1977-03-26 - DRO-02 How to Use a Thought Accumulator | Use of Magnetic or Electromagnetic Energy in Saucer Craft Propulsion.mp3 58.6 MB
1977-05-01 - DRO-03 Bob Monroe and Explorer’s Past Lifetime in Atlantis.mp3 54.1 MB
1977-06-19 - DRO-07 City on Planet Related to Earth.mp3 37.3 MB
1977-05-15 - DRO-04 Why Excess Eating Impacts the Explorer from Focusing in Other States of Awareness | Earth Changes.mp3 32.7 MB
1977-06-26 - DRO-08 Warfare in the Near Future.mp3 27.1 MB
1977-01-07 - DRO-01 Cleansing Process for Body | Listening | Cry More | Cleaning Emotions Through Daily Meditation.mp3 24.8 MB
1977-06-16 - DRO-06 How To Create The Person:Circumstances You Wish | A Glimpse Into The 1980s.mp3 22.2 MB
1977-07-03 - DRO-09 Feeling Effects of Energy | Sending Heat to Tip of a Pen.mp3 22.0 MB
1977-08-06 - DRO-10 How and Why an ET is Communicating with Humans | Expanding Our Consciousness.mp3 22.0 MB
1977-06-05 - DRO-05 Light Energy - Perceiving Physical Items as Energy, Not Physical Manifestations.mp3 21.8 MB
1977-10-14 - DRO-11.mp3 11.5 MB
DRO-10 How and Why an ET is Communicating with Humans | Expanding Our Consciousness (Raw Transcript)_jp2.zip 6.1 MB
DRO-03 Bob Monroe and Explorer’s Past Lifetime in Atlantis (Raw Transcript)_jp2.zip 6.0 MB
DRO-02 How to Use a Thought Accumulator | Use of Magnetic or Electromagnetic Energy in Saucer Craft Propulsion (Raw Transcript)_jp2.zip 5.7 MB
DRO-05 Light Energy - Perceiving Physical Items as Energy Not Physical Manifestations (Raw Transcript)_jp2.zip 5.6 MB
DRO-07 City on Planet Related to Earth (Raw Transcript)_jp2.zip 4.7 MB
DRO-04 Why Excess Eating Impacts the Explorer from Focusing in Other States of Awareness | Earth Changes (Raw Transcript)_jp2.zip 4.3 MB
DRO-06 How To Create The Person_Circumstances You Wish | A Glimpse Into The 1980s (Raw Transcript)_jp2.zip 3.2 MB
DRO-08 Warfare in the Near Future (Raw Transcript)_jp2.zip 2.9 MB
DRO-01 Cleansing Process for Body | Listening | Cry More | Cleaning Emotions Through Daily Meditation (Raw Transcript)_jp2.zip 2.7 MB
DRO-09 Feeling Effects of Energy | Sending Heat to Tip of a Pen (Raw Transcript)_jp2.zip 1.9 MB
*DRO-02 How to Use a Thought Accumulator | Use of Magnetic or Electromagnetic Energy in Saucer Craft Propulsion (Summary)_jp2.zip 1.6 MB
*DRO-10 How and Why an ET is Communicating with Humans | Expanding Our Consciousness (Summary)_jp2.zip 1.6 MB
*DRO-05 Light Energy - Perceiving Physical Items as Energy Not Physical Manifestations (Summary)_jp2.zip 1.5 MB
*DRO-06 How To Create The Person:Circumstances You Wish | A Glimpse Into The 1980s (Summary)_jp2.zip 1.1 MB
*DRO-04 Why Excess Eating Impacts the Explorer from Focusing in Other States of Awareness | Earth Changes (Summary)_jp2.zip 1.1 MB
*DRO-03 Bob Monroe and Explorer’s Past Lifetime in Atlantis (Summary)_jp2.zip 1.0 MB
DRO-11 (Raw Transcript)_jp2.zip 954.9 kB
1977-03-26 - DRO-02 How to Use a Thought Accumulator | Use of Magnetic or Electromagnetic Energy in Saucer Craft Propulsion.afpk 812.5 kB
DRO-03 Bob Monroe and Explorer’s Past Lifetime in Atlantis (Raw Transcript)_hocr.html 785.3 kB
DRO-10 How and Why an ET is Communicating with Humans | Expanding Our Consciousness (Raw Transcript)_hocr.html 717.8 kB
