Udemy - Blender 2.91 - Create Jeep Willys MP 1942 From Start To Finish (2021)
37.3 GB
1. Introduction/55. 55_Modeling_Creating the Axle_5.mp4
624.7 MB
1. Introduction/29. 29_Modeling_Creating the shovel.mp4
579.5 MB
1. Introduction/56. 56_Modeling_Creating the Axle_6.mp4
563.8 MB
1. Introduction/94. 94_Modeling_Tweaking part 2.mp4
547.1 MB
1. Introduction/93. 93_Modeling_Tweaking part 1.mp4
509.6 MB
1. Introduction/45. 45_Modeling_Creating the hood lock.mp4
505.8 MB
1. Introduction/31. 31_Modeling_Creating the ax.mp4
480.1 MB
1. Introduction/49. 49_Modeling_Creating the Mirror_2.mp4
478.5 MB
1. Introduction/53. 53_Modeling_Creating the Axle_3.mp4
477.6 MB
1. Introduction/70. 70_Modeling_Create the Shock Absorber.mp4
472.3 MB
1. Introduction/20. 20_Modeling_creating the back hook_2.mp4
466.3 MB
1. Introduction/19. 19_Modeling_creating the back hook.mp4
464.3 MB
1. Introduction/43. 43_Modeling_Creating the Blockout drive light.mp4
462.1 MB
1. Introduction/85. 85_Modeling_Creating the fuel tank.mp4
461.8 MB
2. Unwrapping/6. 101_Unwrapping_Part_6.mp4
460.0 MB
1. Introduction/64. 64_Modeling_Creating the axle before the drum.mp4
452.0 MB
1. Introduction/79. 79_Modeling_Interior_Creating the back interior side.mp4
448.3 MB
2. Unwrapping/3. 98_Unwrapping_part_3.mp4
445.8 MB
1. Introduction/86. 86_Modeling_ creating the gear sticks.mp4
432.2 MB
1. Introduction/40. 40_Modeling_Creating the windsheld_3.mp4
429.3 MB
2. Unwrapping/4. 99_Unwrapping_part_4.mp4
428.1 MB
1. Introduction/23. 23_Modeling_adding details to the back side of the vehicle_2.mp4
427.0 MB
1. Introduction/62. 62_Modeling_Creating the leaf joins.mp4
421.7 MB
1. Introduction/83. 83_Modeling_Creating the back cushions.mp4
418.8 MB
1. Introduction/26. 26_Modeling_Creating the Back light and the back handle.mp4
418.5 MB
2. Unwrapping/2. 97_Unwrapping_part_2.mp4
416.4 MB
1. Introduction/39. 39_Modeling_Creating the windsheld_2.mp4
416.2 MB
1. Introduction/59. 59_Modeling_adding details to the Axle_2.mp4
410.6 MB
3. Materials/5. 107_Material_part_4.mp4
409.3 MB
1. Introduction/60. 60_Modeling_Creating the leaf spring.mp4
408.6 MB
1. Introduction/76. 76_Modeling_Create the bottom part of the engine.mp4
405.1 MB
1. Introduction/91. 91_Modeling_Dashboard details_2.mp4
401.1 MB
1. Introduction/92. 92_Modeling_Dashboard details_3.mp4
401.1 MB
1. Introduction/65. 65_Modeling_Creating the arm of the front tire axes rotation.mp4
400.1 MB
1. Introduction/15. 15_Modeling_Creating the wheel-2.mp4
399.9 MB
1. Introduction/36. 36_Modeling_Creating the shovel belt.mp4
397.6 MB
1. Introduction/73. 73_Modeling_Creating the drive shaft.mp4
395.7 MB
1. Introduction/54. 54_Modeling_Creating the Axle_4.mp4
389.9 MB
3. Materials/10. 112_Material_part_9.mp4
386.1 MB
3. Materials/9. 111_Material_part_8.mp4
384.7 MB
1. Introduction/51. 51_Modeling_Creating the Axle.mp4
379.8 MB
2. Unwrapping/5. 100_Unwrapping_part_5.mp4
378.5 MB
3. Materials/4. 106_Material_part_3.mp4
378.2 MB
3. Materials/3. 105_Material_part_2.mp4
370.2 MB
1. Introduction/81. 81_Modeling_creating the cushions_2.mp4
366.9 MB
1. Introduction/7. 07_Modeling_Creating the fenders.mp4
363.0 MB
