By The CIA-22_djvu.xml 647.5 kB
Anderson Cooper, CIA Operative_ 646.1 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_-_The_Subversion_Of_Americas_Free_Press_By_djvu.xml 639.2 kB
The_CIAs_Project_MOCKINGBIRD_-_Ongoing_Covert_Control_of_the_Med(1)_djvu.xml 627.8 kB
The_CIAs_Project_MOCKINGBIRD_-_Ongoing_Covert_Control_of_the_Med_djvu.xml 627.8 kB
Operation Mockingbird - CIA owns the Media _ 911Blogger.pdf 602.6 kB
Operation Mockingbird_ CIA Media Manipulation-3.pdf 573.7 kB
SIGHTINGS Operation Mockingbird The Subversion Of America's Free Press By The CIA-22.pdf 549.9 kB
Operation Mockingbird - [1999] Testimony of Mr. William Schaap on the role of the U.S.pdf 533.6 kB
Operation Mockingbird - THE MIGHTY WURLITZER PLAYS ON by Gary Webb Chapter 14 from In the Buzzsaw edited by Kristina Borjesson_abbyy.gz 521.4 kB
Pipe Dreams_ the CIA, Drugs, and the Media_abbyy.gz 518.2 kB
CIA Disinformation in Action- Operation Mockingbird and the Washington 509.1 kB
Operation Mockingbird - Parts 1-3-71.pdf 508.6 kB
How the Washington Post Censors the News. A Letter to the Washington Post by Julian C-23_djvu.xml 501.8 kB
SourceWatch has Revised the History of the CIA's Operation Mockingbird - The Constantine Report.pdf 496.3 kB
CIA's Family Jewels-.pdf 477.7 kB
Operation Mockingbird The CIA's Operation Mockingbird Manipulated Media-5.pdf 466.2 kB
MOCKINGBIRDTheSubversionOfTheFreePressByTheCIA-WhatReallyHappened-22_djvu.xml 457.1 kB
CIA Disinformation in Action- Operation Mockingbird and the Washington 441.5 kB
Operation Mockingbird-An Overview and History-12_abbyy.gz 439.7 kB
How the Washington Post Censors the News. A Letter to the Washington Post by Julian C-23.pdf 437.4 kB
Operation Mockingbird - Factbites-7.pdf 436.4 kB
Operation Mockingbird-An Overview and History-12.pdf 419.9 kB
MOCKINGBIRDTheSubversionOfTheFreePressByTheCIA-WhatReallyHappened-22.pdf 409.3 kB
Anderson Cooper, CIA Operative_ 407.4 kB
UK_Gay_News_-_Operation_Mockingbird_County_Rallies_to_Aid_Dying_.pdf 395.7 kB
Operation Mockingbird - 358.7 kB
Operation Mockingbird - THE MIGHTY WURLITZER PLAYS ON by Gary Webb Chapter 14 from In the Buzzsaw edited by Kristina Borjesson_djvu.xml 352.3 kB
Pipe Dreams_ the CIA, Drugs, and the Media_djvu.xml 335.8 kB
Pipe Dreams_ the CIA, Drugs, and the Media.pdf 318.1 kB
Operation Mockingbird - THE MIGHTY WURLITZER PLAYS ON by Gary Webb Chapter 14 from In the Buzzsaw edited by Kristina Borjesson.pdf 315.3 kB
The CIA and journalism - SourceWatch.pdf 299.0 kB
Anderson Cooper, CIA Operative_ 292.5 kB
Operation Mockingbird-An Overview and History-12_djvu.xml 289.9 kB
CIA-Project-Mockingbird-to-Wiretap-Journalists-8_text.pdf 274.1 kB
Operation Mockingbird-CIA-5_abbyy.gz 273.7 kB
MOCKINGBIRDTheSubversionOfTheFreePressByTheCIA-67.pdf 273.5 kB
Operation Mockingbird - Factbites-7_abbyy.gz 265.3 kB
SUBVERTING THE MEDIA - DeepBlackLies-5_abbyy.gz 264.1 kB
Operation Mockingbird-27.pdf 263.8 kB
The CIA and journalism - SourceWatch_abbyy.gz 260.6 kB
CIA Propaganda and Disinformation 244.7 kB
1035-960 CIA Conspiracy Theorist Document.png 244.7 kB
Operation Mockingbird - Parts 1-3-71.gif 238.1 kB
Operation Mockingbird - SPARTACUS-EDUCATIONAL.COM-38.gif 236.3 kB
