[Udemy] Advanced React and Redux (2021) [En]
12.8 GB
3. Higher Order Components/080 Passing Through Props.mp4
163.8 MB
7. Testing With React v14/3. A First Spec.mp4
154.3 MB
7. Testing With React v14/22. TDD Comments Reducer.mp4
148.3 MB
8. Test Environment Setup with React v14/6. Defining RenderComponent.mp4
141.8 MB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/19. Passport Strategies.mp4
136.9 MB
4. MIddlewares with Redux/087 Observing the Middleware.mp4
136.8 MB
9. Higher Order Components with React v14/9. HOC Scaffold Code.mp4
129.1 MB
2. Testing/039 Exercise Solution.mp4
121.8 MB
2. Testing/035 Providing Fake Events.mp4
121.8 MB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/14. Encrypting Passwords with Bcrypt.mp4
120.0 MB
7. Testing With React v14/10. Comment Box Tests.mp4
116.8 MB
8. Test Environment Setup with React v14/5. TestUtils Library.mp4
115.4 MB
2. Testing/045 Redux Test Errors.mp4
114.6 MB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/9. MongoDB Setup.mp4
113.3 MB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/17. Creating a JWT.mp4
110.3 MB
9. Higher Order Components with React v14/7. Action Creator Hookup.mp4
107.8 MB
2. Testing/034 Simulating Change Events.mp4
106.7 MB
7. Testing With React v14/11. Testing Class Names.mp4
106.3 MB
7. Testing With React v14/4. Core Testing - Describe, It, Expect.mp4
104.8 MB
10. Middleware with React v14/5. Rendering a List of Users.mp4
104.3 MB
10. Middleware with React v14/11. Handling Promises.mp4
104.3 MB
2. Testing/032 Asserting Element Existence.mp4
104.2 MB
7. Testing With React v14/18. Expectations on Content.mp4
103.1 MB
6. Client Side Auth/126 Including Redux.mp4
102.9 MB
7. Testing With React v14/14. Simulating Events.mp4
102.9 MB
8. Test Environment Setup with React v14/3. JSDom Setup.mp4
102.6 MB
10. Middleware with React v14/7. Pains Without Middleware.mp4
101.5 MB
7. Testing With React v14/20. Testing Action Creators.mp4
100.3 MB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/8. Mongoose Models.mp4
99.3 MB
2. Testing/021 Enzyme Renderers.mp4
97.9 MB
6. Client Side Auth/133 CORS in a Nutshell.mp4
97.8 MB
2. Testing/022 Expectations for Component Instances.mp4
97.7 MB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/6. Express Middleware.mp4
97.3 MB
4. MIddlewares with Redux/086 Waiting for Promise Resolution.mp4
97.1 MB
4. MIddlewares with Redux/091 Middleware Creation.mp4
97.0 MB
7. Testing With React v14/16. Form Submit Event.mp4
96.9 MB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/15. Salting a Password.mp4
95.8 MB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/10. Inspecting the Database.mp4
95.4 MB
2. Testing/026 Absolute Path Imports.mp4
95.3 MB
7. Testing With React v14/15. Testing Controlled Components.mp4
94.3 MB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/12. Searching for Users.mp4
93.9 MB
10. Middleware with React v14/9. Middleware Internals.mp4
91.9 MB
7. Testing With React v14/12. Using beforeEach to Condense Tests.mp4
91.8 MB
10. Middleware with React v14/12. Middleware Review.mp4
91.7 MB
8. Test Environment Setup with React v14/8. Simulate Helper.mp4
89.9 MB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/22. Signing in with Local Strategy.mp4
89.3 MB
2. Testing/046 Adding a Root Component.mp4
88.4 MB
2. Testing/029 TextArea Implementation.mp4
87.8 MB
9. Higher Order Components with React v14/5. React Router Setup.mp4
87.7 MB
7. Testing With React v14/9. Test Structure Setup.mp4
87.1 MB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/24. Bcrypt Full Circle.mp4
86.1 MB
2. Testing/020 Enzyme Setup.mp4
83.8 MB
8. Test Environment Setup with React v14/1. Purpose of Chai and Mocha.mp4
82.6 MB
2. Testing/061 Why the Failure_.mp4
81.2 MB
2. Testing/056 Parsing Comment List.mp4
81.2 MB
8. Test Environment Setup with React v14/7. Finishing RenderComponent Helper.mp4
81.1 MB
7. Testing With React v14/8. Feature Mockups.mp4
80.2 MB
4. MIddlewares with Redux/082 The Purpose of Redux Promise.mp4
79.6 MB
2. Testing/019 Limiting Test Knowledge.mp4
79.1 MB