1. Introduction/32. 32_Modeling_Creating the Ax holders.mp4
357.1 MB
1. Introduction/38. 38_Modeling_Creating the windsheld.mp4
356.7 MB
1. Introduction/37. 37_Modeling_Creating the axe belt.mp4
356.3 MB
3. Materials/12. 114_Final Render.mp4
354.0 MB
1. Introduction/87. 87_Modeling_Creating the Gas pedal.mp4
349.5 MB
3. Materials/7. 109_Material_part_6.mp4
347.8 MB
1. Introduction/25. 25_Modeling_Creating the bak light.mp4
347.8 MB
1. Introduction/12. 12_Modeling_Starting with the tire.mp4
347.7 MB
1. Introduction/71. 71_Modeling_copy the front Axle to the back side of the vehicle.mp4
346.6 MB
2. Unwrapping/7. 102_Unwrapping_part_7.mp4
337.6 MB
1. Introduction/10. 10_Modeling_Creating the Body-2.mp4
332.6 MB
1. Introduction/72. 72_Modeling_creating the radiator.mp4
332.2 MB
1. Introduction/24. 24_Modeling_creating the water can handle.mp4
318.3 MB
1. Introduction/48. 48_Modeling_Creating the mirror base.mp4
316.4 MB
1. Introduction/75. 75_Modeling_Creating the gear holder.mp4
313.5 MB
1. Introduction/47. 47_Modeling_Creating the head light and mirror the fender on the other side.mp4
310.5 MB
1. Introduction/50. 50_Modeling_Creating the spare carrier.mp4
308.9 MB
1. Introduction/4. 04_Modeling_starting with the grilles.mp4
306.8 MB
1. Introduction/18. 18_Modeling_creating the chassi_2.mp4
306.4 MB
1. Introduction/46. 46_Modeling_Creating the hood lock_2.mp4
305.1 MB
1. Introduction/44. 44_Modeling_Creating the Blockout Light wire and make some tweaking.mp4
305.0 MB
1. Introduction/67. 67_Modeling_Creating right Rod for the steering system.mp4
301.2 MB
1. Introduction/61. 61_Modeling_edit the Leaf spring.mp4
301.0 MB
2. Unwrapping/1. 96_Unwrapping_part_1.mp4
300.3 MB
1. Introduction/41. 41_Modeling_Creating the windshield side joins.mp4
296.5 MB
1. Introduction/52. 52_Modeling_Creating the Axle_2.mp4
294.5 MB
1. Introduction/14. 14_Modeling_creating the wheel.mp4
288.0 MB
1. Introduction/35. 35_Modeling_Creating the shovel holder.mp4
279.5 MB
1. Introduction/69. 69_Modeling_Creating the tire stem.mp4
275.2 MB
1. Introduction/9. 09_Modeling_Creating the Body.mp4
273.9 MB
1. Introduction/78. 78_Modeling_Interior_creating the floor and sides.mp4
267.4 MB
1. Introduction/42. 42_Modeling_Creating the Blackout Drive light base.mp4
262.3 MB
1. Introduction/57. 57_Modeling_Creating the Axle_7.mp4
260.5 MB
1. Introduction/17. 17_Modeling_creating the chassi.mp4
260.3 MB
1. Introduction/95. 95_Modeling_Tweaking part 3.mp4
247.7 MB
1. Introduction/80. 80_Modeling_Creating the cushions.mp4
247.7 MB
1. Introduction/30. 30_Modeling_Creating the shovel-2.mp4
244.0 MB
1. Introduction/58. 58_Modeling_ adding details to the Axle.mp4
242.9 MB
1. Introduction/89. 89_Modeling_Creating the dashboard.mp4
242.8 MB
1. Introduction/33. 33_Modeling_Creating the Ax holders_2.mp4
242.5 MB
1. Introduction/22. 22_Modeling_adding details to the back side of the vehicle.mp4
242.5 MB
1. Introduction/88. 88_Modeling_Creating the steering.mp4
237.0 MB
1. Introduction/82. 82_Modeling_Creating the cushions_3.mp4
231.6 MB
3. Materials/2. 104_Material_part_1.mp4
230.1 MB
1. Introduction/34. 34_Modeling_putting the shovel and the Ax in the right position.mp4