Talk_Operation Mockingbird - SourceWatch-5.pdf 236.0 kB
Operation Mockingbird - Parts 1-3-71_djvu.txt 222.6 kB
Operation Mockingbird - CIA Media Manipulation-28.gif 219.6 kB
SourceWatch has Revised the History of the CIA's Operation Mockingbird.pdf 212.1 kB
Family_Jewels_full_DOCUMENTS OF OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD-703_scandata.xml 211.1 kB
Operation Mockingbird - CIA owns the Media _ 911Blogger_abbyy.gz 209.5 kB
Talk_Operation Mockingbird - SourceWatch-5_abbyy.gz 203.6 kB
Depraved Spies and Moguls of the CIA's Operation MOCKINGBIRD by Alex Constantine-4_abbyy.gz 201.9 kB
Operation Mockingbird (CIA_FBI control of the media--The Mighty Wurlitzer)-3.pdf 201.8 kB
CIA AND THE MEDIA How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up BY CARL BERNSTEIN-21.gif 196.6 kB
CIA's Family Jewels-_djvu.txt 196.2 kB
Operation Mockingbird The CIA's Operation Mockingbird Manipulated Media-5_abbyy.gz 195.0 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_-_CIA_Media_Manipulation_abbyy.gz 193.4 kB
Operation Mockingbird_ CIA Media Manipulation-3_abbyy.gz 190.5 kB
Depraved Spies and Moguls of the CIA's Operation MOCKINGBIRD by Alex Constantine-4.pdf 181.3 kB
Operation Mockingbird-27.gif 177.1 kB
Operation Mockingbird - 9_11 Review-28.gif 175.0 kB
Operation Mockingbird-CIA-5_djvu.xml 175.0 kB
TheAmericanMediaisControlled-6.pdf 174.7 kB
AFP Reporter Admits Most Media Work for CIA, MI6, and Mossad.jpg 174.3 kB
Operation Mockingbird (CIA_FBI control of the media--The Mighty Wurlitzer)-3_abbyy.gz 171.6 kB
SUBVERTING THE MEDIA - DeepBlackLies-5_djvu.xml 168.8 kB
The_CIAs_Project_MOCKINGBIRD_-_Ongoing_Covert_Control_of_the_Med(1).gif 168.3 kB
The_CIAs_Project_MOCKINGBIRD_-_Ongoing_Covert_Control_of_the_Med.gif 168.1 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_-_The_Subversion_Of_Americas_Free_Press_By.gif 167.3 kB
Operation Mockingbird - Factbites-7_djvu.xml 165.4 kB
MOCKINGBIRD_The_Subversion_Of_The_Free_Press_By_The_CIA.gif 162.9 kB
Operation Mockingbird_ The CIA and Propaganda-4.pdf 162.7 kB
The CIA and journalism - SourceWatch_djvu.xml 161.5 kB
TheAmericanMediaisControlled-6_abbyy.gz 159.4 kB
CIA Propaganda and Disinformation 158.9 kB
Operation Mockingbird - SPARTACUS-EDUCATIONAL.COM-38_djvu.txt 157.6 kB
CIA-Project-Mockingbird-to-Wiretap-Journalists-8_abbyy.gz 157.3 kB
OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD - AFPN.COM Parts 1-4-_djvu.txt 156.9 kB
Operation CHAOS CIA.jpg 151.8 kB
FamilyJewelsFullDOCUMENTSOFOPERATIONMOCKINGBIRD703_201610_meta.sqlite 151.6 kB
OPERATION_MOCKINGBIRD_Part_1_djvu.txt 148.3 kB
Operation Mockingbird - CIA Media Manipulation-28_djvu.txt 146.0 kB
SIGHTINGS Operation Mockingbird The Subversion Of America's Free Press By The CIA-22.gif 145.7 kB
Operation Mockingbird - BlackHistoryMonth2014.com_abbyy.gz 144.6 kB
CIA's Family Jewels-.gif 143.9 kB
SourceWatch has Revised the History of the CIA's Operation Mockingbird - The Constantine Report_abbyy.gz 141.1 kB
Family_Jewels_full_DOCUMENTS OF OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD-703.gif 139.9 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_The_CIA_and_Propaganda_abbyy.gz 137.6 kB
