2. Implementing Authentication and Authorization with Local User Store/1. Setting up the User Store (Database).mp4 69.1 MB
2. Implementing Authentication and Authorization with Local User Store/4. Creating the User Sign-up Functionality 2.mp4 67.8 MB
2. Implementing Authentication and Authorization with Local User Store/9. Implementing Sign-in Functionality.mp4 61.5 MB
2. Implementing Authentication and Authorization with Local User Store/12. Introduction to Claims.mp4 59.5 MB
6. Mitigating Common Security Risks/3. Cross Site Request Forgery Attacks.mp4 51.5 MB
3. Two-Factor Authentication/3. Implementing Two-Factor Authentication with a QR Code.mp4 49.6 MB
2. Implementing Authentication and Authorization with Local User Store/3. Creating the User Sign-up Functionality 1.mp4 47.5 MB
2. Implementing Authentication and Authorization with Local User Store/13. Implementing Claims and Policies.mp4 45.6 MB
2. Implementing Authentication and Authorization with Local User Store/8. Confirming User's Email Address 4.mp4 44.6 MB
2. Implementing Authentication and Authorization with Local User Store/2. Connecting the ASP.NET Identity with Options.mp4 44.5 MB
4. Access Delegation Logging Using Facebook/4. Completing the Facebook (OAuth) Login.mp4 42.4 MB
5. Securing Restful Web APIs with Json Web Token (Jwt) and ASP.NET Core Identity/4. Validating the Json Web Token in ASP.NET Core Web API.mp4 39.4 MB
6. Mitigating Common Security Risks/6. Open Redirect Url Attacks.mp4 38.8 MB
2. Implementing Authentication and Authorization with Local User Store/11. Implementing Sign-out Functionality and Creating a Navigation Bar.mp4 35.9 MB
1. Introduction/1. Introduction.mp4 33.5 MB
4. Access Delegation Logging Using Facebook/2. Creating and Configuring a Facebook Application.mp4 31.1 MB
7. Web Application Framework (WAF)/2. Cloudflare An example of a Web Application Firewall (WAF).mp4 31.1 MB
1. Introduction/5. The ASP.NET Core MVC Project and GitHub Repository.mp4 21.1 MB
4. Access Delegation Logging Using Facebook/1. OAuth and Access Delegation.mp4 19.9 MB
3. Two-Factor Authentication/1. About Two-Factor Authentication.mp4 18.9 MB
2. Implementing Authentication and Authorization with Local User Store/7. Confirming User's Email Address 3.mp4 18.5 MB
5. Securing Restful Web APIs with Json Web Token (Jwt) and ASP.NET Core Identity/2. Generating a Secure Json Web Token.mp4 18.4 MB
1. Introduction/3. Identity, Role and Claim.mp4 16.2 MB
6. Mitigating Common Security Risks/4. SQL Injection Attacks.mp4 15.4 MB
7. Web Application Framework (WAF)/1. What is Web Application Firewall (WAF).mp4 15.0 MB
1. Introduction/2. Why is Cyber Security Important.mp4 14.6 MB
1. Introduction/4. Cookie-based Authentication vs. Token-based Authentication.mp4 13.1 MB
5. Securing Restful Web APIs with Json Web Token (Jwt) and ASP.NET Core Identity/1. About Json Web Token and Securing Web APIs.mp4 12.0 MB
2. Implementing Authentication and Authorization with Local User Store/5. Confirming User's Email Address 1.mp4 6.2 MB
6. Mitigating Common Security Risks/1. Introduction to Common Security Issues.mp4 5.0 MB
2. Implementing Authentication and Authorization with Local User Store/10. Assigning Roles to Users.srt 26.2 kB
5. Securing Restful Web APIs with Json Web Token (Jwt) and ASP.NET Core Identity/3. Validating the Json Web Token in ASP.NET Core Web API.srt 18.4 kB
4. Access Delegation Logging Using Facebook/3. Connecting to Facebook and Display the Login Page.srt 18.0 kB