229.1 MB
1. Introduction/16. 16_Modeling_Create the front and back bumper.mp4
223.6 MB
3. Materials/8. 110_Material_part_7.mp4
220.0 MB
3. Materials/6. 108_Material_part_5.mp4
210.2 MB
1. Introduction/11. 11_Modeling_Creating the Body-3.mp4
207.3 MB
1. Introduction/21. 21_Modeling_creating the back hook_3.mp4
203.5 MB
3. Materials/11. 113_Creating the exhaust.mp4
200.5 MB
4. project files/1.1 project folder.7z
197.8 MB
1. Introduction/63. 63_Modeling_creating the brake drum.mp4
197.3 MB
1. Introduction/84. 84_Modeling_Adding some details to the back side.mp4
193.7 MB
1. Introduction/68. 68_Modeling_Creating the Left Rod.mp4
191.7 MB
1. Introduction/13. 13_Modeling_Starting with the tire-2.mp4
185.2 MB
1. Introduction/6. 06_Modeling_ creating the hood.mp4
183.1 MB
1. Introduction/77. 77_Modeling_ starting with the interior.mp4
181.6 MB
1. Introduction/5. 05_Modeling_starting with the grilles-2.mp4
168.7 MB
1. Introduction/3. Adding the reference Images.mp4
165.9 MB
1. Introduction/28. 28_Modeling_Creating the side handle.mp4
161.8 MB
1. Introduction/66. 66_Modeling_Creating the leaf holders.mp4
158.5 MB
1. Introduction/74. 74_Modeling_Creating the drive shaft_2.mp4
140.1 MB
1. Introduction/27. 27_Modeling_Creating the lights on the sides.mp4
135.5 MB
1. Introduction/90. 90_Modeling_Dashboard details.mp4
115.8 MB
1. Introduction/1. Introduction.mp4
75.4 MB
1. Introduction/8. 08_Modeling_Creating the fenders-2.mp4
73.2 MB
3. Materials/1. 103_setup the Environment.mp4
44.4 MB
1. Introduction/2. Before you starting.mp4
33.6 MB
1. Introduction/55. 55_Modeling_Creating the Axle_5.srt
38.3 kB
1. Introduction/45. 45_Modeling_Creating the hood lock.srt
37.9 kB
1. Introduction/7. 07_Modeling_Creating the fenders.srt
37.7 kB
1. Introduction/49. 49_Modeling_Creating the Mirror_2.srt
37.0 kB
1. Introduction/39. 39_Modeling_Creating the windsheld_2.srt
36.1 kB
1. Introduction/29. 29_Modeling_Creating the shovel.srt
36.1 kB
1. Introduction/20. 20_Modeling_creating the back hook_2.srt
35.8 kB
1. Introduction/19. 19_Modeling_creating the back hook.srt
34.1 kB
1. Introduction/31. 31_Modeling_Creating the ax.srt
33.5 kB
2. Unwrapping/3. 98_Unwrapping_part_3.srt
33.5 kB
1. Introduction/53. 53_Modeling_Creating the Axle_3.srt
32.8 kB
1. Introduction/40. 40_Modeling_Creating the windsheld_3.srt
32.4 kB
1. Introduction/56. 56_Modeling_Creating the Axle_6.srt
32.2 kB
1. Introduction/85. 85_Modeling_Creating the fuel tank.srt
31.6 kB
1. Introduction/12. 12_Modeling_Starting with the tire.srt
31.5 kB
1. Introduction/79. 79_Modeling_Interior_Creating the back interior side.srt
31.4 kB
1. Introduction/93. 93_Modeling_Tweaking part 1.srt
31.4 kB
1. Introduction/94. 94_Modeling_Tweaking part 2.srt
31.2 kB
1. Introduction/4. 04_Modeling_starting with the grilles.srt
31.1 kB
1. Introduction/15. 15_Modeling_Creating the wheel-2.srt
30.4 kB
1. Introduction/59. 59_Modeling_adding details to the Axle_2.srt
30.4 kB
1. Introduction/70. 70_Modeling_Create the Shock Absorber.srt
30.2 kB
2. Unwrapping/4. 99_Unwrapping_part_4.srt
29.5 kB
2. Unwrapping/2. 97_Unwrapping_part_2.srt
29.4 kB