CIA AND THE MEDIA How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up BY CARL BERNSTEIN-21.pdf 137.0 kB
Operation Mockingbird - CIA owns the Media _ 911Blogger_djvu.xml 135.8 kB
The_CIAs_Project_MOCKINGBIRD_-_Ongoing_Covert_Control_of_the_Med(1).pdf 132.4 kB
Operation Mockingbird_ The CIA and Propaganda-4_abbyy.gz 132.3 kB
The_CIAs_Project_MOCKINGBIRD_-_Ongoing_Covert_Control_of_the_Med.pdf 132.3 kB
Operation Mockingbird - CIA Documents-7_abbyy.gz 131.9 kB
Operation Mockingbird - [1999] Testimony of Mr. William Schaap on the role of the U.S.gif 130.1 kB
Bought and Paid for Central Bankster-Owned LameStreamMedia and their _Propaganda Matrix_-6_abbyy.gz 128.6 kB
Depraved Spies and Moguls of the CIA's Operation MOCKINGBIRD by Alex Constantine-4_djvu.xml 128.5 kB
CIA Disinformation in Action- Operation Mockingbird and the Washington 127.2 kB
Operation Mockingbird The CIA's Operation Mockingbird Manipulated Media-5_djvu.xml 126.2 kB
MOCKINGBIRD_The_Subversion_Of_The_Free_Press_By_The_CIA.pdf 125.4 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_-_The_Subversion_Of_Americas_Free_Press_By.pdf 125.0 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_-_CIA_Media_Manipulation_djvu.xml 124.4 kB
Talk_Operation Mockingbird - SourceWatch-5_djvu.xml 121.3 kB
MOCKINGBIRDTheSubversionOfTheFreePressByTheCIA-WhatReallyHappened-22.gif 120.9 kB
Operation Mockingbird (CIA_FBI control of the media--The Mighty Wurlitzer)-3_djvu.xml 118.1 kB
Operation Mockingbird_ CIA Media Manipulation-3_djvu.xml 116.6 kB
Anderson Cooper, CIA Operative_ 115.5 kB
UK_Gay_News_-_Operation_Mockingbird_County_Rallies_to_Aid_Dying__abbyy.gz 115.5 kB
How the Washington Post Censors the News. A Letter to the Washington Post by Julian C-23.gif 110.9 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_CIA_Controls_The_Mainstream_Media_abbyy.gz 110.1 kB
TheAmericanMediaisControlled-6_djvu.xml 108.8 kB
MOCKINGBIRDTheSubversionOfTheFreePressByTheCIA-67.gif 105.9 kB
CIA's Misleading Tactics Article Jack Anderson.jpg 96.0 kB
CIA-Project-Mockingbird-to-Wiretap-Journalists-8_djvu.xml 94.7 kB
CIA Quotes.jpg 93.8 kB
SourceWatch has Revised the History of the CIA's Operation Mockingbird - The Constantine Report_djvu.xml 92.9 kB
CIA AND THE MEDIA How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up BY CARL BERNSTEIN-21_djvu.txt 89.5 kB
Operation Mockingbird - BlackHistoryMonth2014.com_djvu.xml 88.6 kB
SourceWatch has Revised the History of the CIA's Operation Mockingbird_abbyy.gz 87.2 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_The_CIA_and_Propaganda_djvu.xml 86.7 kB
Operation Mockingbird_ The CIA and Propaganda-4_djvu.xml 85.8 kB
Friends_of_Liberty_-_Pipeline_News_disagrees_w_Fahey_on_Bob_Nova_abbyy.gz 83.6 kB
Bought and Paid for Central Bankster-Owned LameStreamMedia and their _Propaganda Matrix_-6_djvu.xml 82.5 kB
Operation Mockingbird - CIA Documents-7_djvu.xml 82.4 kB
Operation Mockingbird-An Overview and History-12.gif 79.8 kB
Report ot the President on CIA Activities 1975.jpg 78.4 kB
Bought and Paid for Central Bankster-Owned LameStreamMedia and their _Propaganda Matrix_-6.pdf 78.3 kB
Stepford Spook and the New Operation Mockingbird-2_abbyy.gz 77.5 kB