DRO-02 How to Use a Thought Accumulator | Use of Magnetic or Electromagnetic Energy in Saucer Craft Propulsion (Raw Transcript)_hocr.html 657.5 kB
DRO-05 Light Energy - Perceiving Physical Items as Energy Not Physical Manifestations (Raw Transcript)_hocr.html 650.4 kB
*DRO-01 Cleansing Process for Body | Listening | Cry More | Cleaning Emotions Through Daily Meditation (Summary)_jp2.zip 637.0 kB
*DRO-07 City on Planet Related to Earth (Summary)_jp2.zip 622.9 kB
1977-06-16 - DRO-06 How To Create The Person:Circumstances You Wish | A Glimpse Into The 1980s.afpk 608.8 kB
1977-06-16 - DRO-07 How To Create The Person:Circumstances You Wish | A Glimpse Into The 1980s.afpk 608.8 kB
DRO-07 City on Planet Related to Earth (Raw Transcript)_hocr.html 565.9 kB
DRO-04 Why Excess Eating Impacts the Explorer from Focusing in Other States of Awareness | Earth Changes (Raw Transcript)_hocr.html 523.2 kB
1977-05-01 - DRO-03 Bob Monroe and Explorer’s Past Lifetime in Atlantis.afpk 475.3 kB
*DRO-09 Feeling Effects of Energy | Sending Heat to Tip of a Pen (Summary)_jp2.zip 470.5 kB
1977-08-06 - DRO-09 How and Why an ET is Communicating with Humans | Expanding Our Consciousness.afpk 462.3 kB
1977-08-06 - DRO-10 How and Why an ET is Communicating with Humans | Expanding Our Consciousness.afpk 462.3 kB
1977-06-05 - DRO-05 Light Energy - Perceiving Physical Items as Energy, Not Physical Manifestations.afpk 449.0 kB
1977-06-05 - DRO-06 Light Energy - Perceiving Physical Items as Energy, Not Physical Manifestations.afpk 449.0 kB
DRO-03 Bob Monroe and Explorer’s Past Lifetime in Atlantis (Raw Transcript)_djvu.xml 440.2 kB
1977-05-19 - DRO-05 City on Planet Related to Earth.afpk 405.2 kB
1977-06-19 - DRO-07 City on Planet Related to Earth.afpk 405.2 kB
DRO-10 How and Why an ET is Communicating with Humans | Expanding Our Consciousness (Raw Transcript)_djvu.xml 402.2 kB
DRO-03 Bob Monroe and Explorer’s Past Lifetime in Atlantis (Raw Transcript)_chocr.html.gz 401.8 kB
DRO-08 Warfare in the Near Future (Raw Transcript)_hocr.html 390.9 kB
DRO-06 How To Create The Person_Circumstances You Wish | A Glimpse Into The 1980s (Raw Transcript)_hocr.html 384.3 kB
DRO-10 How and Why an ET is Communicating with Humans | Expanding Our Consciousness (Raw Transcript)_chocr.html.gz 369.8 kB
DRO-02 How to Use a Thought Accumulator | Use of Magnetic or Electromagnetic Energy in Saucer Craft Propulsion (Raw Transcript)_djvu.xml 369.7 kB
DRO-05 Light Energy - Perceiving Physical Items as Energy Not Physical Manifestations (Raw Transcript)_djvu.xml 365.9 kB
DRO-02 How to Use a Thought Accumulator | Use of Magnetic or Electromagnetic Energy in Saucer Craft Propulsion (Raw Transcript)_chocr.html.gz 344.9 kB
DRO-05 Light Energy - Perceiving Physical Items as Energy Not Physical Manifestations (Raw Transcript)_chocr.html.gz 342.1 kB
DRO-explorer-1-10_meta.sqlite 340.0 kB
DRO-07 City on Planet Related to Earth (Raw Transcript)_djvu.xml 314.7 kB
1977-05-15 - DRO-04 Why Excess Eating Impacts the Explorer from Focusing in Other States of Awareness | Earth Changes.afpk 308.8 kB