1. Introduction/83. 83_Modeling_Creating the back cushions.srt
29.4 kB
1. Introduction/43. 43_Modeling_Creating the Blockout drive light.srt
29.3 kB
1. Introduction/23. 23_Modeling_adding details to the back side of the vehicle_2.srt
28.3 kB
1. Introduction/73. 73_Modeling_Creating the drive shaft.srt
28.3 kB
1. Introduction/26. 26_Modeling_Creating the Back light and the back handle.srt
28.2 kB
1. Introduction/81. 81_Modeling_creating the cushions_2.srt
27.8 kB
1. Introduction/60. 60_Modeling_Creating the leaf spring.srt
27.3 kB
1. Introduction/32. 32_Modeling_Creating the Ax holders.srt
27.1 kB
1. Introduction/10. 10_Modeling_Creating the Body-2.srt
26.8 kB
3. Materials/5. 107_Material_part_4.srt
26.6 kB
1. Introduction/51. 51_Modeling_Creating the Axle.srt
26.2 kB
2. Unwrapping/1. 96_Unwrapping_part_1.srt
25.9 kB
1. Introduction/54. 54_Modeling_Creating the Axle_4.srt
25.3 kB
1. Introduction/76. 76_Modeling_Create the bottom part of the engine.srt
25.3 kB
1. Introduction/64. 64_Modeling_Creating the axle before the drum.srt
25.3 kB
1. Introduction/48. 48_Modeling_Creating the mirror base.srt
25.2 kB
1. Introduction/37. 37_Modeling_Creating the axe belt.srt
25.2 kB
1. Introduction/38. 38_Modeling_Creating the windsheld.srt
25.2 kB
1. Introduction/62. 62_Modeling_Creating the leaf joins.srt
25.1 kB
2. Unwrapping/6. 101_Unwrapping_Part_6.srt
24.5 kB
1. Introduction/25. 25_Modeling_Creating the bak light.srt
24.3 kB
3. Materials/3. 105_Material_part_2.srt
24.2 kB
1. Introduction/91. 91_Modeling_Dashboard details_2.srt
24.1 kB
3. Materials/10. 112_Material_part_9.srt
24.0 kB
1. Introduction/9. 09_Modeling_Creating the Body.srt
23.9 kB
2. Unwrapping/5. 100_Unwrapping_part_5.srt
23.7 kB
1. Introduction/86. 86_Modeling_ creating the gear sticks.srt
23.6 kB
1. Introduction/92. 92_Modeling_Dashboard details_3.srt
23.4 kB
3. Materials/4. 106_Material_part_3.srt
23.3 kB
1. Introduction/50. 50_Modeling_Creating the spare carrier.srt
22.7 kB
1. Introduction/65. 65_Modeling_Creating the arm of the front tire axes rotation.srt
22.5 kB
1. Introduction/36. 36_Modeling_Creating the shovel belt.srt
22.4 kB
3. Materials/9. 111_Material_part_8.srt
22.3 kB
1. Introduction/72. 72_Modeling_creating the radiator.srt
21.9 kB
1. Introduction/41. 41_Modeling_Creating the windshield side joins.srt
21.7 kB
1. Introduction/75. 75_Modeling_Creating the gear holder.srt
21.6 kB
1. Introduction/44. 44_Modeling_Creating the Blockout Light wire and make some tweaking.srt
21.1 kB
1. Introduction/52. 52_Modeling_Creating the Axle_2.srt
21.1 kB
1. Introduction/69. 69_Modeling_Creating the tire stem.srt
21.0 kB
1. Introduction/87. 87_Modeling_Creating the Gas pedal.srt
20.9 kB
3. Materials/7. 109_Material_part_6.srt
20.2 kB
1. Introduction/67. 67_Modeling_Creating right Rod for the steering system.srt
20.1 kB
1. Introduction/71. 71_Modeling_copy the front Axle to the back side of the vehicle.srt
20.1 kB
1. Introduction/46. 46_Modeling_Creating the hood lock_2.srt
19.8 kB
3. Materials/12. 114_Final Render.srt
19.1 kB
1. Introduction/18. 18_Modeling_creating the chassi_2.srt
19.1 kB
1. Introduction/61. 61_Modeling_edit the Leaf spring.srt
19.1 kB