6. Client Side Auth/136 Displaying Auth Errors.mp4
78.0 MB
9. Higher Order Components with React v14/6. Authentication Reducer.mp4
77.6 MB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/21. Making an Authenticated Request.mp4
77.4 MB
2. Testing/036 Forcing Component Updates.mp4
76.9 MB
2. Testing/033 AfterEach Statements.mp4
76.8 MB
9. Higher Order Components with React v14/4. Header Setup.mp4
76.2 MB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/18. Installing Passport.mp4
75.7 MB
2. Testing/055 Fetching a Remote Resource.mp4
75.6 MB
6. Client Side Auth/124 Wiring Up React Router.mp4
75.4 MB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/16. JWT Overview.mp4
74.8 MB
2. Testing/027 Code Reuse with BeforeEach.mp4
74.3 MB
7. Testing With React v14/17. Stub Comment List.mp4
72.9 MB
9. Higher Order Components with React v14/11. Accessing React Router on Context.mp4
72.5 MB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/23. Purpose of Local Strategy.mp4
72.5 MB
8. Test Environment Setup with React v14/4. More JSDom Setup.mp4
72.5 MB
7. Testing With React v14/19. Assertions with Lists.mp4
72.3 MB
2. Testing/037 Retrieving Prop Values.mp4
69.6 MB
6. Client Side Auth/134 Solution to CORS Errors.mp4
67.6 MB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/20. Using Strategies with Passport.mp4
67.5 MB
7. Testing With React v14/21. Action Creator Shortcuts.mp4
66.4 MB
2. Testing/015 Test Structure.mp4
66.0 MB
3. Higher Order Components/078 Creating the HOC.mp4
65.4 MB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/25. Protecting Signin Route.mp4
64.8 MB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/3. Scalable Architecture.mp4
64.0 MB
3. Higher Order Components/077 Forced Navigation with React Router.mp4
64.0 MB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/7. Express Route Handler.mp4
63.1 MB
4. MIddlewares with Redux/083 How Async Middlewares Work.mp4
62.6 MB
9. Higher Order Components with React v14/13. Handling HOC Edge Cases.mp4
62.3 MB
9. Higher Order Components with React v14/2. Connect and Provider.mp4
62.1 MB
6. Client Side Auth/139 The Require Auth HOC.mp4
61.8 MB
10. Middleware with React v14/10. Handling Unrelated Actions.mp4
61.7 MB
10. Middleware with React v14/6. CSS Cleanup.mp4
60.7 MB
9. Higher Order Components with React v14/10. Nesting Higher Order Components.mp4
60.4 MB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/1. Introduction to Authentication.mp4
59.9 MB
7. Testing With React v14/6. Test Reporting.mp4
59.5 MB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/26. Signing Users In.mp4
59.0 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/27. Finish Up Signup.mp4
59.0 MB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/5. More Server Setup.mp4
58.6 MB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/2. Cookies vs Tokens.mp4
57.6 MB
2. Testing/052 Redux Initial State.mp4
57.2 MB
7. Testing With React v14/13. Expecting Child Elements.mp4
56.9 MB
2. Testing/018 Test Expectations.mp4
56.2 MB
2. Testing/054 One More Feature.mp4
55.9 MB
9. Higher Order Components with React v14/8. Authentication Higher Order Component.mp4
55.6 MB
2. Testing/006 Introduction to Jest.mp4
53.8 MB
8. Test Environment Setup with React v14/9. Test Helper Review.mp4
53.2 MB
2. Testing/016 Tricking React with JSDOM.mp4
51.8 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/28. Securing Individual Routes.mp4
50.6 MB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/11. Authentication Controller.mp4
50.1 MB
7. Testing With React v14/2. Project Setup.mp4
49.6 MB
9. Higher Order Components with React v14/3. Authentication HOC Overview.mp4
48.3 MB
10. Middleware with React v14/1. Middleware Overview.mp4
47.9 MB
2. Testing/062 Faking Requests with Moxios.mp4
47.7 MB
10. Middleware with React v14/8. Middleware Stack.mp4
47.6 MB
10. Middleware with React v14/3. Users Reducer.mp4
47.2 MB
9. Higher Order Components with React v14/14. Higher Order Components Review.mp4
46.5 MB
4. MIddlewares with Redux/084 Crazy Middleware Syntax.mp4
46.1 MB
