[freecourse.pro]-Learn to Code With The Complete Unity 2D Masterclass
10.0 GB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/3. Adding SaveOnPlay and EditorDecorator Scripts.mp4
330.0 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/44. The Audio Manager System.mp4
254.8 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/34. Creating the Game's Levels.mp4
221.6 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/4. Finishing the TransformReset Script.mp4
207.3 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/2. Setting Up The Catapult Project.mp4
207.1 MB
5. Block Breaker Game/11. The Brick Manager.mp4
205.9 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/28. The UI Manager.mp4
185.0 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/22. Enemy Animation System.mp4
182.5 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/32. Victory and Defeat Screens.mp4
179.8 MB
5. Block Breaker Game/16. Adding a Pause Menu.mp4
179.5 MB
4. Number Math Game/4. Create UI for Math Problems.mp4
176.7 MB
4. Number Math Game/11. Displaying the Highscores.mp4
174.4 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/15. Importing and Creating a Ground Rule Tile.mp4
171.1 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/29. The Pause Screen.mp4
166.5 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/41. Switching Between Level Select and Each Level.mp4
161.2 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/39. The Main Menu Script.mp4
160.5 MB
5. Block Breaker Game/3. Creating the GameObjects.mp4
153.2 MB
4. Number Math Game/10. Highscore System.mp4
153.0 MB
5. Block Breaker Game/20. Sounds and an Audio Manager.mp4
151.8 MB
3. Scripting In Unity/3. Explaining The Common Script Methods.mp4
151.2 MB
5. Block Breaker Game/13. The Game Manager.mp4
148.8 MB
5. Block Breaker Game/2. Project Setup and Saving the Scene On Play.mp4
142.9 MB
2. The Unity Editor/3. Creating GameObjects.mp4
137.0 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/18. The Plank Script.mp4
134.8 MB
4. Number Math Game/14. Final Polish and Effects.mp4
132.8 MB
2. The Unity Editor/2. The Basic Toolbar.mp4
132.2 MB
5. Block Breaker Game/10. Your First Particle System.mp4
127.5 MB
3. Scripting In Unity/6. An Intro to Scriptable Objects.mp4
127.0 MB
5. Block Breaker Game/5. Configuring Ball Collisions.mp4
122.1 MB
3. Scripting In Unity/4. Setting Variables From Within The Unity Inspector.mp4
116.4 MB
4. Number Math Game/13. Add the Starting Countdown.mp4
112.7 MB
5. Block Breaker Game/4. The Ball Script.mp4
110.9 MB
2. The Unity Editor/5. Attaching Scripts to GameObjects.mp4
110.2 MB
4. Number Math Game/5. UI Manager.mp4
108.4 MB
5. Block Breaker Game/8. Spawning the Ball on the Paddle.mp4
107.2 MB
5. Block Breaker Game/6. The Brick Script.mp4
107.0 MB
5. Block Breaker Game/19. Adding the Main Menu and Script.mp4
105.2 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/21. Creating the Enemy.mp4
104.2 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/5. The Catapult Prefab.mp4
104.2 MB
5. Block Breaker Game/15. The UI Manager.mp4
103.6 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/26. Creating a Dust Prefab.mp4
103.3 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/35. The Main Menu.mp4
101.8 MB
5. Block Breaker Game/18. Set Up GameOver.mp4
101.4 MB
4. Number Math Game/6. Removing A Number and Adding User Input.mp4
100.5 MB
4. Number Math Game/9. Adding a Timer Countdown.mp4
100.1 MB
1. Introduction To Unity/3. Setting Up the Project Properties.mp4
98.6 MB
3. Scripting In Unity/5. Using the Singleton Pattern for Easy Accessibility.mp4
97.6 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/19. The Camera Movement System.mp4
95.9 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/27. In-Game UI Design.mp4
95.0 MB
4. Number Math Game/8. Adding a Visible Score.mp4
94.1 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/30. Scripting the Pause Menu.mp4
93.4 MB
2. The Unity Editor/6. Creating Builds for PC.mp4
92.1 MB
5. Block Breaker Game/12. Losing Lives.mp4
90.8 MB
1. Introduction To Unity/2. Opening a 2D Project.mp4
89.2 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/37. Level Select Screen.mp4
88.7 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/20. The Score Manager.mp4
