- 种子哈希:680d88fb49ae3cb5568775a82ffca4195a287015
- 文档大小:75.7 GB
- 文档个数:375个文档
- 下载次数:856次
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- 收录时间:2024-08-04
- 最近下载:2025-02-18
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Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 45 Mibyllorr Darkfang, Chaos Sorcerer Lord (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 2.6 GB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 48 Goff Rocker (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 2.4 GB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 32 Sons of Horus Legion Praetor (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 2.3 GB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 62 Karlina von Carstein (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 1.9 GB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 24 Avatar of Khaine Part 1 (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 1.5 GB
EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Tutorials/02 - How to Paint Ultramarines.mp4 1.4 GB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 69 Squigs in the Mortal Realms (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 1.4 GB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 73 Tomb Kings of Khemri Jewellery (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 1.1 GB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 25 Avatar of Khaine Part 2 (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 1.1 GB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 94 Skaven Fur and Tails (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 1.1 GB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 05 Kruleboyz Flesh (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 1.0 GB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 95 Distressed Wood and Metals (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 966.2 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 76 Blood Bowl Basing (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 955.9 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 51 Gloomspite Gitz Tips and Tricks (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 954.6 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 01 Painting Faces - Light Skin (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mkv 940.7 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 64 Masking Tape Techniques (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 913.3 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 78 Nighthaunt (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 906.4 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 88 Star Map Cloak (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 896.7 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 26 Avatar of Khaine Part 3 (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 860.1 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 74 Equine Hair Techniques (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 860.0 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 60 Hive Fleet Leviathan Chitinous Carapace (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 844.1 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 81 Object Source Lighting Theory (OSL) (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 829.9 MB
EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Tutorials/06 - How to Paint Stormcast Eternals.mp4 815.3 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 80 Glossy Rotting Innards (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 811.0 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 07 Gems (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 800.2 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 16 Genestealer Flesh (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 795.4 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 55 Bone Techniques (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 752.0 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 96 Backlit Heads – Object Source Lighting (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 748.6 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 93 Freehand Cloak Trim (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 748.1 MB
EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Tutorials/04 - How to Paint Warhammer 40K Terrain.mp4 744.8 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 53 Blood Effects (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 739.4 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 84 Gargantuan Skin (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 728.5 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 19 Ranger Camo Cloaks (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 728.3 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 70 Kasrkin Camo Schemes (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 724.4 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 28 Yellow Ironjawz Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 713.5 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 09 Faces Dark Skin (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 704.8 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 79 Diseased Metals (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 704.0 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 52 Cadian Armour and Fatigues (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 703.8 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 20 T'au Skin Tones (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 686.0 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 65 Sylvaneth Wood Textures (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 680.0 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 06 Glazing (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 677.1 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 66 Small Scale Battle Damage and Weathering (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 673.1 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 46 Camouflage and Weathering on a Tank (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 650.8 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 67 Red Cloaks (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 648.1 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 87 Goblin Skin Tones (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 642.4 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 04 True Metallic Gold Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 634.2 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 03 Black Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 632.9 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 77 Dog Hair Techniques (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 617.8 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 27 Tyranid Chitin (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 611.6 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 59 Freehand Flames (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 609.5 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 35 Plasma Glow (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 594.5 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 02 Wet Blending (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mkv 589.4 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 61 Necron Green Object Source Lighting (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 585.7 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 68 Flayed Skin (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 585.1 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 57 True Metallic Steel (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 584.7 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 72 Ghoul Skin (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 584.6 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 12 Weathering (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 571.5 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 63 Draconic Scales (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 563.7 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 90 Tattoos (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 561.0 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 54 Vampire Skin (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 558.9 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 21 Crystal Blades (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 558.6 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 31 Medium Skin Tones (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 554.5 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 82 Paint Consistency (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 551.1 MB
EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Tutorials/05 - How to Build your Warhammer Age of Sigmar Starter Set.mp4 549.1 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 89 Custodes Power Weapons (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 544.5 MB
EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Tutorials/07 - How to Paint Kruleboyz.mp4 544.0 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 14 Glass Bottles (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 540.8 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 75 Deathwing Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 533.8 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 10 Silver Armour With Blue Undertones (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 530.2 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 11 Battle Damage (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 518.2 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 30 Muzzle burn and Scorching effects (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 514.1 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 83 Cracked Black Leather (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 511.3 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 91 Damascus Steel (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 505.4 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 56 Chipped T'au Empire Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 491.9 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 86 Kroot Skin (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 491.3 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 13 Winter Bases (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 490.9 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 58 Soft Pale Skin (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 486.5 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 18 Idoneth Deepkin Skin Tones (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 479.1 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 36 Horns, Teeth, and Claws (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 472.6 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 40 Non-metallic Metal – Part 2 (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 472.0 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 17 Realistic Fur (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 465.7 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 50 Ice Crystals (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 455.7 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 85 Necron Living Metal (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 450.9 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 08 White Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 450.1 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 44 Feathers and Wings (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 446.7 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 39 Non-metallic Metal – Part 1 (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 425.8 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 38 Spirit Skin (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 421.7 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 37 Colour Theory (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 411.8 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 34 Contrast Tips and Tricks (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 400.1 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 29 Verdigris (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 392.2 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 23 Freehanding Script (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 382.5 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 41 Red Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 371.0 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 47 Slaves to Darkness Dark Metal Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 369.3 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 15 Painting Space Marines (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 345.6 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 97 Colour Theory Complementary Schemes (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 345.1 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 33 Smoke Effects (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 320.4 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 71 Striking Scorpions Green Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 318.3 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 49 Green Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 317.5 MB
EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Tutorials/03 - How to Paint Necrons.mp4 315.1 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 22 Leather Textures (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 312.3 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 92 Colour Theory Analogous Schemes (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 282.6 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 42 Leagues of Votann Plasma Blades (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 270.8 MB
Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 43 Zombie Flesh (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).mp4 257.2 MB
EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/05 - Shading.mp4 208.8 MB
EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/03 - Using Contrast Paints.mp4 200.9 MB
EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/06 - Drybrushing.mp4 175.6 MB
EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/08 - Basing.mp4 172.9 MB
EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/07 - Layering.mp4 132.2 MB
EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/01 - Undercoating with Spray Paints.mp4 122.4 MB
EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/04 - Basecoating.mp4 107.6 MB
EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/09 - Protecting Your Models.mp4 104.5 MB
EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Tutorials/01 - Top 5 Tips for Building Models.mp4 100.7 MB
EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Painting Basics/04 - Choosing Your Colours.mp4 85.7 MB
EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/02 - Undercoating by Hand.mp4 83.9 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 45 Mibyllorr Darkfang, Chaos Sorcerer Lord (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 83.9 MB
EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Painting Basics/03 - Using Your Palette.mp4 81.1 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 48 Goff Rocker (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 77.3 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 32 Sons of Horus Legion Praetor (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 73.8 MB
EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/08 - Spray Paints.mp4 69.2 MB
EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Painting Basics/02 - Thinning Your Paints.mp4 65.7 MB
EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Painting Basics/05 - Your Painting Area.mp4 56.6 MB
EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/05 - Dry Paints.mp4 55.1 MB
EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/07 - Technical Paints.mp4 51.9 MB
EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/03 - Shade Paints.mp4 51.7 MB
EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/01 - Contrast Paints.mp4 50.8 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 24 Avatar of Khaine Part 1 (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 49.1 MB
EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Painting Basics/01 - Your Brush.mp4 46.5 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Tutorials/02 - How to Paint Ultramarines.aac 45.2 MB
EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/04 - Layer Paints.mp4 40.8 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 25 Avatar of Khaine Part 2 (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 36.1 MB
EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/06 - Metallic Paints.mp4 35.5 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 05 Kruleboyz Flesh (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 32.5 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 51 Gloomspite Gitz Tips and Tricks (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 30.7 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 01 Painting Faces - Light Skin (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 30.1 MB
EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/02 - Base Paints.mp4 29.8 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Tutorials/03 - How to Paint Necrons.aac 29.1 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 26 Avatar of Khaine Part 3 (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 27.9 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Tutorials/06 - How to Paint Stormcast Eternals.aac 26.1 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 16 Genestealer Flesh (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 25.8 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 07 Gems (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 25.7 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 53 Blood Effects (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 24.0 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Tutorials/04 - How to Paint Warhammer 40K Terrain.aac 23.6 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 19 Ranger Camo Cloaks (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 23.2 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 28 Yellow Ironjawz Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 22.9 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 52 Cadian Armour and Fatigues (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 22.6 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 09 Faces Dark Skin (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 22.5 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 20 T'au Skin Tones (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 22.0 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 06 Glazing (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 21.7 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 46 Camouflage and Weathering on a Tank (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 20.9 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 04 True Metallic Gold Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 20.2 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 03 Black Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 20.2 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 27 Tyranid Chitin (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 19.6 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 35 Plasma Glow (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 19.1 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 02 Wet Blending (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 19.0 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 12 Weathering (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 18.7 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 54 Vampire Skin (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 18.3 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 21 Crystal Blades (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 17.9 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 31 Medium Skin Tones (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 17.9 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Tutorials/05 - How to Build your Warhammer Age of Sigmar Starter Set.aac 17.5 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Tutorials/07 - How to Paint Kruleboyz.aac 17.3 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 14 Glass Bottles (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 17.2 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 11 Battle Damage (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 17.0 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 10 Silver Armour With Blue Undertones (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 17.0 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 30 Muzzle burn and Scorching effects (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 16.6 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 13 Winter Bases (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 15.7 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 18 Idoneth Deepkin Skin Tones (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 15.6 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 40 Non-metallic Metal – Part 2 (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 15.4 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 36 Horns, Teeth, and Claws (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 15.2 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 17 Realistic Fur (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 14.8 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 50 Ice Crystals (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 14.6 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 08 White Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 14.4 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 44 Feathers and Wings (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 14.3 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 39 Non-metallic Metal – Part 1 (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 13.9 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 38 Spirit Skin (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 13.5 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 37 Colour Theory (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 13.5 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 34 Contrast Tips and Tricks (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 13.1 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 29 Verdigris (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 12.8 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 41 Red Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 12.1 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 23 Freehanding Script (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 12.0 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 47 Slaves to Darkness Dark Metal Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 11.9 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 15 Painting Space Marines (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 11.5 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 49 Green Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 10.4 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 33 Smoke Effects (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 10.4 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 22 Leather Textures (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 10.1 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 42 Leagues of Votann Plasma Blades (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 8.9 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 43 Zombie Flesh (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).aac 8.4 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/05 - Shading.aac 6.6 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/03 - Using Contrast Paints.aac 6.4 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/06 - Drybrushing.aac 5.6 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/08 - Basing.aac 5.5 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/07 - Layering.aac 4.2 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/01 - Undercoating with Spray Paints.aac 3.9 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/04 - Basecoating.aac 3.4 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/09 - Protecting Your Models.aac 3.3 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Tutorials/01 - Top 5 Tips for Building Models.aac 3.2 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Painting Basics/04 - Choosing Your Colours.aac 2.7 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/02 - Undercoating by Hand.aac 2.7 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Painting Basics/03 - Using Your Palette.aac 2.6 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/08 - Spray Paints.aac 2.2 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Painting Basics/02 - Thinning Your Paints.aac 2.1 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Painting Basics/05 - Your Painting Area.aac 1.8 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/05 - Dry Paints.aac 1.8 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/07 - Technical Paints.aac 1.6 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/03 - Shade Paints.aac 1.6 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/01 - Contrast Paints.aac 1.6 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Painting Basics/01 - Your Brush.aac 1.5 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/04 - Layer Paints.aac 1.3 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/06 - Metallic Paints.aac 1.1 MB