DRO-01 Cleansing Process for Body | Listening | Cry More | Cleaning Emotions Through Daily Meditation (Raw Transcript)_hocr.html 300.6 kB
DRO-04 Why Excess Eating Impacts the Explorer from Focusing in Other States of Awareness | Earth Changes (Raw Transcript)_djvu.xml 292.2 kB
DRO-07 City on Planet Related to Earth (Raw Transcript)_chocr.html.gz 289.6 kB
1977-07-03 - DRO-09 Feeling Effects of Energy | Sending Heat to Tip of a Pen_spectrogram.png 285.9 kB
1977-07-03 - DRO-08 Feeling Effects of Energy | Sending Heat to Tip of a Pen_spectrogram.png 285.9 kB
1977-01-07 - DRO-01 Cleansing Process for Body | Listening | Cry More | Cleaning Emotions Through Daily Meditation_spectrogram.png 275.9 kB
1977-05-01 - DRO-03 Bob Monroe and Explorer’s Past Lifetime in Atlantis_spectrogram.png 273.9 kB
1977-06-26 - DRO-08 Warfare in the Near Future_spectrogram.png 273.0 kB
1977-05-15 - DRO-04 Why Excess Eating Impacts the Explorer from Focusing in Other States of Awareness | Earth Changes_spectrogram.png 266.3 kB
DRO-04 Why Excess Eating Impacts the Explorer from Focusing in Other States of Awareness | Earth Changes (Raw Transcript)_chocr.html.gz 264.6 kB
1977-06-19 - DRO-07 City on Planet Related to Earth_spectrogram.png 258.7 kB
1977-05-19 - DRO-05 City on Planet Related to Earth_spectrogram.png 258.7 kB
1977-06-05 - DRO-05 Light Energy - Perceiving Physical Items as Energy, Not Physical Manifestations_spectrogram.png 255.8 kB
1977-06-05 - DRO-06 Light Energy - Perceiving Physical Items as Energy, Not Physical Manifestations_spectrogram.png 255.8 kB
1977-01-07 - DRO-01 Cleansing Process for Body | Listening | Cry More | Cleaning Emotions Through Daily Meditation.afpk 251.2 kB
1977-08-06 - DRO-10 How and Why an ET is Communicating with Humans | Expanding Our Consciousness_spectrogram.png 248.0 kB
1977-08-06 - DRO-09 How and Why an ET is Communicating with Humans | Expanding Our Consciousness_spectrogram.png 248.0 kB
1977-06-26 - DRO-08 Warfare in the Near Future.afpk 246.2 kB
DRO-09 Feeling Effects of Energy | Sending Heat to Tip of a Pen (Raw Transcript)_hocr.html 240.5 kB
1977-03-26 - DRO-02 How to Use a Thought Accumulator | Use of Magnetic or Electromagnetic Energy in Saucer Craft Propulsion_spectrogram.png 240.1 kB
1977-10-14 - DRO-10.afpk 233.0 kB
1977-10-14 - DRO-11.afpk 233.0 kB
1977-06-16 - DRO-07 How To Create The Person:Circumstances You Wish | A Glimpse Into The 1980s_spectrogram.png 230.4 kB
1977-06-16 - DRO-06 How To Create The Person:Circumstances You Wish | A Glimpse Into The 1980s_spectrogram.png 230.4 kB
1977-07-03 - DRO-08 Feeling Effects of Energy | Sending Heat to Tip of a Pen.afpk 229.0 kB
1977-07-03 - DRO-09 Feeling Effects of Energy | Sending Heat to Tip of a Pen.afpk 229.0 kB
1977-10-14 - DRO-11_spectrogram.png 218.9 kB
1977-10-14 - DRO-10_spectrogram.png 218.9 kB
DRO-08 Warfare in the Near Future (Raw Transcript)_djvu.xml 217.2 kB
DRO-06 How To Create The Person_Circumstances You Wish | A Glimpse Into The 1980s (Raw Transcript)_djvu.xml 216.2 kB
DRO-06 How To Create The Person_Circumstances You Wish | A Glimpse Into The 1980s (Raw Transcript)_chocr.html.gz 194.9 kB
DRO-08 Warfare in the Near Future (Raw Transcript)_chocr.html.gz 192.7 kB