7. Testing With React v14/23. Spec Failures After Code Change.mp4
45.4 MB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/27. Server Review.mp4
45.4 MB
6. Client Side Auth/123 Creating the Header.mp4
44.1 MB
3. Higher Order Components/076 Steps for Building a HOC.mp4
42.8 MB
10. Middleware with React v14/2. App Building Plan.mp4
42.3 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/9. Signin Action Creator.mp4
42.2 MB
2. Testing/040 Describe Statements.mp4
41.7 MB
2. Testing/053 Cheerio Queries.mp4
41.6 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/3. Component and State Design.mp4
41.5 MB
9. Higher Order Components with React v14/1. What is a Higher Order Component.mp4
41.1 MB
2. Testing/060 Simulating Button Clicks.mp4
40.7 MB
2. Testing/049 Testing Action Creators.mp4
40.2 MB
2. Testing/064 Introducing a Pause.mp4
39.9 MB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/4. Server Setup.mp4
39.8 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/26. Signup Action Creator.mp4
39.6 MB
2. Testing/005 Our First Test.mp4
39.4 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/22. Signup Form Scaffolding.mp4
39.3 MB
6. Client Side Auth/130 Basics of Redux Thunk.mp4
39.3 MB
2. Testing/047 Testing Reducers.mp4
38.9 MB
6. Client Side Auth/127 ReduxForm for Signup.mp4
38.5 MB
2. Testing/051 Getting Data Into Redux.mp4
38.2 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/10. CORS In a Nutshell.mp4
37.8 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/24. Implementing Validation Logic.mp4
37.7 MB
4. MIddlewares with Redux/092 Emitting Warnings.mp4
37.6 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/18. Header Logic.mp4
37.5 MB
7. Testing With React v14/24. App Review.mp4
37.0 MB
2. Testing/010 What Do We Test_.mp4
36.9 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/31. Making Authenticated API Requests.mp4
36.8 MB
6. Client Side Auth/120 Client Overview.mp4
35.8 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/25. More On Validation.mp4
35.4 MB
6. Client Side Auth/125 Scaffolding the Signup Form.mp4
35.2 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/5. Scaffolding the Signin Form.mp4
35.0 MB
3. Higher Order Components/073 Rendering a Header.mp4
34.7 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/30. Automatically Authenticating Users.mp4
34.4 MB
6. Client Side Auth/142 Signing Out a User.mp4
33.9 MB
6. Client Side Auth/132 Code Cleanup with Compose.mp4
33.3 MB
9. Higher Order Components with React v14/12. Class Level Properties.mp4
33.2 MB
4. MIddlewares with Redux/089 JSON Schema.mp4
33.0 MB
2. Testing/059 Fixing a Broken Test.mp4
32.8 MB
4. MIddlewares with Redux/088 State Validation Middleware.mp4
32.8 MB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/13. Creating User Records.mp4
32.7 MB
6. Client Side Auth/131 Calling the API.mp4
32.6 MB
2. Testing/041 Redux Setup.mp4
32.4 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/33. Authentication Wrapup.mp4
31.9 MB
3. Higher Order Components/072 Auth Reducer.mp4
31.5 MB
2. Testing/042 The Provider Tag.mp4
31.3 MB
6. Client Side Auth/141 Persisting Login State.mp4
30.9 MB
6. Client Side Auth/128 Handling Form Submission.mp4
30.8 MB
2. Testing/017 Verifying Component Existence.mp4
30.7 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/32. Handling Data from Authenticated Requests.mp4
30.5 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/7. Action Creator with Many Responsibilities.mp4
29.4 MB
8. Test Environment Setup with React v14/2. Test Helper From Scratch.mp4
28.5 MB
3. Higher Order Components/074 Wiring Up State.mp4
28.4 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/2. App Architecture.mp4
28.1 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/6. Adding Signin Form.mp4
27.3 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/8. Introducing Redux Thunk.mp4
27.2 MB
4. MIddlewares with Redux/090 Generating JSON Schema.mp4
27.0 MB
2. Testing/050 Comment List Wireup.mp4
27.0 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/15. LocalStorage and JWT.mp4
26.2 MB