1. Introduction/24. 24_Modeling_creating the water can handle.srt
18.7 kB
1. Introduction/3. Adding the reference Images.srt
18.4 kB
1. Introduction/14. 14_Modeling_creating the wheel.srt
18.3 kB
1. Introduction/22. 22_Modeling_adding details to the back side of the vehicle.srt
18.2 kB
1. Introduction/80. 80_Modeling_Creating the cushions.srt
18.1 kB
1. Introduction/35. 35_Modeling_Creating the shovel holder.srt
17.7 kB
1. Introduction/33. 33_Modeling_Creating the Ax holders_2.srt
17.7 kB
1. Introduction/47. 47_Modeling_Creating the head light and mirror the fender on the other side.srt
17.5 kB
2. Unwrapping/7. 102_Unwrapping_part_7.srt
17.5 kB
1. Introduction/78. 78_Modeling_Interior_creating the floor and sides.srt
17.4 kB
1. Introduction/30. 30_Modeling_Creating the shovel-2.srt
17.4 kB
1. Introduction/17. 17_Modeling_creating the chassi.srt
17.2 kB
1. Introduction/16. 16_Modeling_Create the front and back bumper.srt
17.0 kB
1. Introduction/58. 58_Modeling_ adding details to the Axle.srt
16.9 kB
1. Introduction/57. 57_Modeling_Creating the Axle_7.srt
16.9 kB
1. Introduction/11. 11_Modeling_Creating the Body-3.srt
16.5 kB
1. Introduction/13. 13_Modeling_Starting with the tire-2.srt
16.5 kB
1. Introduction/82. 82_Modeling_Creating the cushions_3.srt
16.1 kB
1. Introduction/95. 95_Modeling_Tweaking part 3.srt
16.0 kB
3. Materials/2. 104_Material_part_1.srt
15.9 kB
1. Introduction/6. 06_Modeling_ creating the hood.srt
15.8 kB
1. Introduction/42. 42_Modeling_Creating the Blackout Drive light base.srt
15.8 kB
3. Materials/6. 108_Material_part_5.srt
15.7 kB
1. Introduction/5. 05_Modeling_starting with the grilles-2.srt
15.4 kB
1. Introduction/89. 89_Modeling_Creating the dashboard.srt
14.8 kB
1. Introduction/21. 21_Modeling_creating the back hook_3.srt
14.6 kB
1. Introduction/63. 63_Modeling_creating the brake drum.srt
14.3 kB
3. Materials/8. 110_Material_part_7.srt
14.3 kB
1. Introduction/34. 34_Modeling_putting the shovel and the Ax in the right position.srt
13.9 kB
1. Introduction/28. 28_Modeling_Creating the side handle.srt
13.7 kB
1. Introduction/84. 84_Modeling_Adding some details to the back side.srt
12.9 kB
1. Introduction/77. 77_Modeling_ starting with the interior.srt
12.9 kB
1. Introduction/88. 88_Modeling_Creating the steering.srt
12.7 kB
1. Introduction/68. 68_Modeling_Creating the Left Rod.srt
12.1 kB
1. Introduction/27. 27_Modeling_Creating the lights on the sides.srt
11.0 kB
3. Materials/11. 113_Creating the exhaust.srt
11.0 kB
1. Introduction/74. 74_Modeling_Creating the drive shaft_2.srt
9.9 kB
1. Introduction/66. 66_Modeling_Creating the leaf holders.srt
9.6 kB
1. Introduction/90. 90_Modeling_Dashboard details.srt
7.8 kB
1. Introduction/1. Introduction.srt
7.1 kB
1. Introduction/8. 08_Modeling_Creating the fenders-2.srt
6.9 kB
1. Introduction/2. Before you starting.srt
4.8 kB
3. Materials/1. 103_setup the Environment.srt
4.7 kB
6.9 GB
801.6 MB
Finish Him - Kendra Heart - Finish Him.mp4
347.6 MB
(Laser Book_ Laser Sailing from Start to Finish) Timothy...
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Kid Finish - 2020 - Kid Finish
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