87.0 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/9. The Catapult Script.mp4
86.1 MB
5. Block Breaker Game/17. Creating Reusable Menu Buttons.mp4
85.1 MB
4. Number Math Game/12. Play Again and Quit Buttons.mp4
83.0 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/40. Scripting the Options Menu.mp4
79.3 MB
1. Introduction To Unity/4. Explaining Unity's Windows.mp4
79.0 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/33. Camera Effects - Fade In Fade Out.mp4
78.7 MB
5. Block Breaker Game/14. Creating the In Game UI.mp4
77.1 MB
5. Block Breaker Game/7. The Paddle Script.mp4
75.7 MB
5. Block Breaker Game/21. Export and Playtesting.mp4
73.9 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/31. The Game Manager.mp4
72.0 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/16. Creating the Plank Prefabs.mp4
69.4 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/38. Options Screen.mp4
68.3 MB
4. Number Math Game/7. Checking for the Correct Answer.mp4
65.4 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/43. Saving and Loading Scores.mp4
62.6 MB
5. Block Breaker Game/9. Adding a Ball Trail.mp4
61.3 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/13. Changing the Launch Trajectory.mp4
60.5 MB
1. Introduction To Unity/6. The Package Manager.mp4
60.4 MB
4. Number Math Game/2. Number Math Game Project Setup.mp4
59.4 MB
2. The Unity Editor/4. Converting GameObjects to Prefabs.mp4
57.2 MB
4. Number Math Game/3. Equation Manager.mp4
55.7 MB
3. Scripting In Unity/2. Creating Your First C# Script.mp4
54.5 MB
1. Introduction To Unity/5. The Asset Store.mp4
54.0 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/12. Resetting the Cannonball.mp4
52.4 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/24. Beginning Level Camera Movement.mp4
52.3 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/6. The Cannonball Prefab.mp4
51.8 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/14. Intro to Tilemap Systems.mp4
51.5 MB
1. Introduction To Unity/7. Setting Up Folder Organization.mp4
50.8 MB
2. The Unity Editor/7. Tips and Tricks.mp4
48.3 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/7. Adding Enemies as a Prefab.mp4
45.2 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/8. The Ball Manager.mp4
45.1 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/25. The Dust Manager.mp4
44.4 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/17. The Level Manager.mp4
43.2 MB
1. Introduction To Unity/8. Editor Window Layouts.mp4
42.0 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/42. Object Physics Materials.mp4
38.9 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/11. Adding Force to the Cannonball.mp4
36.2 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/10. The Cannonball Script.mp4
35.9 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/36. Adding Parallax to the Main Menu.mp4
35.6 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/45. Exporting Game for Standalone Releases.mp4
34.4 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/23. Enemy Animation Events.mp4
31.6 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/1. Introduction for the Physics Catapult Game.mp4
9.8 MB
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/2.1 Unity2DMasterclass_AngryCatapult_Assets.unitypackage
9.4 MB
3. Scripting In Unity/1. Introduction to Unity Scripting.mp4
9.3 MB
5. Block Breaker Game/1. Introduction to the Block Breaker Game.mp4
8.7 MB
1. Introduction To Unity/1. Introduction to Unity.mp4
8.6 MB
4. Number Math Game/1. Introduction to Your First Unity Game.mp4
8.2 MB
2. The Unity Editor/1. Introduction to The Unity Editor.mp4
6.7 MB
5. Block Breaker Game/2.1 Unity2DMasterClass_BrickBreakerTutorialAssets.zip
962.0 kB
1. Introduction To Unity/Premium Free Courses Download Here.url
113 Bytes
2. The Unity Editor/Premium Free Courses Download Here.url
113 Bytes
3. Scripting In Unity/Premium Free Courses Download Here.url
113 Bytes
4. Number Math Game/Premium Free Courses Download Here.url
113 Bytes
5. Block Breaker Game/Premium Free Courses Download Here.url
113 Bytes
Premium Free Courses Download Here.url
113 Bytes
6. 2D Physics Catapult Game/Premium Free Courses Download Here.url
113 Bytes
7.2 GB
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