2. Testing/044 Bonding React with Redux.mp4
26.1 MB
6. Client Side Auth/146 Updating the Header.mp4
26.0 MB
10. Middleware with React v14/4. Static Users Action Creator.mp4
25.8 MB
2. Testing/012 Rendering the App.mp4
25.7 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/12. Programmatic Navigation.mp4
25.3 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/14. Breather and Review.mp4
24.9 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/11. Serverside Solution for CORS.mp4
24.4 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/16. Auth Error Messaging.mp4
24.3 MB
2. Testing/057 Integration Tests.mp4
24.1 MB
2. Testing/043 The SaveComment Action Creator.mp4
23.9 MB
3. Higher Order Components/075 Changing Auth State.mp4
23.8 MB
3. Higher Order Components/079 Placing Reusable Logic.mp4
23.3 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/20. Signout Action Creator.mp4
23.3 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/19. Signout Component.mp4
23.1 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/17. Displaying Errors.mp4
23.0 MB
2. Testing/030 CommentBox Test File.mp4
22.8 MB
2. Testing/048 Handling Unknown Types.mp4
22.7 MB
3. Higher Order Components/069 App Overview.mp4
22.6 MB
2. Testing/014 Valid Test File Names.mp4
22.2 MB
6. Client Side Auth/122 The App Component.mp4
22.0 MB
1. Welcome! Let's Get Started!/1. Introduction.mp4
22.0 MB
3. Higher Order Components/071 Adding Routes.mp4
21.9 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/13. Updating Auth State.mp4
21.5 MB
6. Client Side Auth/145 The Signin Action Creator.mp4
20.7 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/23. Redux Form Validation.mp4
20.5 MB
2. Testing/028 Comment Box Component.mp4
19.8 MB
6. Client Side Auth/147 Header Styling.mp4
19.2 MB
2. Testing/063 The Reason for Failure.mp4
19.2 MB
6. Client Side Auth/138 Feature Component.mp4
18.8 MB
4. MIddlewares with Redux/085 Forwarding Actions.mp4
18.5 MB
6. Client Side Auth/135 Dispatching Actions.mp4
18.4 MB
2. Testing/065 Moxios's Wait Function.mp4
18.3 MB
3. Higher Order Components/070 Adding React Router.mp4
18.1 MB
2. Testing/013 Showing Components in the App.mp4
18.0 MB
2. Testing/009 React and Redux Design.mp4
18.0 MB
6. Client Side Auth/129 Wiring Up Middleware.mp4
16.7 MB
6. Client Side Auth/137 Redirect on Signup.mp4
16.6 MB
4. MIddlewares with Redux/081 Introduction to Middlewares.mp4
16.5 MB
6. Client Side Auth/143 Automatic Sign Out.mp4
15.7 MB
6. Client Side Auth/144 The Signin Component.mp4
15.5 MB
6. Client Side Auth/148 Auth Wrapup.mp4
14.8 MB
2. Testing/011 Starting from Scratch.mp4
14.6 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/21. Signup Component.mp4
14.4 MB
2. Testing/066 App Wrapup.mp4
13.7 MB
2. Testing/038 Form Submit Exercise.mp4
13.7 MB
2. Testing/024 Expecting the Comment List.mp4
13.1 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/4. Header Component.mp4
13.0 MB
2. Testing/058 Integration Tests in Action.mp4
12.8 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/29. Root IndexRoute.mp4
12.1 MB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/1. Client Setup.mp4
10.8 MB
3. Higher Order Components/068 Connect - A Higher Order Component.mp4
10.4 MB
2. Testing/007 App Overview.mp4
10.0 MB
2. Testing/023 Exercise Time!.mp4
8.7 MB
6. Client Side Auth/121 Lib Installs.mp4
8.6 MB
3. Higher Order Components/067 An Introduction to Higher Order Components.mp4
8.2 MB
10. Middleware with React v14/11. Handling Promises.srt
7.5 MB
2. Testing/004 Project Generation.mp4
6.9 MB
2. Testing/008 Installing Dependencies.mp4
3.0 MB
7. Testing With React v14/3. A First Spec.srt
20.0 kB
7. Testing With React v14/22. TDD Comments Reducer.srt
17.9 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/28. Securing Individual Routes.srt
16.4 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/9. Signin Action Creator.srt
16.2 kB
6. Client Side Auth/133 CORS in a Nutshell.en_US.srt
15.9 kB
7. Testing With React v14/4. Core Testing - Describe, It, Expect.srt
15.7 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/5. Scaffolding the Signin Form.srt