DRO-01 Cleansing Process for Body | Listening | Cry More | Cleaning Emotions Through Daily Meditation (Raw Transcript)_djvu.xml 167.0 kB
*DRO-03 Bob Monroe and Explorer’s Past Lifetime in Atlantis (Summary).pdf 160.2 kB
*DRO-02 How to Use a Thought Accumulator | Use of Magnetic or Electromagnetic Energy in Saucer Craft Propulsion (Summary)_hocr.html 158.9 kB
*DRO-10 How and Why an ET is Communicating with Humans | Expanding Our Consciousness (Summary)_hocr.html 158.1 kB
*DRO-05 Light Energy - Perceiving Physical Items as Energy Not Physical Manifestations (Summary)_hocr.html 150.5 kB
DRO-01 Cleansing Process for Body | Listening | Cry More | Cleaning Emotions Through Daily Meditation (Raw Transcript)_chocr.html.gz 147.7 kB
*DRO-11 (Summary)_jp2.zip 146.6 kB
DRO-09 Feeling Effects of Energy | Sending Heat to Tip of a Pen (Raw Transcript)_djvu.xml 131.0 kB
DRO-02 How to Use a Thought Accumulator | Use of Magnetic or Electromagnetic Energy in Saucer Craft Propulsion (Raw Transcript).pdf 120.0 kB
*DRO-06 How To Create The Person:Circumstances You Wish | A Glimpse Into The 1980s (Summary)_hocr.html 119.2 kB
*DRO-04 Why Excess Eating Impacts the Explorer from Focusing in Other States of Awareness | Earth Changes (Summary)_hocr.html 117.6 kB
DRO-09 Feeling Effects of Energy | Sending Heat to Tip of a Pen (Raw Transcript)_chocr.html.gz 116.9 kB
*DRO-03 Bob Monroe and Explorer’s Past Lifetime in Atlantis (Summary)_hocr.html 112.6 kB
*DRO-10 How and Why an ET is Communicating with Humans | Expanding Our Consciousness (Summary).pdf 107.4 kB
*DRO-06 How To Create The Person:Circumstances You Wish | A Glimpse Into The 1980s (Summary).pdf 104.0 kB
*DRO-07 City on Planet Related to Earth (Summary).pdf 103.3 kB
DRO-11 (Raw Transcript)_hocr.html 102.9 kB
DRO-03 Bob Monroe and Explorer’s Past Lifetime in Atlantis (Raw Transcript).pdf 99.8 kB
DRO-08 Warfare in the Near Future (Raw Transcript).pdf 98.0 kB
DRO-10 How and Why an ET is Communicating with Humans | Expanding Our Consciousness (Raw Transcript).pdf 93.4 kB
*DRO-04 Why Excess Eating Impacts the Explorer from Focusing in Other States of Awareness | Earth Changes (Summary).pdf 91.7 kB
*DRO-02 How to Use a Thought Accumulator | Use of Magnetic or Electromagnetic Energy in Saucer Craft Propulsion (Summary)_chocr.html.gz 88.9 kB
*DRO-02 How to Use a Thought Accumulator | Use of Magnetic or Electromagnetic Energy in Saucer Craft Propulsion (Summary)_djvu.xml 88.1 kB
*DRO-10 How and Why an ET is Communicating with Humans | Expanding Our Consciousness (Summary)_djvu.xml 87.9 kB
DRO-04 Why Excess Eating Impacts the Explorer from Focusing in Other States of Awareness | Earth Changes (Raw Transcript).pdf 87.6 kB
DRO-05 Light Energy - Perceiving Physical Items as Energy Not Physical Manifestations (Raw Transcript).pdf 87.0 kB
*DRO-05 Light Energy - Perceiving Physical Items as Energy Not Physical Manifestations (Summary)_djvu.xml 83.9 kB
*DRO-10 How and Why an ET is Communicating with Humans | Expanding Our Consciousness (Summary)_chocr.html.gz 83.5 kB
*DRO-05 Light Energy - Perceiving Physical Items as Energy Not Physical Manifestations (Summary)_chocr.html.gz 81.2 kB
