07 Singly Linked List/062 Delete a node that contain a target data..mp4 51.6 MB
08 Doubly Linked List/072 Deleting a node - delete first delete last and delete a target..mp4 47.5 MB
04 Polish notation and Reverse Polish Notation/023 Infix to Postfix conversion - More examples with procedure.mp4 39.2 MB
08 Doubly Linked List/071 Find and Insert After and Insert Before operation..mp4 39.0 MB
08 Doubly Linked List/070 AddLast implementation to add a new node as the last node..mp4 36.4 MB
04 Polish notation and Reverse Polish Notation/028 Writing the C function for converting Infix to Postfix..mp4 35.3 MB
04 Polish notation and Reverse Polish Notation/022 Discussion on how to convert Infix to Postfix..mp4 34.8 MB
04 Polish notation and Reverse Polish Notation/026 Dry running the Algorithm for converting Infix to Postfix..mp4 33.2 MB
03 Step-by-step developing a parenthesis checking program using Stack/014 The explanation of the algorithm that we develop for parenthesis checking..mp4 29.0 MB
07 Singly Linked List/061 Delete last operation to delete the last node..mp4 28.3 MB
08 Doubly Linked List/069 Implementation of Add First method to add a new node as the first node..mp4 27.6 MB
04 Polish notation and Reverse Polish Notation/021 Implementing evaluation of Postfix expression with C Programming language..mp4 26.9 MB
05 All about Queue/030 Introduction to Queue.mp4 25.7 MB
01 Introduction to the course/001 Introduction to the course..mp4 25.5 MB
07 Singly Linked List/058 Load data from file and build the linked list..mp4 23.9 MB
08 Doubly Linked List/068 Starting the program to implement various operations for Doubly Linked List..mp4 23.6 MB
07 Singly Linked List/052 Implementing Insert at Head - Add a new node as the first node..mp4 22.5 MB
04 Polish notation and Reverse Polish Notation/018 Understanding precedence of operators conversion idea - infix to prefixpostfix.mp4 21.4 MB
05 All about Queue/045 Implementation of Double Ended Queue..mp4 21.4 MB
02 All about Stack/010 Stack In Action - Decimal to binary conversion.mp4 21.0 MB
07 Singly Linked List/055 Compiling and executing the program written so far..mp4 20.4 MB
03 Step-by-step developing a parenthesis checking program using Stack/012 Understanding the problem..mp4 19.8 MB
07 Singly Linked List/065 Implementation of Stack using singly linked list..mp4 19.3 MB
05 All about Queue/039 Circular queue operations. How to perform enqueue and dequeue operations..mp4 18.9 MB
02 All about Stack/011 Stack In Action - Reversing the content of a text file..mp4 18.7 MB
03 Step-by-step developing a parenthesis checking program using Stack/016 Implementation of parenthesis checking program - Part 2.mp4 18.6 MB
07 Singly Linked List/053 Traversing the linked list - printing the content of each node..mp4 18.5 MB
04 Polish notation and Reverse Polish Notation/027 Staring the implementation lets first develop the precedence checker function..mp4 18.4 MB
07 Singly Linked List/064 Traverse the singly linked list recursively..mp4 18.4 MB
07 Singly Linked List/063 Reverse the linked list..mp4 18.3 MB
07 Singly Linked List/051 Developing Insert At Tail operation - Add a new node as last node..mp4 18.1 MB
07 Singly Linked List/059 Creating Linked List from randomly generated integer numbers..mp4 17.8 MB
07 Singly Linked List/060 Delete first operation to delete the first node..mp4 17.7 MB
07 Singly Linked List/066 Implementation of Queue using Linked List.mp4 17.6 MB
04 Polish notation and Reverse Polish Notation/quizzes/006 Converting infix to postfix - the precedence checking.html 4.5 kB
04 Polish notation and Reverse Polish Notation/attached_files/029 Combine the conversion and evaluation function in a single program/complete-evaluation.c 4.3 kB
05 All about Queue/quizzes/008 FIFO Queue Algorithm understanding.html 3.9 kB
05 All about Queue/quizzes/007 Basic understanding of Queue.html 3.7 kB
04 Polish notation and Reverse Polish Notation/quizzes/005 Evaluating prefix and postfix expression.html 3.7 kB
05 All about Queue/quizzes/009 Stack and Queue operations.html 3.6 kB
07 Singly Linked List/attached_files/066 Implementation of Queue using Linked List/linkqueue.c 3.3 kB
07 Singly Linked List/attached_files/065 Implementation of Stack using singly linked list/linkstack.c 3.3 kB
04 Polish notation and Reverse Polish Notation/attached_files/028 Writing the C function for converting Infix to Postfix/in-to-post-lec27.c 2.7 kB
02 All about Stack/attached_files/011 Stack In Action - Reversing the content of a text file/reverse-file.c 2.6 kB
07 Singly Linked List/attached_files/064 Traverse the singly linked list recursively/linklist-recursive-traversal.c 2.6 kB
05 All about Queue/attached_files/045 Implementation of Double Ended Queue/deq.c 2.5 kB
03 Step-by-step developing a parenthesis checking program using Stack/attached_files/016 Implementation of parenthesis checking program - Part 2/check-bracket.c 2.3 kB
07 Singly Linked List/056 Practice for Singly Linked List.html 2.2 kB
02 All about Stack/attached_files/009 Make the stack more dynamic/stack-lec8.c 2.2 kB
02 All about Stack/attached_files/008 Make the Stack dynamic/stack-lec7.c 2.1 kB
04 Polish notation and Reverse Polish Notation/attached_files/021 Implementing evaluation of Postfix expression with C Programming language/postfix-eval.c 2.0 kB
04 Polish notation and Reverse Polish Notation/attached_files/027 Staring the implementation lets first develop the precedence checker function/in-to-post-lec26-practice.c 2.0 kB
02 All about Stack/attached_files/010 Stack In Action - Decimal to binary conversion/print-bin.c 2.0 kB
03 Step-by-step developing a parenthesis checking program using Stack/attached_files/015 Implementation of parenthesis checking program - Part 1/check-bracket.c 1.8 kB
05 All about Queue/attached_files/041 Implementation of Circular Queue/cir-queue-lec12.c 1.6 kB
05 All about Queue/attached_files/035 A menu for the Queue program/FIFOQueue-lec34.c 1.6 kB
02 All about Stack/attached_files/007 Building a menu for the implementation/stack-lec6.c 1.4 kB
05 All about Queue/attached_files/032 Algorithm for FIFO Queue/FIFO-Queue-algo.txt 1.1 kB
02 All about Stack/attached_files/005 Implementation of Stack/stack.c 965 Bytes
04 Polish notation and Reverse Polish Notation/attached_files/025 Writing the algorithm for converting Infix expression to equivalent Postfix/intopost-algo.txt 927 Bytes
05 All about Queue/attached_files/034 Implementation of FIFO Queue/FIFOQueue-lec33.c 889 Bytes
05 All about Queue/attached_files/043 Algorithm development for Double Ended Queue operations/DEQAlgo.txt 760 Bytes
03 Step-by-step developing a parenthesis checking program using Stack/attached_files/013 Developing the algorithm for bracket checking/bracket-checker-algo.txt 655 Bytes
04 Polish notation and Reverse Polish Notation/attached_files/020 Algorithm for evaluating Postfix expression/postfix-evaluation-algo.txt 515 Bytes
04 Polish notation and Reverse Polish Notation/attached_files/026 Dry running the Algorithm for converting Infix to Postfix/practice-in-to-post.txt 169 Bytes