15.4 kB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/8. Mongoose Models.srt
15.1 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/18. Header Logic.srt
15.0 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/24. Implementing Validation Logic.srt
14.8 kB
3. Higher Order Components/078 Creating the HOC.en_US.srt
14.8 kB
9. Higher Order Components with React v14/9. HOC Scaffold Code.srt
14.3 kB
3. Higher Order Components/080 Passing Through Props.en_US.srt
13.3 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/10. CORS In a Nutshell.srt
13.3 kB
4. MIddlewares with Redux/082 The Purpose of Redux Promise.en_US.srt
13.2 kB
7. Testing With React v14/10. Comment Box Tests.srt
13.2 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/27. Finish Up Signup.srt
13.2 kB
4. MIddlewares with Redux/083 How Async Middlewares Work.en_US.srt
13.1 kB
7. Testing With React v14/20. Testing Action Creators.srt
13.0 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/31. Making Authenticated API Requests.srt
12.9 kB
6. Client Side Auth/130 Basics of Redux Thunk.en_US.srt
12.8 kB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/19. Passport Strategies.srt
12.7 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/7. Action Creator with Many Responsibilities.srt
12.6 kB
4. MIddlewares with Redux/084 Crazy Middleware Syntax.en_US.srt
12.6 kB
2. Testing/053 Cheerio Queries.en_US.srt
12.4 kB
10. Middleware with React v14/9. Middleware Internals.srt
12.3 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/22. Signup Form Scaffolding.srt
12.1 kB
8. Test Environment Setup with React v14/5. TestUtils Library.srt
11.9 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/3. Component and State Design.srt
11.8 kB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/14. Encrypting Passwords with Bcrypt.srt
11.8 kB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/12. Searching for Users.srt
11.8 kB
9. Higher Order Components with React v14/7. Action Creator Hookup.srt
11.6 kB
8. Test Environment Setup with React v14/6. Defining RenderComponent.srt
11.5 kB
9. Higher Order Components with React v14/5. React Router Setup.srt
11.4 kB
2. Testing/052 Redux Initial State.en_US.srt
11.3 kB
10. Middleware with React v14/7. Pains Without Middleware.srt
11.3 kB
2. Testing/016 Tricking React with JSDOM.en_US.srt
11.3 kB
10. Middleware with React v14/12. Middleware Review.srt
11.0 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/26. Signup Action Creator.srt
11.0 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/30. Automatically Authenticating Users.srt
10.9 kB
7. Testing With React v14/15. Testing Controlled Components.srt
10.9 kB
7. Testing With React v14/18. Expectations on Content.srt
10.9 kB
8. Test Environment Setup with React v14/3. JSDom Setup.srt
10.9 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/8. Introducing Redux Thunk.srt
10.9 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/12. Programmatic Navigation.srt
10.9 kB
7. Testing With React v14/11. Testing Class Names.srt
10.8 kB
2. Testing/022 Expectations for Component Instances.en_US.srt
10.8 kB
2. Testing/046 Adding a Root Component.en_US.srt
10.8 kB
7. Testing With React v14/16. Form Submit Event.srt
10.7 kB
10. Middleware with React v14/5. Rendering a List of Users.srt
10.6 kB
2. Testing/020 Enzyme Setup.en_US.srt
10.6 kB
7. Testing With React v14/8. Feature Mockups.srt
10.6 kB
9. Higher Order Components with React v14/4. Header Setup.srt
10.4 kB
6. Client Side Auth/126 Including Redux.en_US.srt
10.3 kB
2. Testing/064 Introducing a Pause.en_US.srt
10.3 kB
7. Testing With React v14/14. Simulating Events.srt
10.2 kB
7. Testing With React v14/9. Test Structure Setup.srt
10.2 kB
4. MIddlewares with Redux/087 Observing the Middleware.en_US.srt
10.1 kB
8. Test Environment Setup with React v14/8. Simulate Helper.srt
10.1 kB
2. Testing/045 Redux Test Errors.en_US.srt
10.1 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/11. Serverside Solution for CORS.srt
9.9 kB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/17. Creating a JWT.srt