DRO-07 City on Planet Related to Earth (Raw Transcript).pdf 78.5 kB
DRO-06 How To Create The Person_Circumstances You Wish | A Glimpse Into The 1980s (Raw Transcript).pdf 71.9 kB
DRO-09 Feeling Effects of Energy | Sending Heat to Tip of a Pen (Raw Transcript).pdf 71.3 kB
*DRO-05 Light Energy - Perceiving Physical Items as Energy Not Physical Manifestations (Summary).pdf 70.6 kB
*DRO-07 City on Planet Related to Earth (Summary)_hocr.html 68.9 kB
*DRO-06 How To Create The Person:Circumstances You Wish | A Glimpse Into The 1980s (Summary)_djvu.xml 66.2 kB
*DRO-01 Cleansing Process for Body | Listening | Cry More | Cleaning Emotions Through Daily Meditation (Summary)_hocr.html 65.6 kB
*DRO-04 Why Excess Eating Impacts the Explorer from Focusing in Other States of Awareness | Earth Changes (Summary)_djvu.xml 65.2 kB
*DRO-04 Why Excess Eating Impacts the Explorer from Focusing in Other States of Awareness | Earth Changes (Summary)_chocr.html.gz 63.4 kB
*DRO-06 How To Create The Person:Circumstances You Wish | A Glimpse Into The 1980s (Summary)_chocr.html.gz 62.1 kB
*DRO-03 Bob Monroe and Explorer’s Past Lifetime in Atlantis (Summary)_djvu.xml 61.9 kB
*DRO-09 Feeling Effects of Energy | Sending Heat to Tip of a Pen (Summary).pdf 61.3 kB
*DRO-03 Bob Monroe and Explorer’s Past Lifetime in Atlantis (Summary)_chocr.html.gz 60.9 kB
DRO-11 (Raw Transcript)_djvu.xml 56.3 kB
*DRO-11 (Summary).pdf 53.4 kB
DRO-11 (Raw Transcript)_chocr.html.gz 51.5 kB
1977-05-19 - DRO-05 City on Planet Related to Earth.png 51.5 kB
1977-06-19 - DRO-07 City on Planet Related to Earth.png 51.5 kB
*DRO-09 Feeling Effects of Energy | Sending Heat to Tip of a Pen (Summary)_hocr.html 49.8 kB
1977-05-01 - DRO-03 Bob Monroe and Explorer’s Past Lifetime in Atlantis.png 43.1 kB
DRO-11 (Raw Transcript).pdf 42.6 kB
1977-03-26 - DRO-02 How to Use a Thought Accumulator | Use of Magnetic or Electromagnetic Energy in Saucer Craft Propulsion.png 42.4 kB
1977-06-05 - DRO-05 Light Energy - Perceiving Physical Items as Energy, Not Physical Manifestations.png 40.9 kB
1977-06-05 - DRO-06 Light Energy - Perceiving Physical Items as Energy, Not Physical Manifestations.png 40.9 kB
*DRO-01 Cleansing Process for Body | Listening | Cry More | Cleaning Emotions Through Daily Meditation (Summary).pdf 40.6 kB
1977-07-03 - DRO-08 Feeling Effects of Energy | Sending Heat to Tip of a Pen.png 38.8 kB
1977-07-03 - DRO-09 Feeling Effects of Energy | Sending Heat to Tip of a Pen.png 38.8 kB
*DRO-07 City on Planet Related to Earth (Summary)_djvu.xml 38.0 kB
1977-06-26 - DRO-08 Warfare in the Near Future.png 37.6 kB
*DRO-07 City on Planet Related to Earth (Summary)_chocr.html.gz 37.2 kB
*DRO-01 Cleansing Process for Body | Listening | Cry More | Cleaning Emotions Through Daily Meditation (Summary)_djvu.xml 36.6 kB
*DRO-01 Cleansing Process for Body | Listening | Cry More | Cleaning Emotions Through Daily Meditation (Summary)_chocr.html.gz 35.0 kB
1977-08-06 - DRO-09 How and Why an ET is Communicating with Humans | Expanding Our Consciousness.png 34.8 kB
1977-08-06 - DRO-10 How and Why an ET is Communicating with Humans | Expanding Our Consciousness.png 34.8 kB