RUS Dub (Yandex SpeechKit)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/02 - Base Paints.aac 940.6 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 45 Mibyllorr Darkfang, Chaos Sorcerer Lord (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 106.9 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 48 Goff Rocker (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 98.1 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Tutorials/02 - How to Paint 86.0 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 32 Sons of Horus Legion Praetor (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 76.3 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 45 Mibyllorr Darkfang, Chaos Sorcerer Lord (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 68.1 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 48 Goff Rocker (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 62.1 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Tutorials/02 - How to Paint 57.3 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Tutorials/03 - How to Paint 54.5 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 32 Sons of Horus Legion Praetor (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 48.1 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Tutorials/06 - How to Paint Stormcast 43.9 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Tutorials/04 - How to Paint Warhammer 40K 42.9 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 51 Gloomspite Gitz Tips and Tricks (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 40.0 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Tutorials/03 - How to Paint 35.1 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 24 Avatar of Khaine Part 1 (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 34.7 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 07 Gems (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 33.2 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 52 Cadian Armour and Fatigues (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 33.1 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 01 Painting Faces - Light Skin (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 32.6 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 53 Blood Effects (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 32.0 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Tutorials/07 - How to Paint 31.7 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 28 Yellow Ironjawz Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 31.1 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 46 Camouflage and Weathering on a Tank (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 30.1 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Tutorials/05 - How to Build your Warhammer Age of Sigmar Starter 30.0 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 25 Avatar of Khaine Part 2 (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 29.5 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Tutorials/04 - How to Paint Warhammer 40K 29.3 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Tutorials/06 - How to Paint Stormcast 28.6 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 14 Glass Bottles (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 28.0 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 26 Avatar of Khaine Part 3 (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 27.5 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 05 Kruleboyz Flesh (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 27.4 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 20 T'au Skin Tones (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 27.4 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 02 Wet Blending (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 26.8 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 35 Plasma Glow (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 26.1 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 19 Ranger Camo Cloaks (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 25.9 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 54 Vampire Skin (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 25.6 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 06 Glazing (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 25.5 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 17 Realistic Fur (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 25.3 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 13 Winter Bases (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 24.9 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 31 Medium Skin Tones (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 24.8 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 51 Gloomspite Gitz Tips and Tricks (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 24.6 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 27 Tyranid Chitin (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 23.8 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 21 Crystal Blades (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 23.8 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 24 Avatar of Khaine Part 1 (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 21.5 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 16 Genestealer Flesh (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 21.4 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 37 Colour Theory (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 21.4 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 50 Ice Crystals (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 21.1 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 52 Cadian Armour and Fatigues (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 20.9 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 44 Feathers and Wings (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 20.7 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 01 Painting Faces - Light Skin (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 20.7 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Tutorials/07 - How to Paint 20.6 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 09 Faces Dark Skin (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 20.6 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 07 Gems (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 20.3 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 39 Non-metallic Metal – Part 1 (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 19.8 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 53 Blood Effects (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 19.7 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 30 Muzzle burn and Scorching effects (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 19.7 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 36 Horns, Teeth, and Claws (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 19.6 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 28 Yellow Ironjawz Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 19.5 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 23 Freehanding Script (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 19.2 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 03 Black Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 19.1 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 46 Camouflage and Weathering on a Tank (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 19.0 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Tutorials/05 - How to Build your Warhammer Age of Sigmar Starter 19.0 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 12 Weathering (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 18.8 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 10 Silver Armour With Blue Undertones (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 18.8 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 25 Avatar of Khaine Part 2 (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 18.4 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 15 Painting Space Marines (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 17.9 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 38 Spirit Skin (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 17.7 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 14 Glass Bottles (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 17.7 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 08 White Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 17.5 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 04 True Metallic Gold Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 17.4 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 05 Kruleboyz Flesh (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 17.2 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 40 Non-metallic Metal – Part 2 (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 17.1 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 47 Slaves to Darkness Dark Metal Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 16.9 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 26 Avatar of Khaine Part 3 (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 16.8 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 20 T'au Skin Tones (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 16.7 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 19 Ranger Camo Cloaks (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 16.6 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 34 Contrast Tips and Tricks (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 16.4 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 11 Battle Damage (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 16.4 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 18 Idoneth Deepkin Skin Tones (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 16.3 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 06 Glazing (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 16.2 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 02 Wet Blending (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 16.1 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 