Operation Mockingbird - 9_11 Review-28_djvu.txt 76.9 kB
MOCKINGBIRD_The_Subversion_Of_The_Free_Press_By_The_CIA_djvu.txt 76.3 kB
SIGHTINGS Operation Mockingbird The Subversion Of America's Free Press By The CIA-22_djvu.txt 76.2 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_New_York_Times_confesses_to_role_in_subver_abbyy.gz 76.1 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_-_CIA_Media_Manipulation.pdf 76.1 kB
Operation Mockingbird-27_djvu.txt 75.7 kB
UK_Gay_News_-_Operation_Mockingbird_County_Rallies_to_Aid_Dying__djvu.xml 75.5 kB
MOCKINGBIRDTheSubversionOfTheFreePressByTheCIA-67_djvu.txt 75.4 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_-_The_Subversion_Of_Americas_Free_Press_By_djvu.txt 73.7 kB
SUBVERTING THE MEDIA - DeepBlackLies-5.pdf 73.5 kB
Pipe Dreams_ the CIA, Drugs, and the Media.gif 73.4 kB
The_CIAs_Project_MOCKINGBIRD_-_Ongoing_Covert_Control_of_the_Med_djvu.txt 72.9 kB
The_CIAs_Project_MOCKINGBIRD_-_Ongoing_Covert_Control_of_the_Med(1)_djvu.txt 72.9 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_-_Government_Control_of_Mainstream_Media_abbyy.gz 71.0 kB
Operation Mockingbird - THE MIGHTY WURLITZER PLAYS ON by Gary Webb Chapter 14 from In the Buzzsaw edited by Kristina Borjesson.gif 70.8 kB
Operation Mockingbird - [1999] Testimony of Mr. William Schaap on the role of the U.S_djvu.txt 69.6 kB
Operation Mockingbird-CIA-5.pdf 69.2 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_CIA_Controls_The_Mainstream_Media_djvu.xml 68.4 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_The_CIA_and_Propaganda.pdf 63.8 kB
CIA-Project-Mockingbird-to-Wiretap-Journalists-8.gif 61.5 kB
CIA Disinformation in Action- Operation Mockingbird and the Washington 60.1 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_Exposed_Congressional_Hearing_Proves_The_C_abbyy.gz 59.2 kB
Friends_of_Liberty_-_Pipeline_News_disagrees_w_Fahey_on_Bob_Nova.pdf 59.1 kB
How the Washington Post Censors the News. A Letter to the Washington Post by Julian C-23_djvu.txt 58.6 kB
Friends_of_Liberty_-_Pipeline_News_disagrees_w_Fahey_on_Bob_Nova_djvu.xml 57.6 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_Exposed_Congressional_Hearing_Proves_The_C.pdf 55.9 kB
quote-the-cia-s-research-program-is-described-in-a-book-called-the-search-for-the-manchurian-candidate-ken-follett-63380.jpg 55.1 kB
SourceWatch has Revised the History of the CIA's Operation Mockingbird_djvu.xml 54.7 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_New_York_Times_confesses_to_role_in_subver.pdf 54.5 kB
Stepford Spook and the New Operation Mockingbird-2.pdf 54.2 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_-_Government_Control_of_Mainstream_Media.pdf 52.9 kB
MOCKINGBIRDTheSubversionOfTheFreePressByTheCIA-WhatReallyHappened-22_djvu.txt 52.7 kB
Operation Mockingbird - CIA Documents-7.gif 52.2 kB
Stepford Spook and the New Operation Mockingbird-2_djvu.xml 50.2 kB
Operation Mockingbird - Factbites-7.gif 48.9 kB
Anderson Cooper, CIA Operative_ 48.8 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_New_York_Times_confesses_to_role_in_subver_djvu.xml 48.1 kB