1977-01-07 - DRO-01 Cleansing Process for Body | Listening | Cry More | Cleaning Emotions Through Daily Meditation.png 34.1 kB
1977-05-15 - DRO-04 Why Excess Eating Impacts the Explorer from Focusing in Other States of Awareness | Earth Changes.png 32.3 kB
DRO-03 Bob Monroe and Explorer’s Past Lifetime in Atlantis (Raw Transcript)_djvu.txt 31.1 kB
DRO-explorer-1-10_meta.xml 29.0 kB
DRO-10 How and Why an ET is Communicating with Humans | Expanding Our Consciousness (Raw Transcript)_djvu.txt 28.4 kB
*DRO-09 Feeling Effects of Energy | Sending Heat to Tip of a Pen (Summary)_djvu.xml 27.2 kB
*DRO-02 How to Use a Thought Accumulator | Use of Magnetic or Electromagnetic Energy in Saucer Craft Propulsion (Summary).pdf 27.0 kB
DRO-02 How to Use a Thought Accumulator | Use of Magnetic or Electromagnetic Energy in Saucer Craft Propulsion (Raw Transcript)_djvu.txt 26.6 kB
DRO-05 Light Energy - Perceiving Physical Items as Energy Not Physical Manifestations (Raw Transcript)_djvu.txt 26.4 kB
*DRO-09 Feeling Effects of Energy | Sending Heat to Tip of a Pen (Summary)_chocr.html.gz 26.1 kB
DRO-01 Cleansing Process for Body | Listening | Cry More | Cleaning Emotions Through Daily Meditation (Raw Transcript).pdf 25.9 kB
1977-06-16 - DRO-06 How To Create The Person:Circumstances You Wish | A Glimpse Into The 1980s.png 24.5 kB
1977-06-16 - DRO-07 How To Create The Person:Circumstances You Wish | A Glimpse Into The 1980s.png 24.5 kB
DRO-07 City on Planet Related to Earth (Raw Transcript)_djvu.txt 22.2 kB
1977-10-14 - DRO-10.png 20.9 kB
1977-10-14 - DRO-11.png 20.9 kB
DRO-04 Why Excess Eating Impacts the Explorer from Focusing in Other States of Awareness | Earth Changes (Raw Transcript)_djvu.txt 20.2 kB
*DRO-11 (Summary)_hocr.html 16.7 kB
DRO-06 How To Create The Person_Circumstances You Wish | A Glimpse Into The 1980s (Raw Transcript)_djvu.txt 15.0 kB
DRO-08 Warfare in the Near Future (Raw Transcript)_djvu.txt 14.9 kB
DRO-01 Cleansing Process for Body | Listening | Cry More | Cleaning Emotions Through Daily Meditation (Raw Transcript)_djvu.txt 11.3 kB
DRO-03 Bob Monroe and Explorer’s Past Lifetime in Atlantis (Raw Transcript)_hocr_searchtext.txt.gz 11.1 kB
DRO-10 How and Why an ET is Communicating with Humans | Expanding Our Consciousness (Raw Transcript)_hocr_searchtext.txt.gz 10.0 kB
DRO-02 How to Use a Thought Accumulator | Use of Magnetic or Electromagnetic Energy in Saucer Craft Propulsion (Raw Transcript)_hocr_searchtext.txt.gz 9.5 kB
DRO-05 Light Energy - Perceiving Physical Items as Energy Not Physical Manifestations (Raw Transcript)_hocr_searchtext.txt.gz 9.0 kB
*DRO-11 (Summary)_djvu.xml 8.9 kB
DRO-09 Feeling Effects of Energy | Sending Heat to Tip of a Pen (Raw Transcript)_djvu.txt 8.8 kB
*DRO-11 (Summary)_chocr.html.gz 8.4 kB
DRO-07 City on Planet Related to Earth (Raw Transcript)_hocr_searchtext.txt.gz 8.2 kB
DRO-04 Why Excess Eating Impacts the Explorer from Focusing in Other States of Awareness | Earth Changes (Raw Transcript)_hocr_searchtext.txt.gz 7.6 kB
*DRO-02 How to Use a Thought Accumulator | Use of Magnetic or Electromagnetic Energy in Saucer Craft Propulsion (Summary)_djvu.txt 6.7 kB