54 Vampire Skin (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 16.1 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 31 Medium Skin Tones (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 16.0 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 17 Realistic Fur (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 15.8 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 41 Red Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 15.7 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 35 Plasma Glow (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 15.7 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 13 Winter Bases (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 15.4 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 27 Tyranid Chitin (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 15.1 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 21 Crystal Blades (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 14.5 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 09 Faces Dark Skin (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 13.4 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 44 Feathers and Wings (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 13.2 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 16 Genestealer Flesh (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 13.1 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 29 Verdigris (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 12.4 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/05 - 12.4 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 03 Black Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 12.3 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 50 Ice Crystals (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 12.3 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 36 Horns, Teeth, and Claws (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 12.3 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 37 Colour Theory (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 12.2 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 10 Silver Armour With Blue Undertones (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 12.0 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 30 Muzzle burn and Scorching effects (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 11.9 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 42 Leagues of Votann Plasma Blades (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 11.8 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 39 Non-metallic Metal – Part 1 (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 11.6 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 12 Weathering (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 11.5 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 23 Freehanding Script (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 11.4 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 08 White Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 11.3 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 15 Painting Space Marines (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 11.1 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 04 True Metallic Gold Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 11.1 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 33 Smoke Effects (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 11.0 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 38 Spirit Skin (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 11.0 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/06 - 10.8 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 18 Idoneth Deepkin Skin Tones (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 10.5 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 40 Non-metallic Metal – Part 2 (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 10.5 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 47 Slaves to Darkness Dark Metal Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 10.5 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/03 - Using Contrast 10.4 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/08 - 10.4 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 49 Green Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 10.2 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 22 Leather Textures (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 10.1 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 34 Contrast Tips and Tricks (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 10.0 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 41 Red Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 9.8 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 11 Battle Damage (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 9.5 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/RUS/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 43 Zombie Flesh (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng) 8.4 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 29 Verdigris (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 7.8 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/01 - Undercoating with Spray 7.8 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/05 - 7.4 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 42 Leagues of Votann Plasma Blades (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 7.3 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/07 - 7.0 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/03 - Using Contrast 6.8 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/06 - 6.8 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 33 Smoke Effects (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 6.7 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/08 - 6.5 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/09 - Protecting Your 6.5 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 49 Green Armour (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 6.4 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 22 Leather Textures (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 6.4 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/04 - 5.7 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Painting Basics/03 - Using Your 5.5 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/ENG/Warhammer Citadel Colour Masterclass - 43 Zombie Flesh (WEBRip 1920x1080 x264 AAC Eng).srt 5.3 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/02 - Undercoating by 5.1 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Painting Basics/04 - Choosing Your 4.9 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/01 - Undercoating with Spray 4.6 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/07 - 4.6 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Tutorials/01 - Top 5 Tips for Building 4.5 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/09 - Protecting Your 4.2 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/08 - Spray 4.0 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Painting Basics/02 - Thinning Your 3.5 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/04 - 3.5 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Painting Basics/03 - Using Your 3.4 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/05 - Dry 3.3 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Painting Basics/05 - Your Painting 3.1 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Techniques/02 - Undercoating by 3.1 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Painting Basics/04 - Choosing Your 3.0 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/01 - Contrast 3.0 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/07 - Technical 2.7 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Tutorials/01 - Top 5 Tips for Building 2.6 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/03 - Shade 2.6 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Painting Basics/01 - Your 2.5 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/08 - Spray 2.5 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Painting Basics/02 - Thinning Your 2.3 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/04 - Layer 2.1 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/06 - Metallic 2.0 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/05 - Dry 2.0 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Painting Basics/05 - Your Painting 1.9 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/01 - Contrast 1.8 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/03 - Shade 1.7 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Painting Basics/01 - Your 1.6 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/07 - Technical 1.6 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/02 - Base 1.4 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/04 - Layer 1.4 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/06 - Metallic 1.2 kB
SUBS (OpenAI's Whisper + DeepL)/EXTRA/Citadel Colour/Paint Types/02 - Base 779 Bytes