SUBVERTING THE MEDIA - DeepBlackLies-5.gif 45.4 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_-_Government_Control_of_Mainstream_Media_djvu.xml 44.4 kB
CIA Propaganda and Disinformation 43.2 kB
Operation Mockingbird CIA 400 Active Agents William Colby.jpg 42.0 kB
CIA Unstable QUote by John Stockwell.jpg 41.0 kB
Operation Mockingbird - THE MIGHTY WURLITZER PLAYS ON by Gary Webb Chapter 14 from In the Buzzsaw edited by Kristina Borjesson_djvu.txt 39.6 kB
Pipe Dreams_ the CIA, Drugs, and the Media_djvu.txt 38.5 kB
The CIA and journalism - SourceWatch.gif 37.1 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_Exposed_Congressional_Hearing_Proves_The_C_djvu.xml 37.0 kB
Operation Mockingbird - 37.0 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_-_CIA_Media_Manipulation.gif 34.8 kB
Operation Mockingbird-An Overview and History-12_djvu.txt 32.9 kB
Operation Mockingbird The CIA's Operation Mockingbird Manipulated Media-5.gif 31.8 kB
Operation Mockingbird-CIA-5.gif 31.5 kB
Operation Mockingbird - CIA owns the Media _ 911Blogger.gif 30.8 kB
TheAmericanMediaisControlled-6.gif 29.2 kB
Depraved Spies and Moguls of the CIA's Operation MOCKINGBIRD by Alex Constantine-4.gif 29.0 kB
Talk_Operation Mockingbird - SourceWatch-5.gif 28.9 kB
Frank Church John Tower 1975 CIA Investigation.jpg 27.0 kB
Operation Mockingbird (CIA_FBI control of the media--The Mighty Wurlitzer)-3.gif 26.7 kB
Bought and Paid for Central Bankster-Owned LameStreamMedia and their _Propaganda Matrix_-6.gif 25.2 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_The_CIA_and_Propaganda.gif 24.3 kB
UK_Gay_News_-_Operation_Mockingbird_County_Rallies_to_Aid_Dying_.gif 24.0 kB
Operation Mockingbird_ The CIA and Propaganda-4.gif 23.6 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_CIA_Controls_The_Mainstream_Media.gif 21.8 kB
Operation Mockingbird_ CIA Media Manipulation-3.gif 21.6 kB
Operation Mockingbird - Parts 1-3-71_scandata.xml 21.5 kB
Operation Mockingbird-CIA-5_djvu.txt 20.7 kB
SUBVERTING THE MEDIA - DeepBlackLies-5_djvu.txt 20.3 kB
MOCKINGBIRDTheSubversionOfTheFreePressByTheCIA-67_scandata.xml 20.3 kB
Operation Mockingbird - Factbites-7_djvu.txt 19.8 kB
The CIA and journalism - SourceWatch_djvu.txt 19.3 kB
CIA Propaganda and Disinformation 17.0 kB
OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD - AFPN.COM Parts 1-4-_scandata.xml 16.4 kB
SourceWatch has Revised the History of the CIA's Operation Mockingbird.gif 16.2 kB
CIA's Family Jewels-_scandata.xml 15.8 kB
Friends_of_Liberty_-_Pipeline_News_disagrees_w_Fahey_on_Bob_Nova.gif 15.6 kB
Operation Mockingbird - CIA owns the Media _ 911Blogger_djvu.txt 15.6 kB
Talk_Operation Mockingbird - SourceWatch-5_djvu.txt 15.1 kB
Depraved Spies and Moguls of the CIA's Operation MOCKINGBIRD by Alex Constantine-4_djvu.txt 15.1 kB
Stepford Spook and the New Operation Mockingbird-2.gif 15.0 kB
Operation Mockingbird The CIA's Operation Mockingbird Manipulated Media-5_djvu.txt 14.9 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_-_CIA_Media_Manipulation_djvu.txt 14.4 kB
Operation Mockingbird_ CIA Media Manipulation-3_djvu.txt 14.1 kB