*DRO-10 How and Why an ET is Communicating with Humans | Expanding Our Consciousness (Summary)_djvu.txt 6.4 kB
*DRO-05 Light Energy - Perceiving Physical Items as Energy Not Physical Manifestations (Summary)_djvu.txt 6.2 kB
DRO-08 Warfare in the Near Future (Raw Transcript)_hocr_searchtext.txt.gz 5.7 kB
DRO-06 How To Create The Person_Circumstances You Wish | A Glimpse Into The 1980s (Raw Transcript)_hocr_searchtext.txt.gz 5.7 kB
*DRO-04 Why Excess Eating Impacts the Explorer from Focusing in Other States of Awareness | Earth Changes (Summary)_djvu.txt 4.9 kB
*DRO-03 Bob Monroe and Explorer’s Past Lifetime in Atlantis (Summary)_djvu.txt 4.7 kB
*DRO-06 How To Create The Person:Circumstances You Wish | A Glimpse Into The 1980s (Summary)_djvu.txt 4.7 kB
DRO-01 Cleansing Process for Body | Listening | Cry More | Cleaning Emotions Through Daily Meditation (Raw Transcript)_hocr_searchtext.txt.gz 4.5 kB
DRO-10 How and Why an ET is Communicating with Humans | Expanding Our Consciousness (Raw Transcript)_scandata.xml 4.1 kB
DRO-11 (Raw Transcript)_djvu.txt 3.9 kB
DRO-03 Bob Monroe and Explorer’s Past Lifetime in Atlantis (Raw Transcript)_scandata.xml 3.8 kB
DRO-02 How to Use a Thought Accumulator | Use of Magnetic or Electromagnetic Energy in Saucer Craft Propulsion (Raw Transcript)_scandata.xml 3.5 kB
DRO-05 Light Energy - Perceiving Physical Items as Energy Not Physical Manifestations (Raw Transcript)_scandata.xml 3.5 kB
DRO-07 City on Planet Related to Earth (Raw Transcript)_scandata.xml 3.5 kB
DRO-09 Feeling Effects of Energy | Sending Heat to Tip of a Pen (Raw Transcript)_hocr_searchtext.txt.gz 3.4 kB
DRO-04 Why Excess Eating Impacts the Explorer from Focusing in Other States of Awareness | Earth Changes (Raw Transcript)_scandata.xml 3.1 kB
*DRO-02 How to Use a Thought Accumulator | Use of Magnetic or Electromagnetic Energy in Saucer Craft Propulsion (Summary)_hocr_searchtext.txt.gz 2.9 kB
*DRO-07 City on Planet Related to Earth (Summary)_djvu.txt 2.8 kB
*DRO-10 How and Why an ET is Communicating with Humans | Expanding Our Consciousness (Summary)_hocr_searchtext.txt.gz 2.7 kB
*DRO-05 Light Energy - Perceiving Physical Items as Energy Not Physical Manifestations (Summary)_hocr_searchtext.txt.gz 2.7 kB
*DRO-01 Cleansing Process for Body | Listening | Cry More | Cleaning Emotions Through Daily Meditation (Summary)_djvu.txt 2.6 kB
DRO-08 Warfare in the Near Future (Raw Transcript)_scandata.xml 2.5 kB
DRO-09 Feeling Effects of Energy | Sending Heat to Tip of a Pen (Raw Transcript)_scandata.xml 2.5 kB
*DRO-04 Why Excess Eating Impacts the Explorer from Focusing in Other States of Awareness | Earth Changes (Summary)_hocr_searchtext.txt.gz 2.3 kB
*DRO-06 How To Create The Person:Circumstances You Wish | A Glimpse Into The 1980s (Summary)_hocr_searchtext.txt.gz 2.2 kB
DRO-01 Cleansing Process for Body | Listening | Cry More | Cleaning Emotions Through Daily Meditation (Raw Transcript)_scandata.xml 2.2 kB
DRO-06 How To Create The Person_Circumstances You Wish | A Glimpse Into The 1980s (Raw Transcript)_scandata.xml 2.2 kB
DRO-10 How and Why an ET is Communicating with Humans | Expanding Our Consciousness (Raw Transcript)_page_numbers.json 2.2 kB