9.9 kB
7. Testing With React v14/12. Using beforeEach to Condense Tests.srt
9.9 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/15. LocalStorage and JWT.srt
9.9 kB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/15. Salting a Password.srt
9.8 kB
2. Testing/032 Asserting Element Existence.en_US.srt
9.7 kB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/6. Express Middleware.srt
9.6 kB
9. Higher Order Components with React v14/6. Authentication Reducer.srt
9.6 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/13. Updating Auth State.srt
9.6 kB
3. Higher Order Components/076 Steps for Building a HOC.en_US.srt
9.5 kB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/13. Creating User Records.srt
9.5 kB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/9. MongoDB Setup.srt
9.4 kB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/10. Inspecting the Database.srt
9.4 kB
2. Testing/039 Exercise Solution.en_US.srt
9.2 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/2. App Architecture.srt
9.0 kB
2. Testing/062 Faking Requests with Moxios.en_US.srt
9.0 kB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/21. Making an Authenticated Request.srt
9.0 kB
9. Higher Order Components with React v14/11. Accessing React Router on Context.srt
9.0 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/14. Breather and Review.srt
9.0 kB
8. Test Environment Setup with React v14/4. More JSDom Setup.srt
8.9 kB
2. Testing/040 Describe Statements.en_US.srt
8.9 kB
4. MIddlewares with Redux/091 Middleware Creation.en_US.srt
8.8 kB
2. Testing/035 Providing Fake Events.en_US.srt
8.8 kB
2. Testing/019 Limiting Test Knowledge.en_US.srt
8.8 kB
2. Testing/021 Enzyme Renderers.en_US.srt
8.7 kB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/7. Express Route Handler.srt
8.7 kB
9. Higher Order Components with React v14/2. Connect and Provider.srt
8.6 kB
4. MIddlewares with Redux/092 Emitting Warnings.en_US.srt
8.6 kB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/18. Installing Passport.srt
8.6 kB
6. Client Side Auth/127 ReduxForm for Signup.en_US.srt
8.6 kB
4. MIddlewares with Redux/086 Waiting for Promise Resolution.en_US.srt
8.5 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/6. Adding Signin Form.srt
8.5 kB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/5. More Server Setup.srt
8.3 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/19. Signout Component.srt
8.3 kB
8. Test Environment Setup with React v14/1. Purpose of Chai and Mocha.srt
8.3 kB
10. Middleware with React v14/10. Handling Unrelated Actions.srt
8.3 kB
7. Testing With React v14/17. Stub Comment List.srt
8.3 kB
7. Testing With React v14/19. Assertions with Lists.srt
8.2 kB
6. Client Side Auth/123 Creating the Header.en_US.srt
8.1 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/25. More On Validation.srt
8.1 kB
6. Client Side Auth/132 Code Cleanup with Compose.en_US.srt
8.0 kB
10. Middleware with React v14/8. Middleware Stack.srt
8.0 kB
2. Testing/034 Simulating Change Events.en_US.srt
7.9 kB
9. Higher Order Components with React v14/13. Handling HOC Edge Cases.srt
7.8 kB
8. Test Environment Setup with React v14/7. Finishing RenderComponent Helper.srt
7.8 kB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/11. Authentication Controller.srt
7.7 kB
2. Testing/049 Testing Action Creators.en_US.srt
7.7 kB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/16. JWT Overview.srt
7.6 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/20. Signout Action Creator.srt
7.6 kB
9. Higher Order Components with React v14/8. Authentication Higher Order Component.srt
7.6 kB
6. Client Side Auth/128 Handling Form Submission.en_US.srt
7.6 kB
6. Client Side Auth/134 Solution to CORS Errors.en_US.srt
7.5 kB
2. Testing/056 Parsing Comment List.en_US.srt
7.5 kB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/24. Bcrypt Full Circle.srt
7.5 kB
7. Testing With React v14/13. Expecting Child Elements.srt
7.5 kB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/3. Scalable Architecture.srt