OPERATION_MOCKINGBIRD_Part_1_scandata.xml 13.7 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_New_York_Times_confesses_to_role_in_subver.gif 13.7 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_-_Government_Control_of_Mainstream_Media.gif 13.2 kB
Operation Mockingbird (CIA_FBI control of the media--The Mighty Wurlitzer)-3_djvu.txt 12.9 kB
SourceWatch has Revised the History of the CIA's Operation Mockingbird - The Constantine Report.gif 12.5 kB
TheAmericanMediaisControlled-6_djvu.txt 12.3 kB
Operation Mockingbird - SPARTACUS-EDUCATIONAL.COM-38_scandata.xml 11.6 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_Exposed_Congressional_Hearing_Proves_The_C.gif 11.5 kB
Frank Church CIA Quote.png 11.3 kB
Operation Mockingbird - BlackHistoryMonth2014.com_djvu.txt 10.5 kB
SourceWatch has Revised the History of the CIA's Operation Mockingbird - The Constantine Report_djvu.txt 10.3 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_The_CIA_and_Propaganda_djvu.txt 10.3 kB
CIA-Project-Mockingbird-to-Wiretap-Journalists-8_djvu.txt 10.2 kB
Operation Mockingbird_ The CIA and Propaganda-4_djvu.txt 10.1 kB
Bought and Paid for Central Bankster-Owned LameStreamMedia and their _Propaganda Matrix_-6_djvu.txt 9.6 kB
MOCKINGBIRD_The_Subversion_Of_The_Free_Press_By_The_CIA_scandata.xml 9.5 kB
Operation Mockingbird - 9_11 Review-28_scandata.xml 8.6 kB
Operation Mockingbird - CIA Media Manipulation-28_scandata.xml 8.6 kB
UK_Gay_News_-_Operation_Mockingbird_County_Rallies_to_Aid_Dying__djvu.txt 8.6 kB
CIA's Misleading Tactics Article Jack Anderson_thumb.jpg 8.5 kB
Operation Mockingbird - CIA Documents-7_djvu.txt 8.5 kB
Operation Mockingbird-27_scandata.xml 8.3 kB
The_CIAs_Project_MOCKINGBIRD_-_Ongoing_Covert_Control_of_the_Med(1)_scandata.xml 8.0 kB
The_CIAs_Project_MOCKINGBIRD_-_Ongoing_Covert_Control_of_the_Med_scandata.xml 8.0 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_CIA_Controls_The_Mainstream_Media_djvu.txt 8.0 kB
CIA Quotes_thumb.jpg 7.5 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_-_The_Subversion_Of_Americas_Free_Press_By_scandata.xml 7.4 kB
Frank Church John Tower 1975 CIA Investigation_thumb.jpg 7.3 kB
How the Washington Post Censors the News. A Letter to the Washington Post by Julian C-23_scandata.xml 7.1 kB
MOCKINGBIRDTheSubversionOfTheFreePressByTheCIA-WhatReallyHappened-22_scandata.xml 6.8 kB
SIGHTINGS Operation Mockingbird The Subversion Of America's Free Press By The CIA-22_scandata.xml 6.8 kB
Operation CHAOS CIA_thumb.jpg 6.6 kB
CIA AND THE MEDIA How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up BY CARL BERNSTEIN-21_scandata.xml 6.5 kB
AFP Reporter Admits Most Media Work for CIA, MI6, and Mossad_thumb.jpg 6.5 kB
SourceWatch has Revised the History of the CIA's Operation Mockingbird_djvu.txt 6.4 kB
CIA Unstable QUote by John Stockwell_thumb.jpg 6.2 kB
Friends_of_Liberty_-_Pipeline_News_disagrees_w_Fahey_on_Bob_Nova_djvu.txt 6.1 kB
CIA Disinformation in Action- Operation Mockingbird and the Washington 5.9 kB
Stepford Spook and the New Operation Mockingbird-2_djvu.txt 5.8 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_New_York_Times_confesses_to_role_in_subver_djvu.txt 5.7 kB
Operation Mockingbird - [1999] Testimony of Mr. William Schaap on the role of the U.S_scandata.xml 5.6 kB