2. Implementing Authentication and Authorization with Local User Store/6. Confirming User's Email Address 2.srt 17.8 kB
2. Implementing Authentication and Authorization with Local User Store/4. Creating the User Sign-up Functionality 2.srt 14.3 kB
2. Implementing Authentication and Authorization with Local User Store/1. Setting up the User Store (Database).srt 14.0 kB
2. Implementing Authentication and Authorization with Local User Store/9. Implementing Sign-in Functionality.srt 13.5 kB
6. Mitigating Common Security Risks/2. Cross Site Scripting Attack (XSS).srt 11.8 kB
2. Implementing Authentication and Authorization with Local User Store/12. Introduction to Claims.srt 11.8 kB
3. Two-Factor Authentication/3. Implementing Two-Factor Authentication with a QR Code.srt 10.9 kB
4. Access Delegation Logging Using Facebook/1. OAuth and Access Delegation.srt 9.8 kB
2. Implementing Authentication and Authorization with Local User Store/3. Creating the User Sign-up Functionality 1.srt 8.7 kB
7. Web Application Framework (WAF)/2. Cloudflare An example of a Web Application Firewall (WAF).srt 8.6 kB
4. Access Delegation Logging Using Facebook/4. Completing the Facebook (OAuth) Login.srt 8.5 kB
2. Implementing Authentication and Authorization with Local User Store/11. Implementing Sign-out Functionality and Creating a Navigation Bar.srt 8.3 kB
2. Implementing Authentication and Authorization with Local User Store/2. Connecting the ASP.NET Identity with Options.srt 8.2 kB
4. Access Delegation Logging Using Facebook/2. Creating and Configuring a Facebook Application.srt 7.9 kB
2. Implementing Authentication and Authorization with Local User Store/8. Confirming User's Email Address 4.srt 7.6 kB
6. Mitigating Common Security Risks/3. Cross Site Request Forgery Attacks.srt 7.6 kB
3. Two-Factor Authentication/1. About Two-Factor Authentication.srt 7.5 kB
2. Implementing Authentication and Authorization with Local User Store/13. Implementing Claims and Policies.srt 7.2 kB
5. Securing Restful Web APIs with Json Web Token (Jwt) and ASP.NET Core Identity/4. Validating the Json Web Token in ASP.NET Core Web API.srt 6.8 kB
5. Securing Restful Web APIs with Json Web Token (Jwt) and ASP.NET Core Identity/1. About Json Web Token and Securing Web APIs.srt 6.1 kB
1. Introduction/5. The ASP.NET Core MVC Project and GitHub Repository.srt 5.9 kB
1. Introduction/3. Identity, Role and Claim.srt 5.5 kB
7. Web Application Framework (WAF)/1. What is Web Application Firewall (WAF).srt 5.3 kB
6. Mitigating Common Security Risks/4. SQL Injection Attacks.srt 5.3 kB
6. Mitigating Common Security Risks/6. Open Redirect Url Attacks.srt 5.2 kB
1. Introduction/4. Cookie-based Authentication vs. Token-based Authentication.srt 4.8 kB
1. Introduction/2. Why is Cyber Security Important.srt 4.5 kB
5. Securing Restful Web APIs with Json Web Token (Jwt) and ASP.NET Core Identity/2. Generating a Secure Json Web Token.srt 3.8 kB
2. Implementing Authentication and Authorization with Local User Store/7. Confirming User's Email Address 3.srt 3.7 kB
2. Implementing Authentication and Authorization with Local User Store/5. Confirming User's Email Address 1.srt 3.4 kB
1. Introduction/1. Introduction.srt 2.0 kB
6. Mitigating Common Security Risks/1. Introduction to Common Security Issues.srt 1.0 kB
3. Two-Factor Authentication/How you can help GetFreeCourses.Co.txt 182 Bytes
6. Mitigating Common Security Risks/How you can help GetFreeCourses.Co.txt 182 Bytes
How you can help GetFreeCourses.Co.txt 182 Bytes
3. Two-Factor Authentication/1.1 Microsoft Authenticator App.html 132 Bytes