7.5 kB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/22. Signing in with Local Strategy.srt
7.5 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/32. Handling Data from Authenticated Requests.srt
7.4 kB
2. Testing/047 Testing Reducers.en_US.srt
7.4 kB
4. MIddlewares with Redux/089 JSON Schema.en_US.srt
7.4 kB
2. Testing/010 What Do We Test_.en_US.srt
7.4 kB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/1. Introduction to Authentication.srt
7.3 kB
2. Testing/026 Absolute Path Imports.en_US.srt
7.3 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/23. Redux Form Validation.srt
7.2 kB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/2. Cookies vs Tokens.srt
7.2 kB
2. Testing/029 TextArea Implementation.en_US.srt
7.2 kB
9. Higher Order Components with React v14/3. Authentication HOC Overview.srt
7.1 kB
9. Higher Order Components with React v14/10. Nesting Higher Order Components.srt
7.1 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/17. Displaying Errors.srt
7.0 kB
3. Higher Order Components/072 Auth Reducer.en_US.srt
7.0 kB
2. Testing/042 The Provider Tag.en_US.srt
7.0 kB
7. Testing With React v14/21. Action Creator Shortcuts.srt
7.0 kB
3. Higher Order Components/069 App Overview.en_US.srt
6.9 kB
4. MIddlewares with Redux/088 State Validation Middleware.en_US.srt
6.9 kB
6. Client Side Auth/124 Wiring Up React Router.en_US.srt
6.9 kB
2. Testing/061 Why the Failure_.en_US.srt
6.8 kB
2. Testing/027 Code Reuse with BeforeEach.en_US.srt
6.7 kB
6. Client Side Auth/131 Calling the API.en_US.srt
6.7 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/16. Auth Error Messaging.srt
6.7 kB
3. Higher Order Components/077 Forced Navigation with React Router.en_US.srt
6.6 kB
2. Testing/051 Getting Data Into Redux.en_US.srt
6.6 kB
10. Middleware with React v14/2. App Building Plan.srt
6.6 kB
10. Middleware with React v14/6. CSS Cleanup.srt
6.6 kB
6. Client Side Auth/136 Displaying Auth Errors.en_US.srt
6.5 kB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/23. Purpose of Local Strategy.srt
6.5 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/21. Signup Component.srt
6.3 kB
2. Testing/037 Retrieving Prop Values.en_US.srt
6.3 kB
2. Testing/041 Redux Setup.en_US.srt
6.3 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/4. Header Component.srt
6.3 kB
6. Client Side Auth/141 Persisting Login State.en_US.srt
6.2 kB
7. Testing With React v14/6. Test Reporting.srt
6.2 kB
2. Testing/055 Fetching a Remote Resource.en_US.srt
6.2 kB
2. Testing/050 Comment List Wireup.en_US.srt
6.1 kB
10. Middleware with React v14/3. Users Reducer.srt
6.1 kB
4. MIddlewares with Redux/090 Generating JSON Schema.en_US.srt
6.1 kB
6. Client Side Auth/125 Scaffolding the Signup Form.en_US.srt
6.0 kB
2. Testing/017 Verifying Component Existence.en_US.srt
6.0 kB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/26. Signing Users In.srt
6.0 kB
3. Higher Order Components/074 Wiring Up State.en_US.srt
6.0 kB
2. Testing/018 Test Expectations.en_US.srt
6.0 kB
2. Testing/015 Test Structure.en_US.srt
6.0 kB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/20. Using Strategies with Passport.srt
5.9 kB
4. MIddlewares with Redux/085 Forwarding Actions.en_US.srt
5.9 kB
2. Testing/005 Our First Test.en_US.srt
5.9 kB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/25. Protecting Signin Route.srt
5.9 kB
6. Client Side Auth/139 The Require Auth HOC.en_US.srt
5.8 kB
2. Testing/033 AfterEach Statements.en_US.srt
5.8 kB
2. Testing/044 Bonding React with Redux.en_US.srt
5.7 kB
2. Testing/054 One More Feature.en_US.srt
5.7 kB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/4. Server Setup.srt
5.7 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/33. Authentication Wrapup.srt
5.6 kB
2. Testing/012 Rendering the App.en_US.srt
5.6 kB
2. Testing/006 Introduction to Jest.en_US.srt
5.5 kB
2. Testing/036 Forcing Component Updates.en_US.srt
5.5 kB
6. Client Side Auth/120 Client Overview.en_US.srt
5.5 kB
2. Testing/043 The SaveComment Action Creator.en_US.srt
5.5 kB
2. Testing/057 Integration Tests.en_US.srt
5.5 kB