1035-960 CIA Conspiracy Theorist Document_thumb.jpg 5.6 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_-_Government_Control_of_Mainstream_Media_djvu.txt 5.3 kB
Operation Mockingbird CIA 400 Active Agents William Colby_thumb.jpg 5.1 kB
Anderson Cooper, CIA Operative_ 4.7 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_Exposed_Congressional_Hearing_Proves_The_C_djvu.txt 4.4 kB
quote-the-cia-s-research-program-is-described-in-a-book-called-the-search-for-the-manchurian-candidate-ken-follett-63380_thumb.jpg 3.9 kB
Frank Church CIA Quote_thumb.jpg 3.9 kB
Operation Mockingbird-An Overview and History-12_scandata.xml 3.8 kB
Report ot the President on CIA Activities 1975_thumb.jpg 3.7 kB
Pipe Dreams_ the CIA, Drugs, and the Media_scandata.xml 3.2 kB
Operation Mockingbird - THE MIGHTY WURLITZER PLAYS ON by Gary Webb Chapter 14 from In the Buzzsaw edited by Kristina Borjesson_scandata.xml 3.0 kB
CIA-Project-Mockingbird-to-Wiretap-Journalists-8_scandata.xml 2.7 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_-_CIA_Media_Manipulation_scandata.xml 2.7 kB
Operation Mockingbird - BlackHistoryMonth2014.com_scandata.xml 2.4 kB
Operation Mockingbird - CIA owns the Media _ 911Blogger_scandata.xml 2.4 kB
Operation Mockingbird - Factbites-7_scandata.xml 2.4 kB
Operation Mockingbird - CIA Documents-7_scandata.xml 2.4 kB
Bought and Paid for Central Bankster-Owned LameStreamMedia and their _Propaganda Matrix_-6_scandata.xml 2.1 kB
CIA Propaganda and Disinformation 2.1 kB
The CIA and journalism - SourceWatch_scandata.xml 2.1 kB
TheAmericanMediaisControlled-6_scandata.xml 2.1 kB
Operation Mockingbird The CIA's Operation Mockingbird Manipulated Media-5_scandata.xml 1.8 kB
Operation Mockingbird-CIA-5_scandata.xml 1.8 kB
SUBVERTING THE MEDIA - DeepBlackLies-5_scandata.xml 1.8 kB
Talk_Operation Mockingbird - SourceWatch-5_scandata.xml 1.8 kB
Depraved Spies and Moguls of the CIA's Operation MOCKINGBIRD by Alex Constantine-4_scandata.xml 1.5 kB
Operation Mockingbird_ The CIA and Propaganda-4_scandata.xml 1.5 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_The_CIA_and_Propaganda_scandata.xml 1.5 kB
FamilyJewelsFullDOCUMENTSOFOPERATIONMOCKINGBIRD703_201610_meta.xml 1.3 kB
Friends_of_Liberty_-_Pipeline_News_disagrees_w_Fahey_on_Bob_Nova_scandata.xml 1.2 kB
Operation Mockingbird (CIA_FBI control of the media--The Mighty Wurlitzer)-3_scandata.xml 1.2 kB
Operation Mockingbird_ CIA Media Manipulation-3_scandata.xml 1.2 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_CIA_Controls_The_Mainstream_Media_scandata.xml 1.2 kB
SourceWatch has Revised the History of the CIA's Operation Mockingbird_scandata.xml 1.2 kB
UK_Gay_News_-_Operation_Mockingbird_County_Rallies_to_Aid_Dying__scandata.xml 1.2 kB
Operation_Mockingbird_-_Government_Control_of_Mainstream_Media_scandata.xml 865 Bytes
Operation_Mockingbird_Exposed_Congressional_Hearing_Proves_The_C_scandata.xml 865 Bytes
Operation_Mockingbird_New_York_Times_confesses_to_role_in_subver_scandata.xml 865 Bytes
SourceWatch has Revised the History of the CIA's Operation Mockingbird - The Constantine Report_scandata.xml 865 Bytes
Stepford Spook and the New Operation Mockingbird-2_scandata.xml 865 Bytes