*DRO-03 Bob Monroe and Explorer’s Past Lifetime in Atlantis (Summary)_hocr_searchtext.txt.gz 2.2 kB
DRO-03 Bob Monroe and Explorer’s Past Lifetime in Atlantis (Raw Transcript)_page_numbers.json 2.0 kB
*DRO-09 Feeling Effects of Energy | Sending Heat to Tip of a Pen (Summary)_djvu.txt 2.0 kB
DRO-02 How to Use a Thought Accumulator | Use of Magnetic or Electromagnetic Energy in Saucer Craft Propulsion (Raw Transcript)_page_numbers.json 1.8 kB
DRO-05 Light Energy - Perceiving Physical Items as Energy Not Physical Manifestations (Raw Transcript)_page_numbers.json 1.8 kB
DRO-07 City on Planet Related to Earth (Raw Transcript)_page_numbers.json 1.8 kB
*DRO-09 Feeling Effects of Energy | Sending Heat to Tip of a Pen (Summary)_page_numbers.json 322 Bytes
*DRO-11 (Summary)_page_numbers.json 322 Bytes
DRO-10 How and Why an ET is Communicating with Humans | Expanding Our Consciousness (Raw Transcript)_hocr_pageindex.json.gz 172 Bytes
DRO-03 Bob Monroe and Explorer’s Past Lifetime in Atlantis (Raw Transcript)_hocr_pageindex.json.gz 161 Bytes
DRO-02 How to Use a Thought Accumulator | Use of Magnetic or Electromagnetic Energy in Saucer Craft Propulsion (Raw Transcript)_hocr_pageindex.json.gz 150 Bytes
DRO-05 Light Energy - Perceiving Physical Items as Energy Not Physical Manifestations (Raw Transcript)_hocr_pageindex.json.gz 148 Bytes
DRO-07 City on Planet Related to Earth (Raw Transcript)_hocr_pageindex.json.gz 146 Bytes
DRO-04 Why Excess Eating Impacts the Explorer from Focusing in Other States of Awareness | Earth Changes (Raw Transcript)_hocr_pageindex.json.gz 136 Bytes
DRO-08 Warfare in the Near Future (Raw Transcript)_hocr_pageindex.json.gz 117 Bytes
DRO-09 Feeling Effects of Energy | Sending Heat to Tip of a Pen (Raw Transcript)_hocr_pageindex.json.gz 113 Bytes
DRO-01 Cleansing Process for Body | Listening | Cry More | Cleaning Emotions Through Daily Meditation (Raw Transcript)_hocr_pageindex.json.gz 105 Bytes
DRO-06 How To Create The Person_Circumstances You Wish | A Glimpse Into The 1980s (Raw Transcript)_hocr_pageindex.json.gz 104 Bytes
*DRO-05 Light Energy - Perceiving Physical Items as Energy Not Physical Manifestations (Summary)_hocr_pageindex.json.gz 76 Bytes
*DRO-10 How and Why an ET is Communicating with Humans | Expanding Our Consciousness (Summary)_hocr_pageindex.json.gz 76 Bytes
*DRO-02 How to Use a Thought Accumulator | Use of Magnetic or Electromagnetic Energy in Saucer Craft Propulsion (Summary)_hocr_pageindex.json.gz 75 Bytes
*DRO-06 How To Create The Person:Circumstances You Wish | A Glimpse Into The 1980s (Summary)_hocr_pageindex.json.gz 75 Bytes
*DRO-03 Bob Monroe and Explorer’s Past Lifetime in Atlantis (Summary)_hocr_pageindex.json.gz 62 Bytes
*DRO-04 Why Excess Eating Impacts the Explorer from Focusing in Other States of Awareness | Earth Changes (Summary)_hocr_pageindex.json.gz 62 Bytes
*DRO-07 City on Planet Related to Earth (Summary)_hocr_pageindex.json.gz 59 Bytes
*DRO-01 Cleansing Process for Body | Listening | Cry More | Cleaning Emotions Through Daily Meditation (Summary)_hocr_pageindex.json.gz 56 Bytes
*DRO-09 Feeling Effects of Energy | Sending Heat to Tip of a Pen (Summary)_hocr_pageindex.json.gz 43 Bytes