6. Client Side Auth/142 Signing Out a User.en_US.srt
5.4 kB
3. Higher Order Components/073 Rendering a Header.en_US.srt
5.4 kB
6. Client Side Auth/135 Dispatching Actions.en_US.srt
5.4 kB
7. Testing With React v14/23. Spec Failures After Code Change.srt
5.3 kB
3. Higher Order Components/075 Changing Auth State.en_US.srt
5.2 kB
2. Testing/014 Valid Test File Names.en_US.srt
5.2 kB
6. Client Side Auth/122 The App Component.en_US.srt
5.1 kB
10. Middleware with React v14/1. Middleware Overview.srt
5.1 kB
3. Higher Order Components/079 Placing Reusable Logic.en_US.srt
5.0 kB
2. Testing/030 CommentBox Test File.en_US.srt
5.0 kB
3. Higher Order Components/071 Adding Routes.en_US.srt
5.0 kB
7. Testing With React v14/2. Project Setup.srt
4.9 kB
2. Testing/028 Comment Box Component.en_US.srt
4.9 kB
8. Test Environment Setup with React v14/9. Test Helper Review.srt
4.8 kB
9. Higher Order Components with React v14/14. Higher Order Components Review.srt
4.8 kB
2. Testing/060 Simulating Button Clicks.en_US.srt
4.7 kB
2. Testing/013 Showing Components in the App.en_US.srt
4.5 kB
2. Testing/009 React and Redux Design.en_US.srt
4.4 kB
9. Higher Order Components with React v14/1. What is a Higher Order Component.srt
4.4 kB
7. Testing With React v14/24. App Review.srt
4.4 kB
6. Client Side Auth/147 Header Styling.en_US.srt
4.3 kB
2. Testing/058 Integration Tests in Action.en_US.srt
4.3 kB
2. Testing/011 Starting from Scratch.en_US.srt
4.2 kB
2. Testing/065 Moxios's Wait Function.en_US.srt
4.2 kB
6. Client Side Auth/146 Updating the Header.en_US.srt
4.2 kB
6. Client Side Auth/148 Auth Wrapup.en_US.srt
4.2 kB
8. Test Environment Setup with React v14/2. Test Helper From Scratch.srt
4.1 kB
2. Testing/048 Handling Unknown Types.en_US.srt
4.0 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/1. Client Setup.srt
4.0 kB
2. Testing/063 The Reason for Failure.en_US.srt
4.0 kB
5. Server Setup - Authentication/27. Server Review.srt
4.0 kB
4. MIddlewares with Redux/081 Introduction to Middlewares.en_US.srt
3.8 kB
11. Client Side Authentication with React v14/29. Root IndexRoute.srt
3.8 kB
6. Client Side Auth/145 The Signin Action Creator.en_US.srt
3.7 kB
2. Testing/059 Fixing a Broken Test.en_US.srt
3.6 kB
6. Client Side Auth/137 Redirect on Signup.en_US.srt
3.5 kB
2. Testing/007 App Overview.en_US.srt
3.5 kB
12. Extras/1. Bonus!.html
3.3 kB
6. Client Side Auth/138 Feature Component.en_US.srt
3.3 kB
6. Client Side Auth/143 Automatic Sign Out.en_US.srt
3.2 kB
2. Testing/038 Form Submit Exercise.en_US.srt
3.2 kB
9. Higher Order Components with React v14/12. Class Level Properties.srt
3.2 kB
10. Middleware with React v14/4. Static Users Action Creator.srt
3.2 kB
2. Testing/066 App Wrapup.en_US.srt
3.2 kB
2. Testing/004 Project Generation.en_US.srt
3.1 kB
6. Client Side Auth/129 Wiring Up Middleware.en_US.srt
3.0 kB
3. Higher Order Components/068 Connect - A Higher Order Component.en_US.srt
3.0 kB
1. Welcome! Let's Get Started!/1. Introduction.srt
3.0 kB
6. Client Side Auth/121 Lib Installs.en_US.srt
2.8 kB
6. Client Side Auth/144 The Signin Component.en_US.srt
2.7 kB
2. Testing/024 Expecting the Comment List.en_US.srt
2.7 kB
3. Higher Order Components/067 An Introduction to Higher Order Components.en_US.srt
2.5 kB
2. Testing/023 Exercise Time!.en_US.srt
2.2 kB
3. Higher Order Components/070 Adding React Router.en_US.srt
2.2 kB
2. Testing/003 npx Create React App Generation.html
1.4 kB
2. Testing/025 Update for Handling Absolute Imports.html
1.4 kB
6. Client Side Auth/140 Reference - HOC Code.html
1.3 kB
2. Testing/008 Installing Dependencies.en_US.srt
1.2 kB
2. Testing/031 Getting an Empty ReactWrapper in your console.log_.html
823 Bytes
1. Welcome! Let's Get Started!/3. Join Our Community!.html
271 Bytes
7. Testing With React v14/1. Note.html
207 Bytes
1. Welcome! Let's Get Started!/2. Github Links - Get Source Code Here!.html
164 Bytes
7. Testing With React v14/5. Purpose of Describe, It, and Expect.html
130 Bytes
7. Testing With React v14/7. Test Structure.html
130 Bytes
901.2 MB
1.5 GB
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